Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

I don't think so. I think that once the Palestinian people taste freedom from the manipulative branches of radical jihad that have governed their futures for the past five decades they will join the Israelis. In fact there's already a crossborder movement that exists between the two. At that point they will experience real freedom and I wholeheartedly believe that the nation of Israel will support them in that endeavor.
Sad situation for it to be that high of a number.

It is almost 20 years since that terrible day — March 16, 2003 — when they learned their daughter had been killed in southern Gaza, crushed by a 60-tonne D9 bulldozer built by Caterpillar Inc and operated by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Rachel had been part of a group of Palestinian and international activists seeking to halt the destruction of Palestinian property. That day, they they had been acting as human shields to stop the flattening of a home in the Rafah refugee camp occupied by the families of two brothers, Khaled and Samir Nasrallah.

The fact that countless thousands of Palestinians have died in the two decades since then — the majority, Palestinians argue, killed illegally by Israeli forces — sickens Rachel’s parents. They are aware of criticisms that the publicity afforded their daughter’s death was vastly more than when a Palestinian is killed. The two facts help motivate them to continue their work at the foundation they created in their daughter’s name.

Within days, they realised their daughter’s death had set them on a different course. There was no going back. There was no time travel trick to bring back their “magical and caring” child, who had dreamed of being a poet or dancer.

She had been killed, but they had to find a way to keep living, for the sake of their other children — Rachel also had a brother, Chris — for themselves, and for the cause for which Rachel had given her life.

<p>Corrie pictured hours before her death in front of a bulldozer. She and fellow activists were trying to prevent demolition of Palestinian homes</p>
Corrie pictured hours before her death in front of a bulldozer. She and fellow activists were trying to prevent demolition of Palestinian homes

(Video screen grab)
They were part of a club of which nobody seeks membership: parents or relatives of a loved one lost too early, whether through police violence, a school shooting, or else a rare disease the world knows little about. Even back then, they were wary of the oft-touted talk of “achieving closure”. Accountability, perhaps, felt more appropriate — but they are far still from securing that.

This was ordained.

It is almost 20 years since that terrible day

You laugh at the deaths of people.

You are a sociopath, playing on the feelings of normal feeling people.

Muslim Turkey is a genocidal state that ethnically cleansed by forced marching and slaughtering them along the way. They moved millions of Christian Armenians out of their country of Anatolia... into a matchbook rump state. Only tens of thousands of Armenians remained after the ethnic cleansing which was genocidal in nature. Hamas is no different. Isis is no different. Al Shabab is no different, Islamic Jihad is no different. Hezbollah is no different. I could go on and on about all the genocidal Muslim states that brook no diversity.



Hamas is a disgusting military extremist junta using the fundamentalism of Islam to call themselves victims and then attack those who they want to harm.

If Rachael would have been in Israel and captured by Hamas. They would have done the same thing to her that they did to the other women they captured.

^ From that article.

Only if Pakistan were a Jewish state, there would have been a global outcry from anti-Jews Muslims and liberals. Now, it doesn't fit their narrative so who cares about the plight of millions of Afghan refugees?​
^ From that article.

Only if Pakistan were a Jewish state, there would have been a global outcry from anti-Jews Muslims and liberals. Now, it doesn't fit their narrative so who cares about the plight of millions of Afghan refugees?​
They are doing what they want to do. If the person is not a true believer, then they are open to all of the murder, pillage, rape, and sodomizing of others in order to terrorize the religious minorities. They are bound to do such. It is in their law. Even if you pay the Jizya minority tax, you are still open to attack from ANY Muslim.

^ From that article.

Only if Pakistan were a Jewish state, there would have been a global outcry from anti-Jews Muslims and liberals. Now, it doesn't fit their narrative so who cares about the plight of millions of Afghan refugees?​

You are weird.
Are the Afghani refugees Jewish?

Why should they be allowed to remain in Pakistan?
You are so obsessed with Jews and your posts are proof that you are pretty sociopathic and not very bright.

