Israel attacks civilians

The people who lived in Jordan got Jordan.

The people who lived in Palestine got the boot.

Not accurate at best.
The Arab people who lived in 'Palestine' wanted to kick out the Jewish people who lived in 'Palestine'.
When their attempt failed and the attempt of their buddies (Jordan,Syria,Egypt,Lebanon and others) failed they got the boot.
Nothing wrong with that.

When you initiate a fight with someone you always assume the risk that your fight will not go as planed and your ass might get kicked.
That's what happened to the Arabs who lived in Palestine, they initiated a fight and miscalculated , as a result they got their ass kicked.

We saw this happen many times , recently in operation 'cast lead' and more recently about 4 days ago ...

Not so. The Arabs did not lose the 1948 war.
The people who lived in Jordan got Jordan.

The people who lived in Palestine got the boot.

The ones who ran away didn't get the boot.
The rest of the whiners should have moved as well.

So, the unarmed Palestinian civilians who were bombed and shot at and frequently killed by the Israeli military are said to have "ran away."

My, what an odd thing to do.:cuckoo:

The Arabs who ran away before the war in 1948 ran away.
What would you call it?
The people who lived in Jordan got Jordan.

The people who lived in Palestine got the boot.

Not accurate at best.
The Arab people who lived in 'Palestine' wanted to kick out the Jewish people who lived in 'Palestine'.
When their attempt failed and the attempt of their buddies (Jordan,Syria,Egypt,Lebanon and others) failed they got the boot.
Nothing wrong with that.

When you initiate a fight with someone you always assume the risk that your fight will not go as planed and your ass might get kicked.
That's what happened to the Arabs who lived in Palestine, they initiated a fight and miscalculated , as a result they got their ass kicked.

We saw this happen many times , recently in operation 'cast lead' and more recently about 4 days ago ...

Not so. The Arabs did not lose the 1948 war.

They sure as hell didn't win. :lol:
Not accurate at best.
The Arab people who lived in 'Palestine' wanted to kick out the Jewish people who lived in 'Palestine'.
When their attempt failed and the attempt of their buddies (Jordan,Syria,Egypt,Lebanon and others) failed they got the boot.
Nothing wrong with that.

When you initiate a fight with someone you always assume the risk that your fight will not go as planed and your ass might get kicked.
That's what happened to the Arabs who lived in Palestine, they initiated a fight and miscalculated , as a result they got their ass kicked.

We saw this happen many times , recently in operation 'cast lead' and more recently about 4 days ago ...

Not so. The Arabs did not lose the 1948 war.

They sure as hell didn't win. :lol:

You contradict yourself Tinmore:
First of all , like Tod said:"They sure as hell didn't win."
and second if the Arabs didn't loose the war then the Palestinians would not get the boot .
So either Arabs got their ass kicked and Palestinians got the boot as a result of the ass kicking, Or they didn't and the Palestinians didn't get the boot.
Can't have it both ways.
"Israel was established as a Jewish state.

"It was not intended as a state for all of its citizens, Jews and non-Jews alike.

"Rather, it was primarily envisaged as a state for Jews, that is, a state of which every Jewish individual throughout the world would be a potential citizen.

"Thus, when the state was unilaterally established on 15 May 1948, it became imperative for its legislative body, the Knesset, to define in law those persons who would qualify as actual or potential citizens, and those who would be excluded - that is, non-Jews in general, and Palestinian Arabs in particular.

"This was done without undue delay.

"In 1950 the Israeli Knesset passed two laws: the Law of Return, defining the boundaries of inclusion ('every Jew has the right to immigrate into the country') and the Absentee Property Law, defining the boundaries of exclusion ('absentee').

"Under these laws, every Jew throughout the world is legally entitled to become a citizen of the state of Israel upon immigration into the country, while some two million people, the 1948 Palestinian Arabs and their descendants, who were exiled as a consequence of the 1948-9 and the 1967 wars, are denied the rights of citizenship.

"Nevertheless, their right of return is universally recognized in international law and in repeated UN resolutions (beginning with Resolution 194 (III), 11 December 1948).

"They clearly exist.

"Yet, they are defined in Israeli law as 'non-existent', and as 'absentees', and they are excluded by law from actual or potential citizenship in the Jewish state."

Israeli Apartheid.
^^ Israeli Apartheid.

[ame=]Prager University: Is Israel an Apartheid State? - YouTube[/ame]
Not so. The Arabs did not lose the 1948 war.

