Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

If you reside in America, there is a possibility that you will be deported immediately or arrested for aiding and abedding a terrorist organization, otherwise all due to your attempt to undermine the efforts of civilized nation's to defeat a terrorist organization in which will have world wide implications if it is allowed to remain in power, and worse to remain a threat to the Civilized nation's.

Either you are just an agitator or part of that evil Hamas team. Probably both.
Wow. So on top of being dumb you're also against the Bill of Rights and support government tyranny and authoritarianism.

You make every freedom loving American sick.
Except for the fact Israel is mass murdering defenseless Palestinians who have nothing to do with Hamas. Does this concern you at all?
What should concern you is Hamas using the citizen's as human shields, and this as they hide behind them in order to kill IDF troops.

Listen you dumb ace, Israel has every right to clean the rats out of GAZA, and you know it to be true, but instead of you sympathizers creating a ground swell across the world for HAMAS to surrender and release the hostages, you constantly attack Israel and the IDF who is fighting a just war against a demonic enemy. So demonic that it uses innocent human shields and hostages to hide behind. Are you for that ????
Wow. So on top of being dumb you're also against the Bill of Rights and support government tyranny and authoritarianism.

You make every freedom loving American sick.
No, I'm against those who live here, and then work to undermine our security and freedoms here. If the shoe fits wear it.
In 70 days of genocide in Gaza, the Israelis killed 90 journalists.
No outbursts of indignation from the "progressive public" are heard at all
No, I'm against those who live here, and then work to undermine our security and freedoms here. If the shoe fits wear it.
Try getting informed before posting. Take a few YEARS off from posting to get informed. This is a start…
Except for the fact Israel is mass murdering defenseless Palestinians who have nothing to do with Hamas. Does this concern you at all?
Lots people in Germany were nice people WWII. Got killed too. Its called War.

Who ruled Gaza?? Hmmm
We know you’re an advocate of total war, until it affects your pussy ass. Fucking pussy.
Screw you and Hamas. Dont start nothing will not be nothing.

Your boys Hamas caused this while you whine daily when they say enough of this bs.
Screw you and Hamas. Dont start nothing will not be nothing.

Your boys Hamas caused this while you whine daily when they say enough of this bs.
Idiot. You think killing babies is perfectly cool, because a terrorist group the babies know nothing about, killed some people.

Dumb MFer. Pussy ass too.
Idiot. You think killing babies is perfectly cool, because a terrorist group the babies know nothing about, killed some people.

Dumb MFer. Pussy ass too.
Shove that Psy Ops BS where the Sun doesnt shine.

You are a HAMAS Pravda Con Artist. You want Pity for whats happening there you came to the wrong place
Screw you and Hamas. Dont start nothing will not be nothing.

Your boys Hamas caused this while you whine daily when they say enough of this bs.
Idiot thinks Israel is killing Hamas. Deaf dumb and blind like his hero Joe Biden.
Even the Israeli people are smarter than your dumb ass.

You are a Con Artist. Hamas pushed them out in a fight knowing they would get killed, so your sorry ass can do what you are doing here.

Your bs words are meaningless to me.
Try getting informed before posting. Take a few YEARS off from posting to get informed. This is a start…

Can you blame them ?

If someone from that rocket launching hell hole came into your community and surprised your family, and they were throwing grenades into your house, shooting everything that moves, killing everything that moves, and then as if that wasn't enough "burned" the house down upon them, then your stupid ace would be singing a different tune. Stop embarrassing yourself in this forum you dumb ace idiot.

It's easy for someone like you who hates Israel for whatever reason, to try and justify Hamas hitting Israel like that, and then to suggest to us that the Palastinian's in that place were just these innocent people who were being held hostage by Hamas, instead of them worshiping Hamas as their saviours from Israel while in that hell hole. Pfft.

Hamas made that place into a war zone when it created a military fortress out of it, and then launched rocket attacks from it so much so, that the Israeli's had to have a protocol to escape to a bomb room built into every Israeli home, and this was in anticipation of those incoming rockets targeting the civilians in Israel. What if Israel didn't have the iron dome ? Oh you'd like that reverse order wouldn't you ?

You don't have a leg to stand on with your lame attempt at painting the Israeli's as the enemy force in this war. Go pound sand you weak minded dumb ace, and get educated yourself.
Even the Israeli people are smarter than your dumb ass.

Must be the dumb ace leftist in Israel being stupid, otherwise who are protesting their own government getting vengeance for the Israeli families who deserve a force seeking vengeance on their behalf, because yep the leftist are just this damned stupid in America as well. Biden and company has proven it without a doubt. In fact we might be the main supplier of stupidity into the world these day's, but I digress.
We know you’re an advocate of total war, until it affects your pussy ass. Fucking pussy.
You're just in here talking chit, so why don't you run along back to the Ukraine war, just so you might redeem yourself by calling for peace in that war, because right now the IDF don't have time to be pussy footing around because of weak minded knucklehead's like you, and especially like your hero Joe- who said just shootem in the leg, because their ain't no sense in just killing the perps -Biden.

Two complete mindless dumb ace's who live outside of reality 24/7 it appears.

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