Israel Defines Humanity

As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained

Whoever had the biggest gun, most money and power and at the time it seems to be Israel. They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history, which much of it is not. I'm sure one day the will come up with buried pottery and gold left behind form the exodus buried deep within the Sinai Desert, just to show , oh yes , the exodus must of been real. Of course they will plant it there first.
Why are you so worked up about a tiny strip of sand in a huge world filled with war and land grabbing?
Oh yeah, no Jews in those other places.

What they are doing to the people that use to live on that tiny piece of insignificant land,

why are Jews killing for it?
And so, Israel seeks to better the lives of it's fervent enemies.....

5. "Israel is planning to build a $5 billion island off the coast of Gaza, complete with an airport, seaport and hotels.

Israeli minister of intelligence and transportation Yisrael Katz said the project will alleviate economic hardship in the blockaded coastal strip and reconnect it with the rest of the world.

The plans call for an three square mile artificial island, linked to Gaza by a three-mile bridge. Mr Katz said the island would include a seaport, with potential plans for a future airport, a hotel and smaller port for yachts.

Israel would supervise security checks, but the island would otherwise be run by Palestinians and the international community."

Israel planning to build a $5 billion artificial island off Gaza

Guess what the Arab leadership said?

"Husam Zumlot, an aide to Mr Abbas, criticised the idea as "dubious" and "politically motivated," saying it would lead to "the final severing of Gaza from the rest of the occupied territory of the state of Palestine."

And just last year team palestine was complaining that gaza did not have a seaport, now one is offered free of charge they dont want it. One to throw back in their faces when they start whinging next time
As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained

Whoever had the biggest gun, most money and power and at the time it seems to be Israel. They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history, which much of it is not. I'm sure one day the will come up with buried pottery and gold left behind form the exodus buried deep within the Sinai Desert, just to show , oh yes , the exodus must of been real. Of course they will plant it there first.
Why are you so worked up about a tiny strip of sand in a huge world filled with war and land grabbing?
Oh yeah, no Jews in those other places.

What they are doing to the people that use to live on that tiny piece of insignificant land,

why are Jews killing for it?

Jews are not killing for it. Jews have been killed there for
more than 3000 years----by shit like you.
And so, Israel seeks to better the lives of it's fervent enemies.....

5. "Israel is planning to build a $5 billion island off the coast of Gaza, complete with an airport, seaport and hotels.

Israeli minister of intelligence and transportation Yisrael Katz said the project will alleviate economic hardship in the blockaded coastal strip and reconnect it with the rest of the world.

The plans call for an three square mile artificial island, linked to Gaza by a three-mile bridge. Mr Katz said the island would include a seaport, with potential plans for a future airport, a hotel and smaller port for yachts.

Israel would supervise security checks, but the island would otherwise be run by Palestinians and the international community."

Israel planning to build a $5 billion artificial island off Gaza

Guess what the Arab leadership said?

"Husam Zumlot, an aide to Mr Abbas, criticised the idea as "dubious" and "politically motivated," saying it would lead to "the final severing of Gaza from the rest of the occupied territory of the state of Palestine."

And just last year team palestine was complaining that gaza did not have a seaport, now one is offered free of charge they dont want it. One to throw back in their faces when they start whinging next time

the Gazans NEED to claim that they are IMPRISONED in Gaza-----this claim is vital to their "story". It was invented
by their prime propagandaists-----Nazi war criminals who escaped the Nuremburg Trials.
The OT is not followed by the two main Christian factions is it, so that puts this to bed. ......So we could quote the OT, which is the Christian belief, but would have to add that this is no longer accepted as Christian teachings
Not just quoting. The Ten Commandments still apply as does the common Evangelical and Southern Baptist push for "Creationism" in public schools IAW the OT. A replica of Noah's Ark recently opened in Kentucky; "the park is an evangelical tool aimed at teaching creationism, a literal interpretation of the Bible's Book of Genesis."

Noah's Ark opens at Kentucky theme park -
Old writings are often full of war and death.

Matthew 10:34:
Jesus: I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.

