Israel just bombed the hell out of Iran

Clearly this is an antisemitic thread, started by an antisemite. It should be in Racism. Why are blacks afforded the protection of Zone 1, and Jews have to subjected to hearing how the OP loves Hitler, and you and others screaming “Jew bitch” at everyone?
The Jew bitch was calling Aql, a Muzzie and a filthy Muslim and a bunch of other diatribes and insults. You Jews can't handle criticism or people resisting you, because you feel you're entitled to do whatever you want. If you don't want people calling Jews ugly names, stop insulting and denigrating others. As Aql says, the world is waking up to how evil Zionism is. You Jews will be hated as long as you continue with your racism and atrocities in the Holy Land. Most people are waking up.
The Jew bitch was calling Aql, a Muzzie and a filthy Muslim and a bunch of other diatribes and insults. You Jews can't handle criticism or people resisting you, because you feel you're entitled to do whatever you want. If you don't want people calling Jews ugly names, stop insulting and denigrating others. As Aql says, the world is waking up to how evil Zionism is. You Jews will be hated as long as you continue with your racism and atrocities in the Holy Land. Most people are waking up.
the fun fact is arabs are bullies, look at you, bullying right here!!! so much class
The Jew bitch was calling Aql, a Muzzie and a filthy Muslim and a bunch of other diatribes and insults. You Jews can't handle criticism or people resisting you, because you feel you're entitled to do whatever you want. If you don't want people calling Jews ugly names, stop insulting and denigrating others. As Aql says, the world is waking up to how evil Zionism is. You Jews will be hated as long as you continue with your racism and atrocities in the Holy Land. Most people are waking up.

Wow.... antisemitism running wild
That's interesting.

Did I "state" that?

I love that word, "assume".

You must have skipped a few dots to get here again. Now that you've doubled down from your first absurd conviction you had to have skipped a lot of dots. But, "if you had any sense you'd know that. Apparently, it escapes you".

Glasnost's words:


Iran is an Islamic law-abiding nation.

So tell us what you meant by that? You support Iran, you support Islamic run governments, you support their oppression.
You seem to unknowingly side with the greater oppressor. The CIA and MOSSAD love you.

That's your opinion, still doesn't erase the fact that you are siding with oppression as well, for all of your holier than thou preaching on the subject.
ALL true----it is the tragedy of the arabs of Gaza----they are ruled by disgusting animals who do everything and anything to destroy them.
BUT keep in mind---the arabs of Gaza are SUNNIS---and the whole project
there is controlled by SHIITE IRAN----the hatred that shiites bear SUNNI ARABS is IMMENSE
the thing that calls himself "christian...." has decided that it is FUNNY that the Iran controlled HAMAS has initiated a program of rape, murder, pillage and most of all the TORTURE MURDER OF ISRAELI INFANTS for the GLORY OF ALLAH ---which probably seems ok to him just as the Auschwitz seemed ok to too many Polish Catholics based on a silly deicide blood libel myth. The muslims have even invented their own blood libel----"the joooos wanted to kill the rapist pig of mecca, muhummad" Some things neither change or vary
That's your opinion, still doesn't erase the fact that you are siding with oppression as well, for all of your holier than thou preaching on the subject.
No. I’m siding with peace. I know that’s a difficult concept for you.

Peace at all costs.

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