Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Battlefield logistics is a nightmare in GAZA, otherwise making it a challenge for conducting any type of pin prick warfare. The Palastinian's should have thought about this when they assisted Hamas in unleashing the worldwind against itself. Not so giddy about screaming death to Israel or America anymore are they ? You reep what you sew.
Battlefield…lol. You think this is war. lol. What a dumb dick. Kids getting massacred and you think it’s a battle. Jesus!
Battlefield…lol. You think this is war. lol. What a dumb dick. Kids getting massacred and you think it’s a battle. Jesus!
Yeah, make sure you keep the word KIDS in every post now, you know for dramatic effect and all that. My post still stands, and GAZA is reeping the worldwind for what they've done or allowed to take place on October the 7th, and even before that in the building up to this final war in result of.

Yep it's a battlefield, and if you have a better description of a battlefield, then please go back in history and present us with one that didn't involved calateral damage to the civilian population, otherwise in which was caused due to fighters mixing into the population to use them for human shields. Funny how those weapons caches blow with dramatic effects once located in let's say not your typical battlefield locations eh ????
Yeah, make sure you keep the word KIDS in every post now, you know for dramatic effect and all that. My post still stands, and GAZA is reeping the worldwind for what they've done or allowed to take place on October the 7th, and even before that in the building up to this final war in result of.

Yep it's a battlefield, and if you have a better description of a battlefield, then please go back in history and present us with one that didn't involved calateral damage to the civilian population, otherwise in which was caused due to fighters mixing into the population to use them for human shields. Funny how those weapons caches blow with dramatic effects once located in let's say not your typical battlefield locations eh ????

Thousands of children have been murdered on purpose and you discount it. Stop accepting the lies. Think for yourself. Don’t allow the lying establishment to do your thinking.


❌ LIE: "Hamas started the war on October 7."

✔️ TRUTH: The conflict goes back to 1948, when the settler-colonial state of Israel forcibly evicted more than half the Palestinian population, a violent process which continues to this day.

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❌LIE: "There was a ceasefire on October 7."

✔️ TRUTH: For the occupied Palestinian people, there is never a ceasefire. Israel has been systematically brutalizing Palestinians for decades, killing more than 6,000 — including many children — in the 15 years prior to October 7, 2023.

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❌ LIE: "Palestinians use children as human shields."

✔️ TRUTH: This is propaganda to further dehumanize and blame the victim. Not only has the horrifying scale of Israel's assault (40% of Gaza housing damaged or destroyed) long ago obliterated the specious 'human shields' defense, Israel itself has been accused of using human shields.

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❌ LIE: "Hamas is responsible for all civilian deaths."

✔️ TRUTH: This is the abuser telling their abused, "stop hitting yourself." Israel is 100% responsible for the thousands of tons of bombs they've dropped on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, purposely targeting schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, refugee camps, and residential areas.

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❌ LIE: "Once Hamas surrenders, the violence ends."

✔️ TRUTH: Israel has been killing, wounding, terrorizing, and imprisoning Palestinians in the West Bank, where Hamas is not in control. And Israel's occupation of Palestine is a form of continuing violence.

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❌ LIE: "This is war, people die."

✔️ TRUTH: This is Israel's mass slaughter and collective punishment of Palestinian civilians in an occupied territory using sophisticated weaponry to wreak maximum damage — quintessential war crimes. Condemning Hamas's targeting of civilians on 10/7 in no way absolves Israel for these atrocities.

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❌ LIE: "Hamas is the one holding hostages."

✔️ TRUTH: All hostages should be released, and Israel must release the thousands of Palestinian minors and activists they've arbitrarily jailed, held without legal recourse or charges, and tortured.

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❌ LIE: "What Israel is doing is not genocide."

✔️ TRUTH: Israeli officials themselves have openly expressed genocidal intent, and Israel is systematically attempting to eradicate Palestinians in Gaza by making conditions unlivable. Israel's gruesome actions, including killing babies, cutting off basic supplies, and mass bombardment of homes fit the clear definition of genocide.

