Israel attacks civilians

What the hell are you talking about ? :cuckoo:
Executions like this happening all over the Arab world ... Are they also the result of the 'Zionists experiment' ?
I would not be surprised if you say they are ? It's seems Arab countries like to pin their problems on Israel.

Our market is down - blame Israel , Our people are poor - blame Israel , Justin Bieber still alive - blame Israel ...
Israel's occupation of Palestine is a problem everyone is waking to.

"Administrative detention is a nebulous and vindictive measure used by the occupation against our young men and women. It is one of the cruel legacies of the old British mandate in Palestine.

"Today, in the absence of any deterrent or condemnation from the international community, Israel uses it with increasing frequency against university students and lecturers, young professionals and even elected parliamentarians.

"Some 300 are being held. It is part of an immoral policy used to keep Palestinians in a state of perpetual poverty and underdevelopment.

"When a military commander issues an order for administrative detention, no evidence is produced. No charges are brought against the victims, and the occupation has no obligation to give reasons for the detention.

"This is by no means a legal mechanism. It is simply an arbitrary draconian measure used to inflict psychological and physical harm on its victims. When they are fortunate enough to be brought before a judge, he can detain them for periods of six months that can be extended indefinitely..."

My husband, Khadar Adnan, has shed light on Israel's disregard for human rights | Randa Musa | Comment is free | The Guardian

It must be stressful being married to a terrorist, but her article is not quite truthful.

The legal basis for Israel's use of Administrative Detention is the British Mandate 1945 Law on Authority in States of Emergency' as amended in 1979. Administrative detention is often used in cases where the available evidence consists of information obtained by the security services (particularly the Shin Bet), and where a trial would reveal sensitive security information, such as the identities of informers or infiltrators.

Although it is most commonly applied to alleged Palestinian militants and their accomplices, it has also been applied to Jewish Israeli citizens, including Jewish right-wing public-figures and activists (e.g. in the aftermath of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin).

Within Israel, the Defense Minister has the authority to issue Administrative Detention orders for up to 6 months in cases where there is a reasonable chance that the person harms the security of the state. The same Minister has the authority to renew such orders. Likewise, the Chief of the General Staff can issue such orders, but valid for only 48 hours. Law enforcement authorities have to show cause within 48 hours (in a hearing behind closed doors). Administrative Detention orders can be appealed to the District Court and, if denied there, to the Supreme Court of Israel. The District Court can annul such orders if it finds the administrative detention occurred for reasons other than security (e.g., common crimes, or the exercise of freedom of expression). Overall supervisory authority on the application of the relevant law rests with the Minister of Justice.

Within the West Bank and Gaza Strip, any local army commander can issue an administrative detention order, and the order can be appealed at the local military court, or, if denied there, at the Supreme Court. Here too, an administrative detention order is valid for at most six months, but can be renewed by the appropriate authority. Israel refers its use of administrative detention in the occupied territories to Article 78 of the Fourth Geneva Convention 1949, which states that "If the Occupying Power considers it necessary, for imperative reasons of security, to take safety measures concerning protected persons, it may, at the most, subject them to assigned residence or to internment."

Administrative detention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So anyone held on administrative detention has the right to appeal this decision all the way up to the Supreme Court which will require the government to show valid cause for the detention and that national security would be threatened by bringing the case to trial. The law is controversial, but not all that unusual. Many western democracies, including the US, Australia, Canada, Ireland and Sweden, have administrative detention laws in cases involving illegal immigration or terrorism.
Western democracies including the US and Israel engage regularly in mass terrorism, as the citizens of Afghanistan, Iraq and Gaza are well aware. Appealing the decision of one racist agency to the purview of another racist agency is not unusual since Israeli racism directed at Palestinians forms the legal bedrock of the Jewish state.
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Israeli troops raided two private Palestinian TV stations before dawn Wednesday, seizing transmitters and other equipment, the military said.

