Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap once again.

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None, during the course of the 2014 Gaza War, insofar as anyone knows.

Unless you have substantive and conclusive evidence to the contrary; sufficient to indict for murder in a court of competent authority where an unbiased jury could objectively weigh the evidence and hear testimony.

A great many Gazans have died in recent weeks; most civilians, and, more importantly, a great many Hamas militants, as well.

But there is no evidence of murder, that I am aware of.


Don't they make kid's games and toys?
Aren't Jews the occupying power in Gaza?
As usual your knee-jerk support for all things Jew leads you astray.

Hamas is the occupying power in Gaza and the IDF is a liberating force bringing freedom to the hapless Gazans.
As always, you remain my little Hamas wind-up toy. :lol:
Hamas was elected in Gaza.
Jews were inflicted.
When your people get it through their greedy skulls they will never control all the land between the River and the sea, trolls like you will become obsolete.
Aren't Jews the occupying power in Gaza?...
Dunno, in the Real World.

...They are...
According to some of the Arab ass-kissers at the UN, anyway. Many people disagree.

They abandon their protection when they attack Israel; de facto, if not de jure. Given that... phukk 'em.

The only Nazis involved in any of this are the Nazi-rooted Palestinian organizations whose early leaders were chummy with Nazi leadership and whose militias continue to use Nazi salutes and goosestepping as part of their ceremonial panoply.

Dunno. Ask the Hamas fighters who were hiding behind the skirts of those civilians.

1. the Jews aren't being indiscriminate - they are precisely targeting, as best they can, and they are usually warning civilians in advance of firing upon a position

2. the scope of a bombardment is usually aligned with the extent to which enemy positions are embedded within such neighborhoods.

Don't want those kind of casualties?

Move your war-assets and personnel away from those heavily populated areas.

Fail to do that and you will continue to take heavy civilian casualties.

Your choice.

Hell, even President Obumble has labeled your Hamas boys as 'barbaric' and condemned Hahas' embedding of war assets amongst its civilian population in violation of the Geneva Convention.

...but you probably don't hear too much about that on the corporate US media...
It's all a Worldwide Jooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!

...As usual your knee-jerk support for all things Jew leads you astray.
Or keeps folks feet on the ground, when assaulted by Militant Muslim propaganda.
Jews control three of four land borders of Gaza, all the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza; Jews occupy Gaza.

According to eyewitness accounts inside Gaza, Jews are firing indiscriminately, leveling entire city blocks to destroy a single rocket launcher or a complete building to kill one sniper.

When the killing ends and the rubble gives up it's dead, we'll be able to count the victims of the latest kosher killing spree.

I don't have the slightest idea why anyone would think Obama is any less of a Jew puppet than those who've come before or those lining up to take his place.

Possibly it offends your sensibilities; however, it is Israel's occupation of Palestine in all its various forms that is driving the resistance from Hamas and other Arabs groups. Jews have worn out their welcome in Palestine even faster than they did in Europe.
Jews control three of four land borders of Gaza, all the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza...
Mad dogs must be contained in their kennel. Even the Egyptians think so, blockading the fourth (southern) border as they do.

...Jews occupy Gaza...
That is certainly one point of view, and a common one.
...According to eyewitness accounts inside Gaza, Jews are firing indiscriminately, leveling entire city blocks to destroy a single rocket launcher or a complete building to kill one sniper...
A Palestinian eyewitness?

When did this indiscriminate destruction begin?

After Hamas treacherously broke the 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire and kidnapped an Israeli soldier?

I think you've pissed 'em off.

I suggest running up the White Flag sooner rather than later, or there may be a lot more of what you were describing.

You people have simply GOT to learn to stop pissing into the wind.

All that gets you is a wet, smelly pants-leg.

...When the killing ends and the rubble gives up it's dead, we'll be able to count the victims of the latest kosher killing spree...

And this is gonna be a goddamned costly one for your side.

You can thank the idiots in Hamas for that.

...I don't have the slightest idea why anyone would think Obama is any less of a Jew puppet than those who've come before or those lining up to take his place...
Doesn't matter. He's got the con of the Ship of State at the moment. And, given the Islamic influence in his own life, and his iconic bowing and scraping to the Saudis, such an admission by Obumble is especially noteworthy, and the subject of much glee and raucous laughter on the other side of this issue.