Perfect for the Islamic 'cause'.

You are weird.

Proposed Avatar for Surada:


Olmert presented a comprehensive plan for peace on September 16, 2008. The main elements of Olmert’s proposal were the following:

  • Israel would cede almost 94% of the West Bank for the establishment of a Palestinian state.
  • Israel would retain approximately 6.4% of the West Bank. “All the lands that before 1967 were buffer zones between the two populations would have been split in half. In return there would be a swap of land (to the Palestinians) from Israel as it existed before 1967.” According to Condoleezza Rice, “Olmert gave Abbas cause to believe that he was willing to reduce that number to 5.8 percent.”
  • Sparsely populated settlements would be evacuated, but Gush Etzion, Ma’ale Adumim and Ariel would be annexed by Israel. In exchange, Israel offered to give up area around Afula-Tirat Tzvi, the Lachish region, an area near Har Adar, and areas in the Judean desert and around Gaza equaling 5.8% of Israeli territory.
  • Maintain the contiguity of the Palestinian state and create a safe passage between the West Bank and Gaza. “It would have been a tunnel fully controlled by the Palestinians but not under Palestinian sovereignty, otherwise it would have cut the state of Israel in two.”
  • Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem would be under Jewish sovereignty, Arab neighborhoods would be under Palestinian sovereignty, so it could be the capital of a Palestinian state.
  • No one would have sovereignty in the holy basin in Jerusalem containing sites holy to Jews, Muslims and Christians, including the Mount of Olives, the City of David and part of the Arab neighborhood of Silwan. This area “would be jointly administered by five nations, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Palestinian state, Israel and the United States.”
  • No “right of return” for Palestinian refugees. Israel would agree on a humanitarian basis to accept 1,000 refugees every year for five years “on the basis that this would be the end of conflict and the end of claims.” An effort would also be made to establish an international fund to “compensate Palestinians for their suffering.” The agreement would also include recognition of the suffering of Jews from Arab countries who were forced out of their homes after 1948.
  • Palestine would have a strong police force, “everything needed for law enforcement.” It would have no army or air force.
  • The Palestinian border with Jordan would be patrolled by international forces – possibly from NATO. The Palestinians would not allow any foreign army to enter Palestine, and its government would not be permitted to enter into any military agreement with a country that does not recognize Israel.
  • Israel would retain the right to defend itself beyond the borders of a Palestinian state and to pursue terrorists across the border.
  • Israel would be allowed access to airspace over Palestine, and the Israel Defense Forces would have rights to disproportionate use of the telecommunications spectrum.
The Arabs declined the peace proposal. They will never get another one unless the Palestinians kick out the Hamas and work for a true and lasting peace and not pushing the Jews from the Jordan into the Sea.

As proposed by Egypt's Nasser after Israel declared independence at the UN.

No Hudna's.
Lol take action? What do you want them to do? Israel knows they shouldn't abuse the Palestinians and they do it anyway. You want other Arab countries to get involved? They don't support Hamas or Muslim Brotherhood.
Which Arab state does not promote Hanas propaganda now?
Hamas is as bad as Israel. Bibi Netanyahu wants genocide not peace so Israel may be worse.

The world is is watching and Israel isn't fooling anyone.

Israeli invasion of Lebanon may refer to any of several Israeli military campaigns in Israeli-Lebanese Conflict:

1978 South Lebanon conflict, an invasion of Lebanon up to the Litani River carried out by the Israel Defense Forces

1982 Lebanon War, Israel Defense Forces invasion of southern Lebanon
Operation Accountability, week-long attack by Israeli forces against Lebanon in July 1993

Operation Grapes of Wrath, 1996 Israeli Defense Forces campaign against Lebanon

2006 Lebanon War, a military conflict in Lebanon, northern Israel and the Golan Heights
Hamas launches thousands of rockets killing Israelis, what do you suppose we would do if Canadians or Mexicans were doing that to us?

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