Israel attacks civilians

Last timed I checked 'John Quigley' were not the ultimate authority that decides what is a state and what is not.

Typical propaganda ploy. Discredit the source.

John B. Quigley
President's Club Professor of Law

Before joining the Ohio State faculty in 1969, Professor Quigley was a research scholar at Moscow State University, and a research associate in comparative law at Harvard Law School. Professor Quigley teaches International Law and Comparative Law. Professor Quigley holds an adjunct appointment in the Political Science Department. In 1982-83 he was a visiting professor at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Professor Quigley is active in international human rights work. His numerous publications include books and articles on human rights, the United Nations, war and peace, east European law, African law, and the Arab-Israeli conflict In 1995 he was recipient of The Ohio State University Distinguished Scholar Award.

Moritz College of Law - Faculty: John B. Quigley

"Rep System Guidelines: Our reputation system is designed to provide a feedback and credibility mechanism."

P F Tinmore Rep Power: 0
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 12,512
"PF Tinmore is off the scale"

[ame=]Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube[/ame]
Last timed I checked 'John Quigley' were not the ultimate authority that decides what is a state and what is not.
Typical propaganda ploy. Discredit the source.

Again you deflect as you don't have nothing to say.
'Typical propaganda ploy' - Is not a valid argument.
Your argument does not support your point - saying 'typical propaganda ploy' does not refute the fact that 'John Quigley' is not the ultimate authority to evaluate if something is a state or not.

I do not discredit the source , i think that Wikipedia is an OK source.
What i do is discredit your argument that is claiming :"That guy said Palestine was a state before 1988 so it must be true."
This is an extremely weak argument, and you further more weaken it by deflecting.

John B. Quigley
President's Club Professor of Law

Before joining the Ohio State faculty in 1969, Professor Quigley was a research scholar at Moscow State University, and a research associate in comparative law at Harvard Law School. Professor Quigley teaches International Law and Comparative Law. Professor Quigley holds an adjunct appointment in the Political Science Department. In 1982-83 he was a visiting professor at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Professor Quigley is active in international human rights work. His numerous publications include books and articles on human rights, the United Nations, war and peace, east European law, African law, and the Arab-Israeli conflict In 1995 he was recipient of The Ohio State University Distinguished Scholar Award.

Moritz College of Law - Faculty: John B. Quigley

Well again , where does it say in his biography that he is the ultimate authority about deciding if a someplace is a country or not ?

If you can't prove that he is the ultimate authority or an authority at all on the subject , your argument has no weight what so ever.
What i do is discredit your argument that is claiming :"That guy said Palestine was a state before 1988 so it must be true."
This is an extremely weak argument, and you further more weaken it by deflecting.

Actually, discrediting the source was the deflection.

John Quigley is a long time professor of international law. Furthermore, he doesn't appear to have a dog in this fight. He would not be one who would fudge the facts to promote a personal agenda. His assertions are based on facts, history, and law.
United States President John F. Kennedy: Salute To Israel
Israel, we salute you. We honor your progress and your determination and your spirit. But in the midst of our rejoicing we do not forget your peril. We know that no other nation in this world lives out its days in an atmosphere of such constant tension and fear. We know that no other nation in this world is surrounded on every side by such violent hate and prejudice

For peace is all Israel asks, no more – a peace that will “beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning-hooks”; a peace that will enable the desert to “rejoice and blossom as the rose,” “when the wicked cease from troubling and the weary be at rest.” Then, and only then, will the world have witnessed the complete fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy “Tzee-Yon B’Meeshpat Teepadeh” – “Zion shall be redeemed through justice.” And all of us here, and there, and everywhere will then be able to say to each other with faith and with confidence, in our coming and in our going: “Shalom” – peace! Peace be with you, now and forever.

