Israel escalates forced transfer of Palestinians

concentration camp is a bit much.

but holding an entire family responsible for the actions of one member? that's not right.
evicting people from their homes and forcibly relocating them? that's not right.

and I'm going to be cynical here, but israel has an affordable housing crisis. looks like they just alleviated it a little.

It's done in the USA ---not infrequently

what's "funny" about it OG?-----the report is ONE family------evicted---- your fellow islamo Nazi pigs have decided that the ONE---
eviction constitutes CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND GENOCIDE. I have stories----
I know about lots of EVICTIONS in my own city------for all kinds of reasons----from crime to
-----a minor violation of the building code
what's funny is you want to compare the forceful relocation of a family away to eviction due to lease violations.

not lease violations----building violations unrelated to the TENANT <<< just another issue that can move a whole family OUT. It is even MORE funny that you want to trivialize shooting the brains out of people on the streets of Jerusalem because DEY IS JOOOOS
building violations - like a building doesn't meet code? yeah, that's not a problem for me when people are moved out of unsafe buildings.

and you can shove that 'because DEY IS JOOOOS' bullshit. it doesn't apply.
Vik---I suggest you re-read the article-----the TITLE is sensationalist-----the facts of the case are very simple and reasonable. The
involved are not citizens----situations like this one end up with DEPORTATION----all the time---in the USA. Long ago I was asked to write
in favor of the child of two GREEN CARD HOLDERS---------grew up in the USA-----and at about age 12---found a broken cheap gun (little tinny thing called 'Saturday nite special')----no bullets-----he carried the piece of trash to school and got arrested. When he reached age 18---getting ready to go to college---he was DEPORTED ---to some country in south America. NOTHING COULD BE DONE----very nice large hard working family in the USA----the kid had to go
concentration camp is a bit much.

but holding an entire family responsible for the actions of one member? that's not right.
evicting people from their homes and forcibly relocating them? that's not right.

and I'm going to be cynical here, but israel has an affordable housing crisis. looks like they just alleviated it a little.

It's done in the USA ---not infrequently

what's "funny" about it OG?-----the report is ONE family------evicted---- your fellow islamo Nazi pigs have decided that the ONE---
eviction constitutes CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND GENOCIDE. I have stories----
I know about lots of EVICTIONS in my own city------for all kinds of reasons----from crime to
-----a minor violation of the building code
what's funny is you want to compare the forceful relocation of a family away to eviction due to lease violations.

not lease violations----building violations unrelated to the TENANT <<< just another issue that can move a whole family OUT. It is even MORE funny that you want to trivialize shooting the brains out of people on the streets of Jerusalem because DEY IS JOOOOS
building violations - like a building doesn't meet code? yeah, that's not a problem for me when people are moved out of unsafe buildings.

and you can shove that 'because DEY IS JOOOOS' bullshit. it doesn't apply.

the "because dey is jooos" refers to the fact that little old smelly bitches are pulling knives out of their stinking Burkahs and sticking them into PEOPLE in Jerusalem. In this case the victims of the gun shots got bullets pumped into them because "DEY IS JOOOS"
It's done in the USA ---not infrequently

what's "funny" about it OG?-----the report is ONE family------evicted---- your fellow islamo Nazi pigs have decided that the ONE---
eviction constitutes CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND GENOCIDE. I have stories----
I know about lots of EVICTIONS in my own city------for all kinds of reasons----from crime to
-----a minor violation of the building code
what's funny is you want to compare the forceful relocation of a family away to eviction due to lease violations.

not lease violations----building violations unrelated to the TENANT <<< just another issue that can move a whole family OUT. It is even MORE funny that you want to trivialize shooting the brains out of people on the streets of Jerusalem because DEY IS JOOOOS
building violations - like a building doesn't meet code? yeah, that's not a problem for me when people are moved out of unsafe buildings.

and you can shove that 'because DEY IS JOOOOS' bullshit. it doesn't apply.