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❌ LIE: "Israel has a right to defend itself."

✔️ TRUTH: There is NO version of self-defense that involves months of non-stop slaughtering of women and children. Let alone murdering aid workers, scholars, teachers, doctors, etc. Furthermore, experts question whether self-defense can even be invoked in an occupied territory.

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❌ LIE: "Opposing Israel is antisemitic."

✔️ TRUTH: Equating Judaism with the Netanyahu regime's bloodthirsty massacre of Palestinians is one of the most antisemitic things you can do.

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❌ LIE: "Biden is trying to rein Israel in."

✔️ TRUTH: Joe Biden and US leaders are directly complicit in mass murder — arming, funding and supporting Israel's heinous war crimes.


#Gaza #Israel #Palestine #CeasefireNOW


The IDF needs to destroy the lower rooms of any building that Hamas can stage ambushes from, and do this as they progress through the urban battlefield with it's tanks softening up the area first. Allow no buildings lower levels to be used as part of Hamas strategies to fight from or ambush troops from. Sounds destructive, but ambushes are unacceptable in battle. It's shameful and cowardess. However the IDF knows that it isn't dealing with a people that fight brave and honorable in battle, but rather it's dealing with an enemy that fights from behind human shields, hostages, and by the use of other such methods.
The IDF needs to destroy the lower rooms of any building that Hamas can stage ambushes from, and do this as they progress through the urban battlefield with it's tanks softening up the area first. Allow no buildings lower levels to be used as part of Hamas strategies to fight from or ambush troops from. Sounds destructive, but ambushes are unacceptable in battle. It's shameful and cowardess. However the IDF knows that it isn't dealing with a people that fight brave and honorable in battle, but rather it's dealing with an enemy that fights from behind human shields, hostages, and by the use of other such methods.
Dumb as always. Warmongers really suck.
The flooding could be slow, causing the water levels to rise slowly, and this would allow those in the tunnels to escape before the tunnels are filled completely. As the fighters come out, they can be captured and interrogated for crucial information causing the pumps to stop.
The flooding could be slow, causing the water levels to rise slowly, and this would allow those in the tunnels to escape before the tunnels are filled completely. As the fighters come out, they can be captured and interrogated for crucial information causing the pumps to stop.
You know all about Israeli tactics to get Hamas, yet nothing about the thousands murdered, destruction of Gaza, and the displacement of millions.

I know you’re dumb, but really?
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The UN can go straight to HELL with it's antisemitism and silence on war crimes committed by HAMAS... On October the 7th, the UN should have immediately released a statement condemning Hamas in the strongest of terms, and with an even stronger demand it should have released a statement that HAMAS must give up all the hostages with no further harm done or it will be abandoned and left to it's own devices in which it has since brought upon itself.

Otherwise it is to say that the UN will not be involved in the actions taken by Israel in gaining a complete surrender of Hamas under the extreme circumstances.

IF the UN wants to play games, then the U.S. should immediately remove the UN from The United States of America territory

I agree!

Thanks God there are some with a backbone! :thup:

13 Dec 2023

Netanyahu: ‘We Will Destroy Hamas’ Regardless of ‘International Pressures’​

You know all about Israeli tactics to get Hamas, yet nothing about the thousands murdered, destruction of Gaza, and the displacement of millions.

I know you’re dumb, but really?
Not nearly as dumb or being a complete dummy like you on the positions that you have taken or take..

Always remember dumb ace, that a white flag of surrender ends it all, so what's your damned excuse as to why that isn't happening ???

It's because of pride, and stupidity is why, so why aren't you begging these folks to surrender in order to stop the war ? We know why.....
Not nearly as dumb or being a complete dummy like you on the positions that you have taken or take..

Always remember dumb ace, that a white flag of surrender ends it all, so what's your damned excuse as to why that isn't happening ???

It's because of pride, and stupidity is why, so why aren't you begging these folks to surrender in order to stop the war ? We know why.....
Yeah today it’s considered dumb to support peace at all costs. Dumb Americans like you don’t understand peace. You only know war.

