Israel Defines Humanity

"Zion-Servants"? Is that like calling Blacks "Negras"? Do you mean "fucking Jews"?
Zionists are the ones driving the Israelis into constant confrontation with everybody else. They are the equivalent of back then´s clerics who defined the Jewry according to their gusto. They would certainly demand Jesus´ death again, the king of the Jews.

Assad butchered his own people. Are you a Russophile who revers Putin?
This is a stupid lie spread by those who side with the terrorists in Syria.
Yeah, Assad is just a scapegoat of Obama. :cuckoo:
Get informed.
Lies and nothing but lies:

""anti-zionist" aka anti-semitic"
"Nice dodge on being pro-Russian and/or pro-Putin"
"Assad is a fucking asshole dictator"
Disagreed. You refuse to answer questions, yet you continue to support Assad.

The Court of Public Opinion is fine with me. Let them judge whether or not you are a Russophile/Putin-lover.

  1. a person who is friendly toward Russia or fond of Russia and Russian things, especially someone who is sympathetic to the political system and customs of the former Soviet Union.

Putin is a tin-plate dictator. A thug. Just like his little cocksucker Assad.

"Zion-Servants"? Is that like calling Blacks "Negras"? Do you mean "fucking Jews"?
Zionists are the ones driving the Israelis into constant confrontation with everybody else. They are the equivalent of back then´s clerics who defined the Jewry according to their gusto. They would certainly demand Jesus´ death again, the king of the Jews.

Assad butchered his own people. Are you a Russophile who revers Putin?
This is a stupid lie spread by those who side with the terrorists in Syria.
Yeah, Assad is just a scapegoat of Obama. :cuckoo:
Get informed.
The entire world framed Assad? Please, do tell.
Old writings are often full of war and death.

Matthew 10:34:
Jesus: I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.

"Old writings are often full of war and death."

I've already identified you as a you'd like to add liar and fool to your resume?

While Jews and Christians have undergone the sort of reformations that obviate murder and massacres, Muslims have not.
In fact, multiple millions of Muslims are part of a movement that is motivated by murder.

You can pretend you are unaware of this...but

....this may be fitting as your epitaph:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
If that is true, why is there no army of millions overrunning the planet?

Articulate your I can rip it to shreds.

I believe we're done, as you've been reduced to obvious lies.

I see your talking to yourself.:laugh2:


...not "your"

You dunce.
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained
"Old writings are often full of war and death."

I've already identified you as a you'd like to add liar and fool to your resume?

While Jews and Christians have undergone the sort of reformations that obviate murder and massacres, Muslims have not.
In fact, multiple millions of Muslims are part of a movement that is motivated by murder.

You can pretend you are unaware of this...but

....this may be fitting as your epitaph:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
If that is true, why is there no army of millions overrunning the planet?

Articulate your I can rip it to shreds.

I believe we're done, as you've been reduced to obvious lies.

I see your talking to yourself.:laugh2:


...not "your"

You dunce.

give up----it's hopeless----Penelope does not do english
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained

Whoever had the biggest gun, most money and power and at the time it seems to be Israel. They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history, which much of it is not. I'm sure one day the will come up with buried pottery and gold left behind form the exodus buried deep within the Sinai Desert, just to show , oh yes , the exodus must of been real. Of course they will plant it there first.
I just returned from several weeks in Israel and Jordan, and saw, first hand, the effects of the worldviews of the Jews vs the Arabs.

2. One need only ride along the border of the two nations to see the results. Both nations began with the same geography: more than 50% of each, rock strewn desert.

Today, Jordan is 75% desert, Israel, 60%.

But on the latter's side, orchard and irrigated fields spring up....on Jordan's side, largely the same as always.


Photo: Gave Us This Land

The Israeli government brings in roads, electricity, and irrigation and the result is obvious.



Exploring Wadi Rum Desert In Jordan

3. Throughout Israel one can see vast groves of date palms, and dates represent a major Israeli export.

But these trees are not indigenous...they were brought from Iraq and Morocco, and carefully naturalized in Israel.

Get this: the trees are three times more productive in Israel than they were in Iraq and Morocco.

