Israel has fallen into a Hamas trap once again.

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Mad dogs must be contained in their kennel. Even the Egyptians think so, blockading the fourth (southern) border as they do.

That is certainly one point of view, and a common one.

A Palestinian eyewitness?

When did this indiscriminate destruction begin?

After Hamas treacherously broke the 72 hour humanitarian ceasefire and kidnapped an Israeli soldier?

I think you've pissed 'em off.

I suggest running up the White Flag sooner rather than later, or there may be a lot more of what you were describing.

You people have simply GOT to learn to stop pissing into the wind.

All that gets you is a wet, smelly pants-leg.


And this is gonna be a goddamned costly one for your side.

You can thank the idiots in Hamas for that.

Doesn't matter. He's got the con of the Ship of State at the moment. And, given the Islamic influence in his own life, and his iconic bowing and scraping to the Saudis, such an admission by Obumble is especially noteworthy, and the subject of much glee and raucous laughter on the other side of this issue.

Doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Palestinian resistance is immaterial in the long run. It will change nothing in the end. Might as well save yourself the trouble.

Doesn't matter. Nobody there has the muscle to make 'em leave.
And vice versa.
Jews lack the muscle to drive an equal number of Arabs from Palestine.
Might as well scrap that old racist Jewish state and move on.
One Semite: One vote.
Where did you get the idea Hamas broke the cease fire, Hasbara, Inc?
Did the heroic Jews continue their tunnel explorations?
If so, one of them isn't too happy about that right now.
Be a real shame if Hamas poured gasoline down his throat before serving a spicy dish.
You really buy all the kosher pig shit that's tossed out, don't you.
Do you ever feel like you're being played?
You are.
Even pissing into the wind is better than swallowing it.

If your views are representative of those in Palestine, then its no wonder they are in the situation they find themselves in. There is no way around it, that this would not be happening if it were not for Hamas firing rockets into Israeli territory.

The Israelis are not going anywhere, so you'd better get used to them being neighbors to the Palestinians. They are going to HAVE to find a way to get along or else one of them is going to be annihilated, and it would more than likely be the Palestinians who will suffer the most
Except the Jews never had the slightest intention of being neighbors to an equal number of Arab in Palestine. Never mind the fact there were ten times as many Arabs living between the River and the sea when Zionism began. Never mind the fact that Jews and Arab had lived peacefully as neighbors in Palestine for hundreds of years before Zionism began. Never mind the Jews living in Palestine a hundred years ago wanted no part of a racist apartheid Jewish state.

Palestinians today are resisting a racist occupation by Israel.
The fact that you're too ignorant to recognize it, doesn't change it.
Jews are the problem in Palestine.

...What Jews do best!

What the Israelis do best is to invent, and develop, and farm, and trade, and teach.

Their ability to kick ass is a relatively newfound skill.

After 1300 years of playing the Dhimmi role to your Arab Butt Buddies, they are finally fighting back, and kicking your asses, and you can't stand it.

Tough shit.

The idiots of Hamas have brought this disaster down upon the heads of the Palestinians of Gaza.

Anyone with an ounce of brains would not go out of his way to poke a Wild Bear in the woods with a sharp stick.

Don't come whining to us like little bitches, when the Bear smacks the shit out of you, after you've so stupidly poked at it again and again.

Sooner or later, your stupidity was certain to attain such a result.

Welcome to your consequences.


No Arab Cavalry is coming over the hill to rescue you this time.

They've had a bellyful of you, as well.
Hey, Stupid:

How did the level of violence between Jew and Arab in Palestine a hundred years ago compare to what the Jews are doing in Gaza today?
And vice versa.
Jews lack the muscle to drive an equal number of Arabs from Palestine.
Might as well scrap that old racist Jewish state and move on.
One Semite: One vote.
Where did you get the idea Hamas broke the cease fire, Hasbara, Inc?
Did the heroic Jews continue their tunnel explorations?
If so, one of them isn't too happy about that right now.
Be a real shame if Hamas poured gasoline down his throat before serving a spicy dish.
You really buy all the kosher pig shit that's tossed out, don't you.
Do you ever feel like you're being played?
You are.
Even pissing into the wind is better than swallowing it.

