Israel Owns the Congress

Uh-oh, everything is evidently connected to a diabolical Jewish conspiracy. This looks like a job for......

History has proven the National Socialists to have been correct about the threat of International Jewery to world peace. ..... :cool:

Blah blah blah, blah, blah blah. That pretty well sums up all your posts.
Better us then the Chinese or Saudis buying it. :)

The Saudis owned another branch of the US government recently.....must be a rotating claim. :lol:
White christian's are the people who historically persecuted the jews.

So now you see the constant media attacks on christians; and the flood of illegal immigrants into Europe and America being sanctioned by their ZOG governments.

Which is a way to weaken traditional western white christian culture.

And make zionism the dominate power base and ideology in the western nations.

I'll disagree with your first sentence. jews have been troublemakers since long before white people ever got involved.
There are reasons they aren't accepted and historically despised worldwide. It has nothing to do with white "anti semitism", either.

The rest of your post is very true.

EDIT..and isn't it interesting that jewish politicians in the u.s. are against closing the border or deporting illegal immigrants.
israel has a wall and captures illegals and holds them in concentration camps before they deport them.

Israel rounds up African migrants for deportation Reuters

"This is only a small group of the infiltrators," Interior Minister Eli Yishai said. "I'm not acting out of hatred of strangers but love of my people and to rescue the homeland."

The goal is to repatriate all the estimated 60,000 African migrants, whose growing numbers are seen by many Israelis as a law and order issue and even a threat to the long-term viability of the Jewish state.

"My policy with regard to the illegal infiltrators seeking work is clear," Netanyahu said in a May 29 speech. "First of all, to stop their entry with the fence and at the same time to deport the infiltrators who are in Israel."

He warns of Africans "flooding" and "swamping" Israel, threatening "the character of the country". Emergency measures to reverse the influx will include "detention facilities with thousands of units", Netanyahu said last week.

Just the opposite here hey.
America is ruled by a ZOG (zionist occupied government) which sets the pro Israeli agenda for our Middle East policy.

And is why all U.S. presidential contenders must scrape and bow to the AIPAC jewish lobby if they have any hope of being nominated by their political party.

Bullshit, prove it.

Prove it isn't so. We all know it is.
It is up to the one blaming to bring the evidence to prove the claim, this is the law in the US as far as I know.

I did , see my last post , if that is not owning people I have no idea what is. I also suppect behind closed doors they need to also pledge alliance and most of them once elected do go the western wall and vow an oath to Israel. Money talks, Obama got the highest Jewish vote. Powers to be wanted him in. I also suspect a would be President will have to assign a Jewish person to the Chair of the Fed Reserve as has been since the last 27-30 years.

See Rand Paul, he has made his commitment already along with Mrs. Clinton.
Your post did not evident a comparison of who owns what.

My post 19. Drooling over Sheldon.
I can simply repeat what I said before but clearly it didn't sink in.
Show me a comparison between ALL aspects of ALL the rest of the world.

Perhaps I should put it another way for you, Israel does not own American or our Congressmen, the Jewish people do. President of ACLU, Fed Reserve, 3 Jewish on the Supreme Court, the Aipac lobby in Washington, the most powerful lobby in our congress. Have you ever heard a congressman say anything about even the least bit neg about Israel , without coming out and apologizing? They will not last long and they know it. The people with money and power pick the president, and they are mainly Jewish. Our President is bought, not elected.
We only think we elect our president, makes us feel good. I should add, both running are already ok'd , so they do let the one with most electoral votes in, as they have ok'd the primaries already.

They don't OWN congress, they INFLUENCE congress.
Only a deluded leftist would think that another country owns the congress.
Wow, just wow. You idiots NEVER cease to amaze me!

Obviously, you have no idea as to what the meaning of a 'metaphor' is <eye roll>. Wow, just wow. Idiots like you never cease to amaze me. ~ Susan

Right, I also suppose they don't know what coercion is either.
And this girl just can't stop herself from saying stupid shit all the time.
America is ruled by a ZOG (zionist occupied government) which sets the pro Israeli agenda for our Middle East policy.