"Old writings are often full of war and death."

I've already identified you as a you'd like to add liar and fool to your resume?

While Jews and Christians have undergone the sort of reformations that obviate murder and massacres, Muslims have not.
In fact, multiple millions of Muslims are part of a movement that is motivated by murder.

You can pretend you are unaware of this...but

....this may be fitting as your epitaph:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
If that is true, why is there no army of millions overrunning the planet?

Have you missed the reports coming from Europe then, as millions are flooding into Eastern and Southern Europe in the hope of overrunning it.They will not be given a chance this time and will be pushed back into the sea
I'm a Jew and an Israeli citizen. I have lived in Israel my whole life. Most of us want our government to stop building settlements on Palestinian land and we would like to see a Palestinian state. We don't like conservative assholes in America using us to push their ridiculous right-wing agenda. You just make yourself look like fools.

Stolen land? The land you're on was stolen, get off it, you bigoted prick.

Penelope is a byproduct of the Roman Catholic Church - no knowledge of the Bible and extreme bigotry against Jews like Jesus.

Actually Martin Luther was the biggest anti jew, the RCC had many jews in it. They may of been a jew named Jesus, look at Jesus Barabbas, they say there were 11 Jesus's in the early first century, but we should not think that the word of God is jewish, or a jew. Judaism and Christianity are both religions. If you would take your nose out of the bible sometime you might learn that one should not take the bible literally.
Is it true? Is ignorance truely bliss?

It sounds like it, I wouldn't know.
Must really tick you off knowing Jesus was a Jew and God considers Jews his chosen people.

No because I don't believe either. :lmao::lmao::lol:

Then you are either a LYING POS MUSLIM or a complete moron, which is it
What they are doing to the people that use to live on that tiny piece of insignificant land,

why are Jews killing for it?
Just wantonly killing or reacting to terrorist attacks? You know it's reacting to terrorist attacks so why act like it's not?

Everyone has a right to self-defense, but blowing up a bus full of innocent people or launching rocket attacks into markets and residential areas with a goal to kill as many innocent Jews as possible isn't self-defense. It's terrorism.

Remember the Munich massacre? Palestinians have been murdering Israelis for decades. When is enough enough?

As the old joke many Arabs does it take to change a lightbulb?
None....they sit in the dark and blame the Jews.

1. Not just the only bastion of freedom and democracy in the Middle East, but this tiny nation, surrounded by 7th century savages and nations led by power and money hungry dictators who care not a whit for their citizens, goes more than the extra mile to make life better for its enemies.
As a necessary protection from the homicide bombers and would-be 'martyrs'...


Israel anti terror wall (1)

Israelis don't want the wall....each 2 meter wide section costs $8,000, and neither the Right, who see it as giving away greater Israel, nor the Left, who want to live peacefully with the Arabs, want it.

But, without the wall, the savages pour in...


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator

a. BTW....take another look at the picture of the wall...and take note of the city on the hill, to the right.
That city is what the western media refers to as 'a settlement.'

That's like calling Manhattan a settlement.

But they want to pollute the reality, and pretend that the cities that they demand turning over to the Palestinians is merely a temporary jerry-built refugee camp of Israelis.
It is not. It is a vibrant, thriving community rising up from the desert.
And it is permanent.

I'll get to that title, "Israel Defines Humanity" in a moment....

And it will be undeniable.

Full of crock. You have not read the history of the land. That is called a settlement , because it is on property that does not belong to them. Who are the savages??

how do you know that the property DOES NOT BELONG TO THEM? you have records? How does one determine land ownership???<<<< a serious question-----anyone who claims "THEY OWN LAND" or "I OWN LAND" ----if the person is not simply a talking (or writing) blob of shit---should have some concept on how LAND OWNERSHIP is attained

Whoever had the biggest gun, most money and power and at the time it seems to be Israel. They are trying to relive the OT, and attempting to turn the OT into history, which much of it is not. I'm sure one day the will come up with buried pottery and gold left behind form the exodus buried deep within the Sinai Desert, just to show , oh yes , the exodus must of been real. Of course they will plant it there first.
Why are you so worked up about a tiny strip of sand in a huge world filled with war and land grabbing?
Oh yeah, no Jews in those other places.