Remarks by Senator John F. Kennedy at Yankee Stadium on April 29, 1956 | Finding Camelot

Historian Paul Johnson, Author, "History of Christianity" and "History of the Jewish People"
The lack of symmetry between the risks taken by Arabs and by Israelis is one result of a different view of the sanctity of human life. The Jewish faith was the first religion to preach this sanctity and to magnify the value of each individual human being in the eyes of his Creator — hence, equally, in other human beings. This is the main reason that Mosaic law differs so markedly in humanity and reason from all the other fiercely retributive codes of the ancient Near East. The value placed on human life by Jews has steadily increased over the centuries, as a response to persecution and, above all, to the Nazi attempt at extermination of the entire people. Israel itself was created as a refuge and fortress in which Jewish lives would be safe from annihilation. It is thus the physical embodiment of the principle that individual life is sacred.

By contrast, the Islamic-Arab concept of "the war of the martyrs" places no value on human life except as a sacrifice in the holy war. A warrior gains infinitely more by losing his life than by preserving it, for then he gains eternal life, and his status as a martyr is enhanced by the number of dead Israelis — "sons and daughters of Satan" — whom he takes with him.

Hamas Constitution
Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"

The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews."

Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.

"I swear by the holder of Mohammed's soul that I would like to invade and be killed for the sake of Allah, then invade and be killed, and then invade again and be killed." The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

"We Desire Death Like You Desire Life"[ame=]Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life" - YouTube[/ame]
What i do is discredit your argument that is claiming :"That guy said Palestine was a state before 1988 so it must be true."
This is an extremely weak argument, and you further more weaken it by deflecting.
Actually, discrediting the source was the deflection.

John Quigley is a long time professor of international law. Furthermore, he doesn't appear to have a dog in this fight. He would not be one who would fudge the facts to promote a personal agenda. His assertions are based on facts, history, and law.

As i have said before , i do not discredit the source , just point out that your argument is extremely weak as 'John Quigley' is not an authority on the matter , he is just a man with an opinion like you and me, the fact he has a degree does not make his word law.

And BTW , where is a deflection in discrediting a source ?
If you present a statement based on a source , your source has to be legitimate and credible.
It's reasonable to question the source of the information, it's not a deflection but a legitimate course of an argument.

If you say something like "according to Angelina Jolie Canada is not a country"
I have every right to say, "Hey fellow , wait a minute , who the hell appointed Angelina Jolie as the ultimate authority on that matter ?"
Eugene Rostow, former Dean of the Yale Law School, Under Secretary of State in the Johnson administration, US State Dept Legal Advisor, Drafter of UN Res. 242 pertaining to Israeli land in the West Bank
The British Mandate recognized the right of the Jewish people to "close settlement" in the whole of the Mandated territory [Palestine]. The Jewish right of settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan river, that is, in Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was made unassailable. That right has never been terminated and cannot be terminated except by a recognized peace between Israel and its neighbors. And perhaps not even then, in view of Article 80 of the U.N. Charter, "the Palestine article," which provides that "nothing in the Charter shall be construed ... to alter in any manner the rights whatsoever of any states or any peoples or the terms of existing international instruments...."

The mandate implicitly denies Arab claims to national political rights in the area in favor of the Jews; the mandated territory was in effect reserved to the Jewish people for their self-determination and political development, in acknowledgment of the historic connection of the Jewish people to the land. Lord Curzon, who was then the British Foreign Minister, made this reading of the mandate explicit. There remains simply the theory that the Arab inhabitants of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have an inherent 'natural law' claim to the area. Neither customary international law nor the United Nations Charter acknowledges that every group of people claiming to be a nation has the right to a state of its own."

Resolved: are the settlements legal? Israeli West Bank policies
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OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Young Jerusalemites engaged Israeli occupation forces in occupied Jerusalem’s Shufat refugee camp on Tuesday night after the IOF tried to arrest a young man in the camp.

Local sources said that the clashes erupted after an IOF unit tried to arrest a young man in a chase near the Shufat military roadblock.

They said that the soldiers fired tear gas while the young men threw stones and empty bottles at them.

Similar confrontations were reported in Aisawiye town on Tuesday night following a provocative visit for the Israeli racist mayor Nir Barkat.