And is why all U.S. presidential contenders must scrape and bow to the AIPAC jewish lobby if they have any hope of being nominated by their political party.

Bullshit, prove it.

Thanks for rating my post "disagree," Penelope. The fact that you disagree with my request that assertions be proved rather than taken as being completely true without any evidence at all speaks volumes as to your intent to be a hatemongering troll rather than an intellectual debater.
Jewish Members of U.S. Congress:
113th Congress

(2013 - 2015)
Jewish Congressmen: Table of Contents | Senators | Representatives

(11 Democrats, 1 Independent)

Michael Bennet
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Al Franken (D-MN)
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) **
Carl Levin (D-MI)
Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Bernard Sanders (I-VT)
Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
(1 Republican, 21 Democrats)

Eric Cantor
David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)*
Alan Grayson (D-FL)*
Steve Israel (D-NY)
Sander Levin (D-MI)
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)*
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Jared Polis (D-CO)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Brad Schneider (D-IL)*
Allyson Schwartz (D-PA)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Henry Waxman (D-CA)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)

Jewish Members of 113th U.S. Congress Jewish Virtual Library

Well THERE'S a message.. Since Eric Cantor is now Gone.. EVERY SINGLE ONE of these "Zionist Conspirators" belong to the Dem party !!!

Can't ignore that. So you should be blaming the DEM PARTY for institgating this conspiracy and vote Republican -- or better Libertarian. Libertarians will agree with you about reducing FINANCIAL aid to Israel.
This is all quite strange -- since at the last DemonCat convention, there was a big floor fight in front of God and everybody about removing the "jerusalem is the capital of Israel" statement in the platform and the ATTEMPTED removal of any reference to God. Seems like Jews ought to re-evaluate their tacit support of these traitors and toss their asses out in favor of more Israel-Friendly Republicans !!!

God have we been stupud. Thanks for pointing that out Sunni !!!! We'll fix that in November.. :lmao:
Although, looking at how few Jews are in the GOP maybe people should worry about who bought that. :)
american jews and especially zionist jews actively work to undermine the foundations of this country.

Yep -- Everyday I work for that. Because what we REALLY WANT is a Representative govt that WORKS on Constitutional fundamentals, has INTEGRITY, and is Capitalist Friendly and Religously tolerant.. Got to destroy what we have now to get there. :lol: You are a dupe... Don't know where or when in your life that happened -- but seek help.
Jewish Members of U.S. Congress:
113th Congress

(2013 - 2015)
Jewish Congressmen: Table of Contents | Senators | Representatives

(11 Democrats, 1 Independent)

Michael Bennet
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Barbara Boxer (D-CA)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Al Franken (D-MN)
Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) **
Carl Levin (D-MI)
Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Bernard Sanders (I-VT)
Charles Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
(1 Republican, 21 Democrats)

Eric Cantor
David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)*
Alan Grayson (D-FL)*
Steve Israel (D-NY)
Sander Levin (D-MI)
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)*
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Jared Polis (D-CO)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Brad Schneider (D-IL)*
Allyson Schwartz (D-PA)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Henry Waxman (D-CA)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Jewish Members of 113th U.S. Congress Jewish Virtual Library

Well THERE'S a message.. Since Eric Cantor is now Gone.. EVERY SINGLE ONE of these "Zionist Conspirators" belong to the Dem party !!!

Can't ignore that. So you should be blaming the DEM PARTY for institgating this conspiracy and vote Republican -- or better Libertarian. Libertarians will agree with you about reducing FINANCIAL aid to Israel.
This is all quite strange -- since at the last DemonCat convention, there was a big floor fight in front of God and everybody about removing the "jerusalem is the capital of Israel" statement in the platform and the ATTEMPTED removal of any reference to God. Seems like Jews ought to re-evaluate their tacit support of these traitors and toss their asses out in favor of more Israel-Friendly Republicans !!!
God have we been stupud. Thanks for pointing that out Sunni !!!! We'll fix that in November.. :lmao:

It is a conundrum.
Although, looking at how few Jews are in the GOP maybe people should worry about who bought that. :)
american jews and especially zionist jews actively work to undermine the foundations of this country.