the "because dey is jooos" refers to the fact that little old smelly bitches are pulling knives out of their stinking Burkahs and sticking them into PEOPLE in Jerusalem. In this case the victims of the gun shots got bullets pumped into them because "DEY IS JOOOS"
you, like a lot of posters here, never even consider that the palestinian's might have legitimate grievances

for you thinking never goes beyond "DEY IS JOOOS"
what's "funny" about it OG?-----the report is ONE family------evicted---- your fellow islamo Nazi pigs have decided that the ONE---
eviction constitutes CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND GENOCIDE. I have stories----
I know about lots of EVICTIONS in my own city------for all kinds of reasons----from crime to
-----a minor violation of the building code
what's funny is you want to compare the forceful relocation of a family away to eviction due to lease violations.

not lease violations----building violations unrelated to the TENANT <<< just another issue that can move a whole family OUT. It is even MORE funny that you want to trivialize shooting the brains out of people on the streets of Jerusalem because DEY IS JOOOOS
building violations - like a building doesn't meet code? yeah, that's not a problem for me when people are moved out of unsafe buildings.

and you can shove that 'because DEY IS JOOOOS' bullshit. it doesn't apply.

the "because dey is jooos" refers to the fact that little old smelly bitches are pulling knives out of their stinking Burkahs and sticking them into PEOPLE in Jerusalem. In this case the victims of the gun shots got bullets pumped into them because "DEY IS JOOOS"
you, like a lot of posters here, never even consider that the palestinian's might have legitimate grievances

for you thinking never goes beyond "DEY IS JOOOS"

You have been reading minds again? Of course the Palestinians have legitimate
grievances-----so do I. I go way beyond "dey is joos" when your colleagues are not busy sticking knives and shooting people on the streets of Jerusalem BECAUSE DEY IS JOOOS. About 50 years ago-----the MOST AUTHORITATIVE school on Islamic jurisprudence in the WORLD -----issued a FARTWAH legalizing the killing of ANY JEW OF ANY AGE OR GENDER IN THE WORLD---by any muslim in the world (al azhar U.) In fact doing so is a free pass to the CAT HOUSE IN THE SKY
what's funny is you want to compare the forceful relocation of a family away to eviction due to lease violations.

not lease violations----building violations unrelated to the TENANT <<< just another issue that can move a whole family OUT. It is even MORE funny that you want to trivialize shooting the brains out of people on the streets of Jerusalem because DEY IS JOOOOS
building violations - like a building doesn't meet code? yeah, that's not a problem for me when people are moved out of unsafe buildings.

and you can shove that 'because DEY IS JOOOOS' bullshit. it doesn't apply.

the "because dey is jooos" refers to the fact that little old smelly bitches are pulling knives out of their stinking Burkahs and sticking them into PEOPLE in Jerusalem. In this case the victims of the gun shots got bullets pumped into them because "DEY IS JOOOS"
you, like a lot of posters here, never even consider that the palestinian's might have legitimate grievances

for you thinking never goes beyond "DEY IS JOOOS"

You have been reading minds again? Of course the Palestinians have legitimate
grievances-----so do I. I go way beyond "dey is joos" when your colleagues are not busy sticking knives and shooting people on the streets of Jerusalem BECAUSE DEY IS JOOOS. About 50 years ago-----the MOST AUTHORITATIVE school on Islamic jurisprudence in the WORLD -----issued a FARTWAH legalizing the killing of ANY JEW OF ANY AGE OR GENDER IN THE WORLD---by any muslim in the world (al azhar U.) In fact doing so is a free pass to the CAT HOUSE IN THE SKY
you contradict yourself
not lease violations----building violations unrelated to the TENANT <<< just another issue that can move a whole family OUT. It is even MORE funny that you want to trivialize shooting the brains out of people on the streets of Jerusalem because DEY IS JOOOOS
building violations - like a building doesn't meet code? yeah, that's not a problem for me when people are moved out of unsafe buildings.

and you can shove that 'because DEY IS JOOOOS' bullshit. it doesn't apply.

the "because dey is jooos" refers to the fact that little old smelly bitches are pulling knives out of their stinking Burkahs and sticking them into PEOPLE in Jerusalem. In this case the victims of the gun shots got bullets pumped into them because "DEY IS JOOOS"
you, like a lot of posters here, never even consider that the palestinian's might have legitimate grievances

for you thinking never goes beyond "DEY IS JOOOS"