...Possibly it offends your sensibilities...
Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

...however, it is Israel's occupation of Palestine in all its various forms that is driving the resistance from Hamas and other Arabs groups...
Palestinian resistance is immaterial in the long run. It will change nothing in the end. Might as well save yourself the trouble.

...Jews have worn out their welcome in Palestine even faster than they did in Europe.
Doesn't matter. Nobody there has the muscle to make 'em leave.
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How many civilians has Israel murdered in Gaza?...
None, during the course of the 2014 Gaza War, insofar as anyone knows.

Unless you have substantive and conclusive evidence to the contrary; sufficient to indict for murder in a court of competent authority where an unbiased jury could objectively weigh the evidence and hear testimony.

A great many Gazans have died in recent weeks; most civilians, and, more importantly, a great many Hamas militants, as well.

But there is no evidence of murder, that I am aware of.

...See if you can find another hasbara video as blatant as your last offering.

Don't they make kid's games and toys?
Aren't Jews the occupying power in Gaza?
They are.
That means the civilians of Gaza are protected persons, not trophies in a Nazi's game.
How many dead civilians are still buried by acres of rubble in Gaza?
Jews indiscriminately shell entire neighborhoods as part of their Dahiya Doctrine, but you probably don't hear too much about that on the corporate US media.
As usual your knee-jerk support for all things Jew leads you astray.

Woman Used As Human Shield in ?70s Exposes Hamas Propoganda | Israel Video Network
Aren't Jews the occupying power in Gaza?...
Dunno, in the Real World.

According to some of the Arab ass-kissers at the UN, anyway. Many people disagree.

They abandon their protection when they attack Israel; de facto, if not de jure. Given that... phukk 'em.

The only Nazis involved in any of this are the Nazi-rooted Palestinian organizations whose early leaders were chummy with Nazi leadership and whose militias continue to use Nazi salutes and goosestepping as part of their ceremonial panoply.

Dunno. Ask the Hamas fighters who were hiding behind the skirts of those civilians.

1. the Jews aren't being indiscriminate - they are precisely targeting, as best they can, and they are usually warning civilians in advance of firing upon a position

2. the scope of a bombardment is usually aligned with the extent to which enemy positions are embedded within such neighborhoods.

Don't want those kind of casualties?

Move your war-assets and personnel away from those heavily populated areas.

Fail to do that and you will continue to take heavy civilian casualties.

Your choice.

Hell, even President Obumble has labeled your Hamas boys as 'barbaric' and condemned Hahas' embedding of war assets amongst its civilian population in violation of the Geneva Convention.

It's all a Worldwide Jooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!

...As usual your knee-jerk support for all things Jew leads you astray.
Or keeps folks feet on the ground, when assaulted by Militant Muslim propaganda.
Jews control three of four land borders of Gaza, all the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza; Jews occupy Gaza.

According to eyewitness accounts inside Gaza, Jews are firing indiscriminately, leveling entire city blocks to destroy a single rocket launcher or a complete building to kill one sniper.

When the killing ends and the rubble gives up it's dead, we'll be able to count the victims of the latest kosher killing spree.

I don't have the slightest idea why anyone would think Obama is any less of a Jew puppet than those who've come before or those lining up to take his place.

Possibly it offends your sensibilities; however, it is Israel's occupation of Palestine in all its various forms that is driving the resistance from Hamas and other Arabs groups. Jews have worn out their welcome in Palestine even faster than they did in Europe.

I like that trade off. A city block in return for one missile launch and an entire building for a sniper. That's pretty good. Don't want to lose everything stop attacking Israel.

It's not good enough. They haven't stopped. Thus the payment for being bad needs to go up, not down.
Jews control three of four land borders of Gaza, all the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza...
Mad dogs must be contained in their kennel. Even the Egyptians think so, blockading the fourth (southern) border as they do.

...Jews occupy Gaza...
That is certainly one point of view, and a common one.

A Palestinian eyewitness?

