Israel just bombed the hell out of Iran

So you have no intelligent rebuttal to his well written and accurate post, so you can only resort to personal insults. As I said, a non sensical intellectual wanna be without a lick of sense describes you perfectly.
Go to bed. And put the light out.
lol. What was the number killed on 10/7?

You unknowingly admit being uniformed.

Do you know how many Palestinians have been killed?

Why does the number count? Is that what this is about to you, a 'fair' tally? So if Israel had only killed as many men, women, and children that hamas did, then all would be okay?
If the Jews are engaging in genocide in Gaza they aren't very good at it... there are more Palestinians alive in Gaza and Israel today than ever before... so you are lying when you call it genocide... if you have to lie you are on the wrong side of righteousness and hell awaits you...
What the Israelis are doing now in Gaza is trying to re-colonize Gaza by slaughtering the civilian population. They've murdered over 33 thousand civilians, and half of the victims are children. That's what you support.
OK. Let's take a closer look then shall we?
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Oh, goodness! It turns out that it's your problem with comprehension that's got an "ugly head". Dear, oh dear! How embarrassing it must be for you! What was it you said to me? Oh yes, "Is English not your first language?" :auiqs.jpg:

By the way: English is not my first language but it is far and away superior to yours. 📌

Yes, you make this claim repeatedly, you ignore what as asked and go off on gas lighting and insults, which is why I typically ignore you.

You have no answer for your comment?


Iran is an Islamic law-abiding nation.

You support Islamic oppression, you are probably a muslim invader wherever you live.

Now run along like a dog with its tail between your legs, it's what you do best.
Look at the Pro Palestinian protesters not one of them is willing to show their faces... covid masks and scarfs... they know they are on the devils side...
Many of us who go to the protests don't cover our faces, so you're full of shit. But nonetheless, even if that were true, one has to consider that if you show your face, you might lose your job, career, everything, maybe even your life. These ZioNazis control everything. You will get DOCsed and pursued, so it behooves activists and protestors to take precautions. You're the demoniacs since you support mass murder.
OK. Let's take a closer look then shall we?
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⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
Oh, goodness! It turns out that it's your problem with comprehension that's got an "ugly head". Dear, oh dear! How embarrassing it must be for you! What was it you said to me? Oh yes, "Is English not your first language?" :auiqs.jpg:

By the way: English is not my first language but it is far and away superior to yours. 📌
So, is it Arabic or Farsi?
Many of us who go to the protests don't cover our faces, so you're full of shit. But nonetheless, even if that were true, one has to consider that if you show your face, you might lose your job, career, everything, maybe even your life. These ZioNazis control everything. You will get DOCsed and pursued, so it behooves activists and protestors to take precautions. You're the demoniacs since you support mass murder.
I don't go to protests... I'm an adult not a spoiled child but this is what I see on TV... masks and head scarfs....
Sounds like filthy jews like you, not Muslims.
so why did muslims do it on Oct 7? in fact why did muslims do it so MANY TIMES? Jews chop the heads off of infants----you have a citation? Would you like to discuss the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE? The BIAFRAN GENOCIDE? The GENOCIDE OF BENGALI HINDUS OF EAST PAKISTAN? The POGROMS AGAINST THE PARSEES? all so similar----slit throats---children and babies---like the lambs of EID AL ADHA
You're not Popeye, you're just a wannabe Popeye. You're that ugly zombie bitch.
I think you should continue with this until you get your way, you should fight harder until it happens, I'll post it again so you feel better

giphy crazy.gif
What the Israelis are doing now in Gaza is trying to re-colonize Gaza by slaughtering the civilian population. They've murdered over 33 thousand civilians, and half of the victims are children. That's what you support.
If Israel was trying to slaughter civilians in Gaza the war would be over by now... the reason its taking so long is because Israel is working hard to not harm civilians... stop lying....
Many of us who go to the protests don't cover our faces, so you're full of shit. But nonetheless, even if that were true, one has to consider that if you show your face, you might lose your job, career, everything, maybe even your life. These ZioNazis control everything. You will get DOCsed and pursued, so it behooves activists and protestors to take precautions. You're the demoniacs since you support mass murder.
you go to protest? hahahahahhahahahaha the fk you do. if you did, this is what we'd see on the news.

giphy crazy.gif

Then we would actually have evidence you were there
If Israel was trying to slaughter civilians in Gaza the war would be over by now... the reason it’s taking so long is because Israel is working hard to not harm civilians... stop lying....
….and they are adding to their own personal risk in doing so.

If Israel wanted to commit genocide, this would all have been done by October 9th.
What the Israelis are doing now in Gaza is trying to re-colonize Gaza by slaughtering the civilian population. They've murdered over 33 thousand civilians, and half of the victims are children. That's what you support.
the muslims invaded israel in the thousands and did a HOUSE BY HOUSE SLAUGHTER for the glory of allah -----and YOUR IMPRESSION OF THE THING YOU CALL "JESUS CHRIST" -----just as you did your impression of the glory of "JESUS CHRIST" in AUSCHWITZ POLAND for your SAVIOR Adolf Hitler. Just as you did to the Armenian christians--_HOUSE TO HOUSE---slaughtering whole families for the GLORY OF ALLAH AND HIS RAPIST PIG BBF, muhummad---1915 ----and like you did to 1.5 million Biafran babies for the GLORY OF ALLAH AND PIG MUHUMMAD ---well they were christians but you didn't mind. Your legacy stinks to HIGH HEAVEN (not the celestial rose---more like the realm of MING)
….and they are adding to their own personal risk in doing so.

If Israel wanted to commit genocide, this would all have been done by October 9th.
Yeah, I know because a nation can just commit open genocide, wiping out everybody at once. You're so stupid, that you think the only way for Israel to commit an act of genocide or war crime is by doing it all at once within a few days. You're retarded.

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