You have been reading minds again? Of course the Palestinians have legitimate
grievances-----so do I. I go way beyond "dey is joos" when your colleagues are not busy sticking knives and shooting people on the streets of Jerusalem BECAUSE DEY IS JOOOS. About 50 years ago-----the MOST AUTHORITATIVE school on Islamic jurisprudence in the WORLD -----issued a FARTWAH legalizing the killing of ANY JEW OF ANY AGE OR GENDER IN THE WORLD---by any muslim in the world (al azhar U.) In fact doing so is a free pass to the CAT HOUSE IN THE SKY
you contradict yourself

how clever you are----you found a "contradiction"-------but cannot state just
what that CONTRADICTION is
building violations - like a building doesn't meet code? yeah, that's not a problem for me when people are moved out of unsafe buildings.

and you can shove that 'because DEY IS JOOOOS' bullshit. it doesn't apply.

the "because dey is jooos" refers to the fact that little old smelly bitches are pulling knives out of their stinking Burkahs and sticking them into PEOPLE in Jerusalem. In this case the victims of the gun shots got bullets pumped into them because "DEY IS JOOOS"
you, like a lot of posters here, never even consider that the palestinian's might have legitimate grievances

for you thinking never goes beyond "DEY IS JOOOS"

You have been reading minds again? Of course the Palestinians have legitimate
grievances-----so do I. I go way beyond "dey is joos" when your colleagues are not busy sticking knives and shooting people on the streets of Jerusalem BECAUSE DEY IS JOOOS. About 50 years ago-----the MOST AUTHORITATIVE school on Islamic jurisprudence in the WORLD -----issued a FARTWAH legalizing the killing of ANY JEW OF ANY AGE OR GENDER IN THE WORLD---by any muslim in the world (al azhar U.) In fact doing so is a free pass to the CAT HOUSE IN THE SKY
you contradict yourself

how clever you are----you found a "contradiction"-------but cannot state just
what that CONTRADICTION is

you got that "contradiction" figured out yet,
Of course the Palestinians have legitimate
when your colleagues are not busy sticking knives and shooting people on the streets of Jerusalem BECAUSE DEY IS JOOOS.

so clearly you don't consider the Palestinian position

of course I consider the Palestinian position-----and I know that they feel justified in killing JOOOS. Killing jews is ONE of their very important positions. You raise a very interesting point. A very PROMINENT component of the issue of Israel in the MIDDLE EAST is-------SHARIAH LAW.
Shariah law was ----at one time---imposed in
PALESTINE-----sorta---more or less. Shariah law disallows jews from OWNING LAND----and mandates that ALL OF PALESTINE IS MUSLIM LAND. Shariah law also prohibits jews from owning or carrying weapons of any
kind-------so now you understand why sluts in
black smelly rags can legally shove knives into jews <<<<< that is the muzziette POV ----
see? I have considered it. It is a big insult to allah that his divine shariah is not observed in Jerusalem. For the record---I learned the basics of shariah law from muslims-----and some of the comical details from hubby who was born a dhimmi in a shariah cesspit. Feel free to ask questions
It's not comparable to a concentration camp, but it there certainly seems to be some injustices done residents of Jerusalem, who have done nothing wrong, being evicted?

You have to round victims up into a concentration camp before they can be transferred somewhere else. That is why it has the ring of a concentration camp. I hope UN will step in to prevent this crime against humanity.
There is absolutely no indication anything remotely like that is going on.

I don't agree with what they are doing, but making those sort of comparisons does nothing to address the real issues.

How are you going to transfer a large group of people without concentrating them in one place? This is a forced transfer of people not voluntary migration.
It is the forced expulsion of legal residents of Jerusalem, who most likely resided there prior to Israel's occupation and who committed no crime.

It is not a concentration camp.

They are not held anywhere, prevented from working, traveling, getting food, and they are not being killed.

The issue is: is it right to punish innocent people simply because they are related to one who committed a crime.

More likely to be recent migrants from elsewhere living in Jewish owned property stolen in 1949, or do you deny the truth when it shows that the Jews were the victims.