The military said one of the outlets, al-Watan TV, is a pirate station whose frequencies interfered with legal broadcasters and aircraft communications. It said several transmitters were confiscated in the operation initiated by Israel's Communications Ministry.

The military also confirmed a second raid at Jerusalem Educational TV, a Ramallah-based station owned by the Palestinians' Al Quds University, but did not elaborate.

Palestinian officials denounced the raids as aggression and violation of media freedom.

Al-Watan station director Moammar Orabi said about 30 soldiers entered the station before dawn. The TV frequently reports on Palestinian protests against Israeli policies in the West Bank. It is owned by three non-governmental associations, including the Palestinian Medical Relief Society headed by legislator Mustafa Barghouti.

Israeli troops raid West Bank TV stations - Yahoo! News
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — Israeli troops raided two private Palestinian TV stations before dawn Wednesday, seizing transmitters and other equipment, the military said.

The military said one of the outlets, al-Watan TV, is a pirate station whose frequencies interfered with legal broadcasters and aircraft communications. It said several transmitters were confiscated in the operation initiated by Israel's Communications Ministry.

The military also confirmed a second raid at Jerusalem Educational TV, a Ramallah-based station owned by the Palestinians' Al Quds University, but did not elaborate.

Palestinian officials denounced the raids as aggression and violation of media freedom.

Al-Watan station director Moammar Orabi said about 30 soldiers entered the station before dawn. The TV frequently reports on Palestinian protests against Israeli policies in the West Bank. It is owned by three non-governmental associations, including the Palestinian Medical Relief Society headed by legislator Mustafa Barghouti.

Israeli troops raid West Bank TV stations - Yahoo! News

Palestinian officials denounced the raids as aggression and violation of media freedom.

OMG! That's funny.
JENIN, (PIC)-- The Land Research Centre said that 120 Palestinians are threatened with being uprooted from their land after being handed notices to stop building in the hamlet of Khirbet Ibzik to the north of Tubas in the northern West Bank.

The centre said that these orders will result in the uprooting of 129 people from Kirbet Ibzik, from the Haroub family specifically, amongst 66 children. These military orders coincide with extensive military manoeuvres by the IOF which have so far resulted in the damage of 400 dunums planted with winter crops affecting dozens of farmers in the district of Tubas.

For his part; the head of Ibzik’s project committee, Ali Sawafta told the researcher of the land research centre that the Haroub family live in Ibzik since 1962, ie before the Israeli occupation in 1967 and said that the farmers there have tenancy contracts from the original owners of the land, but despite this the Israeli occupation authorities are trying to confiscate those lands claiming that they were government lands.

Occupation threatens to uproot 120 Palestinians near Tubas
TULKAREM, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) demolished on Saturday afternoon a municipal warehouse used for storing agricultural appliances in Tulkarem city and combed its vicinity.

Local sources said an Israeli military bulldozer escorted by troops knocked down a depot belonging to the municipal council of Qaffin town north of Tulkarem and destroyed all the agricultural materials that were inside.

IOF raze agricultural building in Tulkarem city
RAMALLAH, (PIC)-- A Palestinian youth was seriously wounded on Monday during clashes between Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and citizens at the Atara roadblock to the north of Ramallah.

Eyewitnesses told Quds Press reporter that Mohammed Awad, 19, was hit with a gas bomb in his head, which was fired directly at him by the soldiers.

A medical source in the Ramallah government hospital said that Awad suffered fractures in his skull and his condition was described as serious.

Palestinian youth seriously wounded in clashes with IOF soldiers
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- A Palestinian woman, Mufika Al-Qawasmi, who was kidnapped recently from her home in Al-Khalil, will stand trial on Monday in the military court of Ofer jail, her family said.

The family added that Israeli troops kidnapped her from her home in Ras Al-Jura neighborhood in Al-Khalil city two weeks ago to pressure her husband Ihab Al-Qawasmi, who was jailed several days earlier, into making alleged confessions.

