Israel Needs to occupy Philadelphi corridor In a Permanent Cease Fire Deal!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
This evening on Chris Cuomo's program on News Nation he and his guests talked a lot about the Israel/Palestinian conflict and one thing Chris mentioned which rang as true as true can be is that you will never have peace in this conflict with Hamas in power because they are only interested in killing Jews and wiping out the state of Israel. This assessment has great importance with any permanent cease fire deal on the Gaza conflict because what it means is that the Israelis or trustworthy allies like the U.S., Great Britain and/or France must have custody and control over the Philadelphi corridor, the border area in Gaza that is adjacent to country of Egypt, because otherwise Hamas will smuggle weapons and supplies into Gaza through this border crossing area and continue to be strong and wage war against Israel. All the parties in the negotiations for a cease fire deal need to recognize this non-negotiable point. On the other hand Hamas is not going to agree to this condition unless the Israel Defense Forces agree to vacate Gaza!

By these necessities the outline of the needed cease fire deal logically falls into place. In order for the IDF forces to permanently leave Israel, someone needs to take control of security in Gaza and since the Gaza Palestinians are in too much hardship because of the war they cannot immediately assemble a force that could do the job. Non-Arab countries like the U.S. cannot take on the job because the U.S. is perceived as an extremely close ally of Israel and wherever the U.S. goes into these countries in the Middle East it is generally perceived as the scapegoat for all the country's problems and its soldiers are attacked. So it has got to be Arab countries that take on this job and because this job is dangerous for these countries soldiers it can only be a transitional arrangement until local Palestinians can be trained up and organized.

Further common sense indicates that these Arab countries are not going to participate unless the Israeli government agrees to not invade Gaza again with its military for a long time like forty years, also these Arab countries are not going to spend money rebuilding Gaza without this condition. Of course the IDF needs to be able to bomb missile battery locations in Gaza as a matter of self defense and be able to send small security teams into Gaza to get perpetrators involved in planning a terrorist attack against Israelis. The other key point is that good Gaza Palestinians will never defeat Hamas unless the tunnel system in Gaza is destroyed and the city of Gaza is monitored to block any rebuilding of a terrorist tunnel system. The only country that can do this is the United States because of the technology and resources needed to do this so America is going to have to be party to a permanent cease fire deal to fulfill that role again for only this long length of time like forty years which the Israeli government is committed to not reinvading Gaza. The last major point of any permanent cease fire deal is that safe passage out of Gaza and a permanent safe home needs to be provided to all Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters that wish to permanently leave the Gaza strip because after this permanent cease fire deal is signed and implemented these terrorist fighters days are numbered they have no future in Gaza! If this fair permanent cease fire deal is put on the table Arab countries that host Hamas leadership need to pressure the hell out of these leaders to accept this deal because otherwise the trajectory here of a regional war with terrorism spreading across the Globe will become reality!

What is clear from this past week when the bodies of six hostages were found in Gaza having been shot at close range is that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are prepared to kill the remaining sixty hostages rather then release them without a cease fire deal so the Israeli government needs to sign on to a reasonable permanent cease fire deal like the one proposed extremely quickly to save these hostages lives. Plus, the Israel government by their own projections of percentage of Palestinians killed equal Hamas and other terrorist fighters killed the IDF has killed fifteen thousand terrorist fighters in the Gaza war so they have grounds now to say it was a successful war so it is now time to make a giant step for peace!
This evening on Chris Cuomo's program on News Nation he and his guests talked a lot about the Israel/Palestinian conflict and one thing Chris mentioned which rang as true as true can be is that you will never have peace in this conflict with Hamas in power because they are only interested in killing Jews and wiping out the state of Israel. This assessment has great importance with any permanent cease fire deal on the Gaza conflict because what it means is that the Israelis or trustworthy allies like the U.S., Great Britain and/or France must have custody and control over the Philadelphi corridor, the border area in Gaza that is adjacent to country of Egypt, because otherwise Hamas will smuggle weapons and supplies into Gaza through this border crossing area and continue to be strong and wage war against Israel. All the parties in the negotiations for a cease fire deal need to recognize this non-negotiable point. On the other hand Hamas is not going to agree to this condition unless the Israel Defense Forces agree to vacate Gaza!

By these necessities the outline of the needed cease fire deal logically falls into place. In order for the IDF forces to permanently leave Israel, someone needs to take control of security in Gaza and since the Gaza Palestinians are in too much hardship because of the war they cannot immediately assemble a force that could do the job. Non-Arab countries like the U.S. cannot take on the job because the U.S. is perceived as an extremely close ally of Israel and wherever the U.S. goes into these countries in the Middle East it is generally perceived as the scapegoat for all the country's problems and its soldiers are attacked. So it has got to be Arab countries that take on this job and because this job is dangerous for these countries soldiers it can only be a transitional arrangement until local Palestinians can be trained up and organized.

Further common sense indicates that these Arab countries are not going to participate unless the Israeli government agrees to not invade Gaza again with its military for a long time like forty years, also these Arab countries are not going to spend money rebuilding Gaza without this condition. Of course the IDF needs to be able to bomb missile battery locations in Gaza as a matter of self defense and be able to send small security teams into Gaza to get perpetrators involved in planning a terrorist attack against Israelis. The other key point is that good Gaza Palestinians will never defeat Hamas unless the tunnel system in Gaza is destroyed and the city of Gaza is monitored to block any rebuilding of a terrorist tunnel system. The only country that can do this is the United States because of the technology and resources needed to do this so America is going to have to be party to a permanent cease fire deal to fulfill that role again for only this long length of time like forty years which the Israeli government is committed to not reinvading Gaza. The last major point of any permanent cease fire deal is that safe passage out of Gaza and a permanent safe home needs to be provided to all Hamas and Islamic Jihad fighters that wish to permanently leave the Gaza strip because after this permanent cease fire deal is signed and implemented these terrorist fighters days are numbered they have no future in Gaza! If this fair permanent cease fire deal is put on the table Arab countries that host Hamas leadership need to pressure the hell out of these leaders to accept this deal because otherwise the trajectory here of a regional war with terrorism spreading across the Globe will become reality!

What is clear from this past week when the bodies of six hostages were found in Gaza having been shot at close range is that Hamas and Islamic Jihad are prepared to kill the remaining sixty hostages rather then release them without a cease fire deal so the Israeli government needs to sign on to a reasonable permanent cease fire deal like the one proposed extremely quickly to save these hostages lives. Plus, the Israel government by their own projections of percentage of Palestinians killed equal Hamas and other terrorist fighters killed the IDF has killed fifteen thousand terrorist fighters in the Gaza war so they have grounds now to say it was a successful war so it is now time to make a giant step for peace!
I absolutely agree that if I were an Israeli that I'd say never again give up control of what comes into Gaza. But Isreal's never respected Palestinians rights to the very land they live upon. So there could be room for ..... well, the two tribes can't even decide on that. Where's the goddman Byzantine Empire when you need it.

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