Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap once again.

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Rosie wants you to believe Jews don't want Gaza.
Gaza exists between the River and the sea.
Jews want all the land between the River and the sea.
Jews want Gaza
Rosie lies by reflex.

:lol: The irony eludes you, I'm sure. :lol:
You are like a Hamas wind-up toy, GP.
Just 48 hrs ago you made the same claim from one side of your lying mouth while claiming from the other side that Israel left Gaza in 2005 because she couldn't afford to protect it.
I ask again ... if Israel can't afford to protect a few square miles of Gaza how can she manage "all the land between the River and the sea?" :cool:
Because there are currently equal numbers of Arabs living between the River and the sea; Jews intend to change that ratio in their favor through ethnic cleansing, just as they've done before.

The only ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Israel was the forced evacuation of Jews from Gaza in 2005. You are ever the Hamas wind-up toy, Princess. :D

It's all part of their propaganda, and obviously some people are falling for it.

To me, if a country continually lobs rockets and bombs into another country, it is not unreasonable to think of that as an act of war (which it most certainly IS), so Israel is within it's rights to use ALL of the technology that is available to them to win.

I wonder how much longer people expect them to just sit back and tolerate this treatment they've been putting up with for years and years. Do people actually expect an entire country of people to pack up and abandon their country because of these Palestinian terrorists? The situation is surreal IMIO.

Honestly, I think both sides would be a lot better off if the Israelis simply finished the job they started fifty years ago, and took complete control of Palestine. If the Palestinians don't like it, they can leave.

The simple fact of the matter is that neither side here is really willing to compromise, and neither wants to stop fighting, so all holding the Israelis back has ultimately accomplished is to extend the conflict indefinitely. In the long run, that results in far more deaths, destruction, and suffering than a "quick and dirty" conquest ever would have.

Is that "fair?" Not really.

However, life isn't fair sometimes. What are you going to do?

I think that Israel would like to stop, but because they are constantly being kicked (to say the least), they are tired of it, and who could blame them? As far as the citizens are concerned, if they are willing to help themselves then I don't know what to say. Nobody but they can make changes in their leadership, etc.

I've heard before that Israel had given them "gifts" so to speak of greenhouses and stuff to grow vegetables and fruits to help feed the people, and that they had all been destroyed. You know, you can't help people who aren't willing to do anything to help themselves.
Gaza's not a country.
It's a territory occupied by Israel.
Jews want all of Palestine including Gaza.
It's beyond surreal some people don't know that.

good point-----even I do not know it-------Gaza is actually good land-----a nice place---
would be nice to have as a backyard-----but I never met a jew who wanted it
"During the 1948 Palestine War, around 85% (720,000 people) of the Palestinian Arab population of what has become Israel left their homes, either driven by force, by fear, or by instruction of Arab leadership.

"They fled to the West Bank and Gaza, and to the contiguous countries of Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.[8]

"They, and their descendants, who are also entitled to registration, are assisted by UNWRA in 58 registered camps, 10 of which were established in the aftermath of the Six-Day War in 1967 to cope with new Palestinian refugees.[9]

"Including unregistered, displaced persons and refugee descendants, the Palestinian Arab refugee and displaced population is the largest in the world.[10]

"They are also the worlds oldest unsettled refugee population, having been under the ongoing governance of Arab states following the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, and the refugee populations of Gaza and the West Bank under Israeli governance since the Six Day War.

"Their conditions of life are precarious."

Just like your grip on reality.:lol:

Palestinian refugee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting, considering that Israel voluntarily gave the land to the Palestinians. It seems as if you are spreading a lot of misinformation.

The Gaza Strip (/ˈɡɑːzəˈstrɪp/;[1] Arabic: قطاع غزة* Qiṭāʿ Ġazzah [qɪˈtˤɑːʕ ˈɣazza]), or simply Gaza, is an exclave region of Palestine on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea that borders Egypt on the southwest for 11 kilometers (6.8 mi) and Israel on the east and north along a 51 km (32 mi) border. Gaza makes up part of the Palestinian territories which includes the West Bank and in 2012, the United Nations General Assembly "accorded Palestine non-Member Observer State status in the United Nations".[2]

In 1994, Israel granted the right of self-governance to Gaza through the Palestinian Authority. Prior to this, Gaza had been subject to military occupation, most recently by Israel (1967–94) and by Egypt (1948–67), and earlier by Great Britain (1918–48) and Turkey when Gaza had been part of the Ottoman Empire. Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been de-facto governed by Hamas, a Palestinian group claiming to be the representatives of the Palestinian National Authority and the Palestinian people. Gaza forms a part of the Palestinian territory defined in the Oslo Agreements and UNSC Resolution 1860.[3]

Gaza has an annual population growth rate of 2.91% (2014 est.), the 13th highest in the world, and is overcrowded.[4][5] There is a limited capability to construct new homes and facilities for this growth. The territory is 41 kilometers (25 mi) long, and from 6 to 12 kilometers (3.7 to 7.5 mi) wide, with a total area of 365 square kilometers (141 sq mi).[6] As of 2014, Palestinians of the Gaza Strip numbered around 1.82 million people.[5] The large Palestinian refugee population makes it among the most densely populated parts of the world.[7] Sunni Muslims make up the predominant part of the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip.