Israeli court hearing today against Palestinian mother of three kids
NEGEV, (PIC)-- Bulldozers of the “Land of Israel” department destroyed wheat crops of Palestinian farmers in the Negev, occupied since 1948.

Radio Israel said that the bulldozing was made without prior notice, adding that the farmers have been cultivating their lands for many years.

The Israeli authorities have been systematically launching harassment campaigns against the Negev Bedouins in a bid to force them out of their ancestral land.

Israeli bulldozers destroy Palestinian wheat crops in Negev
"' a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability." -- The Goldstone Report

"'I can promise you that throughout the war, there were many times that civilians walked by us and we never shot at them.'" -- IDF officer

"On December 27 2008, after years of 'protracted collective punishment' had produced a 'humanitarian implosion' of 'unprecedented' proportions and reduced the territory to almost complete dependency on international aid, Israel invaded Gaza.

"It opened with a co-ordinated air assault 'at around 11.30am, a busy time, when the streets were full of civilians, including school children leaving classes.'1

"The attack took people in Gaza by surprise, violating as it did an informal truce agreed the day before.

Jamie Stern-Weiner, "One Massacre Too Many"
"' a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability." -- The Goldstone Report

"'I can promise you that throughout the war, there were many times that civilians walked by us and we never shot at them.'" -- IDF officer

"On December 27 2008, after years of 'protracted collective punishment' had produced a 'humanitarian implosion' of 'unprecedented' proportions and reduced the territory to almost complete dependency on international aid, Israel invaded Gaza.

"It opened with a co-ordinated air assault 'at around 11.30am, a busy time, when the streets were full of civilians, including school children leaving classes.'1

"The attack took people in Gaza by surprise, violating as it did an informal truce agreed the day before.

Jamie Stern-Weiner, "One Massacre Too Many"
Get together with Anton who is a Newbie from the AOL boards.He's an ardent terrorist lover whose dream is the demise of Israel. Along with Tinmore you three will make a potent daisy chain.
Israel's occupation of Palestine is a problem everyone is waking to.

"Administrative detention is a nebulous and vindictive measure used by the occupation against our young men and women. It is one of the cruel legacies of the old British mandate in Palestine.

"Today, in the absence of any deterrent or condemnation from the international community, Israel uses it with increasing frequency against university students and lecturers, young professionals and even elected parliamentarians.

"Some 300 are being held. It is part of an immoral policy used to keep Palestinians in a state of perpetual poverty and underdevelopment.

"When a military commander issues an order for administrative detention, no evidence is produced. No charges are brought against the victims, and the occupation has no obligation to give reasons for the detention.

"This is by no means a legal mechanism. It is simply an arbitrary draconian measure used to inflict psychological and physical harm on its victims. When they are fortunate enough to be brought before a judge, he can detain them for periods of six months that can be extended indefinitely..."

My husband, Khadar Adnan, has shed light on Israel's disregard for human rights | Randa Musa | Comment is free | The Guardian

It must be stressful being married to a terrorist, but her article is not quite truthful.

The legal basis for Israel's use of Administrative Detention is the British Mandate 1945 Law on Authority in States of Emergency' as amended in 1979. Administrative detention is often used in cases where the available evidence consists of information obtained by the security services (particularly the Shin Bet), and where a trial would reveal sensitive security information, such as the identities of informers or infiltrators.

Although it is most commonly applied to alleged Palestinian militants and their accomplices, it has also been applied to Jewish Israeli citizens, including Jewish right-wing public-figures and activists (e.g. in the aftermath of the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin).

Within Israel, the Defense Minister has the authority to issue Administrative Detention orders for up to 6 months in cases where there is a reasonable chance that the person harms the security of the state. The same Minister has the authority to renew such orders. Likewise, the Chief of the General Staff can issue such orders, but valid for only 48 hours. Law enforcement authorities have to show cause within 48 hours (in a hearing behind closed doors). Administrative Detention orders can be appealed to the District Court and, if denied there, to the Supreme Court of Israel. The District Court can annul such orders if it finds the administrative detention occurred for reasons other than security (e.g., common crimes, or the exercise of freedom of expression). Overall supervisory authority on the application of the relevant law rests with the Minister of Justice.