When did this indiscriminate destruction begin?

After Hamas treacherously broke the 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire and kidnapped an Israeli soldier?

I think you've pissed 'em off.

I suggest running up the White Flag sooner rather than later, or there may be a lot more of what you were describing.

You people have simply GOT to learn to stop pissing into the wind.

All that gets you is a wet, smelly pants-leg.


And this is gonna be a goddamned costly one for your side.

You can thank the idiots in Hamas for that.

Doesn't matter. He's got the con of the Ship of State at the moment. And, given the Islamic influence in his own life, and his iconic bowing and scraping to the Saudis, such an admission by Obumble is especially noteworthy, and the subject of much glee and raucous laughter on the other side of this issue.

Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

...however, it is Israel's occupation of Palestine in all its various forms that is driving the resistance from Hamas and other Arabs groups...
Palestinian resistance is immaterial in the long run. It will change nothing in the end. Might as well save yourself the trouble.

...Jews have worn out their welcome in Palestine even faster than they did in Europe.
Doesn't matter. Nobody there has the muscle to make 'em leave.
And vice versa.
Jews lack the muscle to drive an equal number of Arabs from Palestine.
Might as well scrap that old racist Jewish state and move on.
One Semite: One vote.
Where did you get the idea Hamas broke the cease fire, Hasbara, Inc?
Did the heroic Jews continue their tunnel explorations?
If so, one of them isn't too happy about that right now.
Be a real shame if Hamas poured gasoline down his throat before serving a spicy dish.
You really buy all the kosher pig shit that's tossed out, don't you.
Do you ever feel like you're being played?
You are.
Even pissing into the wind is better than swallowing it.
Jews control three of four land borders of Gaza, all the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza...
Mad dogs must be contained in their kennel. Even the Egyptians think so, blockading the fourth (southern) border as they do.

That is certainly one point of view, and a common one.

A Palestinian eyewitness?

When did this indiscriminate destruction begin?

After Hamas treacherously broke the 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire and kidnapped an Israeli soldier?

I think you've pissed 'em off.

I suggest running up the White Flag sooner rather than later, or there may be a lot more of what you were describing.

You people have simply GOT to learn to stop pissing into the wind.

All that gets you is a wet, smelly pants-leg.


And this is gonna be a goddamned costly one for your side.

You can thank the idiots in Hamas for that.

Doesn't matter. He's got the con of the Ship of State at the moment. And, given the Islamic influence in his own life, and his iconic bowing and scraping to the Saudis, such an admission by Obumble is especially noteworthy, and the subject of much glee and raucous laughter on the other side of this issue.

Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Palestinian resistance is immaterial in the long run. It will change nothing in the end. Might as well save yourself the trouble.

...Jews have worn out their welcome in Palestine even faster than they did in Europe.
Doesn't matter. Nobody there has the muscle to make 'em leave.
And vice versa.
Jews lack the muscle to drive an equal number of Arabs from Palestine.
Might as well scrap that old racist Jewish state and move on.
One Semite: One vote.
Where did you get the idea Hamas broke the cease fire, Hasbara, Inc?
Did the heroic Jews continue their tunnel explorations?
If so, one of them isn't too happy about that right now.
Be a real shame if Hamas poured gasoline down his throat before serving a spicy dish.
You really buy all the kosher pig shit that's tossed out, don't you.
Do you ever feel like you're being played?
You are.
Even pissing into the wind is better than swallowing it.

no, they lack the will. When you pull off a bandaid you rip it off. You don't use gentle tugs it makes it hurt more longer. Israel needs to take off the kids gloves and bring the kill count up to the tens of thousands to win this one.
Jews control three of four land borders of Gaza, all the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza...
Mad dogs must be contained in their kennel. Even the Egyptians think so, blockading the fourth (southern) border as they do.

That is certainly one point of view, and a common one.

A Palestinian eyewitness?

When did this indiscriminate destruction begin?

After Hamas treacherously broke the 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire and kidnapped an Israeli soldier?

I think you've pissed 'em off.

I suggest running up the White Flag sooner rather than later, or there may be a lot more of what you were describing.

You people have simply GOT to learn to stop pissing into the wind.