The Gaza Strip acquired its current northern and eastern boundaries at the cessation of fighting in the 1948 war, confirmed by the Israel–Egypt Armistice Agreement on 24 February 1949.[8] Article V of the Agreement declared that the demarcation line was not to be an international border. At first the Gaza Strip was officially administered by the All-Palestine Government, established by the Arab League in September 1948. All-Palestine in the Gaza Strip was managed under the military authority of Egypt, functioning as puppet state, until it officially merged into the United Arab Republic and dissolved in 1959. From the time of the dissolution of the All-Palestine Government until 1967, the Gaza Strip was directly administered by an Egyptian military governor. Israel captured the Gaza Strip from Egypt in the Six-Day War in 1967. Pursuant to the Oslo Accords signed in 1993, the Palestinian Authority became the administrative body that governed Palestinian population centers while Israel maintained control of the airspace, territorial waters and border crossings with the exception of the land border with Egypt. In 2005, Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip under their unilateral disengagement plan. In July 2007, following the 2006 Palestinian legislative election and the Hamas takeover in 2007, Hamas had functioned as the de facto ruler in the Gaza Strip, forming an alternative Hamas Government in Gaza.
I think that Israel would like to stop, but because they are constantly being kicked (to say the least), they are tired of it, and who could blame them? As far as the citizens are concerned, if they are willing to help themselves then I don't know what to say. Nobody but they can make changes in their leadership, etc.

I've heard before that Israel had given them "gifts" so to speak of greenhouses and stuff to grow vegetables and fruits to help feed the people, and that they had all been destroyed. You know, you can't help people who aren't willing to do anything to help themselves.

Some would and some would not. A lot of Zionists believe that the whole of Israel rightfully belongs to the Jewish people.

However, I wouldn't that's terribly relevant either way regardless, because, ultimately, you're right. Even if the Israelis are willing to "let it go," the Palestinians aren't.

If we and the UN weren't there to get in the way, they would eventually run out of patience, get sick of constantly having their generosity thrown back in their faces, and simply put an end to the conflict once and for all as such.

All I was saying is that such an outcome might actually be for the best in the long run, if some peaceful settlement can't be reached. These constant little skirmishes really only serve to delay the inevitable all things considered.
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I think that Israel would like to stop, but because they are constantly being kicked (to say the least), they are tired of it, and who could blame them? As far as the citizens are concerned, if they are willing to help themselves then I don't know what to say. Nobody but they can make changes in their leadership, etc.

I've heard before that Israel had given them "gifts" so to speak of greenhouses and stuff to grow vegetables and fruits to help feed the people, and that they had all been destroyed. You know, you can't help people who aren't willing to do anything to help themselves.

Some would and some would not. A lot of Zionists believe that the whole of Israel rightfully belongs to the Jewish people.

However, I wouldn't that's terribly relevant either way regardless, because, ultimately, you're right. Even if the Israelis are willing to "let it go," the Palestinians aren't.

If we and the UN weren't there to get in the way, they would eventually run out of patience, get sick of constantly having their generosity thrown back in their faces, and simply put an end to the conflict once and for all as such.

All I was saying is that such an outcome might actually be for the best in the long run, if some peaceful settlement can't be reached. These constant little skirmishes really only serve to delay the inevitable all things considered.

I agree that it's about time Israel took some definitive action to try and put an end to this fiasco once and for all, and I know that Israel has done some questionable things as well, but I just feel that Israel is the more reasonable one in this fight. If I had to choose which one to trust, it would definitely be Israel.
I agree that it's about time Israel took some definitive action to try and put an end to this fiasco once and for all, and I know that Israel has done some questionable things as well, but I just feel that Israel is the more reasonable one in this fight. If I had to choose which one to trust, it would definitely be Israel.

Absolutely. On that point, we completely agree. The Israelis have basically bent over backwards to try and accommodate the Palestinians, and the Palestinians have paid them back with nothing but bloodshed.

For that exact reason, this whole thing would have ended decades ago if the West didn't constantly keep interfering to maintain the current "status quo." The Israelis would have simply said "enough is enough" after a certain point, and crushed Palestinian resistance once and for all.

Frankly, I think we're doing far more harm than good in preventing that from happening.

What's worse? One big war that lasts a few years, or dozens of small ones spread out over decades?
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I agree, and everyone is always saying we should mind our business, so there you go. Palestine is really not our business. They are not one of our allies (thankfully - with friends like that who needs enemies?) and there is really nothing about them that concerns us. Though the deaths of innocent civilians is a bit bothersome, that is the price of war. They want to war with Israel over the land, well now they have their war.
:lol: The irony eludes you, I'm sure. :lol:
You are like a Hamas wind-up toy, GP.
Just 48 hrs ago you made the same claim from one side of your lying mouth while claiming from the other side that Israel left Gaza in 2005 because she couldn't afford to protect it.
I ask again ... if Israel can't afford to protect a few square miles of Gaza how can she manage "all the land between the River and the sea?" :cool:
Because there are currently equal numbers of Arabs living between the River and the sea; Jews intend to change that ratio in their favor through ethnic cleansing, just as they've done before.