If your views are representative of those in Palestine, then its no wonder they are in the situation they find themselves in. There is no way around it, that this would not be happening if it were not for Hamas firing rockets into Israeli territory.

The Israelis are not going anywhere, so you'd better get used to them being neighbors to the Palestinians. They are going to HAVE to find a way to get along or else one of them is going to be annihilated, and it would more than likely be the Palestinians who will suffer the most
Except the Jews never had the slightest intention of being neighbors to an equal number of Arab in Palestine. Never mind the fact there were ten times as many Arabs living between the River and the sea when Zionism began. Never mind the fact that Jews and Arab had lived peacefully as neighbors in Palestine for hundreds of years before Zionism began. Never mind the Jews living in Palestine a hundred years ago wanted no part of a racist apartheid Jewish state.

Palestinians today are resisting a racist occupation by Israel.
The fact that you're too ignorant to recognize it, doesn't change it.
Jews are the problem in Palestine.

Before "zionism" began? I don't think so. I think they were throwing hissy fits that Israel was given a territory, which they made into a success, which the Arab nomads who wondered the area for centuries had no intention of ever doing to begin with. The land that Israel received was considered good for nothing, but they worked hard to make it into what it is today. Seems like the Arabs are jealous. They want Israeli land so that they can make it into another ghetto I think.

The rest of the ME just uses the Palestinians for fodder. THAT much is obvious. Just like Hamas uses them.

...What Jews do best!

What the Israelis do best is to invent, and develop, and farm, and trade, and teach.

Their ability to kick ass is a relatively newfound skill.

After 1300 years of playing the Dhimmi role to your Arab Butt Buddies, they are finally fighting back, and kicking your asses, and you can't stand it.

Tough shit.

The idiots of Hamas have brought this disaster down upon the heads of the Palestinians of Gaza.

Anyone with an ounce of brains would not go out of his way to poke a Wild Bear in the woods with a sharp stick.

Don't come whining to us like little bitches, when the Bear smacks the shit out of you, after you've so stupidly poked at it again and again.

Sooner or later, your stupidity was certain to attain such a result.

Welcome to your consequences.


No Arab Cavalry is coming over the hill to rescue you this time.

They've had a bellyful of you, as well.
Hey, Stupid:

How did the level of violence between Jew and Arab in Palestine a hundred years ago compare to what the Jews are doing in Gaza today?

Maybe "the joos" should just take Gaza and let Egypt parcel out some land to the Palestinians. :lol:

What the Israelis do best is to invent, and develop, and farm, and trade, and teach.

Their ability to kick ass is a relatively newfound skill.

After 1300 years of playing the Dhimmi role to your Arab Butt Buddies, they are finally fighting back, and kicking your asses, and you can't stand it.

Tough shit.

The idiots of Hamas have brought this disaster down upon the heads of the Palestinians of Gaza.

Anyone with an ounce of brains would not go out of his way to poke a Wild Bear in the woods with a sharp stick.

Don't come whining to us like little bitches, when the Bear smacks the shit out of you, after you've so stupidly poked at it again and again.

Sooner or later, your stupidity was certain to attain such a result.

Welcome to your consequences.


No Arab Cavalry is coming over the hill to rescue you this time.

They've had a bellyful of you, as well.
Hey, Stupid:

How did the level of violence between Jew and Arab in Palestine a hundred years ago compare to what the Jews are doing in Gaza today?

Maybe "the joos" should just take Gaza and let Egypt parcel out some land to the Palestinians. :lol:
Most Jews aren't that stupid.
You may be an exception.
Hey, Stupid:

How did the level of violence between Jew and Arab in Palestine a hundred years ago compare to what the Jews are doing in Gaza today?