In the Old City of Jerusalem a number of young men were wounded in similar clashes.

Night clashes in occupied Jerusalem
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired rubber bullets and tear gas canisters at demonstrators who rallied in front of the Ofer jail to protest the continued detention of Islamic Jihad leader Sheikh Khader Adnan.

Dozens of Palestinian demonstrators suffered breathing difficulty while ten were hit with rubber bullets, two of whom suffered serious injuries in the head.

Eyewitnesses said that hundreds arrived to the area mostly from Bir Zeit and Open Quds universities and demanded the release of Adnan who has been on hunger strike for two months and is in a very bad health condition.

MP Attoun said that Adnan was not seeking fame or registering new records but rather was defending the Palestinian prisoners’ rights, especially those suffering from administrative detention, who are held without any charge.

Dozens injured in IOF quelling of rally at Ofer
Israeli occupation forces

Israel has occupied Israel for 3000 years. Fakesteenians are just rebranded arab illegal aliens from saudi arabia.

Tashbih Sayyed, Muslim Pakistani Scholar, Journalist, Author and Former Editor in Chief of Our Times, Pakistan Today, and The Muslim World Today
Blinded by their anti-Semitism, Arabs ignore the fact that neither are they an indigenous group nor is the Jewish nationhood a new phenomenon in Palestine; the Jewish nation was born during 40 years of wandering in the Sinai more than five thousand years ago and has remained connected with Palestine ever since. “Even after the destruction of the last Jewish commonwealth in the first century, the Jewish people maintained their own autonomous political and legal institutions: the Davidic dynasty was preserved in Baghdad until the thirteenth century through the rule of the Exilarch (Resh Galuta), while the return to Zion was incorporated into the most widely practiced Jewish traditions, including the end of the Yom Kippur service and the Passover Seder, as well as in everyday prayers. Thus, Jewish historic rights were kept alive in Jewish historical consciousness.

It is a matter of record that the Arabs owe their presence in Palestine to the Ottomans who settled Muslim populations as a buffer against Bedouin attacks and Ibrahim Pasha, the Egyptian ruler who brought Egyptian colonists with his army in the 1830s. And during all those times when Arabs lived under the Ottoman rule, they never showed any desire for national independence.

Jerusalem has always remained a Jewish majority – a symbol of Jewish yearning to be an independent nation as they thrived in communities in many of Palestine’s towns. “By 1864, a clear-cut Jewish majority emerged in Jerusalem - more than half a century before the arrival of the British Empire and the League of Nations Mandate. During the years that the Jewish presence in Eretz Israel was restored, a huge Arab population influx transpired as Arab immigrants sought to take advantage of higher wages and economic opportunities that resulted from Jewish settlement in the land. President Roosevelt concluded in 1939 that "Arab immigration into Palestine since 1921 has vastly exceeded the total Jewish immigration during the whole period."

The present Arab declaration challenging the Jewish character of Israel cannot be ignored because it is not just an expression of dissatisfaction by a minority about their socio-economic situation but a reminder that Islamist radicalism and fundamentalism has now decided to challenge openly the legitimacy of the Jewish state.
Global Politician - Israel?s Arab Citizens And The Jewish State

PBS: Civilization and the Jews
The interaction of Jewish history and Western civilization successively assumed different forms. In the Biblical and Ancient periods, Israel was an integral part of the Near Eastern and classical world, which gave birth to Western civilization. It shared the traditions of ancient Mesopotamia and the rest of that world with regard to it’s own beginning; it benefited from the decline of Egypt and the other great Near Eastern empires to emerge as a nation in it’s own right; it asserted it’s claim to the divinely promised Land of Israel
PBS - Heritage

Harvard Semitic Museum: The Houses of Ancient Israel The Houses of Ancient Israel § Semitic Museum
In archaeological terms The Houses of Ancient Israel: Domestic, Royal, Divine focuses on the Iron Age (1200-586 B.C.E.). Iron I (1200-1000 B.C.E.) represents the premonarchical period. Iron II (1000-586 B.C.E.) was the time of kings. Uniting the tribal coalitions of Israel and Judah in the tenth century B.C.E., David and Solomon ruled over an expanding realm. After Solomon's death (c. 930 B.C.E.) Israel and Judah separated into two kingdoms.
Israel was led at times by strong kings, Omri and Ahab in the ninth century B.C.E. and Jereboam II in the eighth.

