Israel Clearing the Rats from Gaza

Genocide in Gaza?
Gaza population:
105,000 1950
Today 2.3 million.

Shitty genocide.
No one intelligent denies the genocide of Jews by Nazis, but somehow there are still Jews alive today. :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

Stop spewing left wing talking points. Get informed.
Holocaust deniers live there too beagle

and that's exactly what's going down now

He like many here fails to see the hypocrisy he supports. They would never deny the Holocaust, but happily denies the Gazan Genocide.

Proving once again, the power of government controlled media to dupe many can never be discounted.
Well, they've kicked the 'eyes & ears' out of Gaza Gip

But they still have to hide a million bodies

Dibs that's going to be a bit of a chore to hide from the world

Well, they've kicked the 'eyes & ears' out of Gaza Gip

But they still have to hide a million bodies

Dibs that's going to be a bit of a chore to hide from the world

The horrors can’t be hidden. The unbelievable war crimes Israel is committing will ultimately be fully exposed. When they are, these fools who supported it will cowardly deny they did.
Do you deny the Holocaust just as you deny the genocide in Gaza, like a good establishment toady?
Do you deny your stupidity????? Of course you don't, now go bother a hornet's nest or something..
Your first example is genocide, your second is collateral damage.
Funny how they constantly ignore the calls to surrender in these threads, and they ignore the fact that these evil bastards kidnapped children and the elderly...
The horrors can’t be hidden. The unbelievable war crimes Israel is committing will ultimately be fully exposed. When they are, these fools who supported it will cowardly deny they did.
It's likened to the hanging gallows.... All anyone has to do is tell me the atrocites committed by such demon's as this HAMAS group, and that handle is pulled for the dropping of the noose without even a slight twitch in my eye.

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