Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Gaza was ruled by the Ottoman Empire from the 16th century. After World War I (1914–18) the city and the strip became part of the British mandate of Palestine. Following the first Arab-Israeli war (1948–49), the territory was occupied by Egypt, and the city became that country's headquarters in Palestine.

Encyclopedia Britannica › Gaza-...
Gaza Strip summary - Britannica

Ok, and what does this old history have to do with Hamas and current events ??

The attack on Israel changed the diplomatic situation that could have been, and it brought about all out war with Israel... Not a smart thing, and all of the Arab nations or states should have immediately condemned the attacks, and should have called for Hamas to stand down immediately until an Arab investigation could be conducted by the leadership of the Arab world, and all of their concerns of being represented in such a horrific way, and by such a barbaric group as Hamas has shown itself to be, to then be investigated.
No problem, BIbi and the Zionist Amen corner are working on that last 7%, and then 100% of them will hate you.

Now, what kind of fucking brain disease do the Zionists Squatters have where they want to live next to people who hate you that thoroughly?

No problem. Islamist ideology and Dem / Socialist ideology share much of the same sociopathy.

The Jews were able to do what the Arab-Moslem squatters were never able to accomplish and that is to build a successful, modern civil society. As we see with words and actions from the Islamic terrorists, they are still thoroughly outraged at the ascendency of the kuffar and their outrageous behavior of daring to confront the brutish ideology of Islamism. Islamists have kept this indignant grudge smoldering for 1,300 years.
Israel don't need a nuke, they are doing fine just like they're going. If they don't get fooled into listening to the evil people in the world, the war should be over quickly, and the rats removed from GAZA forever.

Then occupation of GAZA for how ever many year's it takes must come next, and this is to ensure that GAZA never becomes a threat to Israel again. The Israeli flag should fly above GAZA from now on with all other flags flown beneath it. The Palastinian's who supported death to Jews, and supported a government that built up GAZA into a lethal Jew hating, Jew killing territory, has just lost all it's rights to that territory.

YOu think after murdering 12,000 Palestinians, they are going to hate the Jews LESS than they did when this started?
The Jews were able to do what the Arab-Moslem squatters were never able to accomplish and that is to build a successful, modern civil society. As we see with words and actions from the Islamic terrorists, they are still thoroughly outraged at the ascendency of the kuffar and their outrageous behavior of daring to confront the brutish ideology of Islamism. Islamists have kept this indignant grudge smoldering for 1,300 years.

An Apartheid state where half the population has to be repressed isn't civil.
An Apartheid state where half the population has to be repressed isn't civil.
Your cut and paste slogans are silly.

Firstly, apartheid refers to a history of racial discrimination. You don't understand the terms you cut and paste. Is pally now a 'race'?

Tell us about discrimination when Arabs-Moslems are represented in the Israeli Knesset. When you're done with that, tell us about the Israelis represented in Islamic terrorist dictatorships of Gaza'istan and the West Bank.
Look, there is no way after what Hamas done, that you can flip the script or cast the blame on anyone but Hamas and it's supporting citizen's that it governed while building a fortress out of GAZA since 2005.
What happened on Oct. 7th was despicable. But what Israel is doing now is far worse. This is Germany in the 30's all over again. The Pals are the new Jews.
YOu think after murdering 12,000 Palestinians, they are going to hate the Jews LESS than they did when this started?
Israel has murdered no one, but Hamas has definitely got thousands of it's citizens killed, which leads me to believe that GAZA was under a brutal dictatorship or regime that probably was elected by a fraudulent election with an aim to go after Israel once the fortress was completed. What fool's they were to think or rather was led to believe that they could take on such a powerful country like Israel. I bet the GAZAN's have a high respect for Israe's resolve if attacked now.
Your cut and paste slogans are silly.

Firstly, apartheid refers to a history of racial discrimination. You don't understand the terms you cut and paste. Is pally now a 'race'?