Harvard Gazette: Jerusalem during the reign of King Hezekiah
Harvard University Semitic Museum: Jerusalem During The Reign Of King Hezekiah--New Exhibition At The Semitic Museum Re-Creates Numerous Aspects Of Ancient Israel

The Semitic Museum has installed a new exhibition that brings the world of biblical Israel into vivid, three-dimensional reality. "The Houses of Ancient Israel: Domestic, Royal, Divine" immerses the viewer in Israelite daily life around the time of King Hezekiah (8th century B.C.), creating an experiential environment based on the latest archaeological, textual, and historical research.

The centerpiece of the exhibition is a full-scale Israelite house, open on one side, filled with authentic ancient artifacts that show how life was lived by common inhabitants of ancient Jerusalem. Agricultural tools, a cooking area, and a stall occupied by a single, scruffy ram fill the ground floor of the cube-shaped, mud-brick structure, which, thankfully, is not olfactorily authentic. The upper story, reached by a ladder, is devoted to eating and sleeping.

Yale University Press: The Archaeology of Ancient Israel
In this lavishly illustrated book some of Israel's foremost archaeologists present a thorough, up-to-date, and readily accessible survey of early life in the land of the Bible, from the Neolithic era (eighth millennium B.C.E.) to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E. It will be a delightful and informative resource for anyone who has ever wanted to know more about the religious, scientific, or historical background of the region.

PBS Nova ...
In the banks of the Nile in southern Egypt in 1896, British archaeologisit Flinders Petrie unearthed one of the most important discoveries in biblical archaeology known as the Merneptah Stele. Merneptah's stele announces the entrance on the world stage of a People named Israel.

The Merneptah Stele is powerful evidence that a People called the Israelites are living in Canaan over 3000 years ago

Dr. Donald Redford, Egyptologist and archaeologist: The Merneptah Stele is priceless evidence for the presence of an ethnical group called Israel in Canaan.

[ame=]1/13 The Bible's Buried Secrets (NOVA PBS) - YouTube[/ame]
Last edited:
Barack Obama...:
Israel is a sovereign state, and the historic homeland of the Jewish people.

It should be clear to all that efforts to chip away at Israel's legitimacy will only be met by the unshakeable opposition of the United States.
Remarks by the President to the United Nations General Assembly | The White House

UN Member States: Israel
In the same way Manhattan is the historic home of the Lenape.
Obama's a corporate whore who'll say whatever he's paid to say.
Not unlike Bibi.

"The area that would eventually encompass modern day New York City was inhabited by the Lenape people. These groups of culturally and linguistically identical Native Americans traditionally spoke an Algonquian language now referred to as Unam."

History of New York City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews originally stole their land by ethnic cleansing.
In 1948 their descendents built on that tradition by inflicting a Jewish state by force of arms on the majority of their fellow Palestinians.

Apartheid Israel is swirling the same drain today as 1980s White South Africa.
Jews can have a democratic state of a Jewish state.
Ask the Canaanites which they're likely to choose.
Last edited:
Tashbih Sayyed, Muslim Pakistani Scholar, Journalist, Author and Former Editor in Chief of Our Times, Pakistan Today, and The Muslim World Today
Blinded by their anti-Semitism, Arabs ignore the fact that neither are they an indigenous group nor is the Jewish nationhood a new phenomenon in Palestine; the Jewish nation was born during 40 years of wandering in the Sinai more than five thousand years ago and has remained connected with Palestine ever since. “Even after the destruction of the last Jewish commonwealth in the first century, the Jewish people maintained their own autonomous political and legal institutions: the Davidic dynasty was preserved in Baghdad until the thirteenth century through the rule of the Exilarch (Resh Galuta), while the return to Zion was incorporated into the most widely practiced Jewish traditions, including the end of the Yom Kippur service and the Passover Seder, as well as in everyday prayers. Thus, Jewish historic rights were kept alive in Jewish historical consciousness.

