Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Says it all:


Maybe MisterBeale has something to say about all of this?

He's starting to let his real feelings out in the Badlands.

Maybe he will give his view here as well. If he has the stones?
^It's all he has.

Quote by Ahmed.
Please don’t show the hateful lady in hijab. She’s obviously grown up watching Palestinian Children’s TV which teaches and orchestrates children to grow into psychopaths on a path to commit atrocities. The children are innocent until they reach the young age to action the violence they have been taught. Please show the public these videos.
All cut from the same cloth.

The stop oil mob, Covid...

What has happened? :eek:

"The smallest one will become a thousand, And the least one a mighty nation. I, the Lord, will bring it about quickly in its time.”

Quickly in its time?

That says it all.
Exactly, the knucklehead loves the status quo undoubtedly, otherwise Hamas kills and kidnaps the people of Israel, and this cat blames Israel for retaliating to strong. ???? Doesn't he understand that Hamas must be eliminated in total now ???

You can see why Bibi has always supported Hamas while the Arabs consider them terrorists.
You can see why Bibi has always supported Hamas while the Arabs consider them terrorists.
So, you don't support Hamas anymore.

And you use this stupidity to extract yourself from that support.

That's a pure out and out fail.
Iran isn't going to strike us.
Iran has attacked Americans before.


You are a supporter of terrorism. Hopefully, all you do is talk.
Talk? Is that what that unintelligible babble is?


But it is better than her actually supporting terrorism outright via funds and action.
Gaza. A mosque. And what did the IDF find there? Nothing but a weapon cache used by Hamas to try to kill Jews while waiting for the response in order to use their own people as human shields as per Ismael Hanaya the leader of Hamas who has been ejected from Turkey today.

Tunnels in their Hospitals. Schools. Mosques. Tunnels and weapons. While the people they are supposed to take care of are living in poverty.

Hamas hid behind them all. Israel has been telling the world about this for years .

While the Western media and Hamas denied it. Now we can all see the truth.

DouchebloggerTM Richard Silverstein, who is busier than ever blogging, tweeting, and barking against the Jewish state, has discovered admitted that many of his allies hate Jews:

View attachment 861672

We never should have converted the Amalekites, married into the Idumeans, etc. We were advised not to and by G-d, but... :dunno:


The tide shall turn. The Dept. of Education will be turned into a stub and the states will, once again, take control of the education of the states' people.
Iran has attacked Americans before.


You are a supporter of terrorism. Hopefully, all you do is talk.

Israel attacked the USS Liberty...and the Lavon Affair threw a monkey wrench in the gears. Lavon Affair, a failed Israeli covert operation directed against Egypt in 1954, triggered a chain of events that have had profound consequences for power relationships in the Middle East; the affair’s effects still reverberate today.

Those events included a public trial and conviction of eight Egyptian Jews who carried out the covert operation, two of whom were subsequently executed; a retaliatory military incursion by Israel into Gaza that killed 39 Egyptians; a subsequent Egyptian–Soviet arms deal that angered American and British leaders, who then withdrew previously pledged support for the building of the Aswan Dam; the announced nationalization of the Suez Canal by Nasser in retaliation for the withdrawn support; and the subsequent failed invasion of Egypt by Israel, France, and Britain in an attempt to topple Nasser.

In the wake of that failed invasion, France expanded and accelerated its ongoing nuclear cooperation with Israel, which eventually enabled the Jewish state to build nuclear weapons.

Some interesting bits in here.

I have to dash off now.
Israel attacked the USS Liberty...and the Lavon Affair threw a monkey wrench in the gears. Lavon Affair, a failed Israeli covert operation directed against Egypt in 1954, triggered a chain of events that have had profound consequences for power relationships in the Middle East; the affair’s effects still reverberate today.

Those events included a public trial and conviction of eight Egyptian Jews who carried out the covert operation, two of whom were subsequently executed; a retaliatory military incursion by Israel into Gaza that killed 39 Egyptians; a subsequent Egyptian–Soviet arms deal that angered American and British leaders, who then withdrew previously pledged support for the building of the Aswan Dam; the announced nationalization of the Suez Canal by Nasser in retaliation for the withdrawn support; and the subsequent failed invasion of Egypt by Israel, France, and Britain in an attempt to topple Nasser.

In the wake of that failed invasion, France expanded and accelerated its ongoing nuclear cooperation with Israel, which eventually enabled the Jewish state to build nuclear weapons.
It was an accident and Israel apologized. These things happen in the fog of war and it was/is a war. :thup:

That being said.

When Iran attacked the US embassy?

When their proxy Hezbollah attacked and slaughtered the Marines in Lebanon? They're at it again and what comes, they will not like.

You are a failure from word one and it's time to ravel up the unraveled....
Palestinian people are much worse off. It’s been over 10,000 Palestinians killed.

Israeli people are wondering if October 7 was a false flag. That rogue elements of the IDF allow the attack to happen. Furthermore, there have been Israeli people who have said that when the IDF finally responded on oct 7 they were just shooting at all sorts of people indiscriminately, and a lot of the Israelis, who were killed initially, may have been due to friendly fire from the IDF.

And by the way, America’s not an anti-Semitic country. It’s also not a racist country against blacks or whites. The great majority of Americans are friendly, good people.
There are 1.9bn Muslims. 10k is nothing

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