Maybe "the joos" should just take Gaza and let Egypt parcel out some land to the Palestinians. :lol:
Most Jews aren't that stupid.
You may be an exception.

Well, I'm not Jewish. I'm a protestant, but I think Israel should take Gaza and banish the Palestinians. They are a thorn in everyone's side. Let Egypt take care of them. They have a LOT more room anyway. :D
...Except the Jews never had the slightest intention of being neighbors to an equal number of Arab in Palestine...
As with most things, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle; with some of the more demanding Zionists advocating for a Reconquista of all of Eretz Yisrael along the lines of the League of Nations 1922 Partition Proposal map, and the scores of thousands of moderates and peace-lovers, who only wanted to find a home amongst other Jews and to coexist with their new Muslim neighbors. Over time, Muslim treachery, savagery and intransigence hardened the hearts and changed the minds of many who did not originally see things the same way the original hard-asses did. They eventually figured you out and are no longer gullible, pliant Dhimmis.

...Never mind the fact there were ten times as many Arabs living between the River and the sea when Zionism began...
Yeppers. The Zionist Movement did a damned fine job of reinforcing the Jewish population in Old Palestine, did they not? Jealous?

...Never mind the fact that Jews and Arab had lived peacefully as neighbors in Palestine for hundreds of years before Zionism began...
Sure. A tiny population of local Jews; beaten-down and subjugated centuries ago, whose existence hung by the thread of Muslim whimsy; taxed and beaten into Dhimmitude. Of course they lived in peace. They didn't dare raise their heads, for fear of having them chopped off. Today's Israelis are not your great-grandfather's Palestinian Dhimmi-Jews.

...Never mind the Jews living in Palestine a hundred years ago wanted no part of a racist apartheid Jewish state...
Of course. In the antebellum American South, on large estates, 'House Nigras' (*) didn't want to upset the apple cart, either. They neither knew nor could envision any other 'safe' existence, they were not powerful enough to change their position in life, and they were haunted by the dimly-remembered tales of the great violence committed against them generations ago, in order to put them into their diminished state in the first place.

...Palestinians today are resisting a racist occupation by Israel...
Oh, one can argue that it is an Occupation, but hardly a 'racist' one; rather, it's based upon a combination of threat-vector and, to a far lesser extent, religious practices and policies.

By the way, how's that resistance workin' out for ya in Gaza?

...The fact that you're too ignorant to recognize it, doesn't change it...
Given that you've read the situation incorrectly time and again, I don't think our colleague is obliged to abide by your correction.

...Jews are the problem in Palestine.
Jews within the State of Israel are not problematic in the slightest.

Jews in Rump Palestine are, indeed, problematic.

Just ask Hamas.


(*) My sincere apologies to anyone offended by that old phrase. It's there for the sake of illustration and emphasis and recognizable historical comparison.
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Maybe "the joos" should just take Gaza and let Egypt parcel out some land to the Palestinians. :lol:
Most Jews aren't that stupid.
You may be an exception.

Well, I'm not Jewish. I'm a protestant, but I think Israel should take Gaza and banish the Palestinians. They are a thorn in everyone's side. Let Egypt take care of them. They have a LOT more room anyway. :D
I can see it now.

The Sinai Sharecroppers.

Give 'em a chance to prove that they, too, can make the desert bloom.

They suck at war.

Might as well give 'em a place and chance to see how they do in peacetime, after disarming them.

We (the world) can all chip-in with some seed-money for new settlements, farming equipment, water desalinization plants, roads, first few years of crops, some infrastructure, etc.

Oh, and a hundred-billion or so, as a 'thank-you' to the Egyptians for taking them in, and giving them a place to start over again in a peaceful manner, and as a buffer between 'real' Egyptians and Israel.
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If your views are representative of those in Palestine, then its no wonder they are in the situation they find themselves in. There is no way around it, that this would not be happening if it were not for Hamas firing rockets into Israeli territory.