It is a matter of record that the Arabs owe their presence in Palestine to the Ottomans who settled Muslim populations as a buffer against Bedouin attacks and Ibrahim Pasha, the Egyptian ruler who brought Egyptian colonists with his army in the 1830s. And during all those times when Arabs lived under the Ottoman rule, they never showed any desire for national independence.

Jerusalem has always remained a Jewish majority – a symbol of Jewish yearning to be an independent nation as they thrived in communities in many of Palestine’s towns. “By 1864, a clear-cut Jewish majority emerged in Jerusalem - more than half a century before the arrival of the British Empire and the League of Nations Mandate. During the years that the Jewish presence in Eretz Israel was restored, a huge Arab population influx transpired as Arab immigrants sought to take advantage of higher wages and economic opportunities that resulted from Jewish settlement in the land. President Roosevelt concluded in 1939 that "Arab immigration into Palestine since 1921 has vastly exceeded the total Jewish immigration during the whole period."

The present Arab declaration challenging the Jewish character of Israel cannot be ignored because it is not just an expression of dissatisfaction by a minority about their socio-economic situation but a reminder that Islamist radicalism and fundamentalism has now decided to challenge openly the legitimacy of the Jewish state.
Global Politician - Israel?s Arab Citizens And The Jewish State

PBS: Civilization and the Jews
The interaction of Jewish history and Western civilization successively assumed different forms. In the Biblical and Ancient periods, Israel was an integral part of the Near Eastern and classical world, which gave birth to Western civilization. It shared the traditions of ancient Mesopotamia and the rest of that world with regard to it’s own beginning; it benefited from the decline of Egypt and the other great Near Eastern empires to emerge as a nation in it’s own right; it asserted it’s claim to the divinely promised Land of Israel
PBS - Heritage

Harvard University Semitic Museum: The Houses of Ancient Israel The Houses of Ancient Israel § Semitic Museum

In archaeological terms The Houses of Ancient Israel: Domestic, Royal, Divine focuses on the Iron Age (1200-586 B.C.E.). Iron I (1200-1000 B.C.E.) represents the premonarchical period. Iron II (1000-586 B.C.E.) was the time of kings. Uniting the tribal coalitions of Israel and Judah in the tenth century B.C.E., David and Solomon ruled over an expanding realm. After Solomon's death (c. 930 B.C.E.) Israel and Judah separated into two kingdoms.
Israel was led at times by strong kings, Omri and Ahab in the ninth century B.C.E. and Jereboam II in the eighth.

Harvard University Semitic Museum: Jerusalem During The Reign Of King Hezekiah--New Exhibition At The Semitic Museum Re-Creates Numerous Aspects Of Ancient Israel Harvard Gazette: Jerusalem during the reign of King Hezekiah

The Semitic Museum has installed a new exhibition that brings the world of biblical Israel into vivid, three-dimensional reality. "The Houses of Ancient Israel: Domestic, Royal, Divine" immerses the viewer in Israelite daily life around the time of King Hezekiah (8th century B.C.), creating an experiential environment based on the latest archaeological, textual, and historical research.
The centerpiece of the exhibition is a full-scale Israelite house, open on one side, filled with authentic ancient artifacts that show how life was lived by common inhabitants of ancient Jerusalem. Agricultural tools, a cooking area, and a stall occupied by a single, scruffy ram fill the ground floor of the cube-shaped, mud-brick structure, which, thankfully, is not olfactorily authentic. The upper story, reached by a ladder, is devoted to eating and sleeping.