I know you think I have super powers, but Hamas doesn’t listen to me. Dumb ass.
Yeah today it’s considered dumb to support peace at all costs. Dumb Americans like you don’t understand peace. You only know war.

I know you think I have super powers, but Hamas doesn’t listen to me. Dumb ass.
If you and other's would turn your attention towards Hamas, and tell them that they need to surrender and let those hostages go, and if they don't then they'll be destroyed by an unrelenting force hell bent on destroying them, and better yet it being justified in doing so, then they might begin to listen......

Who knows what that might do right ? Hell it might bring about the very peace that you are looking for, but nope that's not it with you is it ? You'd rather attack the messenger than to take the message of peace to the problem, and the message would read "surrender" in hopes to stop that problem.

I'm not sure what attacking the messenger makes you really... Either a dumb ace or a sympathizer ?
If you and other's would turn your attention towards Hamas, and tell them that they need to surrender and let those hostages go, and if they don't then they'll be destroyed by an unrelenting force hell bent on destroying them, and better yet it being justified in doing so, then they might begin to listen......

Who knows what that might do right ? Hell it might bring about the very peace that you are looking for, but nope that's not it with you is it ? You'd rather attack the messenger than to take the message of peace to the problem, and the message would read "surrender" in hopes to stop that problem.

I'm not sure what attacking the messenger makes you really... Either a dumb ace or a sympathizer ?
This is clearly the narrative pushed by the establishment, and you bought it. Hamas doesn’t listen to any America, you fucking idiot.

Stop accepting the brainwashing propaganda before you have no brain left.

You think Israel wants peace. Lol. You aren’t informed so everything you post is ridiculously ignorant.
This is clearly the narrative pushed by the establishment, and you bought it. Hamas doesn’t listen to any America, you fucking idiot.

Stop accepting the brainwashing propaganda before you have no brain left.

You think Israel wants peace. Lol. You aren’t informed so everything you post is ridiculously ignorant.
Hamas started this War. Screw them
Good to see that the Freedom Fighters are giving the Israeli Genocidists a terrible mauling.
Here the Al Qassam fighters blow up an Israeli tank and IDF suffer heavy losses .
Love good news .

House to house fighting always increase casualties. Nothing new here. Hamas in those fights go to their graves too. Good riddance.
Good to see that the Freedom Fighters are giving the Israeli Genocidists a terrible mauling.
Here the Al Qassam fighters blow up an Israeli tank and IDF suffer heavy losses .
Love good news .

If you reside in America, there is a possibility that you will be deported immediately or arrested for aiding and abedding a terrorist organization, otherwise all due to your attempt to undermine the efforts of civilized nation's to defeat a terrorist organization in which will have world wide implications if it is allowed to remain in power, and worse to remain a threat to the Civilized nation's.

Either you are just an agitator or part of that evil Hamas team. Probably both.
The UN can go straight to HELL with it's antisemitism and silence on war crimes committed by HAMAS... On October the 7th, the UN should have immediately released a statement condemning Hamas in the strongest of terms, and with an even stronger demand it should have released a statement that HAMAS must give up all the hostages with no further harm done or it will be abandoned and left to it's own devices in which it has since brought upon itself.

Otherwise it is to say that the UN will not be involved in the actions taken by Israel in gaining a complete surrender of Hamas under the extreme circumstances.

IF the UN wants to play games, then the U.S. should immediately remove the UN from The United States territory. IMMEDIATELY!!!!

The Palestinians have been the victims for 80 years.
House to house fighting always increase casualties. Nothing new here. Hamas in those fights go to their graves too. Good riddance.
In the case of the hostages that were mistaken for combatants - It is of my opinion that Hamas sent them out in a way to cause what happened to happen to them... It was probably right at a precise moment in hopes that the result of what happened would happen in the way that it went down.

They probably figured that two results may come of it -

1. International condemnation of Israel.

2. The learned usage of hostages for their human shields now, and this by sending them or forcing them out to be killed by their own in such an evil scheme.

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