The reason? In their homeland, the growers wait for nature to pollinate the flowers...wind, bees, and other insects....while in Israel, every tree is hand sprayed with pollen.

Nothing to do with either money nor religion....simply the work ethic and intelligence.

That title...."Israel Defines Humanity" coming right up.....

All it takes is money, German, Rothschild and US aid. Any war torn country can become livable again, I'm sure one day northern Gaza might be.

All it takes is money and power. I cringe at your ignorance.

the oil rich arabs 'HAVE NO MONEY'--------in fact they have so much that they bought both the Clintons and the Carters
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained

Whoever had the biggest gun, most money and power and at the time it seems to be Israel. They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history, which much of it is not. I'm sure one day the will come up with buried pottery and gold left behind form the exodus buried deep within the Sinai Desert, just to show , oh yes , the exodus must of been real. Of course they will plant it there first.

you did not even come close to answering the simple question----how does one attain LAND OWNERSHIP?
Planted pottery? That's a good one. Something your
catechism whore told you?
If that is true, why is there no army of millions overrunning the planet?

Articulate your I can rip it to shreds.

I believe we're done, as you've been reduced to obvious lies.

I see your talking to yourself.:laugh2:


...not "your"

You dunce.

give up----it's hopeless----Penelope does not do english

أكثر في المنزل باللغة العربية؟
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

Careful, your bigotry is showing...

Humpty Trumpety sits on his wall
til november and fall
all the drumpfs sycophants
all the drumpfs mob
have to drop all the pieces
slink off with a sob
da de dump dump de da.

the very BEST replay of mosque shit this weekend come out of the TOILET MOUTH of one of the murdered IMAMs' relatives----the muzzie pig YELLED------within a few hours of the murder----"WHERE IS THE MAYOR---IF IT HAD BEEN A JEW MURDERED HE WOULD HAVE BEEN HERE WITHIN
AN HOUR <allahuakbarrr-fart>" It is stuff they teach their kids right there in the mosques------I actually experienced their filth----in a mosque----in New York City-----coincidentally one frequented by south east Asian muslims
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained

Whoever had the biggest gun, most money and power and at the time it seems to be Israel.

As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained

Whoever had the biggest gun, most money and power and at the time it seems to be Israel. They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history, which much of it is not. I'm sure one day the will come up with buried pottery and gold left behind form the exodus buried deep within the Sinai Desert, just to show , oh yes , the exodus must of been real. Of course they will plant it there first.

"They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history,..."

In that case, how to explain the more than generous desire to provide Gaza with a port that would embellish their financial landscape?

5. "Israel is planning to build a $5 billion island off the coast of Gaza, complete with an airport, seaport and hotels.

Israeli minister of intelligence and transportation Yisrael Katz said the project will alleviate economic hardship in the blockaded coastal strip and reconnect it with the rest of the world.

The plans call for an three square mile artificial island, linked to Gaza by a three-mile bridge. Mr Katz said the island would include a seaport, with potential plans for a future airport, a hotel and smaller port for yachts.

Israel would supervise security checks, but the island would otherwise be run by Palestinians and the international community."
Israel planning to build a $5 billion artificial island off Gaza

Guess what the Arab leadership said?

"Husam Zumlot, an aide to Mr Abbas, criticised the idea as "dubious" and "politically motivated," saying it would lead to "the final severing of Gaza from the rest of the occupied territory of the state of Palestine."

Hence, proving the title of the thread.

Your ability to judge reality appears to be no better than your grasp of grammar.
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained

Whoever had the biggest gun, most money and power and at the time it seems to be Israel. They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history, which much of it is not. I'm sure one day the will come up with buried pottery and gold left behind form the exodus buried deep within the Sinai Desert, just to show , oh yes , the exodus must of been real. Of course they will plant it there first.

"They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history,..."

In that case, how to explain the more than generous desire to provide Gaza with a port that would embellish their financial landscape?

5. "Israel is planning to build a $5 billion island off the coast of Gaza, complete with an airport, seaport and hotels.

Israeli minister of intelligence and transportation Yisrael Katz said the project will alleviate economic hardship in the blockaded coastal strip and reconnect it with the rest of the world.