Yale University Press: The Archaeology of Ancient Israel The Archaeology of Ancient Israel - Ben-Tor, Amnon; Greenberg, R. - Yale University Press

In this lavishly illustrated book some of Israel's foremost archaeologists present a thorough, up-to-date, and readily accessible survey of early life in the land of the Bible, from the Neolithic era (eighth millennium B.C.E.) to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E. It will be a delightful and informative resource for anyone who has ever wanted to know more about the religious, scientific, or historical background of the region.

PBS Nova ...
In the banks of the Nile in southern Egypt in 1896, British archaeologisit Flinders Petrie unearthed one of the most important discoveries in biblical archaeology known as the Merneptah Stele. Merneptah's stele announces the entrance on the world stage of a People named Israel.

The Merneptah Stele is powerful evidence that a People called the Israelites are living in Canaan over 3000 years ago

Dr. Donald Redford, Egyptologist and archaeologist: The Merneptah Stele is priceless evidence for the presence of an ethnical group called Israel in Canaan.

[ame=]1/13 The Bible's Buried Secrets (NOVA PBS) - YouTube[/ame]
Last edited:
Barack Obama...:
Israel is a sovereign state, and the historic homeland of the Jewish people.

It should be clear to all that efforts to chip away at Israel's legitimacy will only be met by the unshakeable opposition of the United States.
Remarks by the President to the United Nations General Assembly | The White House
UN Member States: Israel United Nations member States - Information Sources
In the same way Manhattan is the historic home of the Lenape.
Obama's a corporate whore who'll say whatever he's paid to say.
Not unlike Bibi.

"The area that would eventually encompass modern day New York City was inhabited by the Lenape people. These groups of culturally and linguistically identical Native Americans traditionally spoke an Algonquian language now referred to as Unam."

History of New York City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews originally stole their land through by ethnic cleansing.
In 1948 their descendents built on that tradition by inflicting a Jewish state by force of arms on the majority of their fellow Palestinians.

Apartheid Israel is swirling the same drain today as 1980s White South Africa.
Jews can have a democratic state of a Jewish state.
Ask the Canaanites which they're likely to choose.

Your all talk but no cattle ...

"Jews originally stole their land through by ethnic cleansing."
I searched Wikipedia for 'ethnic cleansing' :

under Instances of ethnic cleansing i found :

In 1991, Kuwait expelled 450,000 Palestinians living in the country, in retribution for the PLO's support of Saddam Hussein against Kuwait during the 1990 Invasion of Kuwait.[132]
Although controversial and disputed among scholars, some contend that the 1948 Palestinian exodus of approximately 700,000 Palestinian Arabs who either fled or were expelled during the 1948 Palestine war that accompanied the establishment of the State of Israel was ethnic cleansing.
Take notice that it talks about the 1948 war , not the time before as you claim.

This was also there :
Between the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the Six Day War in 1967, there was a Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim lands. Many Jews living in Arab and Muslim nations were forcibly expelled by authorities, while others fled due to antisemitic pogroms which broke out during the conflict.[96][97][98][99][100] Between 800,000–1,000,000 Jews fled or were expelled from the Arab World, and another 200,000 Jews from non-Arab Muslim nations fled due to increasing insecurity and growing hostility. A number were also killed in antisemitic violence. Most migrated to Israel, where today, they and their descendants constitute about 40% of Israel's population.
Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In conclusion I did not find evidence that support your claim.

In 1948 their descendents built on that tradition by inflicting a Jewish state by force of arms on the majority of their fellow Palestinians.
'Inflicted by force of arms' is your way of saying surviving the combined strength of the surrounding countries armies ?

You speak as though the Arabs were a baby with a candy and the Jews came along and to the candy from the harmless baby.

The truth is that acts of violence were committed by both sides and escalated to full out blown war, at the conclusion of that war Israel managed to prevail.


Apartheid Israel is swirling the same drain today as 1980s White South Africa.
Calling Israel apartheid is the same as calling this :

A watermelon.

There is no resemblance between the picture and a watermelon , anything that defines a watermelon is not true for the picture but still you choose to call it watermelon.