They sure as hell didn't win. :lol:

You contradict yourself Tinmore:
First of all , like Tod said:"They sure as hell didn't win."
and second if the Arabs didn't loose the war then the Palestinians would not get the boot .
So either Arabs got their ass kicked and Palestinians got the boot as a result of the ass kicking, Or they didn't and the Palestinians didn't get the boot.
Can't have it both ways.

Tinnie he is playing SEMANTICS With YOU......nothing he says has much credibility.......he may try to con others but we are far too smart to buy anything off his RED HERRING STALL........:eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:.......

He's much like many people,thinks he knows it all,lambasts and tries to belittle anyone who puts forward a different opinion/truth to him/her but people can see very clearly that he reviles the Palestinians and merely has his typical conservative Israeli anti-Palestinian agenda.

He never wants peace between the two sides because like so many he was indoctrinated when young...........He should be consigned to a DUSTBIN,HE IS JUST FULL OF SHIT and most of it demeaning to the Palestinians.

Everthing he says is so one sided,I really think he walks with a WHITE CANE,but his prose is so revolting.I"m theliq I believe in a FREE PALESTINE AND A FREE ISRAEL.......I won't fall if you shoot me down>>>>>>I am TATANIUM...AS THE SONG SAYS.......:clap2::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: Now Ropey he is a different kettle of fish........He has a brain,and I like him...........Tinnie<like me NEVER TAKE A BACKWARDS STEP.
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They sure as hell didn't win. :lol:

You contradict yourself Tinmore:
First of all , like Tod said:"They sure as hell didn't win."
and second if the Arabs didn't loose the war then the Palestinians would not get the boot .
So either Arabs got their ass kicked and Palestinians got the boot as a result of the ass kicking, Or they didn't and the Palestinians didn't get the boot.
Can't have it both ways.

Tinnie he is playing SEMANTICS With YOU......nothing he says has much credibility.......he may try to con others but we are far too smart to buy anything off his RED HERRING STALL........:eusa_liar::eusa_whistle:.......

He's much like many people,thinks he knows it all,lambasts and tries to belittle anyone who puts forward a different opinion/truth to him/her but people can see very clearly that he reviles the Palestinians and merely has his typical conservative Israeli anti-Palestinian agenda.

He never wants peace between the two sides because like so many he was indoctrinated when young...........He should be consigned to a DUSTBIN,HE IS JUST FULL OF SHIT and most of it demeaning to the Palestinians.

Everthing he says is so one sided,I really think he walks with a WHITE CANE,but his prose is so revolting.I"m theliq I believe in a FREE PALESTINE AND A FREE ISRAEL.......I won't fall if you shoot me down>>>>>>I am TATANIUM...AS THE SONG SAYS.......:clap2::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: Now Ropey he is a different kettle of fish........He has a brain,and I like him...........Tinnie<like me NEVER TAKE A BACKWARDS STEP.

In your whole post there is not one shred of evidence to prove me wrong.
Not even a hint of an argument related to the case.
You were unable to negate my argument , so you say negative things about me. This doesn't help you,because negative or positive things about the speaker does not effect the truthfulness of his arguments.

What you did there is "Ad-hominem":
An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it.[1] Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as a logical fallacy.[2][3][4]
Ad hominem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ad-hominem as a pathetic method to try and win an argument, the use of this tactic shows that you are desperate and don't have any real case.

Maybe you just don't like me ... Well it might have something to do with me proving you wrong on several occasions ... I'm still waiting for your reply about how "Nazis were trying to kill Palestinians.":cuckoo:
Not so. The Arabs did not lose the 1948 war.

They sure as hell didn't win. :lol:

You contradict yourself Tinmore:
First of all , like Tod said:"They sure as hell didn't win."
and second if the Arabs didn't loose the war then the Palestinians would not get the boot .
So either Arabs got their ass kicked and Palestinians got the boot as a result of the ass kicking, Or they didn't and the Palestinians didn't get the boot.
Can't have it both ways.

There is no contradiction. There is a difference between winning battles and winning the war. Surely with Israel's superior ability to mooch money and weapons it has won most, not all, battles against the Palestinians.

However, the war is moving beyond brute force into the arena of rights and law. Here is where the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.
^^ Israel is an Apartheid State

Yes, I am certain you can find propaganda out there from Press TV in Iran and all over the Internet and yes, there are propaganda sites that say Israel is an apartheid country. I could fill pages of your propaganda sites saying Israel is an apartheid nation.

Nevertheless, there is no comparison. First of all, the Gaza and West Bank are not Israel so they are right out.

At the same time, Israeli Knesset (parliament) instituted action to have an Arab member of Knesset, Haneen Zoabi, stripped of her citizenship because she had testified in Cape Town.