The Israelis are not going anywhere, so you'd better get used to them being neighbors to the Palestinians. They are going to HAVE to find a way to get along or else one of them is going to be annihilated, and it would more than likely be the Palestinians who will suffer the most
Except the Jews never had the slightest intention of being neighbors to an equal number of Arab in Palestine. Never mind the fact there were ten times as many Arabs living between the River and the sea when Zionism began. Never mind the fact that Jews and Arab had lived peacefully as neighbors in Palestine for hundreds of years before Zionism began. Never mind the Jews living in Palestine a hundred years ago wanted no part of a racist apartheid Jewish state.

Palestinians today are resisting a racist occupation by Israel.
The fact that you're too ignorant to recognize it, doesn't change it.
Jews are the problem in Palestine.

Before "zionism" began? I don't think so. I think they were throwing hissy fits that Israel was given a territory, which they made into a success, which the Arab nomads who wondered the area for centuries had no intention of ever doing to begin with. The land that Israel received was considered good for nothing, but they worked hard to make it into what it is today. Seems like the Arabs are jealous. They want Israeli land so that they can make it into another ghetto I think.

The rest of the ME just uses the Palestinians for fodder. THAT much is obvious. Just like Hamas uses them.
What percentage of Arabs living in Mandate Palestine in 1948 were nomads?
What percentage of Arabs ethnically cleansed by Jews still have deeds to their land?
Why do Jews around the world have a Right of Return to a land they've never seen, yet Arabs who have worked that land for generations don't?
Are you really as racist and ignorant as you appear to be?:eek:
...Why do Jews around the world have a Right of Return to a land they've never seen, yet Arabs who have worked that land for generations don't?...



It's not what they wanted nor started out to do, but that's what your treachery, savagery, intransigence and stupidity did, in making them into better fighters than you, and hardening their hearts, and giving up on you.

The time for squabbling about the fine points of old, obsolete legal arguments is over.

The time for talking is over.

It is time for Hamas to die.
...Why do Jews around the world have a Right of Return to a land they've never seen, yet Arabs who have worked that land for generations don't?...



It's not what they wanted nor started out to do, but that's what your treachery, savagery, intransigence and stupidity did, in making them into better fighters than you, and hardening their hearts, and giving up on you.

The time for squabbling about the fine points of old, obsolete legal arguments is over.

The time for talking is over.

It is time for Hamas to die.
In fact, Yeppers, Jews did start the colonization of Palestine over a hundred years ago.
Jews never hid the fact they wanted an apartheid state between the River and the sea, and they sucked up to every imperial power in Europe to find an Iron Wall to shelter behind while sketching out Plan Dalet. Jewish greed turned many Arabs against neighbors they had lived beside for generations. As always, apologists a with big gun fetish blame the victims of creeping annexation but it only serves to confirm the fact they're little more than impotent keyboard sissies with delusions of taking over their asylum.
Except the Jews never had the slightest intention of being neighbors to an equal number of Arab in Palestine. Never mind the fact there were ten times as many Arabs living between the River and the sea when Zionism began. Never mind the fact that Jews and Arab had lived peacefully as neighbors in Palestine for hundreds of years before Zionism began. Never mind the Jews living in Palestine a hundred years ago wanted no part of a racist apartheid Jewish state.

Palestinians today are resisting a racist occupation by Israel.
The fact that you're too ignorant to recognize it, doesn't change it.
Jews are the problem in Palestine.

Before "zionism" began? I don't think so. I think they were throwing hissy fits that Israel was given a territory, which they made into a success, which the Arab nomads who wondered the area for centuries had no intention of ever doing to begin with. The land that Israel received was considered good for nothing, but they worked hard to make it into what it is today. Seems like the Arabs are jealous. They want Israeli land so that they can make it into another ghetto I think.

