Israel / Palestine Peace Plan

José;1931457 said:
Unfortunately, Jews aren't a race.
Nice try, but your stupidity and ignorance have been exposed.

That's exactly why I used the word "ethnicity" and "ethnic" instead of race.

Alright Rabbi... I plead guilty to wrongly using the word RACIAL in the expression "jewish racial dictatorship" where I should use ETHNIC since Jews are an ethnicity, a people and not a race.

But who really cares?





It's technically wrong to say RACIAL but I'm sure you and everybody get the gist so stop spliting hairs for heaven's sake!!!!

WHat ethnicity are Jews?

Judaism is a religion composed of people who have high moral values including peace and justice. They have contributed greatly to our world.

Israel is an imperialist, colonial enterprise that only uses Jews for its own benefit.
Israel is an imperialist, colonial enterprise that only uses Jews for its own benefit.

Dummy, you don't even know what imperialism is.

The Middle East is 99.9% Islamic, 9,000,000 sq. mi.

Israel is just 0.1% of the landmass in the Middle East, merely 8,000 sq. mi.

You out-dummied yourself, dummy.
Dummy, you don't even know what imperialism is.

The Middle East is 99.9% Islamic, 9,000,000 sq. mi.

Israel is just 0.1% of the landmass in the Middle East, merely 8,000 sq. mi.

You out-dummied yourself, dummy.


Brainless, the relevance is obvious to anyone with 5 working brain cells.

PF Tinmore, Jose, SunniMan, Kalam, etc etc don't have 5 working brain cells between them. It's a lost cause.
Jews have been awarded 160 Nobel Prizes for their achievements. Islamists have won a meager...3.

Jews are quite articulate and educated, thank you.

Nobel Prizes are the only measure of achievement? You are just as small minded as those you criticize. The only reason many people know so little about Islamic achievement is our schooling is western-oriented and spends precious little time on non-western cultures leading to the ignorant assumption that they've contributed little.

Muslims were the first to make a science out of medicine for example. The first camera obscura (that led to the invention of photography) was built by an Islamic scientist around 1000 AD. A rudimentary smallpox vaccination process was practiced in Turkey and Persia (and China) a century before Jenner introduced the vaccine. Look at Al-Jazari, a brilliant Islamic scholar, scientist and inventer. Every modern day wonder and scientific achievement is built upon the works of an earlier age. Without it we would not be where we are today.


Islam has been a miserably failed ideology. Muslim countries are among the poorest in the world filled with stratospheric unemployment and starvation. One is hard-pressed to locate Muslims who have made significant contributions to civilization.

On the other hand, let's see what Jews have contributed...

Here, yet again, you are putting your ignorance on parade. I'm not arguing that the Jews as a group, haven't contributed yet you are summing up the totality of Islamic contributions to modern day sciences and life with the bassackwards dumbass remark like "Islam has been a miserably failed ideology". Do you think these wonderful achievements you cite were created in a vacuum? Do you think the isolation of cortizone popped up out of thin air in 1950? Are you really so stupid (or is the word closed minded) that you are incapable of understanding that scientific achievements and modern inventions are built upon hundreds of preceding breakthroughs that allowed each item to come into fruition? Ever seen the series "Connections"? I hope you are not so closed-minded that you can not give credit where credit is due.
Congratulations for the most idiotic post of the day. Granted the day is still young but I have hopes.
The Islamic world's last major contribution to humanity happened about 500 years ago. Unless you want to say that suicide bombers are an advance.
the pals were already offered that at Oslo. Arafat told them to piss off.

They were offered less than one per cent of the i said a while ago, reading a book called The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. The Israelis never had any intention of withdrawing from the WB or stopping settlements...

Grumpy, pick up a history book. First offer, all of Gaza, 95% of the West Bank, taking on some so-called refugees and just compensation for the rest. Second offer, all of Gaza, bumped up to 98% of West Bank, East Jerusalem and ditto on so-called refugees.