To answer your question was it right to punish the 1 million or so Jews who were illegally expelled from their homelands and property because the Jews in Israel beat the crap out of the invading arab muslim arab league armies and ended up with more land that they expected. If you think that it was right to do this then it must also be right for Israel to deport the terrorists, pro terrorists and terrorist enablers to safeguard the Children in Israel
It's not comparable to a concentration camp, but it there certainly seems to be some injustices done residents of Jerusalem, who have done nothing wrong, being evicted?

You have to round victims up into a concentration camp before they can be transferred somewhere else. That is why it has the ring of a concentration camp. I hope UN will step in to prevent this crime against humanity.
There is absolutely no indication anything remotely like that is going on.

I don't agree with what they are doing, but making those sort of comparisons does nothing to address the real issues.

How are you going to transfer a large group of people without concentrating them in one place? This is a forced transfer of people not voluntary migration.
It is the forced expulsion of legal residents of Jerusalem, who most likely resided there prior to Israel's occupation and who committed no crime.

It is not a concentration camp.

They are not held anywhere, prevented from working, traveling, getting food, and they are not being killed.

The issue is: is it right to punish innocent people simply because they are related to one who committed a crime.

More likely to be recent migrants from elsewhere living in Jewish owned property stolen in 1949, or do you deny the truth when it shows that the Jews were the victims.

To answer your question was it right to punish the 1 million or so Jews who were illegally expelled from their homelands and property because the Jews in Israel beat the crap out of the invading arab muslim arab league armies and ended up with more land that they expected. If you think that it was right to do this then it must also be right for Israel to deport the terrorists, pro terrorists and terrorist enablers to safeguard the Children in Israel

I've repeatedly said forced expulsions are not right. Now, can you actually address the topic at hand - is it right to expel innocent people?
concentration camp is a bit much.

but holding an entire family responsible for the actions of one member? that's not right.
evicting people from their homes and forcibly relocating them? that's not right.

and I'm going to be cynical here, but israel has an affordable housing crisis. looks like they just alleviated it a little.

Just one question was it right for the Palestinians to evict the Jews from their homes and property in 1949, and then pass laws to dispossess the Jews of their lands for ever more. If in your eyes it was then to be unbiased Israel's actions must also be right
It's not comparable to a concentration camp, but it there certainly seems to be some injustices done residents of Jerusalem, who have done nothing wrong, being evicted?

You have to round victims up into a concentration camp before they can be transferred somewhere else. That is why it has the ring of a concentration camp. I hope UN will step in to prevent this crime against humanity.

They rounded themselves up when they evicted 1 million Jews in 1949 and stole their lands and property. Karma is a bitch when it hits the muslims
It's not karma, it's not a concentration camp, it's punishing innocent people, something you seem to have no issue with if they happen to be the wrong ethnic group or religion.

It is if you believe that your actions will have an effect on what you receive at a later date
concentration camp is a bit much.

but holding an entire family responsible for the actions of one member? that's not right.
evicting people from their homes and forcibly relocating them? that's not right.

and I'm going to be cynical here, but israel has an affordable housing crisis. looks like they just alleviated it a little.

It's done in the USA ---not infrequently

what's "funny" about it OG?-----the report is ONE family------evicted---- your fellow islamo Nazi pigs have decided that the ONE---
eviction constitutes CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND GENOCIDE. I have stories----
I know about lots of EVICTIONS in my own city------for all kinds of reasons----from crime to
-----a minor violation of the building code
what's funny is you want to compare the forceful relocation of a family away to eviction due to lease violations.

What was the forceful relocation of the families reason then, was it because of a criminal offence that the whole family was engaged in ?
Of course the Palestinians have legitimate
when your colleagues are not busy sticking knives and shooting people on the streets of Jerusalem BECAUSE DEY IS JOOOS.

so clearly you don't consider the Palestinian position

Do you ever consider the Jewish position, or is that beyond your ability.
no, i never consider the jewish position.

i do consider the israeli position but honestly it's tough to have sympathy for displacing people and mass killings
You have to round victims up into a concentration camp before they can be transferred somewhere else. That is why it has the ring of a concentration camp. I hope UN will step in to prevent this crime against humanity.
There is absolutely no indication anything remotely like that is going on.

