Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

If all is true, then you are exactly right. Obama is running this place again.

Biden is so compromised that he has just held the seat for the ones who are truly running thing's. What a shame it all is.
I think you meant “sham.”
Sure. I didn't mean to imply that they were all human shields. Just that when Hamas does used human shields, they bear the responsibility for those deaths.

Additionally, Hamas bears all the responsibility for this current conflict, as they instigated it.
Most are human shields
Most are human shields
They were made human shields by Hamas when it decided to utilize GAZA in the way that it did. Poor Palestinian's have no clue how they've been made sacrificee's for the cause without their permissions involved.
So you think that a foolish attack against Americans on that terrible day of 9-11, otherwise by a bunch of savages (yet turned out to be trusted infiltrators), who caught us with our guard down on that day, was somehow going to cast fear into us so much so that we would surrender to the perpetrators who did that attack immediately there afterwards ???


My post was an accurate description of reality, beagle.

Post after post you preach violence against the palestinian people as a way to force them to renounce to their homeland and resign themselves to the ethnic enclaves assigned to them by the jewish racial dictatorship echoing America's past as a white racial dictatorship and her treatment of native americans.

The american citizens who like you rejoice at the sight of a supremacist state bombing the native people of Palestine are the same american citizens who cry like little babies when people like Mohamed Atta, who harbored a deep resentment towards Israel's treatment of Palestinians, knock down a couple of buildings in Manhattan.

The average super patriotic american clown is so intellectually challenged he can't even realize that in 9/11 he and his nation reaped what they sowed.

On that beautiful, sunny morning in NY, 30 years of US military hardware murdering the palestinian people came back to haunt America, like a boomerang that makes a full circle and hits its thrower in the head.
There are unconfirmed reports of Palestinians looting abandoned Hamas headquarters

No one ever attacked Israel.
Israel has been murdering since Menachim Begin blew up the King David Hotel in 1948, in order to make the British peace keepers leave, so that he could start wiping out native villages.
What Hamas is doing is much justified retaliation, to act as a deterrent.
The 7 million illegal immigrant Israelis are illegally occupying 85% of Palestine, which natives legally own 100% of.
But the native Palestinians are illegally being blockaded into only 15% of their land by the US armed Israelis.
Sure. I didn't mean to imply that they were all human shields. Just that when Hamas does used human shields, they bear the responsibility for those deaths.

Additionally, Hamas bears all the responsibility for this current conflict, as they instigated it.

Israel has to give back all the land they stole.
They have to evacuate Jerusalem and the West Bank, and allow the right of return to all the Palestinians who own most of Israel.

Israel started the violence in 1948, blowing up the King David Hote, gunning down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, so that Menachim Begin could start wiping out hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
It's you who's put the number of Gazans, to be sacrificed for "Free Palestine"...

How many more will you sacrifice for Arab imperialism?

It can't be "imperialism" for Arabs to try to get back their homes that were stolen by Israel.
Israel is over 95% illegal immigrants who are not even supposed to be there.
And none of them ever paid for any of the properties they occupy.
They were all owned by Palestinians who were illegally evicted.
So you think that a foolish attack against Americans on that terrible day of 9-11, otherwise by a bunch of savages (yet turned out to be trusted infiltrators), who caught us with our guard down on that day, was somehow going to cast fear into us so much so that we would surrender to the perpetrators who did that attack immediately there afterwards ???


My post was an accurate description of reality, beagle.

Post after post you preach violence against the palestinian people as a way to force them to renounce to their homeland and resign themselves to the ethnic enclaves assigned to them by the jewish racial dictatorship echoing America's past as a white racial dictatorship and her treatment of native americans.

The american citizens who like you rejoice at the sight of a supremacist state bombing the native people of Palestine are the same american citizens who cry like little babies when people like Mohamed Atta, who harbored a deep resentment towards Israel's treatment of Palestinians, knock down a couple of buildings in Manhattan.

The average super patriotic american clown is so intellectually challenged he can't even realize that in 9/11 he and his nation reaped what they sowed.

On that beautiful, sunny morning in NY, 30 years of US military hardware murdering the palestinian people came back to haunt America, like a boomerang that makes a full circle and hits its thrower in the head.
Are you in the US ? Because if you are the FBI or possibly other national security offices might want to be aware of you. You are speaking in a sense to say that 9-11 was justified, and in that same sense you are saying that October 7th might be justified in your mind as well. I'm ok at math, and the equation puts you as an Anti-American who justifies death and destruction towards the American people, and towards the people of Israel. Wow.... Interesting 🤔

Then you get a like from this Rigby character also, otherwise agreeing with you. Now isn't that special.
It can't be "imperialism" for Arabs to try to get back their homes that were stolen by Israel.
Israel is over 95% illegal immigrants who are not even supposed to be there.
And none of them ever paid for any of the properties they occupy.
They were all owned by Palestinians who were illegally evicted.
Best do a complete history check up, because I'm thinking that you are cherry picking the issue for certain outcomes maybe.
Israel has to give back all the land they stole.
They have to evacuate Jerusalem and the West Bank, and allow the right of return to all the Palestinians who own most of Israel.

