Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Hamas spent billions of dollars in that labyrinth of tunnels, but who are the ones giving that money to the terrorists?

Meanwhile, civilian Palestinians are in abject poverty.

"The ‘Gaza metro’: The mysterious subterranean tunnel network used by Hamas."

Even if it’s the case, Israel has killed thousands of Palestinian civilians and Israelis also butchered innocent Palestinians.

Jewish supremacy is practiced in Israel, according to the Jewish professor Norman Finkelstein. The Americans who support Israel, either are Jewish supremacists or they don’t know about Israeli gov oppression toward Palestinian Christians and Muslims.

The 2017 charter accepted for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state within the borders that existed before 1967 and rejected recognition of Israel, which it terms as the "Zionist enemy". It advocates such a state as transitional but also advocates the "liberation of all of Palestine".
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Hamas Charter - Wikipedia
The 2017 charter accepted for the first time the idea of a Palestinian state within the borders that existed before 1967 and rejected recognition of Israel, which it terms as the "Zionist enemy". It advocates such a state as transitional but also advocates the "liberation of all of Palestine".
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Hamas Charter - Wikipedia
The idea.

Not even a theory for a virtual state. :doubt: There was no state prior to Israel's independence declaration. It was a dissolved partition.

'The Palestinian Virtual State' means that it does not exist in reality.

"The state of the virtuality that is exchanged between two interacting states with only one having a basis in bounded reality. The state called virtual, is not in the reality state because it lacks boundary."

Which is why the left keeps trying to change Israel's borders by calling for Israel's ending ...


"From the river to the sea."
Some of the armed jihadi Palestinian savages "freedom fighting butchers)

in (civilians clothes) dragging innocent Israeli civilians into Al Shifa hospital on Oct 7, 2023

( Surveillance footage from the hospital)




Using hospital al Shifa for Jihad terrorist crimes:


Some of the armed jihadi Palestinian savages "freedom fighting butchers)

in (civilians clothes) dragging innocent Israeli civilians into Al Shifa hospital on Oct 7, 2023

( Surveillance footage from the hospital)

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Using hospital al Shifa for Jihad terrorist crimes:

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Whatever world you think you’re living in there are examples going back to 75 years of Palestinians being killed, butchered by Israeli settlers and being treated like absolute garbage. Effectively treated like slaves by Israeli government officials.

With all the checkpoints in the Settler territories, the cages that Palestinians have to go through on a daily basis this is an insult to their dignity. And it is an atrocity. People like you unless you are part of the Israeli military apparatus should understand this, and have some sympathy towards a Palestinians. Because America and other civilized countries, don’t operate like the Israeli government does.

That’s why professor Norman Finkelstein, and other Jewish advocates, have described Palestinian conditions as akin to living in a concentration camp of a ghetto , being treated like slaves.

Any image or report you can come up with is hailing in comparison to the amount of crimes committed by the Israeli government and Jewish settlers against Palestinians. Numbers wise that is.

It's not punishment. It's the reality of the rejection. The truth of what they did by rejecting Israel and the state allotted to them, and attacking the now real and declared state ... with the help of the other Arab states was their downfall, and not Israel's.

P x P
  • En passant.
The state allotted to the Arabs? In Yellow.


But they refused.

The state of the declaration of Israel brought about all the Arab wars against Israel.
Here's what going to happen.

The IDF will flop around Gaza for a few months committing attrocities
The Palestinians will hate the Zionists even more.
The world will lose any sympathy for Israel.

I don't think so. I think that once the Palestinian people taste freedom from the manipulative branches of radical jihad that have governed their futures for the past five decades they will join the Israelis. In fact there's already a crossborder movement that exists between the two. At that point they will experience real freedom and I wholeheartedly believe that the nation of Israel will support them in that endeavor.
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I wholeheartedly believe that the nation of Israel will support them in that endeavor.

We are ever so willing.



But no hudnas: Either peace or war.

And not in extremist Islamic terms: EIther submission or war.
We are ever so willing.

But no hudnas: Either peace or war.

And not in extremist Islamic terms: EIther submission or war.
I don't live in that area of the world. My immediate forbears come from Beirut ; However from what I have observed there is definitely a willingness on the part of the Palestinian people to live peaceably with the nation of Israel. Additionally what I have observed is that the rest of the Arab world forbids the Palestinians to make peace with Israel. I am of the opinion that religion is the culprit here Not geography or territory. This most recent conflict would seem to have been fueled by the progress being made between Saudi Arabia and Israel something that would be very bad for Iran.
Additionally what I have observed is that the rest of the Arab world forbids the Palestinians to make peace with Israel.

It's the left that created this dichotomy, not religion. The Arabs said that the Palestinian partition was Southern Syria.

The left, well they run funds to Abbas and there's a line between Fatah and Hamas that needs to be taken to task as well.

That being said, it may well take generations to clear up the childhood terrorist indoctrination.

It's the left that created this dichotomy, not religion. The Arabs said that the Palestinian partition was Southern Syria.

The left, well they run funds to Abbas and there's a line between Fatah and Hamas that needs to be taken to task as well.

That being said, it may well take generations to clear up the childhood terrorist indoctrination.

Why does the UN not see that as a crime against children? Absolutely disgusting and horrifying but definitely in line with the American left.
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Why does the UN not see that as a crime against children? Absolutely disgusting and horrifying.
But definitely in line with the American left.
Because the UN is a ponzi scheme first, and those there are there to make $$$. There's more stock manipulation and war sales at the UN than there is peace work.

The left love abortion and killing children so they use the fact that the West loves their women and children and put them first in terms of safety. Arabs have seen this and apply it. That being said, children do not vote or pay taxes so they are of little concern to the Islamic Jihad, Isis, Hezbollah and Hamas.

So, these terrorists pointedly attack Israeli women and children... first.
Lol take action? What do you want them to do? Israel knows they shouldn't abuse the Palestinians and they do it anyway. You want other Arab countries to get involved? They don't support Hamas or Muslim Brotherhood.
So other Arab nation's are complicit in what Hamas did on that day ??? Must be or they would be on TV calling for Hamas to stop immediately their warring in the region, and they would be highly active themselves in trying to negotiate a peace deal in the situation.

Maybe they secretly don't like Hamas, and so it is that they are enjoying it's destruction, who knows ?? Funny how the world can stand together when it comes to Ukraine, but Arab States or nations are found divided and hating on one another to the point of one or more of their owns eventual collapse.
I'm good with the ending of Hamas and all the other Islamic terrorist regimes, militias, and virtual states.


Worldwide terrorism.

Cameroon knows its terrorists. They don't believe the lies like the terrorists and their sociopathic supporters want us to naively believe. :thup:

Some of the armed jihadi Palestinian savages "freedom fighting butchers)

in (civilians clothes) dragging innocent Israeli civilians into Al Shifa hospital on Oct 7, 2023

( Surveillance footage from the hospital)

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View attachment 861088

Using hospital al Shifa for Jihad terrorist crimes:

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This stuff Israel is finding out, is putting the lying apologist who are now complicit in war crimes to shame. How can any apologist here, continue to post their excuses and support for Hamas or even hold their heads up after being made into complete apologizing excuse making liars by these savages ????

See, there is a difference in which determines right from wrong in life, and thank God I get it naturally, but for those apologist here that knows the evil that Hamas is, and yet stands up for them with excuse after excuse, uhhhhh is about as disgusting as one can imagine them to be.

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