Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Your excuse is being ignorant of history. Since the invention of Islamism, non-Moslems have been relegated to the Dhimmi status.
Only able-bodied men who didn't want to serve in defense of the community.
Only able-bodied men who didn't want to serve in defense of the community.

I can understand your reluctance to acknowledge the fascist tenets of islamist ideology but you can't deny islamist history.

...the dhimmi is obliged not to mention Allah or His Apostle.. .Jews, Christians, and Majians must pay the jizya [poll tax on non-Muslims]...on offering up the jizya, the dhimmi must hang his head while the official takes hold of his beard and hits [the dhimmi] on the protruberant bone beneath his ear [i.e., the mandible]... They are not permitted to ostentatiously display their wine or church bells...their houses may not be higher than the Muslim's, no matter how low that is. The dhimmi may not ride an elegant horse or mule; he may ride a donkey only if the saddle-work is of wood. He may not walk on the good part of the road. They [the dhimmis] have to wear [an identifying] patch [on their clothing], even women, and even in the [public] baths...[dhimmis] must hold their tongue.

Here is a classical description of the jizya -- the basic element of the repressive system of islamit jihad-imposed dhimmitude. I'll point your attention to the author, a seminal islamist jurist, al-Mawardi. In his work entitled The Laws of Islamic Governance, al-Mawardi opined on the regulations pertaining to the infidel populations subjugated by jihad. The infidel "dhimmi" population had to submit to Islamic law, recognize islamist ownership of their land and accept payment of the islamist poll tax (jizya)- (it was a tax paid in lieu of being murdered) - based on Koran 9:29. (Surat At-Tawbah 9 29 - The Noble Quran - ), Al- Mawardi writes:

"The enemy makes a payment in return for peace and reconciliation... Reconciliation and security last as long as the pavment is made. If the payment ceases, then the jihad resumes."
Any apartheid problem in Palestine?

Israelâs Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank

"With the Israeli occupation of the West Bank now entering its 56th year, numerous international and nongovernmental organizations have recently called for renewed attention to Israel’s continued violations of Palestinians’ rights, with many openly accusing Israel of the crime of apartheid."

Just more of your pointless cut and paste 'ethnic cleansing' nonsense,
Any apartheid problem in Palestine?

Israelâs Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank

"With the Israeli occupation of the West Bank now entering its 56th year, numerous international and nongovernmental organizations have recently called for renewed attention to Israel’s continued violations of Palestinians’ rights, with many openly accusing Israel of the crime of apartheid."
They could have had the West Bank in 2008 PLEASE tell us why they chose not to

On Nov. 16, the International Maritime Security Construct, an international group that tries to maintain security in regional waters, issued an advisory to all mariners in the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb trait between Yemen and Djibouti because of the threat, but did not name the Houthis. The advisory warned ships to stay as far away from Yemeni waters as possible and recommended travel at night whenever possible.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Navy’s forces in the region referred a request for comment to the Pentagon.
It's one thing to condemn, but another to take action afterwards... Have they done that yet ????
They're too busy working to remove Israel from the map and are asking for help.

Iran helps.
Quatar helps.
Syrai helps.
Sudan helps.
Pakistan helps.
Jordan helps.
Egypt helps.

The world helps. Yet none of them will take the terrorists in ... and that says all that's necessary. :thup:

For Israel to survive? G-d must help.

The US?

Not so much. They have their own interests in the region and use Israel as a 'trigger' to defend the Muslim reactivation of the 'horde'.
Oct. 7 was a LESSON FOR THE WORLD as to the nature of islam

Hamas is unable to provide water for it's people but has more than enough money to build tunnels and buy rockets, How sickening.

It's one thing to condemn, but another to take action afterwards... Have they done that yet ????

Lol take action? What do you want them to do? Israel knows they shouldn't abuse the Palestinians and they do it anyway. You want other Arab countries to get involved? They don't support Hamas or Muslim Brotherhood.
I’m handling out Candy!! I emptied out the Supermarkets around me so now I have to go out of my way Have to stock up for the future. 🦇 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️✡️✡️

About Billo_Really using propaganda....

Any site that ends with .tr is Turkish - Türkiye: Islamic propaganda (as well as TRT). Turkey Turkiyia. And Qatar (al- Jazeera host) are where Hamas jihado fascists hide.

Sitrs which ends with .ir is of course Islamic Republic of Iran.
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I can understand your reluctance to acknowledge the fascist tenets of islamist ideology but you can't deny islamist history.

...the dhimmi is obliged not to mention Allah or His Apostle.. .Jews, Christians, and Majians must pay the jizya [poll tax on non-Muslims]...on offering up the jizya, the dhimmi must hang his head while the official takes hold of his beard and hits [the dhimmi] on the protruberant bone beneath his ear [i.e., the mandible]... They are not permitted to ostentatiously display their wine or church bells...their houses may not be higher than the Muslim's, no matter how low that is. The dhimmi may not ride an elegant horse or mule; he may ride a donkey only if the saddle-work is of wood. He may not walk on the good part of the road. They [the dhimmis] have to wear [an identifying] patch [on their clothing], even women, and even in the [public] baths...[dhimmis] must hold their tongue.

Here is a classical description of the jizya -- the basic element of the repressive system of islamit jihad-imposed dhimmitude. I'll point your attention to the author, a seminal islamist jurist, al-Mawardi. In his work entitled The Laws of Islamic Governance, al-Mawardi opined on the regulations pertaining to the infidel populations subjugated by jihad. The infidel "dhimmi" population had to submit to Islamic law, recognize islamist ownership of their land and accept payment of the islamist poll tax (jizya)- (it was a tax paid in lieu of being murdered) - based on Koran 9:29. (Surat At-Tawbah 9 29 - The Noble Quran - ), Al- Mawardi writes:

"The enemy makes a payment in return for peace and reconciliation... Reconciliation and security last as long as the pavment is made. If the payment ceases, then the jihad resumes."
Who is the author? I can't see it.
Netanyahu said in his interview last night that they are talking with the families of the massacre victims to release footage to show the world what animals Israel is dealing with. He said it shows the Muslim savages chopping off arms and legs while the Jewish person - even a child - is still alive, and LAUGHING WITH GLEE as they do it.

Netanyahu said that?
Netanyahu said that?
Even if it’s the case, Israel has killed thousands of Palestinian civilians and Israelis also butchered innocent Palestinians.

Jewish supremacy is practiced in Israel, according to the Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein. The Americans who support Israel, either are Jewish supremacists or they don’t know about Israeli gov oppression toward Palestinian Christians and Muslims.

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