Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

As is always the case, you see the world with a focus on skin color especially as it relates to evil white people.

In terms of the various ethnicities and the population churn that has occurred across your "Magical Kingdom of Pal'istan", your reference to "indigenous population" is really a matter of you cutting and pasting slogans.

Um, you still fail to identify whose land was stolen and what indigenous population was pushed off "their" land.
Denial isn't a river in Europe.

If Palestinians believe in their grievances to the point they will strap bombs to themselves to rid the world of Zionists, it really doesn't matter what you deny in your head. It's real to the people who count.
How many did Hussein kick out?

Literally tens of thousands. Pakistan was helping the King of Jordan and had no problems with killing the Palestinians. Much like the Iranian regime says one nuke is enough to take out Israel, they don't also admit that this one nuke will also take out the 'Palestinians'.

Literally tens of thousands. Pakistan was helping the King of Jordan and had no problems with killing the Palestinians. Much like the Iranian regime says one nuke is enough to take out Israel, they don't also admit that this one nuke will also take out the 'Palestinians'.

Notably, the call for a “free Palestine” wasn’t vocalized during the 19 years when Jordan occupied the West Bank and Egypt controlled Gaza. This raises the question: why was there no concern, even among Palestinians, about their lack of freedom during that time?

Notably, the call for a “free Palestine” wasn’t vocalized during the 19 years when Jordan occupied the West Bank and Egypt controlled Gaza. This raises the question: why was there no concern, even among Palestinians, about their lack of freedom during that time?

Because even their own brethren realized that they had no foot in the door.

So their brethren paid to have a door built and put a foot in it.

"And this is why when the uprising started, the Palestinians themselves had been targeted by the Assad regime – four in al-Ramla (ph) camp, in Latakia, had been killed.

And unfortunately, the Bashar al-Assad adviser, BouthainaShaaban, from the first week of the uprisings, she mentioned the Palestinian as making trouble.

And this is – we actually – we are very concerned about the safety of the Palestinians. And unfortunately later on, when actually the Syrian regime orchestrated what’s happened in – (inaudible) – and Naksa Day, which Hussein mentioned – pointed out before, that the Palestinians themselves in Yarmukh camp attacked the office of Ahmed Jabril, the Palestinian organization supported by the Assad regime because they see themselves that the Assad, it’s orchestrating everything, and the Palestinian at the end will pay the price from their sons and young."

Sharia Germany! Muslim migrants in Germany cheer for Sharia Law's hand chopping & stoning while their women are wearing Burqas.

According to Islam, in the case of theft, the hand is to be chopped off & in the case of adultery “criminals” are stoned “As a Muslim, why should I be ashamed of laws the creator decreed for humanity”

Denial isn't a river in Europe.

If Palestinians believe in their grievances to the point they will strap bombs to themselves to rid the world of Zionists, it really doesn't matter what you deny in your head. It's real to the people who count.

I think you miss the point in your groveling excuses for acts of Islamic terrorism.

What the pallys have is a breeding program that indoctrinates children with a cradle to grave program of glorifying martyrdom and the reward of virgins.

It's a program that presses koranic ideals of Jew hatred, entitlement to lands in perpetuity that have been conquered and / or occupied by islamic invaders.

When you instill a pathology, when you teach your children that a mental disorder fueled by religious fanaticism is a normative part of growing up to die in gee-had, you accomplish nothing but breeding for the purpose of destroying your children.
Denial isn't a river in Europe.

If Palestinians believe in their grievances to the point they will strap bombs to themselves to rid the world of Zionists, it really doesn't matter what you deny in your head. It's real to the people who count.
Either strapped-on or those genuflectors Biden has debauching over the US-Mexican border, the latter's explosions are much more lasting.
I think you miss the point in your groveling excuses for acts of Islamic terrorism.

What the pallys have is a breeding program that indoctrinates children with a cradle to grave program of glorifying martyrdom and the reward of virgins.

It's a program that presses koranic ideals of Jew hatred, entitlement to lands in perpetuity that have been conquered and / or occupied by islamic invaders.

When you instill a pathology, when you teach your children that a mental disorder fueled by religious fanaticism is a normative part of growing up to die in gee-had, you accomplish nothing but breeding for the purpose of destroying your children.
Dangling the bait of 17 sky dakinis masks the pedophiliac violence of this religion.
Between 1947 and 1949, at least 750,000 Palestinians from a 1.9 million population were made refugees beyond the borders of the state.

Zionist forces had taken more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and cities, and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in a series of mass atrocities, including more than 70 massacres.
You might want to review some history. It was the combined Arab armies who crossed the frontier for the purpose of destroying the nascent state of Israel in 1948. In so doing, the Arab armies pushed aside the Arab squatters.

I can't help but notice you use a slogan ("historic Palestine") commonly used among islamic terrorist apologists. What is "historic" about the loosely defined land area you call Palestine?
BIllo, the bigot is pointless.

Here he is talking about ()bama.

Sorry, I withdrew my support for his policies over 6 years ago when it became clear he was a closet neocon.

But you're right, he is a mud baby.
You might want to review some history. It was the combined Arab armies who crossed the frontier for the purpose of destroying the nascent state of Israel in 1948. In so doing, the Arab armies pushed aside the Arab squatters.

I can't help but notice you use a slogan ("historic Palestine") commonly used among islamic terrorist apologists. What is "historic" about the loosely defined land area you call Palestine?
She accuses Netanyahu of not wanting a “ Two State Solution” yet she sees nothing about Abbas not wanting one nor can she show any proposals he made that were rejected
There are also a lot of Israeli rats. Unfortunately they won't be cleaned out along with the Palestinian rats.

It ain't our war.
Does he have a point?
On the top of his head.

There are also a lot of Israeli rats. Unfortunately they won't be cleaned out along with the Palestinian rats.

It ain't our war.
Didn’t realize our Military was on the Ground. I will call CNN, MSNBC ( I meant MSDNC) immediately. Does JOE know we r there? 🇮🇱

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