Israel Launches Operation Protective Edge on Gaza


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military launched what could be a long-term offensive against the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Tuesday striking at least 50 sites in Gaza by air and sea and mobilizing troops for a possible ground invasion aimed at stopping a recent barrage of rocket attacks against Israel.

"The army said 'Operation Protective Edge' looks to strike the Islamic Hamas group and end the rocket fire that has intensified in recent weeks amid tensions over the killing of three Israeli teenagers and the apparent revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager..."

Gaza's misery began long before the recent murders of three young Jews and one young Arab on the West Bank. At the beginning of Israel's War of Independence in 1948 the population of Gaza was 60,000 to 80,000 people.

By the end of that conflict the population of Gaza expanded by 200,000 refugees due to the wholesale eviction or evacuation of Palestinian towns and villages from Jaffa to Gaza City.

Israel then established 17 Jew Only settlements within Gaza, securing access to most of the best land, water, and shore areas.

What's happening today and tomorrow in Gaza is one more consequence of 650,000 Jews inflicting their nation upon 1.3 million Arabs in 1948

Israel Strikes at Least 50 Sites in Gaza, Readies for Extended Offensive - US News
More than 240 rockets have struck Israel in the past 4 weeks.........100 since yesterday.
Hamas is finished in Gaza if Israel goes in with a ground incursion. Then, the only question remains, who ultimately fills the power vacumn left by the eradication of Hamas?
More than 240 rockets have struck Israel in the past 4 weeks.........100 since yesterday.
Hamas is finished in Gaza if Israel goes in with a ground incursion. Then, the only question remains, who ultimately fills the power vacumn left by the eradication of Hamas?
Try viewing the events between the River and the sea over the past month from a Palestinian POV. Three Israeli teens were murdered by still unknown killers, and elite Jews from Bibi down began calling for revenge. IDF soldiers posted selfies to their FB pages calling for death to ALL Arabs. IDF raids on the West Bank killed a dozen Arabs with 200 more arrested. Hamas targets in Gaza were struck repeatedly and some of its leaders were arrested. Hence the rockets you mention which so far have produced no casualties and little damage.

From the Arab POV, Bibi launched this entire vendetta to drive a wedge between Hamas/ Fatah and any "peace" negotiations designed to result in a two-state solution. Jews have never intended to share Palestine, and now they have the military might and diplomatic cover to make their Land of Israel real.
Israel is still being too kind. They should sterilize the place.

Jews are some of those Americans who are now really sorry they didn't vote for Romney when they had the chance.
Arafat pilfered billions and please explain the Mall and Billionaires Alley.
Please explain the Mall and Billionaire's Alley.
Got a link?

"The Israeli moves against the Gaza Strip also come alongside an ongoing offensive in the West Bank. Since 12 June, the Israeli military has killed at least five Palestinians - Mustafa Hosini Aslan, Mahmoud Jihad Muhammad Dudeen, Ahmed Said Soud Khaled, Muhammad Ismail Atallah Tarifi, and Yousef Abu Zagha - and imprisoned over 830.

"During the same period, 17 Palestinians have been killed and over 50 injured in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian ministry of health said Tuesday.

“This time, it's not only an escalation in Gaza,” Harazeen said. “It comes with the raids in the West Bank and 1948-occupied Palestine. You could call it an offensive against all of Palestine. What’s happening in the West Bank is affecting the people in Gaza, and what happens in Gaza affects the West Bank.”

"Hamas has indicated its conditions for returning to a ceasefire include the terms of its previous agreements with Israel, including the 2012 truce and the release of Palestinians freed in the 2011 prisoner exchange Israel has recaptured.

“'This escalation will go further,' Harazeen said. 'I don't think people in either the Gaza Strip or the West Bank will remain calm and answer these Israeli attacks with silence.'”

Gaza reels from 'Operation Protective Edge' | Middle East Eye
Broken down U.S. sponsored peace talks.......broken down U.S. President.......a weakened Hamas....seems like the timing is right to take Gaza.
Israel is still being too kind. They should sterilize the place.

