Israel bombs southern Lebanon .

Another lie, it means the entirety of the state of Israel destroyed and replaced with the terrorist state of Palestine.

Lol. Keep lying to yourself if it justifies genocide and theft.

Remember, the European Jews were refugees.
No one has said that. They want a just peace and an end to occupation. Zionism hasn't fared well. They are still on the dole and killing their neighbors after 70 years.
Yeah, all they want is peace. Ha ha ha. Keep chanting, Fatima.

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is an antisemitic slogan commonly featured in anti-Israel campaigns and chanted at demonstrations.

This rallying cry has long been used by anti-Israel voices, including supporters of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the PFLP, which seek Israel’s destruction through violent means. It is fundamentally a call for a Palestinian state extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, territory that includes the State of Israel, which would mean the dismantling of the Jewish state. It is an antisemitic charge denying the Jewish right to self-determination, including through the removal of Jews from their ancestral homeland.
Lol. Keep lying to yourself if it justifies genocide and theft.

Remember, the European Jews were refugees.
That’s actually wat you’re doing, you are a Jew hating propagandist that lies for genocidal IslamoNazis every day. Seems like that’s your job. Keep chatting like a lunatic, Fatima.

“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is an antisemitic slogan commonly featured in anti-Israel campaigns and chanted at demonstrations.

This rallying cry has long been used by anti-Israel voices, including supporters of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the PFLP, which seek Israel’s destruction through violent means. It is fundamentally a call for a Palestinian state extending from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, territory that includes the State of Israel, which would mean the dismantling of the Jewish state. It is an antisemitic charge denying the Jewish right to self-determination, including through the removal of Jews from their ancestral homeland.
Another lie, it means the entirety of the state of Israel destroyed and replaced with the terrorist state of Palestine.
Nonsense, look again and again onto the UN Partition Plan - Gaza is located at the sea. And so are the northern Palestinian lands from Nazareth to Acre and Lebanon's border.

UN Partition Map.gif
and if Israel does as you say the Iranian backed terror group called Hamas will just leave the Israeli people alone eh ?
That would be the UN's job - let them do it and they would, if those VETO buggers - and foremost the USA wouldn't veto every resolution that has been passed in that regard.

However as long as Israel does not rescind it's settlement policy - violence will never cease - and violence is clearly in Zionist-Israels interest.
As the 7th of October has shown, Netanyahu doesn't mind to sacrifice 1400 peoples lives to keep the violence going. And off course he and Co. couldn't give a shit about how many Palestinians and others die.
That would be the UN's job - let them do it and they would, if those VETO buggers - and foremost the USA wouldn't veto every resolution that has been passed in that regard.

However as long as Israel does not rescind it's settlement policy - violence will never cease - and violence is clearly in Zionist-Israels interest.
As the 7th of October has shown, Netanyahu doesn't mind to sacrifice 1400 peoples lives to keep the violence going. And off course he and Co. couldn't give a shit about how many Palestinians and others die.
Typical Con Artist. Blame the one attacked for the attack.

Hamas Charter is crystal clear. Same as the Chant.

This will be decided on the battlefield.

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