Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Link to the proof of 12,000 dead pls.

But you want parity. 12,000 dead is too much for the deaths and terrorism the Hamas put on Israel. The day before was a ceasefire that ended on the 7th.

And you're too stupid to see the implications of your idiocy.
Here you go...

Here you go...

From Turkey?

They won't send support, but they will talk without using actual proof.

Still, they're too busy slaughtering Kurds and Syrians at the moment to do any real counting.

What is the first loss in the fog of war?

Truth. We will find out the real deaths in the fullness of time. Still, every Hamas terrorist operative and active terrorism supporter can go pound sand.

From Turkey?

They won't send support, but they will talk without using actual proof.

Still, they're too busy slaughtering Kurds and Syrians at the moment to do any real counting.

What is the first loss in the fog of war?

Truth. We will find out the real deaths in the fullness of time. Still, every Hamas terrorist operative and active terrorism supporter can go pound sand.

How about the LA Times?

How about the LA Times?

California MSM?

You are truly an idiot to put forward such questions.

Doubly so after trying to use Turkey as a base of factual reality. :doubt:

Do you support the Turkish entry into Azerbaijani politics giving help to kill the Armenian Christians?

Note that this is from Al Jazeera, based in Qatar.
We have been financing and fighting Israel's war with the Muslims ever since that shithead LBJ decided to kiss the ass of the IAPAC instead of having justice for the crew of the USS Liberty.

It has cost us dearly and it ain't our war.
Don’t like it because we give Foreign side to Israel? Get over it 😤
From Turkey?

They won't send support, but they will talk without using actual proof.

Still, they're too busy slaughtering Kurds and Syrians at the moment to do any real counting.

What is the first loss in the fog of war?

Truth. We will find out the real deaths in the fullness of time. Still, every Hamas terrorist operative and active terrorism supporter can go pound sand.

Right on.
Israel’s heart has been broken. At war once again against genocidal enemies, its people are shattered by shock, grief and horror.

At time of writing, the number of those murdered has risen to 800, with 2,315 wounded and at least 100 being held hostage in Gaza.

The images of what happened will stay with us forever. Dozens of Israelis were gunned down in their homes and their cars.

Elderly people and small children were slaughtered; women were raped; bodies taken into Gaza were paraded and desecrated; mothers with children in their arms were abducted and are now being held as hostages in Gaza’s terror tunnels.

This was barbarism and depravity, not seen on such an infernal scale since the Holocaust.

Every one of these attacks on Israeli civilians was a war crime. It is a moral imperative to destroy the forces who committed them and who — as they tell us — are intent upon eradicating Israel and the Jewish people.

And yet the US State Department said after the pogrom: ‘We urged all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”

All sides? That means the US is telling Israel to “refrain” from defending its people. Should the Americans have refrained from waging war against Afghanistan to destroy the Taliban after 9/11 as a “retaliatory attack”?

Of course not. Such moral equivalence, it seems, applies only to Israel. It is also the default position of the western left.

They are doing what they want to do. If the person is not a true believer, then they are open to all of the murder, pillage, rape, and sodomizing of others in order to terrorize the religious minorities. They are bound to do such. It is in their law. Even if you pay the Jizya minority tax, you are still open to attack from ANY Muslim.

Didn't France have a problem with refugee's being let in, and then them raping women, and claiming religious beliefs or some sort of weird held beliefs on such a thing ? Didn't France have to start some sort of program to stop it ? What religious people did it let in ?
Didn't France have a problem with refugee's being let in, and then them raping women, and claiming religious beliefs or some sort of weird held beliefs on such a thing ? Didn't France have to start some sort of program to stop it ? What religious people did it let in ?

The problem with countries like France and Britain, even Belgium, is the sort of moral responsibility they have for colonising Africa.
Another lie. Why don’t you “ complain” about the fact that Hamas is using their OWN PEOPLE as HUMAN SHIELDS, building their Headquarters and Tunnels under HOSPITALS, finding live ammunition in SCHOOLS, etc etc
Ugly lies are the norm when you pursue genocide. Hitler did the same thing to the Jews.
Another lie. Why don’t you “ complain” about the fact that Hamas is using their OWN PEOPLE as HUMAN SHIELDS, building their Headquarters and Tunnels under HOSPITALS, finding live ammunition in SCHOOLS, etc etc
Ugly lies are the norm when you pursue genocide. Hitler did the same thing to the Jews.
Ugly lies are the norm when you pursue genocide. Hitler did the same thing to the Jews.
Ugly lies the norm when people deliberately put their OWN people in Harms Way using them as HUMAN SHIELDS and it’s NOT condemned . You should knowb
How about the LA Times?

How many should Israel have killed , yet even THEY admit it was a MASSACRE??
There are Sites out there now that claim Hamas didn’t do it; it was Israel to gain “ sympathy “ I’m surprised you haven’t found the links
California MSM?

You are truly an idiot to put forward such questions.

Doubly so after trying to use Turkey as a base of factual reality. :doubt:

Do you support the Turkish entry into Azerbaijani politics giving help to kill the Armenian Christians?

Note that this is from Al Jazeera, based in Qatar.
Al Jeezera is a very reputable news outlet. So is the LA Times. The point is, there are 12,000 dead in Gaza and you, I mean YOU Ropey, cannot produce one source that says anything different.

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