Israel attacks civilians

International law demands that attacks on civilians are prosecuted. Justice demands this is done impartially in all situations.
no one seems to recall Hammam-Plage.

On October 1, 1985, one week before the cruise ship was hijacked, Israel launched an air assault on Hammam-Plage, a residential suburb of Tunis, the capital of Tunisia. At the time Israel claimed to be seeking out Palestinian leaders given refuge by Tunisia and attacking military targets in the neighborhood.

According to an 2 October 1985 article published by the Guardian, Israel’s attack “brutally signalled its determination to keep the Palestine Liberation Organisation out of the emerging Middle East peace process.” The article noted that one of the buildings bombed by the Israelis was the private residence of PLO leader Yasser Arafat.

The United Nations Security Council considered the raid to be a grievous act of aggression against the sovereign nation of Tunisia, noting “with concern that the Israeli attack has caused heavy loss of human life and extensive material damage.” UN Security Council Resolution 573 frames the Israeli attack as a “threat to peace and security in the Mediterranean region” and vigorously condemned the “flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and norms of conduct.”

Israel’s representative to the United Nations, Benjamin Netanyahu, was defiant in his stance that “we in Israel shall never accept” the Security Council resolution.

The hijacking of the Achille Lauro and the murder of Leon Klinghoffer are both examples of unjustifiable acts. Yet supporters of Israel, who are currently working hard to emphasise the Achille Lauro incident as a tool to demonize Palestinians, have a less than glowing record where acts of terrorism committed by their own are concerned, never mind their standard practice of glossing over or justifying acts by the State of Israel that result in massive civilian casualties. The Hammam-Plage raid is an example from around the time of the Achille Lauro, so too was the murder of Alex Odeh.

Four days after the attack on the Achille Lauro, on 11 October 1985, a bomb demolished the Santa Ana offices of the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, killing Alex Odeh, the organization’s regional executive director. Seven others were injured. According to a New York Times article the following day, “The Jewish Defense League, often at odds with the [ADC], denied responsibility for the bombing but praised the action.” The night before his death, Mr. Odeh had appeared on a local news program to comment on the Achille Lauro hijacking. He reportedly denied the PLO’s involvement in the murder of Leon Klinghoffer. Rather than condemn the killing of Mr. Odeh, the official website of the Jewish Defense League confirms that JDL National Chairman Irv Rubin publicly stated that Alex Odeh “got what he deserved.”
The Achille Lauro hijacking: Selective memory does none of us justice | The Electronic Intifada
Why don't you show me the section of the Geneva Convention that makes an American civilian a lawful target for your terrorist buddies?

Did he designate himself as an enemy to the Palestinians or not?

Did he?

Does the Geneva Convention say it's okay to kill American civilians in wheelchairs?

Get back to me when you are willing to condemn Israel for its violations of international law.
Israeli troops wounded a six-year-old Palestinian boy on Sunday when they opened fire east of the town of Rafah, in southern Gaza, Palestinian medical sources said.

"A six-year-old Palestinian child was wounded by Israeli army gunfire near the Kerem Shalom crossing, east of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, which is where the family lives," emergency services spokesman Adham Abu Selmiya told AFP.

"He is in moderate condition and was shot with live fire in his thigh," he added.

Israeli troops 'wound boy in Gaza' - Yahoo! News

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