Within the West Bank and Gaza Strip, any local army commander can issue an administrative detention order, and the order can be appealed at the local military court, or, if denied there, at the Supreme Court. Here too, an administrative detention order is valid for at most six months, but can be renewed by the appropriate authority. Israel refers its use of administrative detention in the occupied territories to Article 78 of the Fourth Geneva Convention 1949, which states that "If the Occupying Power considers it necessary, for imperative reasons of security, to take safety measures concerning protected persons, it may, at the most, subject them to assigned residence or to internment."

Administrative detention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So anyone held on administrative detention has the right to appeal this decision all the way up to the Supreme Court which will require the government to show valid cause for the detention and that national security would be threatened by bringing the case to trial. The law is controversial, but not all that unusual. Many western democracies, including the US, Australia, Canada, Ireland and Sweden, have administrative detention laws in cases involving illegal immigration or terrorism.
Western democracies including the US and Israel engage regularly in mass terrorism, as the citizens of Afghanistan, Iraq and Gaza are well aware. Appealing the decision of one racist agency to the purview of another racist agency is not unusual since Israeli racism directed at Palestinians forms the legal bedrock of the Jewish state.
Hi George,WHAT SHOULD BE REMEMBERED AND REALISED IS..............THAT ABUSED PEOPLE,BECOME ABUSERS THEMSELVES.........NO one would ever agree that what happened to Jewish people in the past,particually under the NAZIS should ever be condoned.

But the behaviour of the Israelis towards the Palestinians is a classic case of the Abused becoming the Abuser............this is something rarely mentioned but it is part of the key to unlock the present schism between the two nations as they attempt to move forward towards a peaceful resolution.

What really pisses me off is how Wolvie and his possee,mention a massacre in 1929,yet Israel have done many similar acts since 1940 inparticular the refugee camp in the 1970's(Tinnie will no doubt give the exact locales) where over a thousand women,children and elderly Palestinians were slaughtered.

Time heals slowly but no one has the MORAL GROUND in this conflict except the INNOCENT on both sides of which there are thousands.Unlike Wolvie,I try not to be myopic but fair to both sides.....WHY ? because unlike most commentators on this site......I believe in a fair and honest resolution and a Peaceful Israel and Palestine.

steven :cool: George Thank You for your accurate and honest assessment in your post. Wolvie and Stoney are Israeli based posters and what should not be forgotten they clearly have a Pro-Israel agenda...........this is clearly seen and analysed when you read their stilted prose,but they don't realize that folk like me knows both sides of their one sided often banal story..............I'm theliq, ever living,ever faithful(to the truth) and ever watch for them trying to belittle and abuse me,will not work anymore guys because I'm theliq I always ensure I soar with eagles whilst you gobble around with Turkeys.
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"' a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability." -- The Goldstone Report

"'I can promise you that throughout the war, there were many times that civilians walked by us and we never shot at them.'" -- IDF officer

"On December 27 2008, after years of 'protracted collective punishment' had produced a 'humanitarian implosion' of 'unprecedented' proportions and reduced the territory to almost complete dependency on international aid, Israel invaded Gaza.

"It opened with a co-ordinated air assault 'at around 11.30am, a busy time, when the streets were full of civilians, including school children leaving classes.'1

"The attack took people in Gaza by surprise, violating as it did an informal truce agreed the day before.