Israel started the violence in 1948, blowing up the King David Hote, gunning down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, so that Menachim Begin could start wiping out hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
All violence started without the Jews being provoked eh ?? Didn't the world panel agree in 1948 that Israel would become once again the place where the Jews were to return too, and that would be their home after the Holocaust ???? Ok, so what gave the world panel the right to send the Jews back to their historical home place after world war two and the Holocaust ???

Did the Jews in 1948, otherwise just 3 years after them being rescued from the Nazis, have any say as to where they would go in the world afterwards or was Israel appointed on to them by a world body that voted on where they were to go in 1948 ???
Israel has to give back all the land they stole.
They have to evacuate Jerusalem and the West Bank, and allow the right of return to all the Palestinians who own most of Israel.

Israel started the violence in 1948, blowing up the King David Hote, gunning down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, so that Menachim Begin could start wiping out hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
The Jewish people are the indigenous peoples of that land. They have existed on that land since the moment of their existence. They have no other homeland, only diaspora. So, define, exactly, what land Israel "stole", as opposed to the land that the Jewish people have a claim to. Define which people, exactly, have a "right to return" and to where.
No one ever attacked Israel.
Israel has been murdering since Menachim Begin blew up the King David Hotel in 1948, in order to make the British peace keepers leave, so that he could start wiping out native villages.
What Hamas is doing is much justified retaliation, to act as a deterrent.
The 7 million illegal immigrant Israelis are illegally occupying 85% of Palestine, which natives legally own 100% of.
But the native Palestinians are illegally being blockaded into only 15% of their land by the US armed Israelis.
Another antisemite living on American soil eh ? This is amazing to me. How did y'all get here after world war two, because last I remember we helped rescue the Jewish people from the Nazis, and we were also involved in helping the Jewish people after world war two. So how, with your anti-American views did you end up living freely among Americans with views such as your's if you are here in America ???

No one hates the Palastinian's, but most hate what the Palastinian's chose (if they chose freely), in a government that militarized the strip in order to bring war and destruction to Israel on a constant basis. Israel and it's modernized people were actually a big supporter of those Palastinian's who went to work in Israel, and chose to intermingle with the Israeli's in peace. The stories of peace between the Palastinian's and Israeli's are many, but in the fog of war they are lost. The world must push for peace in regards to the two who are enemies fighting against one another now. It's the only way out of it.
So you think that a foolish attack against Americans on that terrible day of 9-11, otherwise by a bunch of savages (yet turned out to be trusted infiltrators), who caught us with our guard down on that day, was somehow going to cast fear into us so much so that we would surrender to the perpetrators who did that attack immediately there afterwards ???


My post was an accurate description of reality, beagle.

Post after post you preach violence against the palestinian people as a way to force them to renounce to their homeland and resign themselves to the ethnic enclaves assigned to them by the jewish racial dictatorship echoing America's past as a white racial dictatorship and her treatment of native americans.

The american citizens who like you rejoice at the sight of a supremacist state bombing the native people of Palestine are the same american citizens who cry like little babies when people like Mohamed Atta, who harbored a deep resentment towards Israel's treatment of Palestinians, knock down a couple of buildings in Manhattan.

The average super patriotic american clown is so intellectually challenged he can't even realize that in 9/11 he and his nation reaped what they sowed.

On that beautiful, sunny morning in NY, 30 years of US military hardware murdering the palestinian people came back to haunt America, like a boomerang that makes a full circle and hits its thrower in the head.
^^^ Another one justifying the subhuman behavior of Muslim terrorists.
It can't be "imperialism" for Arabs to try to get back their homes that were stolen by Israel.
Israel is over 95% illegal immigrants who are not even supposed to be there.
And none of them ever paid for any of the properties they occupy.
They were all owned by Palestinians who were illegally evicted.
^^^ You know how one can tell this type of condemnation is driven by antisemitism? Double standards.

Where is his condemnation of all the Arab countries that drove nearly 1 million Jews from their homes, stealing their property? Or what about all the expulsions of Jews from before that? Never a mention.

Nope. Everyone can drive out the Jews for thousands of years, but when the Jews capture territory when the Arab countries instigated a war, THEN it’s a problem.

This forum is FULL of Jew-haters. They now have an excuse to scream it from the hilltops. Disgusting.
It can't be "imperialism" for Arabs to try to get back their homes that were stolen by Israel.
Israel is over 95% illegal immigrants who are not even supposed to be there.
And none of them ever paid for any of the properties they occupy.
They were all owned by Palestinians who were illegally evicted.

What "Free Palestine" means...

Demanding exclusive Arab domination over the entire
Middle East, North Africa and then some... is not Arab imperialism?

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