Yep -- Everyday I work for that. Because what we REALLY WANT is a Representative govt that WORKS on Constitutional fundamentals, has INTEGRITY, and is Capitalist Friendly and Religously tolerant.. Got to destroy what we have now to get there. :lol: You are a dupe... Don't know where or when in your life that happened -- but seek help.

Hey, thanks. I'll give your opinion all the thought it deserves.

Members of a tribe who denies christ and whose "religion" seriously thinks they are "gods chosen people" to the exclusion of everyone else should be called mentally ill.

If anyone else went around making a claim like that you'd deny it were true and say they were delusional or mentally ill..and you know it...but you..YOU are a are therefore "special". because god told you so......LMAO..sure ...sure...GTFO...

The american gvt includes a disproportionate amount of jews who have infiltrated it (and think they are "special" just like you do)...and they exert a disproportionate amount of influence in american politics and policy as they keep us tangled up in ME wars to protect israel...etc..

The media also has a vastly disproportionate number of christ hating jews propagandizing their zionist agenda. Look who owns most of the media. When you own the media you can spread propaganda much easier...and they spread propaganda 24/7.
Watch tv with the sound down and just look at the images they try to present as "normal" behavior to undermine white, christian morals.

Not to mention hollywood.Jewish owned and operated. Look at the vile filth that comes out as "entertainment" pushed by those jews. More undermining of white, christian morals.

israel has a border with a wall and it is STRICTLY ENFORCED, am I correct?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to have a wall..or even a border. Why is that?

Israel deports illegal immigrants, don't they?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to deport anyone...ever. Why is that?

..and the funniest part. in israel illegal aliens are rounded up and placed in concentration camps ...ironic, no?...before they deport them. guys are real "special"..just not my kind of "special".

"God's chosen people", be serious.
You're the dupe.
If Jews really did own Congress, then Congress wouldn't be so leftist and anti American.
Obviously, you have no idea as to what the meaning of a 'metaphor' is <eye roll>. Wow, just wow. Idiots like you never cease to amaze me. ~ Susan[/QUOTE]

Right, I also suppose they don't know what coercion is either.[/QUOTE]
And this girl just can't stop herself from saying stupid shit all the time.[/QUOTE]

Do you even know what coercion means?
Although, looking at how few Jews are in the GOP maybe people should worry about who bought that. :)
american jews and especially zionist jews actively work to undermine the foundations of this country.

Yep -- Everyday I work for that. Because what we REALLY WANT is a Representative govt that WORKS on Constitutional fundamentals, has INTEGRITY, and is Capitalist Friendly and Religously tolerant.. Got to destroy what we have now to get there. :lol: You are a dupe... Don't know where or when in your life that happened -- but seek help.

Hey, thanks. I'll give your opinion all the thought it deserves.

Members of a tribe who denies christ and whose "religion" seriously thinks they are "gods chosen people" to the exclusion of everyone else should be called mentally ill.

If anyone else went around making a claim like that you'd deny it were true and say they were delusional or mentally ill..and you know it...but you..YOU are a are therefore "special". because god told you so......LMAO..sure ...sure...GTFO...

The american gvt includes a disproportionate amount of jews who have infiltrated it (and think they are "special" just like you do)...and they exert a disproportionate amount of influence in american politics and policy as they keep us tangled up in ME wars to protect israel...etc..

The media also has a vastly disproportionate number of christ hating jews propagandizing their zionist agenda. Look who owns most of the media. When you own the media you can spread propaganda much easier...and they spread propaganda 24/7.
Watch tv with the sound down and just look at the images they try to present as "normal" behavior to undermine white, christian morals.

Not to mention hollywood.Jewish owned and operated. Look at the vile filth that comes out as "entertainment" pushed by those jews. More undermining of white, christian morals.

israel has a border with a wall and it is STRICTLY ENFORCED, am I correct?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to have a wall..or even a border. Why is that?

Israel deports illegal immigrants, don't they?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to deport anyone...ever. Why is that?

..and the funniest part. in israel illegal aliens are rounded up and placed in concentration camps ...ironic, no?...before they deport them. guys are real "special"..just not my kind of "special".