I don't agree with what they are doing, but making those sort of comparisons does nothing to address the real issues.

How are you going to transfer a large group of people without concentrating them in one place? This is a forced transfer of people not voluntary migration.
It is the forced expulsion of legal residents of Jerusalem, who most likely resided there prior to Israel's occupation and who committed no crime.

It is not a concentration camp.

They are not held anywhere, prevented from working, traveling, getting food, and they are not being killed.

The issue is: is it right to punish innocent people simply because they are related to one who committed a crime.

More likely to be recent migrants from elsewhere living in Jewish owned property stolen in 1949, or do you deny the truth when it shows that the Jews were the victims.

To answer your question was it right to punish the 1 million or so Jews who were illegally expelled from their homelands and property because the Jews in Israel beat the crap out of the invading arab muslim arab league armies and ended up with more land that they expected. If you think that it was right to do this then it must also be right for Israel to deport the terrorists, pro terrorists and terrorist enablers to safeguard the Children in Israel

I've repeatedly said forced expulsions are not right. Now, can you actually address the topic at hand - is it right to expel innocent people?

I did by showing that in 1949 the Palestinians were instrumental in forcibly evicting 1 million Jews or so from their lands and properties because other Jews had given the arab league a bloody nose. It wasn't a case of handing over a legal edict to move from your house, it was done with force of arms and many people were murdered in the process. Girls raped by the arab muslim hordes and the men beaten. Any possessions of value stolen by the muslims.

Now was it right to expel these people from their homes in Jerusalem and the west bank because of the war started by the arab muslims. Is it right to expel people believed to be engaged in the planning of terrorist attacks on the Isreali people, or of having information and not disclosing it. Hardly what you would call innocents
There is absolutely no indication anything remotely like that is going on.

I don't agree with what they are doing, but making those sort of comparisons does nothing to address the real issues.

How are you going to transfer a large group of people without concentrating them in one place? This is a forced transfer of people not voluntary migration.
It is the forced expulsion of legal residents of Jerusalem, who most likely resided there prior to Israel's occupation and who committed no crime.

It is not a concentration camp.

They are not held anywhere, prevented from working, traveling, getting food, and they are not being killed.

The issue is: is it right to punish innocent people simply because they are related to one who committed a crime.

More likely to be recent migrants from elsewhere living in Jewish owned property stolen in 1949, or do you deny the truth when it shows that the Jews were the victims.

To answer your question was it right to punish the 1 million or so Jews who were illegally expelled from their homelands and property because the Jews in Israel beat the crap out of the invading arab muslim arab league armies and ended up with more land that they expected. If you think that it was right to do this then it must also be right for Israel to deport the terrorists, pro terrorists and terrorist enablers to safeguard the Children in Israel

I've repeatedly said forced expulsions are not right. Now, can you actually address the topic at hand - is it right to expel innocent people?

I did by showing that in 1949 the Palestinians were instrumental in forcibly evicting 1 million Jews or so from their lands and properties because other Jews had given the arab league a bloody nose. It wasn't a case of handing over a legal edict to move from your house, it was done with force of arms and many people were murdered in the process. Girls raped by the arab muslim hordes and the men beaten. Any possessions of value stolen by the muslims.

Now was it right to expel these people from their homes in Jerusalem and the west bank because of the war started by the arab muslims. Is it right to expel people believed to be engaged in the planning of terrorist attacks on the Isreali people, or of having information and not disclosing it. Hardly what you would call innocents

I'll ask it again - is it right to expel innocent people? IE - the families, including children, of someone who committed a crime?
Of course the Palestinians have legitimate
when your colleagues are not busy sticking knives and shooting people on the streets of Jerusalem BECAUSE DEY IS JOOOS.

so clearly you don't consider the Palestinian position

Do you ever consider the Jewish position, or is that beyond your ability.
no, i never consider the jewish position.

i do consider the israeli position but honestly it's tough to have sympathy for displacing people and mass killings

So how do you sleep at night when you support and defend such actions by the Palestinians ? And don't say you don't the number of times they have stated that this is their aim

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