Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Many Israelis including their leadership say such appalling things, yet many Americans still support this awful Zionist apartheid criminal regime. It makes me sick.
Still denying what happened on October the 7th eh gimp ?

You do realize that it's got to be a pain staking thing for Israel to have to give quarter's too, and to care for the very people that voted in and supported HAMAS (a terrorist regime), who turned GAZA into a fortress for the purpose of a final battle with Israel in hopes to destroy her right ??

Any humanitarian efforts by the IDF is totally based upon it's humility and it's humanity for which helps it to care for those it feels were probably duped and/or brainwashed into thinking that the Israeli's were the devil incarnate, and that they were going to do things to GAZAN'S/Palastinian's that HAMAS hypocritically done instead to Israel.

Wake up gimp. You big DUMMY..

Elections have consequences... It's why free and fair elections are so damned important... GAZA is a text book example of an authoritarian situation born out of a probable corrupt and rigged election. However, the people being groomed and brainwashed for year's and year's had caused them to embrace a terrorist minded force to rule over them, and to then dupe them into thinking that they would someday defeat the Israeli people by wiping them from the face of the earth, and taking Israel's land from them.
Elections have consequences... It's why free and fair elections are so damned important... GAZA is a text book example of an authoritarian situation born out of a probable corrupt and rigged election. However, the people being groomed and brainwashed for year's and year's had caused them to embrace a terrorist minded force to rule over them, and to then dupe them into thinking that they would someday defeat the Israeli people by wiping them from the face of the earth, and taking Israel's land from them.

That girl didn't vote for Hamas. There's no reasonable explanation for her death, in a hospital, in the south of the country where Israel told everyone to flee after targeting the hospitals in the north.
That girl didn't vote for Hamas. There's no reasonable explanation for her death, in a hospital, in the south of the country where Israel told everyone to flee after targeting the hospitals in the north.
How do you know if someone voted for someone or not in that place ? Who was this girl ? What was she doing there in that place ?? Hamas is responsible for everyone it got killed in GAZA ... FACT !!

Morgan is a complete space case.

He's operating from a failed ideology or thought process, and then he's trying to represent something or somebody ? Give me a freaking break......... ROTFLMBO 🤣

It's one thing for the poor people of GAZA to be used by HAMAS, but you would think that your boy would be a little wiser than to be a whore for them. He knows better than to run his mouth before an investigation is completed. He should have just told the Israeli representative - "will you promise to get back with us on the matter, because we would appreciate being informed about matters such as this also, otherwise just as you all want to get to the bottom of it as well ... Thanks."..

That's what should have went down in the interview.
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Germany should be Israel's most lead backer in their struggles in the middle east region. Why is it that the U.S. is Israel's strongest backer instead of Germany ? After the hell Germany brought upon the Jews during WW2, one would think that Germany after knowing how wrong it was due to the extermination of 6 million Jews, that it would be willing to support and look out for the Jewish people and their nation forever. Germany should win the trust of the Jewish state, otherwise if it hasn't got their trust now. Germany should be supplying Israel with anything it needs in order to fight against those who are trying to destroy Israel... My opinion..
Don't let Israel be forgotten, and please support her cause because it is a JUST one..... .. Thanks 🙏
Denial was a tactic used by Germany effectively distancing the German public from the genocide happening right under their noses

It extended into allies forcing the German public to witness concentration camps firsthand

Where they were still in denial .....

Now that we've the wonderful 'net , the scenario can repeat itself , which we see here......

Denial was a tactic used by Germany effectively distancing the German public from the genocide happening right under their noses

It extended into allies forcing the German public to witness concentration camps firsthand

Where they were still in denial .....

Now that we've the wonderful 'net , the scenario can repeat itself , which we see here......

Yes denial by the Palastinian's in which was caused by Hamas, was definitely a tragic thing to witness, and far worse (just as you have alluded to here), "the Babylonians" also ran a communication network (i.e. a communication network if you will), and it was done so they could communicate in order to embark upon an evil plan to build a tower so high that it's last floors could actually reach into the heaven's.

As recounted in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, the Babylonians wished to build a tower "with its top in the heavens." Displeased with the arrogant project, God prevented its completion by giving the builders a multitude of languages so that they could not communicate with each other in such a way again.

Man can't seem to help himself, and so he finds himself repeating such things in ways that resemble the past, and he is again punished for such things.

Again the word is proven over generation after generation, and denial has become a very serious thing yet again in our midst.

To repent and humble thy selves is the only way out of these things. FACT.
so the news ....horrible bombings of ukraine then moves on to the 'non horrible
' bombings in gaza
All bombings are horrible, but in each case you have a reasoning to bomb and a no good reasoning to bomb...... In one case we see in (GAZA), you have bombing there due to a force on the ground who won't surrender at any cost (even though that force was found to be wrong and sadistic, and is now definitely wrong in it's resistance), so it is now currently under heavy bombardment because of that wrong....

Then you have a possible force on another ground in (Ukraine), that is resisting due to the opposing bomber force (according to Ukraine), as being wrong for invading it's territory when it feels that it done nothing wrong in order for that to happen like it has happened.

The world can't seem to wrap it's mind around the Ukraine situation, but it's strange how it was all to quick to pre-judge the Israel-Hamas war, and how it quickly attempted to condemn Israel in that war, when in fact Israel was one million times justified in it's war against HAMAS (i.e. the governing ruler of GAZA).
Yup, i hand you a hammer, and you hit yourself over the head w/it beagle



Yup, i hand you a hammer, and you hit yourself over the head w/it beagle

View attachment 880766

View attachment 880767
If you think that war's are some kind of a well managed thing, and are a well intentioned thing by both parties involved, then you live in La La land.

Forcing a civilized people into war is not good, because usually the civilized people that get pushed into a war, well they don't usually have a lot of manors or tolerance for their enemies in said war.. Just sayin..
That girl didn't vote for Hamas. There's no reasonable explanation for her death, in a hospital, in the south of the country where Israel told everyone to flee after targeting the hospitals in the north.
Care to respond again to the post, otherwise after the IDF has found tunnels leading up to civilians houses, hospital's, school's and other such human shields location's in which HAMAS figured would keep them safe from detection after the war was in full swing ???? You are in a predicament here now, otherwise in your attempt to accuse the IDF of any dead in GAZA while fighting a war in which the opposing side uses every dirty tactic possible in order to conduct their battle tactics on. The blood of the Innocents are squarely upon Hamas hands, but they won't surrender even so, and therefore causing tremendous pain and suffering on those they had lied to and brainwashed into making them their human shields.

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