Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Can you blame them ?

If someone from that rocket launching hell hole came into your community and surprised your family, and they were throwing grenades into your house, shooting everything that moves, killing everything that moves, and then as if that wasn't enough "burned" the house down upon them, then your stupid ace would be singing a different tune. Stop embarrassing yourself in this forum you dumb ace idiot.

It's easy for someone like you who hates Israel for whatever reason, to try and justify Hamas hitting Israel like that, and then to suggest to us that the Palastinian's in that place were just these innocent people who were being held hostage by Hamas, instead of them worshiping Hamas as their saviours from Israel while in that hell hole. Pfft.

Hamas made that place into a war zone when it created a military fortress out of it, and then launched rocket attacks from it so much so, that the Israeli's had to have a protocol to escape to a bomb room built into every Israeli home, and this was in anticipation of those incoming rockets targeting the civilians in Israel. What if Israel didn't have the iron dome ? Oh you'd like that reverse order wouldn't you ?

You don't have a leg to stand on with your lame attempt at painting the Israeli's as the enemy force in this war. Go pound sand you weak minded dumb ace, and get educated yourself.
Binary thinking. Are you a child?
You're just in here talking chit, so why don't you run along back to the Ukraine war, just so you might redeem yourself by calling for peace in that war, because right now the IDF don't have time to be pussy footing around because of weak minded knucklehead's like you, and especially like your hero Joe- who said just shootem in the leg, because their ain't no sense in just killing the perps -Biden.

Two complete mindless dumb ace's who live outside of reality 24/7 it appears.
Oh look. Gaza before the Zionist occupation. Yet you dumb fucks think there was nothing there but goat herders. Propaganda always works on the slow and ignorant.
Same as last post. You started a War. Screw you.
If this is true, you’ll justify it. However in time, you’ll deny you supported genocide. Pussy!
Oh look. Gaza before the Zionist occupation. Yet you dumb fucks think there was nothing there but goat herders. Propaganda always works on the slow and ignorant.

Oh look, you went back far enough to find a place doing well before the world went stupid during world war 2. No one is impressed by your ridiculous examples or comparisons, otherwise as if they have anything to do with the situation that evolved over year's and year's of wrong headed thinking in the world, along with the wars caused by these year's and year's of wrong headed thinking. Israel wasn't in the driver's seat during these periods, yet you attempt to blame them as if they were.

What a dumb ace you are. In fact during 1944 the Jews were being slaughtered by the Germans in the millions , but here you are attempting to use the photo as if the Jews were given a bathroom break to run over to GAZA in order to crash their party as the grinches you try and paint them as.

Again the Arab nation's have brought the wars upon themselves because of their unwillingness to allow muti-culturalism to flourish like you and your ilk have promoted around the world in a bid to promote peace, otherwise as a result of such a world uniting thing except when barring some nations not to be included. Muti-culturalism works just so far until it doesn't, then what ??

So what is your take on why you favor some societies and nation's, and yet other's you don't ?

Heck anyone can go back before any major war, and find pictures and cultures thriving before such wars began, and the sad part is that in many cases the wars were started by the government's of such picturesque societies and cultures. They decided that they weren't satisfied with their little part of the world, and therefore they made a decision to want more or either wanted less in the form of change to their picturesque societies.

This is how wars begin whether small or large.
Oh look, you went back far enough to find a place doing well before the world went stupid during world war 2. No one is impressed by your ridiculous examples or comparisons, otherwise as if they have anything to do with the situation that evolved over year's and year's of wrong headed thinking in the world, along with the wars caused by these year's and year's of wrong headed thinking. Israel wasn't in the driver's seat during these periods, yet you attempt to blame them as if they were.

What a dumb ace you are. In fact during 1944 the Jews were being slaughtered by the Germans in the millions , but here you are attempting to use the photo as if the Jews were given a bathroom break to run over to GAZA in order to crash their party as the grinches you try and paint them as.

Again the Arab nation's have brought the wars upon themselves because of their unwillingness to allow muti-culturalism to flourish like you and your ilk have promoted around the world in a bid to promote peace, otherwise as a result of such a world uniting thing except when barring some nations not to be included. Muti-culturalism works just so far until it doesn't, then what ??