Tell us about discrimination when Arabs-Moslems are represented in the Israeli Knesset. When you're done with that, tell us about the Israelis represented in Islamic terrorist dictatorships of Gaza'istan and the West Bank.
Joe uses the same tactics that he uses for the leftist Democrat agenda's that are being conducted in this country, otherwise whenever he is going after the Jews he uses the same tactics he uses against conservatives in this country. All one has to do is read between the lines, and read the parallels found in it all. Quite the eye opener.
Ok, and what does this old history have to do with Hamas and current events ??

The attack on Israel changed the diplomatic situation that could have been, and it brought about all out war with Israel... Not a smart thing, and all of the Arab nations or states should have immediately condemned the attacks, and should have called for Hamas to stand down immediately until an Arab investigation could be conducted by the leadership of the Arab world, and all of their concerns of being represented in such a horrific way, and by such a barbaric group as Hamas has shown itself to be, to then be investigated.
They did condemn the Hamas attack, stupid.
No problem. Islamist ideology and Dem / Socialist ideology share much of the same sociopathy.

The Jews were able to do what the Arab-Moslem squatters were never able to accomplish and that is to build a successful, modern civil society. As we see with words and actions from the Islamic terrorists, they are still thoroughly outraged at the ascendency of the kuffar and their outrageous behavior of daring to confront the brutish ideology of Islamism. Islamists have kept this indignant grudge smoldering for 1,300 years.
So that's your excuse? Jews lived all over the Arab world for 2000 years.. long before Islam. The Jews are just Canaanites like the Palestinians and Phoenicians.

In 1897 Herzl said they wanted a Jewish state and they would have to get rid of the Arab majority.
So that's your excuse? Jews lived all over the Arab world for 2000 years.. long before Islam. The Jews are just Canaanites like the Palestinians and Phoenicians.

In 1897 Herzl said they wanted a Jewish state and they would have to get rid of the Arab majority.

Your excuse is being ignorant of history. Since the invention of Islamism, non-Moslems have been relegated to the Dhimmi status.
I don't think anyone is surprised that the useless UN has gone dark about any criticism of the atrocities committed by the Islamic terrorists.

United Nations slammed for silence over Hamas rapes, mutilation and murder of Israeli women, critics say

Israeli official says she shared documentation with UN groups: 'Silence is so deafening that it's sickening'

Hamas labeled as war criminals now...I recently saw this on the title of a YouTube video. Not sure who labeled them as that, because I haven't took the time to watch the video yet, but I'm sure it must be a world organization who labeled them as that.

If true, then what do you have to say about that Mr. Sympathizer ?
it's true Hamas committed war crimes on October 7th not for the first or last time. All these crimes happen within the legal right Hamas has to violently resist an illegal occupation/blockade perpetrated by Israel.

Israel's war crimes in Palestine predate the existence of Hamas and are far more universal:

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"The Dahiya Doctrine is central to these operations and refers to Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on Lebanon in 2006. Maj. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot said that this would be applied elsewhere:

"What happened in the Dahiya quarter of Beirut in 2006 will happen in every village from which Israel is fired on. […] We will apply disproportionate force on it and cause great damage and destruction there. From our standpoint, these are not civilian villages, they are military bases.
"Israel has kept true to this promise. The 2009 UN Fact-Finding Mission to the Gaza Conflict, better known as the Goldstone Mission, concluded 'from a review of the facts on the ground that it witnessed for itself that what was prescribed as the best strategy [Dahiya Doctrine] appears to have been precisely what was put into practice.'"
There was no stolen land. There was no ethnic cleansing.

Your next cut and paste slogan will be ''genocide". It's all so predictable and repetitive.

The entirety of your posting amounts to cut and paste slogans you dump multiple times across multiple threads.
Any apartheid problem in Palestine?

Israelâs Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank

"With the Israeli occupation of the West Bank now entering its 56th year, numerous international and nongovernmental organizations have recently called for renewed attention to Israel’s continued violations of Palestinians’ rights, with many openly accusing Israel of the crime of apartheid."

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