"God's chosen people", be serious.
You're the dupe.
You don't even know what "chosen people" means. You are showing your total ignorance. People are laughing at your ignorant ass.
Although, looking at how few Jews are in the GOP maybe people should worry about who bought that. :)
american jews and especially zionist jews actively work to undermine the foundations of this country.

Yep -- Everyday I work for that. Because what we REALLY WANT is a Representative govt that WORKS on Constitutional fundamentals, has INTEGRITY, and is Capitalist Friendly and Religously tolerant.. Got to destroy what we have now to get there. :lol: You are a dupe... Don't know where or when in your life that happened -- but seek help.

Hey, thanks. I'll give your opinion all the thought it deserves.

Members of a tribe who denies christ and whose "religion" seriously thinks they are "gods chosen people" to the exclusion of everyone else should be called mentally ill.

If anyone else went around making a claim like that you'd deny it were true and say they were delusional or mentally ill..and you know it...but you..YOU are a are therefore "special". because god told you so......LMAO..sure ...sure...GTFO...

The american gvt includes a disproportionate amount of jews who have infiltrated it (and think they are "special" just like you do)...and they exert a disproportionate amount of influence in american politics and policy as they keep us tangled up in ME wars to protect israel...etc..

The media also has a vastly disproportionate number of christ hating jews propagandizing their zionist agenda. Look who owns most of the media. When you own the media you can spread propaganda much easier...and they spread propaganda 24/7.
Watch tv with the sound down and just look at the images they try to present as "normal" behavior to undermine white, christian morals.

Not to mention hollywood.Jewish owned and operated. Look at the vile filth that comes out as "entertainment" pushed by those jews. More undermining of white, christian morals.

israel has a border with a wall and it is STRICTLY ENFORCED, am I correct?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to have a wall..or even a border. Why is that?

Israel deports illegal immigrants, don't they?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to deport anyone...ever. Why is that?

..and the funniest part. in israel illegal aliens are rounded up and placed in concentration camps ...ironic, no?...before they deport them. guys are real "special"..just not my kind of "special".

"God's chosen people", be serious.
You're the dupe.
You don't even know what "chosen people" means. You are showing your total ignorance. People are laughing at your ignorant ass.

Do you jews think you're "god's chosen people".
Yes or no?
I actually feel sorry for people like Rotagilla. It must suck beyond belief to be so lonely that the only people who'll have you in their company are the ones just as lonely that they hate so many others and have to conceal their cryin' eyes under sheets. :)
Although, looking at how few Jews are in the GOP maybe people should worry about who bought that. :)
american jews and especially zionist jews actively work to undermine the foundations of this country.

Yep -- Everyday I work for that. Because what we REALLY WANT is a Representative govt that WORKS on Constitutional fundamentals, has INTEGRITY, and is Capitalist Friendly and Religously tolerant.. Got to destroy what we have now to get there. :lol: You are a dupe... Don't know where or when in your life that happened -- but seek help.

Hey, thanks. I'll give your opinion all the thought it deserves.

Members of a tribe who denies christ and whose "religion" seriously thinks they are "gods chosen people" to the exclusion of everyone else should be called mentally ill.

If anyone else went around making a claim like that you'd deny it were true and say they were delusional or mentally ill..and you know it...but you..YOU are a are therefore "special". because god told you so......LMAO..sure ...sure...GTFO...

The american gvt includes a disproportionate amount of jews who have infiltrated it (and think they are "special" just like you do)...and they exert a disproportionate amount of influence in american politics and policy as they keep us tangled up in ME wars to protect israel...etc..

The media also has a vastly disproportionate number of christ hating jews propagandizing their zionist agenda. Look who owns most of the media. When you own the media you can spread propaganda much easier...and they spread propaganda 24/7.
Watch tv with the sound down and just look at the images they try to present as "normal" behavior to undermine white, christian morals.

Not to mention hollywood.Jewish owned and operated. Look at the vile filth that comes out as "entertainment" pushed by those jews. More undermining of white, christian morals.

israel has a border with a wall and it is STRICTLY ENFORCED, am I correct?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to have a wall..or even a border. Why is that?