The plans call for an three square mile artificial island, linked to Gaza by a three-mile bridge. Mr Katz said the island would include a seaport, with potential plans for a future airport, a hotel and smaller port for yachts.

Israel would supervise security checks, but the island would otherwise be run by Palestinians and the international community."
Israel planning to build a $5 billion artificial island off Gaza

Guess what the Arab leadership said?

"Husam Zumlot, an aide to Mr Abbas, criticised the idea as "dubious" and "politically motivated," saying it would lead to "the final severing of Gaza from the rest of the occupied territory of the state of Palestine."

Hence, proving the title of the thread.

Your ability to judge reality appears to be no better than your grasp of grammar.

the last thing proud GAZAN "Palestinians" want to be ----is gazan palestinians
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained

Whoever had the biggest gun, most money and power and at the time it seems to be Israel. They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history, which much of it is not. I'm sure one day the will come up with buried pottery and gold left behind form the exodus buried deep within the Sinai Desert, just to show , oh yes , the exodus must of been real. Of course they will plant it there first.
Why are you so worked up about a tiny strip of sand in a huge world filled with war and land grabbing?
Oh yeah, no Jews in those other places.
Will you produce the evidence then to back up the islamonazi claims, tinmore has tried and failed using islamonazi propaganda sites.

Who gave the arab muslims the land after they signed it away in 1917 as part of the surrender terms ?
The basis of your argumentation is what is wrong here. People might think your are reasonable but then they realize you are a paid scribbler who wants all but the Jews to be gone. All Muslims have to disappear and only Jews may live there. All the Muslims will be deported to the UK where you will have to pack your bags.

And who pays me, as I do this because I hate the muslims and their ethics. Having been on the receiving end many times I know just what they are like. The basis of my argument is facts backed by reality and historical evidence. The arabs that are prepared to live in peace can stay and prosper, those that like you want to exterminate the Jews can start packing their bags
Your last sentence shows our real attitude. Who doesn´t agree to "All the lands must be owned by the Jews" is an Arab who wants to exterminate the Jews.

" Arab who wants to exterminate the Jews."

Well...not Christian Arabs or Druze....

Quran 4:89: "They (infidels) desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper."

Quran 8:12: "Instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers;"

Quran 2:191: "... kill the disbelievers wherever we find them

Quran 22:19-22: "… for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods."

Quran 8:12: "Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: 'I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.'"

Qur'an:8:12 "I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle."

Quran 8:7: "Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: 'Wipe the infidels out to the last.'"

Quran 8:59: "The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them. They are your enemy and Allah's enemy."

Quran 8:60: "Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster that you may strike terror in the enemies of Allah, and others besides them not known to you."

Quran 9.29" "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."

Quran 47:4: "Strike off the heads of the disbelievers" and, after making a "wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives."

Hadith Sahih Muslim (41:6985): "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: 'The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.'"

Quran 9:5: "When the sacred forbidden months for fighting are past, fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, torture them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."

Sura 3:151: "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers for that they joined companions with Allah for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be the fire; and evil is the home of the wrong-doers!"

Sura 8:60: "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power including steeds of war to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies and others besides whom ye may not know but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you and ye shall not be treated unjustly."

Tabari IX:113: "Allah permits you to shut them (women) in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Quran."

Tabari I:280: "Allah said, 'It is My obligation to make Eve bleed once every month as she made this tree bleed. I must also make Eve stupid, although I created her intelligent.' Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid."

Ishaq:327: "Allah said, 'A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.'"

These quotations are not out of context. They are representative of dozens and dozens of other messages in the Islamic "holy" texts. Clearly, they have inspired the violent and hateful behavior of followers.

I know there are many peaceful Muslims who view them allegorically rather than literally. Yet, is it outside the bounds of civil public discourse to challenge such statements?

I think it would be irresponsible to ignore how the Quran instructs its followers.

Bukhari:V4B52N220 "Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been made victorious with terror.'"'re battin' below the Mendoza Line, huh?

why don't you quote the OT while your at it, much worst.

The OT is not followed by the two main Christian factions is it, so that puts this to bed. The muslims believe and follow the words in the koran implicitly even after the other religions have taken theirs out of their teachings. That is the standard reply from an islamonazi apologist because this is what they have been told to say.