Sorry but the Palestinians we the arrogant parties their. Arafat didn't even put it up to a vote.
José;1931162 said:
Originally posted by Coyote
I don't disagree with the comparisons you draw to Apartheid South Africa, but neither one is a dictatorship.

Just quote where I said Israel is a dictatorship instead of a RACIAL dictatorship (synonym for ethnocracy).

Just quote where I said Israel has a dictator who denies political rights to all Jews and Arabs alike (dictatorship) instead of an artificial jewish "majority" created by the state of Israel itself and whose political representatives suppress the political rights of millions of palestinians (RACIAL dictatorship).

The only one here insisting on conflating the two terms is you... Probably because you realized what I'm saying makes a lot of sense.

No. I just happen to know what a "dictatorship" means and what the key terms are and I know what "democracy" means. You're the one trying to draw parallels between "ethnocracy" and "dictatorship" that don't necessarily exist.

A "racial" dictatorship still has to fulfill the definition of dictatorship and it's not in either Israel or South Africa.
José;1931169 said:
Originally posted by Coyote
Yes. At one time women couldn't vote in this country. They were not granted suffrage. Was that right? Hell no. People under the age of 18 can't vote. Does that mean we're not a democracy? No. There are different kinds of democracies.

Originally posted by Coyote
Close, but not exactly the same. "Functioning democracy" is not the same as "perfect democracy" is not the same as "dictatorship". I don't disagree with the comparisons you draw to Apartheid South Africa, but neither one is a dictatorship.

Ethnocracies are generally considered to be non-democratic in nature.

Ethnocracy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I notice that the Wikipedia entry states: This article may contain original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding references. Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. More details may be available on the talk page. (November 2009)

That may make it problematic as a reference.

However, since you use it, I will point out that it states:

The other side of the coin might well be a system of full-fletched democracy (inclusive and competitive in Robert Dahl's terminology) for the privileged population, making up what Pierre van den Berghe (1981) calls "Herrenvolk democracy" (with reference to apartheid South Africa). This is a system of ethnocracy which offers democratic participation to the dominant group only.

I argue that the Israeli polity is governed not by a democratic regime, but rather by an "ethnocracy," which denotes a non-democratic rule for and by a dominant ethnic group, within the state and beyond its borders.

Middle East Report 207: Democracy or Ethnocracy: Territory and Settler Politics in Israel/Palestine Oren Yiftachel

I would argue, based on the above from Wiki that it is both an ethnocracy and a democratic regime.

But,l will agree that your argument here make a bit more sense and goes into a grey area for Israel by asking questions:
How can a country be a democracy when it has de facto control over territories that have say in that control.
How can a country be a democracy when different ethnic groups have different sets of rights in terms of citizenship, land ownership, schooling, building permits and the ability to expand their villages, etc etc.

The answer is - it CAN be a democracy, and is - it's just not what we think of and what we (the west) strive for - a society that is free, open, with equal rights for all groups.

That doesn't make it a dictatorship though because even a "racial" dictatorship still has to be a dictatorship.
Nobel Prizes are the only measure of achievement? You are just as small minded as those you criticize. The only reason many people know so little about Islamic achievement is our schooling is western-oriented and spends precious little time on non-western cultures leading to the ignorant assumption that they've contributed little.

Muslims were the first to make a science out of medicine for example. The first camera obscura (that led to the invention of photography) was built by an Islamic scientist around 1000 AD. A rudimentary smallpox vaccination process was practiced in Turkey and Persia (and China) a century before Jenner introduced the vaccine. Look at Al-Jazari, a brilliant Islamic scholar, scientist and inventer. Every modern day wonder and scientific achievement is built upon the works of an earlier age. Without it we would not be where we are today.


Islam has been a miserably failed ideology. Muslim countries are among the poorest in the world filled with stratospheric unemployment and starvation. One is hard-pressed to locate Muslims who have made significant contributions to civilization.

On the other hand, let's see what Jews have contributed...