What they are doing to the people that use to live on that tiny piece of insignificant land,

why are Jews killing for it?

They arent they are defending their land from armed invaders who are trying to wipe them out and destroy their nation. It is detailed in their many charters and letters to the UN that they will never stop killing the Jews until the land is returned to the islamic waqf. It wont be long before the world see's the truth about the arab muslims and stops giving them money, and then starts to impose sanctions. The UN will be forced to deal harxhly with them and give them a few months to start talks or be kicked out of the UN
For the record-----Anti-semite Martin Luther was a trained catholic priest which is why he was an anti semite. He was
no more anti semitic than was the catholic church---he
"functioned" during the time when the INQUISITION was in full swing------and the order of the day not only included KILL DA JOOOS the catholics were also beginning massive murdering in the americas
The OT is not followed by the two main Christian factions is it, so that puts this to bed. ......So we could quote the OT, which is the Christian belief, but would have to add that this is no longer accepted as Christian teachings
Not just quoting. The Ten Commandments still apply as does the common Evangelical and Southern Baptist push for "Creationism" in public schools IAW the OT. A replica of Noah's Ark recently opened in Kentucky; "the park is an evangelical tool aimed at teaching creationism, a literal interpretation of the Bible's Book of Genesis."

Noah's Ark opens at Kentucky theme park -

But they dont push the commands in the O.T. as mandatory and must be followed, unlike the muslims that demand the commands in the koran must be followed.
Old writings are often full of war and death.

Matthew 10:34:
Jesus: I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.

"Old writings are often full of war and death."

I've already identified you as a you'd like to add liar and fool to your resume?

While Jews and Christians have undergone the sort of reformations that obviate murder and massacres, Muslims have not.
In fact, multiple millions of Muslims are part of a movement that is motivated by murder.

You can pretend you are unaware of this...but

....this may be fitting as your epitaph:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
If that is true, why is there no army of millions overrunning the planet?

Articulate your I can rip it to shreds.

I believe we're done, as you've been reduced to obvious lies.

I see your talking to yourself.:laugh2:

No as you are known for LYING when you cant get anyone to agree with your previous LIES
Old writings are often full of war and death.

Matthew 10:34:
Jesus: I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.

"Old writings are often full of war and death."

I've already identified you as a you'd like to add liar and fool to your resume?

While Jews and Christians have undergone the sort of reformations that obviate murder and massacres, Muslims have not.
In fact, multiple millions of Muslims are part of a movement that is motivated by murder.

You can pretend you are unaware of this...but

....this may be fitting as your epitaph:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
If that is true, why is there no army of millions overrunning the planet?

Articulate your I can rip it to shreds.
How could you when you don´t even get it?

Because you know that taken as a w3hole or taken in parts you will still be ripped to shreds
Old writings are often full of war and death.

Matthew 10:34:
Jesus: I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.

"Old writings are often full of war and death."

I've already identified you as a you'd like to add liar and fool to your resume?

While Jews and Christians have undergone the sort of reformations that obviate murder and massacres, Muslims have not.
In fact, multiple millions of Muslims are part of a movement that is motivated by murder.

You can pretend you are unaware of this...but

....this may be fitting as your epitaph:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
If that is true, why is there no army of millions overrunning the planet?

Have you missed the reports coming from Europe then, as millions are flooding into Eastern and Southern Europe in the hope of overrunning it.They will not be given a chance this time and will be pushed back into the sea
This is initiated by Nato with Merkel spearheading the invasion.
Old writings are often full of war and death.

Matthew 10:34:
Jesus: I did not come to bring peace, but the sword.

"Old writings are often full of war and death."

I've already identified you as a you'd like to add liar and fool to your resume?

While Jews and Christians have undergone the sort of reformations that obviate murder and massacres, Muslims have not.
In fact, multiple millions of Muslims are part of a movement that is motivated by murder.

You can pretend you are unaware of this...but

....this may be fitting as your epitaph:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
If that is true, why is there no army of millions overrunning the planet?