The rest of the ME just uses the Palestinians for fodder. THAT much is obvious. Just like Hamas uses them.

Why do Jews around the world have a Right of Return to a land they've never seen, yet Arabs who have worked that land for generations don't?

There are no Palestinians who "have worked that land for generations," my little Hamas wind-up toy.
You've been sucking up that ElectronicIntifada camel crap far too long. :lol:
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...In fact, Yeppers, Jews did start the colonization of Palestine over a hundred years ago...
That's not gonna help Hamas now.

...Jews never hid the fact they wanted an apartheid state between the River and the sea...
Far more open and honest a folk than their lying sack-of-shit adversaries.

...and they sucked up to every imperial power in Europe to find an Iron Wall to shelter behind while sketching out Plan Dalet...
Maybe ya'll should have been busy doing the same. Too late now.

...Jewish greed turned many Arabs against neighbors they had lived beside for generations...
My, my, my... as bad as all that? Oh, dearie me... golly-gosh gee-whiz and gee-willickers, Emmy Lou.

...As always, apologists a with big gun fetish blame the victims of creeping annexation...
Nobody here is doing any excuse-making for the Israelis. Hell, I come flat-out and say that they bought some of the land, and took some of the land as a prize of war, when you dumbasses gave them the excuse.

No excuse-making (apologist behavior) required.

As to the Big Gun... you asked what gave the Jews the right... and I answered your question.

They carved that right for themselves out of thin air, and they sustain that right by force of arms, against anything that your kind can throw at them.

Like men.

Of course, given your Air Force experience, you wouldn't know much about that.

Big Gun, indeed.

...but it only serves to confirm the fact they're little more than impotent keyboard sissies with delusions of taking over their asylum.
Anybody who weaseled out of Air Force basic training after a crummy 10 days with a phony-baloney 'bad back' excuse and no Honorable Discharge under his belt has zero room for labeling anyone else a sissy.

As to potency and sanity, well, you really need to stop projecting like that, Georgie - it's not healthy for a trainwreck turned Muslim sleeper-cell.
Except the Jews never had the slightest intention of being neighbors to an equal number of Arab in Palestine. Never mind the fact there were ten times as many Arabs living between the River and the sea when Zionism began. Never mind the fact that Jews and Arab had lived peacefully as neighbors in Palestine for hundreds of years before Zionism began. Never mind the Jews living in Palestine a hundred years ago wanted no part of a racist apartheid Jewish state.

Palestinians today are resisting a racist occupation by Israel.
The fact that you're too ignorant to recognize it, doesn't change it.
Jews are the problem in Palestine.

Before "zionism" began? I don't think so. I think they were throwing hissy fits that Israel was given a territory, which they made into a success, which the Arab nomads who wondered the area for centuries had no intention of ever doing to begin with. The land that Israel received was considered good for nothing, but they worked hard to make it into what it is today. Seems like the Arabs are jealous. They want Israeli land so that they can make it into another ghetto I think.

The rest of the ME just uses the Palestinians for fodder. THAT much is obvious. Just like Hamas uses them.
What percentage of Arabs living in Mandate Palestine in 1948 were nomads?
What percentage of Arabs ethnically cleansed by Jews still have deeds to their land?
Why do Jews around the world have a Right of Return to a land they've never seen, yet Arabs who have worked that land for generations don't?
Are you really as racist and ignorant as you appear to be?:eek:

There was no such place as "Palestine" before the creation of Israel. It is made up country used for propaganda and for a way to keep pressure on Israel.
Before "zionism" began? I don't think so. I think they were throwing hissy fits that Israel was given a territory, which they made into a success, which the Arab nomads who wondered the area for centuries had no intention of ever doing to begin with. The land that Israel received was considered good for nothing, but they worked hard to make it into what it is today. Seems like the Arabs are jealous. They want Israeli land so that they can make it into another ghetto I think.