The only ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Israel was the forced evacuation of Jews from Gaza in 2005. You are ever the Hamas wind-up toy, Princess. :D
Al-Nakba - Special series - Al Jazeera English

What does being Jewish have to do with believing the truth when you see it?
What "truth" are you referring to?
The truth of Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine?
Why do some Jews believe in apartheid?
Your "fake atrocity video" is a fake, Fool.:lol:

Yes, the Pallywood producers were quite transparent.

To all with more than a dozen IQ points, so I understand why you believed them.

How many civilians has Israel murdered in Gaza?
See if you can find another hasbara video as blatant as your last offering.

Since this is the Middle East forum, can you give us a guesstimate of how many innocent Arabs have been murdered by your new masters in the rest of the Middle East? After all, since you want to fake out people that you actually care about the Arabs, you should have some information about this.
Your "fake atrocity video" is a fake, Fool.:lol:

Yes, the Pallywood producers were quite transparent.

To all with more than a dozen IQ points, so I understand why you believed them.
How many civilians has Israel murdered in Gaza?...
None, during the course of the 2014 Gaza War, insofar as anyone knows.

Unless you have substantive and conclusive evidence to the contrary; sufficient to indict for murder in a court of competent authority where an unbiased jury could objectively weigh the evidence and hear testimony.

A great many Gazans have died in recent weeks; most civilians, and, more importantly, a great many Hamas militants, as well.

But there is no evidence of murder, that I am aware of.

...See if you can find another hasbara video as blatant as your last offering.

Don't they make kid's games and toys?
Yes, the Pallywood producers were quite transparent.

To all with more than a dozen IQ points, so I understand why you believed them.
How many civilians has Israel murdered in Gaza?...
None, during the course of the 2014 Gaza War, insofar as anyone knows.

Unless you have substantive and conclusive evidence to the contrary; sufficient to indict for murder in a court of competent authority where an unbiased jury could objectively weigh the evidence and hear testimony.

A great many Gazans have died in recent weeks; most civilians, and, more importantly, a great many Hamas militants, as well.

But there is no evidence of murder, that I am aware of.

...See if you can find another hasbara video as blatant as your last offering.

Don't they make kid's games and toys?
Aren't Jews the occupying power in Gaza?
They are.
That means the civilians of Gaza are protected persons, not trophies in a Nazi's game.
How many dead civilians are still buried by acres of rubble in Gaza?
Jews indiscriminately shell entire neighborhoods as part of their Dahiya Doctrine, but you probably don't hear too much about that on the corporate US media.
As usual your knee-jerk support for all things Jew leads you astray.
How many civilians has Israel murdered in Gaza?...
None, during the course of the 2014 Gaza War, insofar as anyone knows.

Unless you have substantive and conclusive evidence to the contrary; sufficient to indict for murder in a court of competent authority where an unbiased jury could objectively weigh the evidence and hear testimony.

A great many Gazans have died in recent weeks; most civilians, and, more importantly, a great many Hamas militants, as well.

But there is no evidence of murder, that I am aware of.

...See if you can find another hasbara video as blatant as your last offering.

Don't they make kid's games and toys?
Aren't Jews the occupying power in Gaza?
As usual your knee-jerk support for all things Jew leads you astray.

Hamas is the occupying power in Gaza and the IDF is a liberating force bringing freedom to the hapless Gazans.
As always, you remain my little Hamas wind-up toy. :lol:
Aren't Jews the occupying power in Gaza?...
Dunno, in the Real World.

...They are...
According to some of the Arab ass-kissers at the UN, anyway. Many people disagree.

...That means the civilians of Gaza are protected persons...
They abandon their protection when they attack Israel; de facto, if not de jure. Given that... phukk 'em.
...not trophies in a Nazi's game...
The only Nazis involved in any of this are the Nazi-rooted Palestinian organizations whose early leaders were chummy with Nazi leadership and whose militias continue to use Nazi salutes and goosestepping as part of their ceremonial panoply.

...How many dead civilians are still buried by acres of rubble in Gaza?...
Dunno. Ask the Hamas fighters who were hiding behind the skirts of those civilians.

...Jews indiscriminately shell entire neighborhoods as part of their Dahiya Doctrine...
1. the Jews aren't being indiscriminate - they are precisely targeting, as best they can, and they are usually warning civilians in advance of firing upon a position

2. the scope of a bombardment is usually aligned with the extent to which enemy positions are embedded within such neighborhoods.

Don't want those kind of casualties?

Move your war-assets and personnel away from those heavily populated areas.

Fail to do that and you will continue to take heavy civilian casualties.

Your choice.

Hell, even President Obumble has labeled your Hamas boys as 'barbaric' and condemned Hahas' embedding of war assets amongst its civilian population in violation of the Geneva Convention.

...but you probably don't hear too much about that on the corporate US media...
It's all a Worldwide Jooooish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!

...As usual your knee-jerk support for all things Jew leads you astray.
Or keeps folks feet on the ground, when assaulted by Militant Muslim propaganda.
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