Jamie Stern-Weiner, "One Massacre Too Many"
Get together with Anton who is a Newbie from the AOL boards.He's an ardent terrorist lover whose dream is the demise of Israel. Along with Tinmore you three will make a potent daisy chain.
Your comments to Tinnie and George tantamount to SLANDER.......Unlike that TERRORIST ORGANIZATION "THE ZIONISTS" Palestinians are not terrorists. You MORON tl Honest about Israel and Palestine not a BULL SHIT ARTIST LIKE THE LIKES OF THE UNEDUCATED LEMMINGS ON HERE
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"' a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability." -- The Goldstone Report

"'I can promise you that throughout the war, there were many times that civilians walked by us and we never shot at them.'" -- IDF officer

"On December 27 2008, after years of 'protracted collective punishment' had produced a 'humanitarian implosion' of 'unprecedented' proportions and reduced the territory to almost complete dependency on international aid, Israel invaded Gaza.

"It opened with a co-ordinated air assault 'at around 11.30am, a busy time, when the streets were full of civilians, including school children leaving classes.'1

"The attack took people in Gaza by surprise, violating as it did an informal truce agreed the day before.

Jamie Stern-Weiner, "One Massacre Too Many"
Get together with Anton who is a Newbie from the AOL boards.He's an ardent terrorist lover whose dream is the demise of Israel. Along with Tinmore you three will make a potent daisy chain.
I'm still waiting for an Israel-First advocate to explain why one third of the 1948 population of Mandate Palestine was entitled to inflict a Jewish state on all Palestinians? Do you think it might have something to do with western arms sales to Israel and control over Arab oil production and distribution?
"' a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability." -- The Goldstone Report

"'I can promise you that throughout the war, there were many times that civilians walked by us and we never shot at them.'" -- IDF officer

"On December 27 2008, after years of 'protracted collective punishment' had produced a 'humanitarian implosion' of 'unprecedented' proportions and reduced the territory to almost complete dependency on international aid, Israel invaded Gaza.

"It opened with a co-ordinated air assault 'at around 11.30am, a busy time, when the streets were full of civilians, including school children leaving classes.'1

"The attack took people in Gaza by surprise, violating as it did an informal truce agreed the day before.

Jamie Stern-Weiner, "One Massacre Too Many"
Get together with Anton who is a Newbie from the AOL boards.He's an ardent terrorist lover whose dream is the demise of Israel. Along with Tinmore you three will make a potent daisy chain.
I'm still waiting for an Israel-First advocate to explain why one third of the 1948 population of Mandate Palestine was entitled to inflict a Jewish state on all Palestinians? Do you think it might have something to do with western arms sales to Israel and control over Arab oil production and distribution?

The Jews got a chunk of the mandate, the Arabs got a much much larger chunk.
The Arabs who didn't like being too close to the Jews should have moved to Jordan.
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) gunned down a Palestinian boy during confrontations in Yatta village, south of Al-Khalil, on Thursday when the soldiers were trying to arrest a liberated prisoner.

Ziyad Abu Zahra, the manager of Al-Khalil government hospital, said that the 15-year-old boy Zakaria Abu Arram was shot dead when the soldiers fired live bullets at the inhabitants.

Medical sources said that 20-year-old Omar Hushaye was carried to Soroka hospital in Beer Sheba in serious condition after the soldiers fired a bullet into his chest after claiming that he stabbed a soldier during the confrontations.

Big numbers of IOF soldiers stormed the village and arrested Khaled Makhamre, who was freed in the prisoners’ exchange deal between Hamas and Israel, and fired teargas and bullets at houses in the village in the process.

The IOF soldiers closed off the village and blocked ambulance cars from entering to evacuate the casualties.

IOF soldiers gun down Palestinian boy
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) gunned down a Palestinian boy during confrontations in Yatta village, south of Al-Khalil, on Thursday when the soldiers were trying to arrest a liberated prisoner.

Ziyad Abu Zahra, the manager of Al-Khalil government hospital, said that the 15-year-old boy Zakaria Abu Arram was shot dead when the soldiers fired live bullets at the inhabitants.

