Israel just bombed the hell out of Iran

You're a glutton for punishment and the biggest punishment (for you, anyway) is to put you on ignore. Would you like that, huh? It'll give you a "victim" status and you can whine about it for weeks or months! :auiqs.jpg:

So you have no intelligent rebuttal to his well written and accurate post, so you can only resort to personal insults. As I said, a non sensical intellectual wanna be without a lick of sense describes you perfectly.
As you post "internet YouTube truth'"

Your YouTubes are "truth," but only if you agree with them

Nice try, but wrong as usual. I figured this stuff out years before YouTube even existed. It’s about valuing truth and thinking critically instead of naively believing everything you’re spoon-fed by the controlled MSM. It’s about seeing the same tactics used over and over and over again, and learning from history instead of continuing to believe the crooks and liars who want all these wars, and not for the reasons they tell you.

And I shouldn’t have even replied to you, because I’ve told you what feels like a thousand times to stop posting to me on this topic. You have nothing but insults and regurgitation of the Establishment narrative. If I wanted to hear parroting of the PTSB narrative, I’d just turn on the idiot box.
Right you stupid bitch, if people aren't in agreement with your Zionist crap ideology, they're all a bunch of irrational racists. You're an idiot. Trying to censor content because you don't like it. You're a pathetic piece of shit.
That's all they do, is censor. When they're unable to refute the evidence presented they ban posts. Aql's post was full of evidence, showing how Jews have essentially taken over the US government and are screwing up America and the Western World. They can't handle the truth so they censor it. It's disgusting.
Right you stupid bitch, if people aren't in agreement with your Zionist crap ideology, they're all a bunch of irrational racists. You're an idiot. Trying to censor content because you don't like it. You're a pathetic piece of shit.
Clearly this is an antisemitic thread, started by an antisemite. It should be in Racism. Why are blacks afforded the protection of Zone 1, and Jews have to subjected to hearing how the OP loves Hitler, and you and others screaming “Jew bitch” at everyone?
So you approve of oppressing women and gays?
Is your question relevant to anything I've said?

If you had any sense you would know it was, but apparently that escapes you.
That's interesting.
You stated earlier that there was nothing wrong with a muslim theocracy running Iran
Did I "state" that?
..... or any other country I could assume.
I love that word, "assume".
So you support their oppression of women and gays?
You must have skipped a few dots to get here again. Now that you've doubled down from your first absurd conviction you had to have skipped a lot of dots. But, "if you had any sense you'd know that. Apparently, it escapes you".
Right you stupid bitch, if people aren't in agreement with your Zionist crap ideology, they're all a bunch of irrational racists. You're an idiot. Trying to censor content because you don't like it. You're a pathetic piece of shit.
hey fkcuck, release the hostages!!!! you love you some bullies!!!! look at you all proud to fk others and expect no retaliation!!!!
That's all they do, is censor. When they're unable to refute the evidence presented they ban posts. Aql's post was full of evidence, showing how Jews have essentially taken over the US government and are screwing up America and the Western World. They can't handle the truth so they censor it. It's disgusting.
evidence, Hamas has 100 hostages since October 7, no bombing in Gaza before October 7. So, how does your puzzle go together? Come on jew hater, let us know, you want them all to die!!!! go for it step out fk cuck
I think a thread that is named “When Jews Attack!” and then attracts antisemites like moths to a flame should be in the Racism forum.

It’s not really about Israel. It’s about antisemitism.

I just found it off that the thread Israel attacks Iran was moved to an obscure forum while When Jews Attack remains

A real head scratcher
See? WTF?

Does Fox News not tell you of the thousands of women and children murdered and maimed by the IOF?


So you can't elaborate further? Did your news not tell you of the thousands of Israeli's killed, including women and children on 10/7? Why is one okay and the other not? I think they're both abhorrent, you support one of them in defending hamas.

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