Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Not when my people are under attack
Palestinian people are much worse off. It’s been over 10,000 Palestinians killed.

Israeli people are wondering if October 7 was a false flag. That rogue elements of the IDF allow the attack to happen. Furthermore, there have been Israeli people who have said that when the IDF finally responded on oct 7 they were just shooting at all sorts of people indiscriminately, and a lot of the Israelis, who were killed initially, may have been due to friendly fire from the IDF.

And by the way, America’s not an anti-Semitic country. It’s also not a racist country against blacks or whites. The great majority of Americans are friendly, good people.
The point is that you post unproven bullshit.

And you’re a proven bigot.
OK show one post where that poster said Jews in general are evil or something like that. You can’t. So you’re better than this and what you’re saying is below you. There are way more anti-catholic posters on this site.

I don’t think there’s one single anti-Jewish poster. I can prove it to you there was a thread which asked people which group holds the most hatred not a single person voted for Jews, and like 15 or 20 people voted for Muslims, other people voted for white people or Black people again not a single person voted for Jews. So this whole antisemitic thing is disgraceful is getting out of control, the amount of whining and crying babies that support Israel.
America uses Israel as a trigger in the event of another Muslim Horde revival.

They have many bases, nuclear silos, submarine docking and fighter docking. The Americans can even fly the B2's into Israel and resupply. This is very important since Turkey stopped their supplying and now kill Kurds and Syrians with applomb.
Tell us what you think about Muslims in general. And then if the answer is negative one, you lose all credibility. when you try and claim somebody’s anti-Jewish, it looks ridiculous.
The problem with countries like France and Britain, even Belgium, is the sort of moral responsibility they have for colonising Africa.
What refugee's was France having a problem with not so long ago ? Was it the Muslims ? I can't remember, but I remember them having a rape problem, and when the perps were confronted with it, well they claimed that it was a belief in their county of origin or something like that. France had to do some kind of re-education plan or something.
Tell us what you think about Muslims in general. And then if the answer is negative one, you lose all credibility. when you try and claim somebody’s anti-Jewish, it looks ridiculous.
You are not an us.

You look ridiculous with your failed attempt to couch yourself with a "We" that is not existent.
OK show one post where that poster said Jews in general are evil or something like that. You can’t. So you’re better than this and what you’re saying is below you. There are way more anti-catholic posters on this site.

You need to research for yourself. Idiot that you are.

I don’t think there’s one single anti-Jewish poster. I can prove it to you there was a thread which asked people which group holds the most hatred not a single person voted for Jews, and like 15 or 20 people voted for Muslims, other people voted for white people or Black people again not a single person voted for Jews. So this whole antisemitic thing is disgraceful is getting out of control, the amount of whining and crying babies that support Israel.

I agree, you don't think. Not very well at the least.
Ohhhhh., So it should be “ proportional?” DON’T THINK SO !!!
Exactly, the knucklehead loves the status quo undoubtedly, otherwise Hamas kills and kidnaps the people of Israel, and this cat blames Israel for retaliating to strong. ???? Doesn't he understand that Hamas must be eliminated in total now ???
Exactly, the knucklehead loves the status quo undoubtedly, otherwise Hamas kills and kidnaps the people of Israel, and this cat blames Israel for retaliating to strong. ???? Doesn't he understand that Hamas must be eliminated in total now ???
He appreciates what Hamas and the extremist Muslims are doing in the West.

He wants what is happening to Israel to happen to the US.

Small satan first, big satan last.

While this is going on, the USA and Israeli Special forces should be assassinating Iranian generals. Make it entertaining and mix it up. Bathtub drowning, poison liquor, "suicide", car crash, plane crash, etc.
Until the mullah regime is subjected to some serious pain, Hamas, the Hizballah, PIJ, and others will continue to be a major threat. IF we find ourselves at war with Iran, folks on mainstreet better begin to go strapped because there is no way we don't have cell structures all over the country, now.
He appreciates what Hamas and the extremist Muslims are doing in the West.

He wants what is happening to Israel to happen to the US.

Small satan first, big satan last.
Worse still, the demons in Iran know that they're unlikely to have a better chance to strike us than now.
Instead of writing about unconfirmed muck , why not substitute
Here is some likely garbage from that UK rag The Sun .

What do you really expect Palestinians to do when they are starving , thirsty , and ill?

What a rubbish OP from someone who is such an over-the -top racist that it is thoroughly distasteful .
Why didn't Hamas share??

Worse still, the demons in Iran know that they're unlikely to have a better chance to strike us than now.

They would so regret that.

They attack US bases in Syria but stop short with their missiles doing nothing more than damage outside of the bases. Iran has told Hezbollah to stay out of the Hamas mess and to do no more than talk since they (a terrorist organization) have a foothold in Lebanon and Iran does not want that undone.

Why didn't Hamas share??


And for some reason, money is not coming their way this time. :thup:

And not a word about Hamas fault? Assuming their numbers are even correct.
Nice screen name. Ronald Reagan’s favorite president of all time was FDR. That was the first president he voted for. He spoke fondly of him at the Fdr presidential library.

I’ve made tons of post on this issue and I do not agree with Hamas…. But to your point, Israel is one of the most monitored areas if not the most monitored area in the world. Conservatives like Charlie Kirk suggested a stand down order by the IDF may have been given to allow the October 7 attack to occur, perhaps for political reasons. Netanyahu was in deep trouble before oct 7.

Historically Palestine resistance has been secular and inclusive of Christians like George Habash.

Hamas has killed civilians, Israel has killed way way more civilians. So that’s just a fact that is a non-biased pro American, pro Christian insight into the very issue at hand. The Israeli government practices jewish supremacy against Christians and Muslims in the holy land. People can support Israel if they want to. It’s up to them but I’m not gonna support that.

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