Jews are some of those Americans who are now really sorry they didn't vote for Romney when they had the chance.
Zionist Jews are doing what Zionist Jews have always planned for Palestine

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Are you surprised?

The Zionist Project - 1948
Israel is still being too kind. They should sterilize the place.

Jews are some of those Americans who are now really sorry they didn't vote for Romney when they had the chance.
Zionist Jews are doing what Zionist Jews have always planned for Palestine

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Are you surprised?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Arabs sold land to Jews forcing the Arab sellers to evict the Arabs tenants.
Legal transactions are a bitch, aren't they?
Broken down U.S. sponsored peace talks.......broken down U.S. President.......a weakened Hamas....seems like the timing is right to take Gaza.
What will you do with the 1.6 million people living there?

They will either agree to live in peace or get killed. It's not hard to figure out. This is a situation that calls for total war.
How do Gazans live in peace with a tribe which believes their G-D gave them all of Palestine?

'Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman may have tipped his Masada hand when he reportedly told Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan that Israel may use nuclear weapons against Gaza.

"The threat to Israel is not the 1.5 million Gazans who reside in the world's largest open-air prison.

"The threat is the fast-growing global outrage at the abuse inflicted on Palestinians, commencing with the ethnic cleansing of 400-plus villages six decades ago."

Jews have been stealing Palestine for over one hundred years, in case you haven't figured that part out yet

Nuke*Gaza - NEWS-ON-A-WIRE - 1948
Israel is still being too kind. They should sterilize the place.

Jews are some of those Americans who are now really sorry they didn't vote for Romney when they had the chance.
Zionist Jews are doing what Zionist Jews have always planned for Palestine

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Are you surprised?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Arabs sold land to Jews forcing the Arab sellers to evict the Arabs tenants.
Legal transactions are a bitch, aren't they?
Which Arabs?
How much land did Jews own in Palestine when Israel was born?
Reality's a real bitch, don't you think?

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zionist Jews are doing what Zionist Jews have always planned for Palestine

"It all started in a small way as the first Zionist settlement in Palestine was founded with the financial help of Edmond James de Rothschild (1845-1934), a French financier who assisted a small group of the Russian Bilu Jewish Society to immigrate to Palestine in 1882.

"This Philanthropist sponsored a few more tiny settlements at the time such as Gai Oni, Roch Pina, Zichron-Ya’acov (which he named after his grandfather) and Rishon Letzion with settlers from around Eastern Europe.

The single aim of all these settlements and their planners who envisioned them was to slowly and secretly transfer, drive out and ethnically cleanse Palestine of its indigenous people."

Are you surprised?

The Zionist Project - 1948

Arabs sold land to Jews forcing the Arab sellers to evict the Arabs tenants.
Legal transactions are a bitch, aren't they?
Which Arabs?
How much land did Jews own in Palestine when Israel was born?
Reality's a real bitch, don't you think?

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jew bought land from Arabs that "betrayed" Arabs.
Now it matters which Arabs they bought it from?

Join the enemy in war time, lose land.
might even see some new weapons deployed by the IDF.....maybe a couple of MOAB's. Hope they do it in the daytime!!!
Be careful what you wish for:

"Although Ben-Gurion admitted that he could forsee enormous difficulties 'in uprooting by foreign force some 100,000 Arabs from the villages in Galilee which they have inhabited for hundreds of years', he was, nevertheless, determined that we must be prepared to carry out the transfer…we must expel Arabs and take their place, and if we have to use force…the we have force at our disposal…Our strength will exceed theirs [the Arabs] and we will be better organised and equipped because behind us still stands…the whole younger generation of Jews from Europe and America”.

"This is from a terrorist who became the first Prime Minister of Israel."

The Concept of Transfer - 1948

Do you understand the Jews uprooted thousands of Arabs who had been living on productive land for hundreds of years and gave the Arab land to "Jews" from Europe?

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