Here, yet again, you are putting your ignorance on parade. I'm not arguing that the Jews as a group, haven't contributed yet you are summing up the totality of Islamic contributions to modern day sciences and life with the bassackwards dumbass remark like "Islam has been a miserably failed ideology". Do you think these wonderful achievements you cite were created in a vacuum? Do you think the isolation of cortizone popped up out of thin air in 1950? Are you really so stupid (or is the word closed minded) that you are incapable of understanding that scientific achievements and modern inventions are built upon hundreds of preceding breakthroughs that allowed each item to come into fruition? Ever seen the series "Connections"? I hope you are not so closed-minded that you can not give credit where credit is due.

The Islamic world is a decayed society. Islam has proven itself a failed, fascist, repressive ideology.
José;1931162 said:
Originally posted by Coyote
I don't disagree with the comparisons you draw to Apartheid South Africa, but neither one is a dictatorship.

Just quote where I said Israel is a dictatorship instead of a RACIAL dictatorship (synonym for ethnocracy).

Just quote where I said Israel has a dictator who denies political rights to all Jews and Arabs alike (dictatorship) instead of an artificial jewish "majority" created by the state of Israel itself and whose political representatives suppress the political rights of millions of palestinians (RACIAL dictatorship).

The only one here insisting on conflating the two terms is you... Probably because you realized what I'm saying makes a lot of sense.

What race are Israelis?

Good point. Most Israeli's and Arabs are the same "race" - semitic.

Ethnocracy fits the bill, but not racial dictatorship since it's neither racial nor a dictatorship.
Islam has been a miserably failed ideology. Muslim countries are among the poorest in the world filled with stratospheric unemployment and starvation. One is hard-pressed to locate Muslims who have made significant contributions to civilization.

On the other hand, let's see what Jews have contributed...

Here, yet again, you are putting your ignorance on parade. I'm not arguing that the Jews as a group, haven't contributed yet you are summing up the totality of Islamic contributions to modern day sciences and life with the bassackwards dumbass remark like "Islam has been a miserably failed ideology". Do you think these wonderful achievements you cite were created in a vacuum? Do you think the isolation of cortizone popped up out of thin air in 1950? Are you really so stupid (or is the word closed minded) that you are incapable of understanding that scientific achievements and modern inventions are built upon hundreds of preceding breakthroughs that allowed each item to come into fruition? Ever seen the series "Connections"? I hope you are not so closed-minded that you can not give credit where credit is due.

The Islamic world is a decayed society. Islam has proven itself a failed, fascist, repressive ideology.

Page 7, Paragraph 2, Lines 8 and 9 of Islam for Dummies.
José;1931378 said:
Token palestinian arabs (subjugated ethnic group, the "unofficial" ethnicity of the jewish racial dictatorship).

Palestinian is not an ethnicity.

Furthermore, there is no historical record of Palestinians. They are merely Arab bedouin peasants.

A distinction that is utterly worthless I might add since they were and are the inhabitants of the Palestinian region.

There is no historical record of of ANY group when you come down to it. People move and migrate into new areas and assume new names.
Congratulations for the most idiotic post of the day. Granted the day is still young but I have hopes.
The Islamic world's last major contribution to humanity happened about 500 years ago. Unless you want to say that suicide bombers are an advance.

Another close minded idiot who think all major advances come into being out of a vacuum. Maybe it's just the vacuum in your head.

You win the Tinkerbell prize. Just say "I believe in..."
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Dummy, Israel IS Palestine.

You're soooo dumb.

In that case it needs to enfranchise ALL of it's citizens.


yea right. I've long said that every jew who speaks up in this thread would scream bloody fucking murder if they were marginalized here in the US like they enable segregation in israel. You'd sooner see yourself called a jeew hating antisemite before ANY of these fools opts for ethnic equality on par with what they ironically enjoy here in an ACTUAL western democracy.

don't forget, these zionist pieces of shit are clear when they say they want a JEWISH israel. If the klan thought of this zionist logic first Alabama would still have all white colleges.

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