The same thing is true for your claim about Israel being Apartheid.
Dr. Wafa Sultan, Human Rights Activist, Among "Time magazine's 100 heroes and pioneers whose power, talent or moral example is transforming our world"

Wafa Sultan - The 2006 TIME 100 - TIME.

Israel - The One And The Only Free Democratic Country In The Entire Middle East.
I believe that any nation that grants equal opportunity to every citizen, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, or gender, thereby, establishes its moral legitimacy. According to this principle, Israel stands alone in the Middle East region, as a nation with moral legitimacy: it grants all citizens equal rights for men and women alike, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech and of the press. Not a single Arab or Muslim country in the surrounding region does the same. Nor do any of those Arab and Muslim nations allow their citizens personal freedom, or the right to maintain and express opposing points of view.

These essential qualities of life provide oxygen for the human soul; they are the kind of basic nourishment that is desperately missing in all of Israel's Muslim neighbors. Yet, the so-called humanitarian aid organizations at the United Nations direct all their energy to act against anything and everything Israel does. Let me ask: as every human being deserves to live in dignity, why has an enormous unbalanced portion of global aid gone mostly to Palestinians, while millions of underprivileged people all over the world suffer genuine, life-threatening deprivation? Here is why: The United Nations time and again focuses its power on the perpetual manufacturing of false anti-Israel accusations. Painting Palestinians as perennial underdogs provides the perfect cover for their subversive effort. Without doubt, this trend encourages hatred and violence against the Jewish people in Israel and everywhere else. And that is exactly its point.

A Palestinian women's organization reported that Muslim men perpetrate some 40 honor killings annually in the West Bank alone, not including the vast majority of honor killing and abuse of women that go unreported -- as Islamic society maintains secrecy in upholding the popular belief that those "cursed with a sin, [should] hide it."

According to recent face-to-face surveys by prominent international pollsters, more Palestinians in East Jerusalem would prefer to be citizens of Israel than citizens of a new Palestinian state -- and 40% would probably or definitely move to avoid Palestinian rule.

Those who love liberty and life will strengthen their ties and warm relations with Israel, and stand with her. Israel will continue to shine its light among all nations.

The United Nations and Human Rights Abuse | EuropeNews

[ame=]Apartheid in the Middle East - YouTube[/ame]
In the same way Manhattan is the historic home of the Lenape.
Obama's a corporate whore who'll say whatever he's paid to say.
Not unlike Bibi.

"The area that would eventually encompass modern day New York City was inhabited by the Lenape people. These groups of culturally and linguistically identical Native Americans traditionally spoke an Algonquian language now referred to as Unam."

History of New York City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews originally stole their land through by ethnic cleansing.
In 1948 their descendents built on that tradition by inflicting a Jewish state by force of arms on the majority of their fellow Palestinians.

Apartheid Israel is swirling the same drain today as 1980s White South Africa.
Jews can have a democratic state of a Jewish state.
Ask the Canaanites which they're likely to choose.

Your all talk but no cattle ...

"Jews originally stole their land through by ethnic cleansing."
I searched Wikipedia for 'ethnic cleansing' :

under Instances of ethnic cleansing i found :

Take notice that it talks about the 1948 war , not the time before as you claim.

This was also there :
Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In conclusion I did not find evidence that support your claim.

In 1948 their descendents built on that tradition by inflicting a Jewish state by force of arms on the majority of their fellow Palestinians.
'Inflicted by force of arms' is your way of saying surviving the combined strength of the surrounding countries armies ?

You speak as though the Arabs were a baby with a candy and the Jews came along and to the candy from the harmless baby.

The truth is that acts of violence were committed by both sides and escalated to full out blown war, at the conclusion of that war Israel managed to prevail.


Apartheid Israel is swirling the same drain today as 1980s White South Africa.
Calling Israel apartheid is the same as calling this :

A watermelon.

There is no resemblance between the picture and a watermelon , anything that defines a watermelon is not true for the picture but still you choose to call it watermelon.

The same thing is true for your claim about Israel being Apartheid.

'Inflicted by force of arms' is your way of saying surviving the combined strength of the surrounding countries armies ?