Israel deports illegal immigrants, don't they?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to deport anyone...ever. Why is that?

..and the funniest part. in israel illegal aliens are rounded up and placed in concentration camps ...ironic, no?...before they deport them. guys are real "special"..just not my kind of "special".

"God's chosen people", be serious.
You're the dupe.
You don't even know what "chosen people" means. You are showing your total ignorance. People are laughing at your ignorant ass.

Do you jews think you're "god's chosen people".
Yes or no?
Ask a Jew.
Although, looking at how few Jews are in the GOP maybe people should worry about who bought that. :)
american jews and especially zionist jews actively work to undermine the foundations of this country.

Yep -- Everyday I work for that. Because what we REALLY WANT is a Representative govt that WORKS on Constitutional fundamentals, has INTEGRITY, and is Capitalist Friendly and Religously tolerant.. Got to destroy what we have now to get there. :lol: You are a dupe... Don't know where or when in your life that happened -- but seek help.

Hey, thanks. I'll give your opinion all the thought it deserves.

Members of a tribe who denies christ and whose "religion" seriously thinks they are "gods chosen people" to the exclusion of everyone else should be called mentally ill.

If anyone else went around making a claim like that you'd deny it were true and say they were delusional or mentally ill..and you know it...but you..YOU are a are therefore "special". because god told you so......LMAO..sure ...sure...GTFO...

The american gvt includes a disproportionate amount of jews who have infiltrated it (and think they are "special" just like you do)...and they exert a disproportionate amount of influence in american politics and policy as they keep us tangled up in ME wars to protect israel...etc..

The media also has a vastly disproportionate number of christ hating jews propagandizing their zionist agenda. Look who owns most of the media. When you own the media you can spread propaganda much easier...and they spread propaganda 24/7.
Watch tv with the sound down and just look at the images they try to present as "normal" behavior to undermine white, christian morals.

Not to mention hollywood.Jewish owned and operated. Look at the vile filth that comes out as "entertainment" pushed by those jews. More undermining of white, christian morals.

israel has a border with a wall and it is STRICTLY ENFORCED, am I correct?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to have a wall..or even a border. Why is that?

Israel deports illegal immigrants, don't they?
zionist jews in american gvt don't want us to deport anyone...ever. Why is that?

..and the funniest part. in israel illegal aliens are rounded up and placed in concentration camps ...ironic, no?...before they deport them. guys are real "special"..just not my kind of "special".

"God's chosen people", be serious.
You're the dupe.
You don't even know what "chosen people" means. You are showing your total ignorance. People are laughing at your ignorant ass.

Do you jews think you're "god's chosen people".
Yes or no?
Ask a Jew.

Well, there's your problem. It's a form of dementia as an excuse for supremism..

"Gods chosen people"..LMAO..gtfo, man...
  • Thanks
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Well, there's your problem. It's a form of dementia as an excuse for supremism..

"Gods chosen people"..LMAO..gtfo, man...

Term's in Torah. As I recall it says something like, "And God chose the Jewish people not because they were the greatest, but because they were the least of all peoples." Or to that effect. In other words, it's not a good thing so much as a, "Wow, you guys suck, lemme help ya a bit." says God. :)
Consider our unceasing meddling in the M.E. post WW2. Oil is a ruse, we have enough of our own energy to be self-sustaining.

The reality is self-evident once one removes the blinders of propaganda.

To expound-

We buy oil from Saudi Arabia (a country which despises Israel). We buy the oil to make the sheiks rich beyond any possible concept of wealth, and in turn they leave Israel alone. The 9/11 hijackers though, they didn't feel indebted to US, clearly.

Israel is "our greatest ally" because they say so. The truth is, we invest trillions of American dollars to pump up a shit hole (Saudi Arabia) so the Zionists can have their home. We don't need the oil, therefore we don't need an 'ally" in the region.

It's all a cleverly contrived ruse that we have been sold into as US Taxpayers, and that we have been sold through decades of propaganda. US foreign policy is controlled by the Kristols and Krauthammers of the world. Intelligent men who make a lot of sense, but who also show an unsettling allegiance to a country outside the US.
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