Articulate your I can rip it to shreds.
How could you when you don´t even get it?

Because you know that taken as a w3hole or taken in parts you will still be ripped to shreds
Nope, you have nothing that backs your claims.
But they dont push the commands in the O.T. as mandatory and must be followed, unlike the muslims that demand the commands in the koran must be followed.
Certainly Christians are about 700 years more civilized about it than Fundie Muslims, but all the hoopla about gay marriage is based on the OT, not the NT.
Is it true? Is ignorance truely bliss?

It sounds like it, I wouldn't know.
Must really tick you off knowing Jesus was a Jew and God considers Jews his chosen people.

No because I don't believe either. :lmao::lmao::lol:
Of course you don't. You claim you're a Roman Catholic. Which totally explains your theological ignorance and anti Semitic attitude.

Actually Protestants are the anti jew ones mainly. RC's are very tolerant of others.

LIAR as it was the Catholics that started the blood libels 2000 year ago. Starting with the one "the Jews killed our God", then " the Jews use the blood of christian babies to make their bread". The Protestants did not come about for at least a 1500 years or more after this. It was because of the inflexibility of the Catholic Popes and church leaders that they split from the RCC church and formed their own. The Catholics did what they do best and issued a declaration of war against the Protestants and ended up being defeated.
....This is a stupid lie spread by those who side with the terrorists in Syria.
The fact you are an "anti-zionist" aka anti-semitic is clear. Nice dodge on being pro-Russian and/or pro-Putin.

Assad is a fucking asshole dictator. That is well proven by history. What do you feel so compelling about Assad and his family? Why do you support him?
Lies and nothing but lies:

""anti-zionist" aka anti-semitic"
"Nice dodge on being pro-Russian and/or pro-Putin"
"Assad is a fucking asshole dictator"

WRONG as we can see all this in your many posts, and you are not coming over as a very nice person
The OT is not followed by the two main Christian factions is it, so that puts this to bed. ......So we could quote the OT, which is the Christian belief, but would have to add that this is no longer accepted as Christian teachings
Not just quoting. The Ten Commandments still apply as does the common Evangelical and Southern Baptist push for "Creationism" in public schools IAW the OT. A replica of Noah's Ark recently opened in Kentucky; "the park is an evangelical tool aimed at teaching creationism, a literal interpretation of the Bible's Book of Genesis."

Noah's Ark opens at Kentucky theme park -

But they dont push the commands in the O.T. as mandatory and must be followed, unlike the muslims that demand the commands in the koran must be followed.
But they dont push the commands in the O.T. as mandatory and must be followed, unlike the muslims that demand the commands in the koran must be followed.
Certainly Christians are about 700 years more civilized about it than Fundie Muslims, but all the hoopla about gay marriage is based on the OT, not the NT.

try again----the NT does not include a code of law. Your 700 year thing does not apply----talk to any muslim----ISLAM was invented before Adam
"Old writings are often full of war and death."

I've already identified you as a you'd like to add liar and fool to your resume?

While Jews and Christians have undergone the sort of reformations that obviate murder and massacres, Muslims have not.
In fact, multiple millions of Muslims are part of a movement that is motivated by murder.

You can pretend you are unaware of this...but

....this may be fitting as your epitaph:
"The deniers first deceive themselves that they are sincere in their adherence to falsehoods. Thus they cannot be faulted for acting on genuinely held views. But in truth, they have cultivated an ignorance of the facts, what Thomas Aquinas called ignorantia affectata. An ignorance so useful that one protects it at all costs, in order to continue using it in one’s own self interest. This ignorance is not exculpatory, but inculpatory. Forgive them not, for they know full well what they do.' RICHARD BADALAMENTE
If that is true, why is there no army of millions overrunning the planet?

Articulate your I can rip it to shreds.
How could you when you don´t even get it?

Because you know that taken as a w3hole or taken in parts you will still be ripped to shreds
Nope, you have nothing that backs your claims.

Muslim Invasion of Europe

Says it all, and destroys your post completely

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