So we could quote the OT, which is the Christian belief, but would have to add that this is no longer accepted as Christian teachings
Old writings are often full of war and death.

Matthew 10:34:
Jesus: I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.

As any intelligent person knows the Bible has to be read as full chapters, unlike the koran that has to be read as single lines
The basis of your argumentation is what is wrong here. People might think your are reasonable but then they realize you are a paid scribbler who wants all but the Jews to be gone. All Muslims have to disappear and only Jews may live there. All the Muslims will be deported to the UK where you will have to pack your bags.

And who pays me, as I do this because I hate the muslims and their ethics. Having been on the receiving end many times I know just what they are like. The basis of my argument is facts backed by reality and historical evidence. The arabs that are prepared to live in peace can stay and prosper, those that like you want to exterminate the Jews can start packing their bags
Your last sentence shows our real attitude. Who doesn´t agree to "All the lands must be owned by the Jews" is an Arab who wants to exterminate the Jews.

" Arab who wants to exterminate the Jews."

Well...not Christian Arabs or Druze....

Quran 4:89: "They (infidels) desire that you should disbelieve as they have disbelieved, so that you might be (all) alike; therefore take not from among them friends until they fly (their homes) in Allah's way; but if they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them, and take not from among them a friend or a helper."

Quran 8:12: "Instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers;"

Quran 2:191: "... kill the disbelievers wherever we find them

Quran 22:19-22: "… for them (the unbelievers) garments of fire shall be cut and there shall be poured over their heads boiling water whereby whatever is in their bowels and skin shall be dissolved and they will be punished with hooked iron rods."

Quran 8:12: "Your Lord inspired the angels with the message: 'I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes.'"

Qur'an:8:12 "I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle."

Quran 8:7: "Allah wished to confirm the truth by His words: 'Wipe the infidels out to the last.'"

Quran 8:59: "The infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them. They are your enemy and Allah's enemy."

Quran 8:60: "Prepare against them whatever arms and cavalry you can muster that you may strike terror in the enemies of Allah, and others besides them not known to you."

Quran 9.29" "Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection."

Quran 47:4: "Strike off the heads of the disbelievers" and, after making a "wide slaughter among them, carefully tie up the remaining captives."

Hadith Sahih Muslim (41:6985): "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: 'The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.'"

Quran 9:5: "When the sacred forbidden months for fighting are past, fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, torture them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."

Sura 3:151: "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers for that they joined companions with Allah for which He had sent no authority: their abode will be the fire; and evil is the home of the wrong-doers!"

Sura 8:60: "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power including steeds of war to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies of Allah and your enemies and others besides whom ye may not know but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you and ye shall not be treated unjustly."

Tabari IX:113: "Allah permits you to shut them (women) in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Quran."

Tabari I:280: "Allah said, 'It is My obligation to make Eve bleed once every month as she made this tree bleed. I must also make Eve stupid, although I created her intelligent.' Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid."

Ishaq:327: "Allah said, 'A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.'"

These quotations are not out of context. They are representative of dozens and dozens of other messages in the Islamic "holy" texts. Clearly, they have inspired the violent and hateful behavior of followers.

I know there are many peaceful Muslims who view them allegorically rather than literally. Yet, is it outside the bounds of civil public discourse to challenge such statements?

I think it would be irresponsible to ignore how the Quran instructs its followers.

Bukhari:V4B52N220 "Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been made victorious with terror.'"'re battin' below the Mendoza Line, huh?

why don't you quote the OT while your at it, much worst.

The OT is not followed by the two main Christian factions is it, so that puts this to bed. The muslims believe and follow the words in the koran implicitly even after the other religions have taken theirs out of their teachings. That is the standard reply from an islamonazi apologist because this is what they have been told to say.

So we could quote the OT, which is the Christian belief, but would have to add that this is no longer accepted as Christian teachings

Penelope REGULARLY farts-----"the OT is much worst"----but fails to specify the "much worst" As to the koran---speak to any muslim-----(she has never met a muslim) --regarding the koran ------the partyline is 'there is nothing about it that requires interpretation---it is all absolutely clear and upfront and every
declaration and directive therein is DIVINE' Penelope admits that she never read either the bible or the koran.

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