So what is your take on why you favor some societies and nation's, and yet other's you don't ?

Heck anyone can go back before any major war, and find pictures and cultures thriving before such wars began, and the sad part is that in many cases the wars were started by the government's of such picturesque societies and cultures. They decided that they weren't satisfied with their little part of the world, and therefore they made a decision to want more or either wanted less in the form of change to their picturesque societies.

This is how wars begin whether small or large.
Why do you approve of mass murdering women and children?
Oh look, you went back far enough to find a place doing well before the world went stupid during world war 2. No one is impressed by your ridiculous examples or comparisons, otherwise as if they have anything to do with the situation that evolved over year's and year's of wrong headed thinking in the world, along with the wars caused by these year's and year's of wrong headed thinking. Israel wasn't in the driver's seat during these periods, yet you attempt to blame them as if they were.

What a dumb ace you are. In fact during 1944 the Jews were being slaughtered by the Germans in the millions , but here you are attempting to use the photo as if the Jews were given a bathroom break to run over to GAZA in order to crash their party as the grinches you try and paint them as.

Again the Arab nation's have brought the wars upon themselves because of their unwillingness to allow muti-culturalism to flourish like you and your ilk have promoted around the world in a bid to promote peace, otherwise as a result of such a world uniting thing except when barring some nations not to be included. Muti-culturalism works just so far until it doesn't, then what ??

So what is your take on why you favor some societies and nation's, and yet other's you don't ?

Heck anyone can go back before any major war, and find pictures and cultures thriving before such wars began, and the sad part is that in many cases the wars were started by the government's of such picturesque societies and cultures. They decided that they weren't satisfied with their little part of the world, and therefore they made a decision to want more or either wanted less in the form of change to their picturesque societies.

This is how wars begin whether small or large.
Has this ever occurred to a dumb fuck like you?
Your propoganda doesnt work here

You wanted War. Now you have it. Whats the problem??
His problem is that he doesn't understand what war is, and what goals are to be achieved by the one's pushed into a war in which they didn't ask for.

Either that or he has taken a side, and therefore he's assumed the role of Minister of propaganda.

No matter what war you go back too in history, once the losing army starts losing and retreating, then it finds itself mixing into the civilian population in a bid to fight from behind it's human shields. It never works, and it gets the innocent killed as a result of, but they don't care about that because they see it as a fight to the end. Once enough fight has been taken out of them, then comes the surrender.
Why do you approve of mass murdering women and children?

Surrender dumb ace's, that's all it takes, but nope Hamas is going to take everyone it can down with it because that's how HAMAS rolls...

No one is to blame here except for HAMAS, so either you are a sympathizer or just a dumb ace college kid brainwashed in an American institution these day's. Probably the former in the way that you talk.
Has this ever occurred to a dumb fuck like you?
View attachment 874494
Whose that dumb ace ? The Jews were given the right to expell the Canaanites from the land, and yes take ownership of it as their own. Wars took place where as the land was passed back and forth throughout time, but the Jews are the God given owners of the land of Israel.

No bloodline of the Canaanites remain, and the Jews are the owner's to this day of Israeli land.
Pretty fucking simple. They had to leave their homes and hardly any remain in Muslim Countries.

Why did the muzzies drive them out??

Maybe Israel should shoot 5000 rockets at the Middle East a year.

Why did you steal their homrs and land???:nono:
Hey fuckhead, Zionists were the ones who moved into the area, not the Arabs.

And Israel does fire missiles into Gaza on a weekly basis.

And it is Zionists trying to steal Palestinian land, you fucked up Islamophobe! Fuck you, asshole!
Hey fuckhead, Zionists were the ones who moved into the area, not the Arabs.

And Israel does fire missiles into Gaza on a weekly basis.

And it is Zionists trying to steal Palestinian land, you fucked up Islamophobe! Fuck you, asshole!
Blah blah blah.

They start a fucking war and sent you to biotch they are losing it.

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