Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Israel has to give back all the land they stole.
They have to evacuate Jerusalem and the West Bank, and allow the right of return to all the Palestinians who own most of Israel.

Israel started the violence in 1948, blowing up the King David Hote, gunning down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, so that Menachim Begin could start wiping out hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
You're beating your head against a brick wall. Israel isn't going anywhere. You're not dealing with reality.
What "Free Palestine" means...

Demanding exclusive Arab domination over the entire
Middle East, North Africa and then some... is not Arab imperialism?

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David Atherton

Islamic cleric: "we must declare that Palestine from the river to the sea is an Islamic land. That Al-Andalusia (Spain) is also the land of Islam."Muslims will also "conquer Rome like Constantinople" (Istanbul) & rule the world as Mohammed said. Do not expect any mercy.

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Nov 13, 2023
It was always about anti Jewish genocide, ethnic cleansing.
Yup. They’ve wiped the Jews out of 99% of the Middle East, but that’s not enough for them. They want Israel gone too, and the ENTIRE region completely Judenfree.

And I’m sure you’ve noticed that they’re working their genocidal plans here in the U.S. as well, as the Muslims and their liberal enablers shout
“Death to Jews!” Unbelievably, the liberal Ivy presidents refuse to condemn it. And that’s because the Arabs have the liberal universities bought and paid for.

With each new Muslim imported here, we get one step closer to another Holocaust. And the Left is letting it happen.
Yup. They’ve wiped the Jews out of 99% of the Middle East, but that’s not enough for them. They want Israel gone too, and the ENTIRE region completely Judenfree.

And I’m sure you’ve noticed that they’re working their genocidal plans here in the U.S. as well, as the Muslims and their liberal enablers shout
“Death to Jews!” Unbelievably, the liberal Ivy presidents refuse to condemn it. And that’s because the Arabs have the liberal universities bought and paid for.

With each new Muslim imported here, we get one step closer to another Holocaust. And the Left is letting it happen.
Not sure if you noticed, but back in the 80s a lot of blacks started switching to the Muslim or Islamic religions in America. Why ?

They began to change their names to Muslim names, especially if they were big sport's stars, and on the big platforms for high exposure on what they were doing and representing once converted.

Whenever you have a group or individual that feels like it's struggling, and struggling badly to get ahead, and you have these activist or leaders of certain groups and/or religions (as in the case of these islamist or Muslims), then these islamists and Muslims will seek out or rather they will smell weakness or vulnerability in these struggling people who want to identify with anything they think is stronger than their enemies are in their mind.

The groups quickly try to add them to the roster of their group, and that in turn makes them a part of what that group represents, and if it represents what they hate outwardly also, then that's even better in their minds.

Now we've had peace in all of this stuff for the most part, because religions have been peaceful in America, but as more and more of these foreign actors gain more and more notoriety and access, then there's more of a possible powder keg that it could become if not monitored correctly. We've seen some of these things getting out of hand in the past, so we must be diligent as a nation in order to keep the peace by keeping the violent one's out of the influencing arena and game, and do so through trait recognition, and through quick character reviews way before it's too late.

Nothing wrong with joining religions or group's, just as long as those groups and religions have one goal, and that is to blend together while keeping it peaceful for all.
The. New Persian Empire
Hey, just because it's 2023 doesn't mean that empires aren't still being sought after. Look at the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians, and the Arabs in general. All after their magical lucky stars/kingdom's.
So the tunnel flooding is flushing out the rats ? Now isn't that special... 😂.

No it's rather outstanding, and I knew it would work, and that's one thing the Hamas savages didn't figure into their little hide and seek game or plans. I bet they are coming out of them holes like a bunch of mad ground bees... That's alright though, because the IDF exterminators knows how to handle those ground Bee's nest.
The UN can go straight to HELL with it's antisemitism and silence on war crimes committed by HAMAS... On October the 7th, the UN should have immediately released a statement condemning Hamas in the strongest of terms, and with an even stronger demand it should have released a statement that HAMAS must give up all the hostages with no further harm done or it will be abandoned and left to it's own devices in which it has since brought upon itself.

Otherwise it is to say that the UN will not be involved in the actions taken by Israel in gaining a complete surrender of Hamas under the extreme circumstances.

IF the UN wants to play games, then the U.S. should immediately remove the UN from The United States territory. IMMEDIATELY!!!!
Might not be a point that you think is relevant boy, but it is a point that the GAZAN'S and their leadership in GAZA see as a very important point, because they made themselves the deadliest enemies of Israel without any more doubt on October the 7th, 2023.

And listen brat boy, if you can't debate like you got some kind of decency or sense about yourself, then go find you a group of like minded trash that might think that you are so cool and down wid it. No one here is fooled by your idiocy.
He’s a ASSHOLE ! When Israel started to evacuate Gaza the Rockets STILL continued, increased IMMEDIATELY after and with Hamas in pledging Israel’s destruction they built the blockade
The UN can go straight to HELL with it's antisemitism and silence on war crimes committed by HAMAS... On October the 7th, the UN should have immediately released a statement condemning Hamas in the strongest of terms, and with an even stronger demand it should have released a statement that HAMAS must give up all the hostages with no further harm done or it will be abandoned and left to it's own devices in which it has since brought upon itself.

Otherwise it is to say that the UN will not be involved in the actions taken by Israel in gaining a complete surrender of Hamas under the extreme circumstances.

IF the UN wants to play games, then the U.S. should immediately remove the UN from The United States of America territory
He’s a ASSHOLE ! When Israel started to evacuate Gaza the Rockets STILL continued, increased IMMEDIATELY after and with Hamas in pledging Israel’s destruction they built the blockade
He's a sympathizer..

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