Primarily and considering her active Palestinian anti-Israel activities it is understandable that she is under arrest. Secondly, any Israeli citizen found in activities that are Anti-Israeli can be treated as an enemy of the state. Jew, Arab, Christian, Druze, etc. etc.

The apartheid analogy is critically flawed. It bears little resemblance to the realities of contemporary Israel and plays down the uniqueness of the apartheid state in South Africa. That state was extraordinarily repressive, regulating every detail of the lives of its subjects &#8211; 90 percent of whom were non-white &#8211; on the basis of their skin color. By contrast, Israel is a democracy which encourages vibrant debate, which has a flourishing free press and which shares with other liberal democracies a core value: the equality of all its citizens before the law.

Israel and Apartheid: The Big Lie - Introduction
Do the Palestinian citizens of Israel still own the same land, homes, farms, and businesses that they owned in 1948?
Do the Palestinian citizens of Israel still own the same land, homes, farms, and businesses that they owned in 1948?
What does that have to do with anything ?
Do the native Americans own their original land , homes ,farms and businesses ?

However, the war is moving beyond brute force into the arena of rights and law. Here is where the Palestinians hold the legal and moral high ground.

What are you talking about ?
If Palestinians ever held legal or moral high ground they took a huge bungee jump from their 'moral high ground' when they started deliberately targeting civilians and suicide bombings.(And his happened before 1948)
GAZA, (PIC)-- A 65-year-old Palestinian man and his 30-year-old daughter were killed at noon Monday when Israeli artillery shell blasted in their home to the east of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza.

Medical sources told the PIC reporter that Mohammed Al-Hassumi and his daughter Fayza were killed in the explosion of the artillery shell.

The latest victims bring to 23 the number of Palestinians killed at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces since Friday.

An old man and his daughter killed in Israeli artillery shelling
KHAN YOUNIS, (PIC)-- A fresh Israel air raid near the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis on Sunday evening wounded a child and a woman, local sources said.

They told the PIC reporter that an Israeli reconnaissance plane fired a missile at Qudaih street in Abassan Al-Kabira east of Khan Younis, which fell near a house and injured the woman and the child.

The sources said that the explosion damaged the house and spread fears in the region to which ambulance teams rushed to evacuate the casualties.

Woman, child injured in fresh Israeli raid
GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli warplanes launched a series of air raids on the Gaza Strip on Monday the latest of which targeted a school in northern Gaza killing a student and wounding six others.

Local sources said that the latest raid targeted a group of schoolchildren while on their way to their school near a petrol station to the north west of Gaza city.

They said that 15-year-old boy Nayef Qarmut died instantly while six other students were wounded including two in serious condition.

Israeli raid kills Palestinian school child
GAZA, (PIC)-- A 65-year-old Palestinian man and his 30-year-old daughter were killed at noon Monday when Israeli artillery shell blasted in their home to the east of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza.

Medical sources told the PIC reporter that Mohammed Al-Hassumi and his daughter Fayza were killed in the explosion of the artillery shell.

The latest victims bring to 23 the number of Palestinians killed at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces since Friday.

An old man and his daughter killed in Israeli artillery shelling

How close were the peace loving rocket launchers?
GAZA, (PIC)-- A 65-year-old Palestinian man and his 30-year-old daughter were killed at noon Monday when Israeli artillery shell blasted in their home to the east of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza.

Medical sources told the PIC reporter that Mohammed Al-Hassumi and his daughter Fayza were killed in the explosion of the artillery shell.

The latest victims bring to 23 the number of Palestinians killed at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces since Friday.

An old man and his daughter killed in Israeli artillery shelling

How close were the peace loving rocket launchers?

The siege on Gaza is an act of war. Why do you think the Palestinians should just sit on their hands while under this attack?
GAZA, (PIC)-- A 65-year-old Palestinian man and his 30-year-old daughter were killed at noon Monday when Israeli artillery shell blasted in their home to the east of Beit Lahia in northern Gaza.

Medical sources told the PIC reporter that Mohammed Al-Hassumi and his daughter Fayza were killed in the explosion of the artillery shell.

The latest victims bring to 23 the number of Palestinians killed at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces since Friday.

An old man and his daughter killed in Israeli artillery shelling

How close were the peace loving rocket launchers?

The siege on Gaza is an act of war. Why do you think the Palestinians should just sit on their hands while under this attack?

The "Palestinians" fire rockets from next to houses and schools.
Why do you think the Israelis should just sit on their hands while under this attack?

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