About 300,000 Palestinian civilians were cleansed from their homes at the point of a gun by Israel's military before any Arab country entered Palestine.
In the same way Manhattan is the historic home of the Lenape.
Obama's a corporate whore who'll say whatever he's paid to say.
Not unlike Bibi.

"The area that would eventually encompass modern day New York City was inhabited by the Lenape people. These groups of culturally and linguistically identical Native Americans traditionally spoke an Algonquian language now referred to as Unam."

History of New York City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews originally stole their land through by ethnic cleansing.
In 1948 their descendents built on that tradition by inflicting a Jewish state by force of arms on the majority of their fellow Palestinians.

Apartheid Israel is swirling the same drain today as 1980s White South Africa.
Jews can have a democratic state of a Jewish state.
Ask the Canaanites which they're likely to choose.

Your all talk but no cattle ...

"Jews originally stole their land through by ethnic cleansing."
I searched Wikipedia for 'ethnic cleansing' :

under Instances of ethnic cleansing i found :

Take notice that it talks about the 1948 war , not the time before as you claim.

This was also there :
Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In conclusion I did not find evidence that support your claim.

'Inflicted by force of arms' is your way of saying surviving the combined strength of the surrounding countries armies ?

You speak as though the Arabs were a baby with a candy and the Jews came along and to the candy from the harmless baby.

The truth is that acts of violence were committed by both sides and escalated to full out blown war, at the conclusion of that war Israel managed to prevail.


Calling Israel apartheid is the same as calling this :

A watermelon.

There is no resemblance between the picture and a watermelon , anything that defines a watermelon is not true for the picture but still you choose to call it watermelon.

The same thing is true for your claim about Israel being Apartheid.

'Inflicted by force of arms' is your way of saying surviving the combined strength of the surrounding countries armies ?

About 300,000 Palestinian civilians were cleansed from their homes at the point of a gun by Israel's military before any Arab country entered Palestine.

"Rep System Guidelines: Our reputation system is designed to provide a feedback and credibility mechanism."

P F Tinmore Rep Power: 0
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 12,512
"PF Tinmore is off the scale"

[ame=]Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube[/ame]
United States President John F. Kennedy: Salute To Israel
Israel, we salute you. We honor your progress and your determination and your spirit. But in the midst of our rejoicing we do not forget your peril. We know that no other nation in this world lives out its days in an atmosphere of such constant tension and fear. We know that no other nation in this world is surrounded on every side by such violent hate and prejudice

For peace is all Israel asks, no more – a peace that will “beat swords into plowshares and spears into pruning-hooks”; a peace that will enable the desert to “rejoice and blossom as the rose,” “when the wicked cease from troubling and the weary be at rest.” Then, and only then, will the world have witnessed the complete fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy “Tzee-Yon B’Meeshpat Teepadeh” – “Zion shall be redeemed through justice.” And all of us here, and there, and everywhere will then be able to say to each other with faith and with confidence, in our coming and in our going: “Shalom” – peace! Peace be with you, now and forever.

Remarks by Senator John F. Kennedy at Yankee Stadium on April 29, 1956 | Finding Camelot

My message to the loathed Jews is that there is no god but allah, we will chase you everywhere We are a nation that drinks blood, and we know that there is no better blood than the blood of the Jews. We will not leave you alone until we have quenched our thirst with your blood, and our children's thirst with your blood, we will not rest until you leave the Muslim countries.
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I wasn't aware that 'Palestine' was a nation rather than a brief Ottoman colonial possession, and then a British mandate.

Its just as pathetic as Azerbaijan's corrupt political family really, ranting on about how it is going to destroy Armenia (rewriting history to claim the capital of Armenia was Azeri land), even though Armenians have lived in Armenia as long as Jews have lived in the mandate of Palestine aka thousands of years.

I really wouldn't have made such a comparison before, but the word 'blood' used by Muslim theocrats always reminds me of the horrific genocides and massacres committed by Islamic nations the world over, which they still deny.

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