Israel attacks civilians

Yassin, a quadriplegic who was nearly blind, had used a wheelchair since a sporting accident at the age of 12. He was assassinated when an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile at him as he was being wheeled from early morning prayers. His killing, in an attack that claimed the lives of both his bodyguards and nine bystanders
Ahmed Yassin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
[ame=]Ahmed Yassin and his Hot Wheels - YouTube[/ame]
Yassin, a quadriplegic who was nearly blind, had used a wheelchair since a sporting accident at the age of 12. He was assassinated when an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile at him as he was being wheeled from early morning prayers. His killing, in an attack that claimed the lives of both his bodyguards and nine bystanders
Ahmed Yassin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel killed Yassin and the US killed bin Laden. Same thing.
Yassin was a leader of a terrorist organization that claimed to be responsible for suicide bombings in Israel. There is nothing wrong with killing him.
Yassin, a quadriplegic who was nearly blind, had used a wheelchair since a sporting accident at the age of 12. He was assassinated when an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile at him as he was being wheeled from early morning prayers. His killing, in an attack that claimed the lives of both his bodyguards and nine bystanders
Ahmed Yassin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don't cry over the death of a terrorist. Yassin ain't cryin'. There's no cryin' in infitada. He's in joyous bliss now with his herd of 72 billy goats. PBUH.
Did he?

Does the Geneva Convention say it's okay to kill American civilians in wheelchairs?

Get back to me when you are willing to condemn Israel for its violations of international law.

Get back to me when Israel shots a 69 year old American civilian and throws him into the ocean.
Get back to us when you learn about "Araboushim."

"We can easily assess the sincerity of the sentiments expressed about the Klinghoffer murder. It is only necessary to investigate the reaction to comparable U.S.-backed Israeli crimes.

"Take, for example, the murder in April 2002 of two crippled Palestinians, Kemal Zughayer and Jamal Rashid, by Israeli forces rampaging through the refugee camp of Jenin in the West Bank.

"Zughayer's crushed body and the remains of his wheelchair were found by British reporters, along with the remains of the white flag he was holding when he was shot dead while seeking to flee the Israeli tanks which then drove over him, ripping his face in two and severing his arms and legs.

"Jamal Rashid was crushed in his wheelchair when one of Israel's huge U.S.-supplied Caterpillar bulldozers demolished his home in Jenin with his family inside..."

The Most Wanted List, International Terrorism, by Noam Chomsky
Yassin was a leader of a terrorist organization that claimed to be responsible for suicide bombings in Israel. There is nothing wrong with killing him.

I see , so the shoot first ask questions later is the official legal first step in the Hamas handbook of apprehending lawbreakers, right ?

He is a traitor ? Really ? Did the court find him guilty of treason ?
What evidence was brought to prove that fact ?

You argue about Israel not following legal proceedings ,while Hamas shoot Fatah on the street without any consideration of legal proceedings ... Thats Hypocrisy at it's best.

Great many of Fatah men where executed by Hamas.
How many of them got the to speak to their lawyer ?
When Hamas held them captive before execution , did they have an arrest warrant for them ? Did they have proof beyond all reasonable doubt that those men are guilty of the crimes they are accused of ?
Did they hold a trial ?

The answer for all those questions is no. They just rounded them up, blind folded them , told them to lie on the ground and emptied two AK-47 magazines on them.
Yet you have the audacity to speak about how "Administrative arrests are illegal in Palestine".
PAKISTAN, (PIC)-- Jamaat e Islami Pakistan ameer Syed Munawar Hasan has strongly condemned Israeli soldiers for unleashing dogs on Palestinian protestors, calling it one of the worst violations of human rights and civil liberties committed under the nose of western media as their regimes were keeping a criminal silence over the gross violations of Palestinians fundamental rights.

JI ameer condemns use of dogs by Israeli police to chase Palestinians

[ame=]GRAPHIC Military dog used to attack peaceful protester - YouTube[/ame]
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How's that old terrorist doing?
"Peaceful protester" ... the term "Bullshit" comes to mind :
"One hundred Palestinians were hurling rocks at security forces, who used riot dispersal means," she said.
"One Palestinian was arrested for physically assaulting a soldier, and a second was attacked by a dog. He was lightly wounded and treated by army medics at the scene. He did not need to be evacuated to hospital."
Palestinian protester bitten by Israel army dog - Yahoo! News
"Peaceful protester" ... the term "Bullshit" comes to mind :
"One hundred Palestinians were hurling rocks at security forces, who used riot dispersal means," she said.
"One Palestinian was arrested for physically assaulting a soldier, and a second was attacked by a dog. He was lightly wounded and treated by army medics at the scene. He did not need to be evacuated to hospital."
Palestinian protester bitten by Israel army dog - Yahoo! News

Year after year Israeli troops go into Palestine and get rocks thrown at them.