Medical sources said that 20-year-old Omar Hushaye was carried to Soroka hospital in Beer Sheba in serious condition after the soldiers fired a bullet into his chest after claiming that he stabbed a soldier during the confrontations.

Big numbers of IOF soldiers stormed the village and arrested Khaled Makhamre, who was freed in the prisoners’ exchange deal between Hamas and Israel, and fired teargas and bullets at houses in the village in the process.

The IOF soldiers closed off the village and blocked ambulance cars from entering to evacuate the casualties.

IOF soldiers gun down Palestinian boy
The IDF must have had a good reason to be there and they were interfered with. Let's see the video.
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) gunned down a Palestinian boy during confrontations in Yatta village, south of Al-Khalil, on Thursday when the soldiers were trying to arrest a liberated prisoner.

Ziyad Abu Zahra, the manager of Al-Khalil government hospital, said that the 15-year-old boy Zakaria Abu Arram was shot dead when the soldiers fired live bullets at the inhabitants.

Medical sources said that 20-year-old Omar Hushaye was carried to Soroka hospital in Beer Sheba in serious condition after the soldiers fired a bullet into his chest after claiming that he stabbed a soldier during the confrontations.

Big numbers of IOF soldiers stormed the village and arrested Khaled Makhamre, who was freed in the prisoners’ exchange deal between Hamas and Israel, and fired teargas and bullets at houses in the village in the process.

The IOF soldiers closed off the village and blocked ambulance cars from entering to evacuate the casualties.

IOF soldiers gun down Palestinian boy
The IDF must have had a good reason to be there and they were interfered with. Let's see the video.

Good question. What good reason would foreign troops have to be in Palestine?
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) gunned down a Palestinian boy during confrontations in Yatta village, south of Al-Khalil, on Thursday when the soldiers were trying to arrest a liberated prisoner.

Ziyad Abu Zahra, the manager of Al-Khalil government hospital, said that the 15-year-old boy Zakaria Abu Arram was shot dead when the soldiers fired live bullets at the inhabitants.

Medical sources said that 20-year-old Omar Hushaye was carried to Soroka hospital in Beer Sheba in serious condition after the soldiers fired a bullet into his chest after claiming that he stabbed a soldier during the confrontations.

Big numbers of IOF soldiers stormed the village and arrested Khaled Makhamre, who was freed in the prisoners’ exchange deal between Hamas and Israel, and fired teargas and bullets at houses in the village in the process.

The IOF soldiers closed off the village and blocked ambulance cars from entering to evacuate the casualties.

IOF soldiers gun down Palestinian boy
The IDF must have had a good reason to be there and they were interfered with. Let's see the video.

Good question. What good reason would foreign troops have to be in Palestine?
In accordance with agreements, Israel administers things that we talked about before. Have you forgotten, has dementia crept in and are you suffering memory loss? If so I can refer you to a competent Jewish shrink. So it all boils down to the simple fact that the IDF can go there. Thank ZOG.
The IDF must have had a good reason to be there and they were interfered with. Let's see the video.

Good question. What good reason would foreign troops have to be in Palestine?
In accordance with agreements, Israel administers things that we talked about before. Have you forgotten, has dementia crept in and are you suffering memory loss? If so I can refer you to a competent Jewish shrink. So it all boils down to the simple fact that the IDF can go there. Thank ZOG.

Is that the agreement signed by Arafat when Israel set him up to be the oligarch in Palestine.

And the same agreement that Israel ignores except for the parts they like?
Good question. What good reason would foreign troops have to be in Palestine?
In accordance with agreements, Israel administers things that we talked about before. Have you forgotten, has dementia crept in and are you suffering memory loss? If so I can refer you to a competent Jewish shrink. So it all boils down to the simple fact that the IDF can go there. Thank ZOG.

Is that the agreement signed by Arafat when Israel set him up to be the oligarch in Palestine.

And the same agreement that Israel ignores except for the parts they like?
You tell me.

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