The rest of the ME just uses the Palestinians for fodder. THAT much is obvious. Just like Hamas uses them.
What percentage of Arabs living in Mandate Palestine in 1948 were nomads?
What percentage of Arabs ethnically cleansed by Jews still have deeds to their land?
Why do Jews around the world have a Right of Return to a land they've never seen, yet Arabs who have worked that land for generations don't?
Are you really as racist and ignorant as you appear to be?:eek:

There was no such place as "Palestine" before the creation of Israel. It is made up country used for propaganda and for a way to keep pressure on Israel.
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Note it was a Jewish homeland, not state. that was intended in Palestine.
Yet another good example of the greed of some Jews.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What percentage of Arabs living in Mandate Palestine in 1948 were nomads?
What percentage of Arabs ethnically cleansed by Jews still have deeds to their land?
Why do Jews around the world have a Right of Return to a land they've never seen, yet Arabs who have worked that land for generations don't?
Are you really as racist and ignorant as you appear to be?:eek:

There was no such place as "Palestine" before the creation of Israel. It is made up country used for propaganda and for a way to keep pressure on Israel.
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

Note it was a Jewish homeland, not state. that was intended in Palestine.
Yet another good example of the greed of some Jews.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So what? It was captured and the territory was owned by the Brits. They parceled out the land as they saw fit. If you are going to go this route, then the land doesn't really belong to ANYONE, as it has changed hands a multitude of times throughout history through being conquered. Perhaps you are unfamiliar with history, but this is the way it was. Countries conquered other countries and regions and took them over. Now you are going to whine about the way the Brits parcelled out THEIR land?
...Why do Jews around the world have a Right of Return to a land they've never seen, yet Arabs who have worked that land for generations don't?...



It's not what they wanted nor started out to do, but that's what your treachery, savagery, intransigence and stupidity did, in making them into better fighters than you, and hardening their hearts, and giving up on you.

The time for squabbling about the fine points of old, obsolete legal arguments is over.

The time for talking is over.

It is time for Hamas to die.


None of that whale-shit means a damned thing, Georgie-Girl.

What matters is that the IDF is kicking your ass and slitting the throats of your brave Hamas heroes.

Every day that goes by, more and more of them are converted into Purina Vulture Chow.

Best thing to do with such bottom-feeders.
Jewish abortion

They kill the mother:eek:


It's not what they wanted nor started out to do, but that's what your treachery, savagery, intransigence and stupidity did, in making them into better fighters than you, and hardening their hearts, and giving up on you.

The time for squabbling about the fine points of old, obsolete legal arguments is over.

The time for talking is over.

It is time for Hamas to die.


None of that whale-shit means a damned thing, Georgie-Girl.

What matters is that the IDF is kicking your ass and slitting the throats of your brave Hamas heroes.

Every day that goes by, more and more of them are converted into Purina Vulture Chow.

Best thing to do with such bottom-feeders.
Jewish abortion

They kill the mother:eek:
Then tell your cowardly Hamas buddies to move their war-assets and personnel away from heavily populated residential areas and to stop hiding behind the skirts of their women and children...

Then such things would not happen...

Poor kid... born into the company of barbarians and cowards.
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Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, my little Muslim sleeper-cell.
Find any tunnels yet?

I wonder if Hamas gives subsidized housing down in the tunnels where the leaders are hiding out. Then they can use those who are taking advantage of subsidized housing to become their new servants since the Philippines are removing their people who are the servants to Hamas. Hmm, I thought these Gazans were supposed to be so poor. Poor people don't have maids or drive Mercedes Benz.
...Tell your greedy Jew baby killers they're supposed to kill the kids, not the mothers. Pathic wienies who spew out lies and propaganda for Israel should get a little closer to the killing... Know what I mean, Wienie? Maybe the Jews will let you touch one of their big guns?
God help me, I DO love it so, when these Militant Muslim propaganda shills start getting sleep-deprived, trying to sweep back the sea at times like this, and end-up having a melt-down.
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