All that gets you is a wet, smelly pants-leg.


And this is gonna be a goddamned costly one for your side.

You can thank the idiots in Hamas for that.

Doesn't matter. He's got the con of the Ship of State at the moment. And, given the Islamic influence in his own life, and his iconic bowing and scraping to the Saudis, such an admission by Obumble is especially noteworthy, and the subject of much glee and raucous laughter on the other side of this issue.

Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Palestinian resistance is immaterial in the long run. It will change nothing in the end. Might as well save yourself the trouble.

...Jews have worn out their welcome in Palestine even faster than they did in Europe.
Doesn't matter. Nobody there has the muscle to make 'em leave.
And vice versa.
Jews lack the muscle to drive an equal number of Arabs from Palestine.
Might as well scrap that old racist Jewish state and move on.
One Semite: One vote.
Where did you get the idea Hamas broke the cease fire, Hasbara, Inc?
Did the heroic Jews continue their tunnel explorations?
If so, one of them isn't too happy about that right now.
Be a real shame if Hamas poured gasoline down his throat before serving a spicy dish.
You really buy all the kosher pig shit that's tossed out, don't you.
Do you ever feel like you're being played?
You are.
Even pissing into the wind is better than swallowing it.

That Jewish guy musta broke your heart when he humped ya and dumped ya, eh? LOL!
Hasbara needs to get out it's A game. Slackers.


Now maybe you see why?

That the Jews should protect themselves.
Jews control three of four land borders of Gaza, all the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza...
Mad dogs must be contained in their kennel. Even the Egyptians think so, blockading the fourth (southern) border as they do.

...Jews occupy Gaza...
That is certainly one point of view, and a common one.

A Palestinian eyewitness?

When did this indiscriminate destruction begin?

After Hamas treacherously broke the 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire and kidnapped an Israeli soldier?

I think you've pissed 'em off.

I suggest running up the White Flag sooner rather than later, or there may be a lot more of what you were describing.

You people have simply GOT to learn to stop pissing into the wind.

All that gets you is a wet, smelly pants-leg.


And this is gonna be a goddamned costly one for your side.

You can thank the idiots in Hamas for that.

Doesn't matter. He's got the con of the Ship of State at the moment. And, given the Islamic influence in his own life, and his iconic bowing and scraping to the Saudis, such an admission by Obumble is especially noteworthy, and the subject of much glee and raucous laughter on the other side of this issue.

Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

...however, it is Israel's occupation of Palestine in all its various forms that is driving the resistance from Hamas and other Arabs groups...
Palestinian resistance is immaterial in the long run. It will change nothing in the end. Might as well save yourself the trouble.

...Jews have worn out their welcome in Palestine even faster than they did in Europe.
Doesn't matter. Nobody there has the muscle to make 'em leave.

What I find amusing is that even though Dhimmi George can't hide his Jew hatred, he would be beheaded by his extremist masters one, two, three. After all, he is an Infidel, even if perhaps he has joined the Nation of Islam in Los Angeles.
Mad dogs must be contained in their kennel. Even the Egyptians think so, blockading the fourth (southern) border as they do.

That is certainly one point of view, and a common one.

A Palestinian eyewitness?

When did this indiscriminate destruction begin?

After Hamas treacherously broke the 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire and kidnapped an Israeli soldier?

I think you've pissed 'em off.

I suggest running up the White Flag sooner rather than later, or there may be a lot more of what you were describing.

You people have simply GOT to learn to stop pissing into the wind.

All that gets you is a wet, smelly pants-leg.


And this is gonna be a goddamned costly one for your side.

You can thank the idiots in Hamas for that.

Doesn't matter. He's got the con of the Ship of State at the moment. And, given the Islamic influence in his own life, and his iconic bowing and scraping to the Saudis, such an admission by Obumble is especially noteworthy, and the subject of much glee and raucous laughter on the other side of this issue.

Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Palestinian resistance is immaterial in the long run. It will change nothing in the end. Might as well save yourself the trouble.