What a bunch of friggin retards. You would think they would learn.
"Peaceful protester" ... the term "Bullshit" comes to mind :
"One hundred Palestinians were hurling rocks at security forces, who used riot dispersal means," she said.
"One Palestinian was arrested for physically assaulting a soldier, and a second was attacked by a dog. He was lightly wounded and treated by army medics at the scene. He did not need to be evacuated to hospital."
Palestinian protester bitten by Israel army dog - Yahoo! News

Year after year Israeli troops go into Palestine and get rocks thrown at them.

What a bunch of friggin retards. You would think they would learn.
Tinny old bean, it's becoming more and more obvious you will never amount to anything.
"Peaceful protester" ... the term "Bullshit" comes to mind :
"One hundred Palestinians were hurling rocks at security forces, who used riot dispersal means," she said.
"One Palestinian was arrested for physically assaulting a soldier, and a second was attacked by a dog. He was lightly wounded and treated by army medics at the scene. He did not need to be evacuated to hospital."
Palestinian protester bitten by Israel army dog - Yahoo! News

Year after year Israeli troops go into Palestine and get rocks thrown at them.

What a bunch of friggin retards. You would think they would learn.

I thought you said they lived in Palestine?
"Peaceful protester" ... the term "Bullshit" comes to mind :
"One hundred Palestinians were hurling rocks at security forces, who used riot dispersal means," she said.
"One Palestinian was arrested for physically assaulting a soldier, and a second was attacked by a dog. He was lightly wounded and treated by army medics at the scene. He did not need to be evacuated to hospital."
Palestinian protester bitten by Israel army dog - Yahoo! News

Year after year Israeli troops go into Palestine and get rocks thrown at them.

What a bunch of friggin retards. You would think they would learn.
Year after year Palestinians throw stones and attack Israeli soldiers and get hurt as a result.
"What a bunch of friggin retards. You would think they would learn."
"Peaceful protester" ... the term "Bullshit" comes to mind :
Palestinian protester bitten by Israel army dog - Yahoo! News

Year after year Israeli troops go into Palestine and get rocks thrown at them.

What a bunch of friggin retards. You would think they would learn.
Year after year Palestinians throw stones and attack Israeli soldiers and get hurt as a result.
"What a bunch of friggin retards. You would think they would learn."

At least they do not go someplace to do it.
"The wheel is turning full circle.

"Last week the Israeli parliament updated a 59-year-old law originally intended to prevent hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees from returning to the homes and lands from which they had been expelled as Israel was established.

"The purpose of the draconian 1954 Prevention of Infiltration Law was to lock up any Palestinian who managed to slip past the snipers guarding the new state’s borders.

"Israel believed only savage punishment and deterrence could ensure it maintained the overwhelming Jewish majority it had recently created through a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

"Fast-forward six decades and Israel is relying on the infiltration law again, this time to prevent a supposedly new threat to its existence: the arrival each year of several thousand desperate African asylum seekers."

Jonathan Cook: Welcome to the world
"The wheel is turning full circle.

"Last week the Israeli parliament updated a 59-year-old law originally intended to prevent hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees from returning to the homes and lands from which they had been expelled as Israel was established.

"The purpose of the draconian 1954 Prevention of Infiltration Law was to lock up any Palestinian who managed to slip past the snipers guarding the new state’s borders.

"Israel believed only savage punishment and deterrence could ensure it maintained the overwhelming Jewish majority it had recently created through a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

"Fast-forward six decades and Israel is relying on the infiltration law again, this time to prevent a supposedly new threat to its existence: the arrival each year of several thousand desperate African asylum seekers."

Jonathan Cook: Welcome to the world

Protecting your borders sounds like a good idea.

We should try that here.
"The wheel is turning full circle.

"Last week the Israeli parliament updated a 59-year-old law originally intended to prevent hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees from returning to the homes and lands from which they had been expelled as Israel was established.

"The purpose of the draconian 1954 Prevention of Infiltration Law was to lock up any Palestinian who managed to slip past the snipers guarding the new state’s borders.

"Israel believed only savage punishment and deterrence could ensure it maintained the overwhelming Jewish majority it had recently created through a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

"Fast-forward six decades and Israel is relying on the infiltration law again, this time to prevent a supposedly new threat to its existence: the arrival each year of several thousand desperate African asylum seekers."

Jonathan Cook: Welcome to the world
Who expelled the original residents? Wasn't it the ARAB League? Clue me in George.

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