Doesn't matter. Nobody there has the muscle to make 'em leave.
And vice versa.
Jews lack the muscle to drive an equal number of Arabs from Palestine.
Might as well scrap that old racist Jewish state and move on.
One Semite: One vote.
Where did you get the idea Hamas broke the cease fire, Hasbara, Inc?
Did the heroic Jews continue their tunnel explorations?
If so, one of them isn't too happy about that right now.
Be a real shame if Hamas poured gasoline down his throat before serving a spicy dish.
You really buy all the kosher pig shit that's tossed out, don't you.
Do you ever feel like you're being played?
You are.
Even pissing into the wind is better than swallowing it.

That Jewish guy musta broke your heart when he humped ya and dumped ya, eh? LOL!

I think his big problem is that he didn't have that get up and go to make something out of his life so he winds up in his later years with very little and has to live in a subsidized tiny one-room apartment in a neighborhood mainly peopled by Central Americas with whom he probably can't even communicate. Therefore, he has to blame someone for his lot in life, and. you can see how the Jews were chosen to be his scapegoat.
Jews control three of four land borders of Gaza, all the airspace, coastal waters, electromagnetic sphere and population registry of Gaza...
Mad dogs must be contained in their kennel. Even the Egyptians think so, blockading the fourth (southern) border as they do.

That is certainly one point of view, and a common one.

A Palestinian eyewitness?

When did this indiscriminate destruction begin?

After Hamas treacherously broke the 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire and kidnapped an Israeli soldier?

I think you've pissed 'em off.

I suggest running up the White Flag sooner rather than later, or there may be a lot more of what you were describing.

You people have simply GOT to learn to stop pissing into the wind.

All that gets you is a wet, smelly pants-leg.


And this is gonna be a goddamned costly one for your side.

You can thank the idiots in Hamas for that.

Doesn't matter. He's got the con of the Ship of State at the moment. And, given the Islamic influence in his own life, and his iconic bowing and scraping to the Saudis, such an admission by Obumble is especially noteworthy, and the subject of much glee and raucous laughter on the other side of this issue.

Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Palestinian resistance is immaterial in the long run. It will change nothing in the end. Might as well save yourself the trouble.

...Jews have worn out their welcome in Palestine even faster than they did in Europe.
Doesn't matter. Nobody there has the muscle to make 'em leave.
And vice versa.
Jews lack the muscle to drive an equal number of Arabs from Palestine.
Might as well scrap that old racist Jewish state and move on.
One Semite: One vote.
Where did you get the idea Hamas broke the cease fire, Hasbara, Inc?
Did the heroic Jews continue their tunnel explorations?
If so, one of them isn't too happy about that right now.
Be a real shame if Hamas poured gasoline down his throat before serving a spicy dish.
You really buy all the kosher pig shit that's tossed out, don't you.
Do you ever feel like you're being played?
You are.
Even pissing into the wind is better than swallowing it.

If your views are representative of those in Palestine, then its no wonder they are in the situation they find themselves in. There is no way around it, that this would not be happening if it were not for Hamas firing rockets into Israeli territory.

The Israelis are not going anywhere, so you'd better get used to them being neighbors to the Palestinians. They are going to HAVE to find a way to get along or else one of them is going to be annihilated, and it would more than likely be the Palestinians who will suffer the most
Hasbara pay well?
Don't forget to swallow and smile

What Jews do best!
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George, when was the last time you left your one bedroom studio and went out to do something else besides trashing Jews?
Be honest!

...What Jews do best!

What the Israelis do best is to invent, and develop, and farm, and trade, and teach.

Their ability to kick ass is a relatively newfound skill.

After 1300 years of playing the Dhimmi role to your Arab Butt Buddies, they are finally fighting back, and kicking your asses, and you can't stand it.

Tough shit.

The idiots of Hamas have brought this disaster down upon the heads of the Palestinians of Gaza.

Anyone with an ounce of brains would not go out of his way to poke a Wild Bear in the woods with a sharp stick.

Don't come whining to us like little bitches, when the Bear smacks the shit out of you, after you've so stupidly poked at it again and again.

Sooner or later, your stupidity was certain to attain such a result.

Welcome to your consequences.


No Arab Cavalry is coming over the hill to rescue you this time.

They've had a bellyful of you, as well.
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