Israel / Palestine Peace Plan

Dummy, Israel IS Palestine.

You're soooo dumb.

In that case it needs to enfranchise ALL of it's citizens.

It does.

Palestinians aren't citizens. Israeli Arabs have all rights of citizenship except they get to decline military service.

law of return says what? Maybe you can find some demographics to manipulate today, Jillybean.. maybe parade around some birth and death rates or something.
Islam has been a miserably failed ideology. Muslim countries are among the poorest in the world filled with stratospheric unemployment and starvation. One is hard-pressed to locate Muslims who have made significant contributions to civilization.

On the other hand, let's see what Jews have contributed...

Here, yet again, you are putting your ignorance on parade. I'm not arguing that the Jews as a group, haven't contributed yet you are summing up the totality of Islamic contributions to modern day sciences and life with the bassackwards dumbass remark like "Islam has been a miserably failed ideology". Do you think these wonderful achievements you cite were created in a vacuum? Do you think the isolation of cortizone popped up out of thin air in 1950? Are you really so stupid (or is the word closed minded) that you are incapable of understanding that scientific achievements and modern inventions are built upon hundreds of preceding breakthroughs that allowed each item to come into fruition? Ever seen the series "Connections"? I hope you are not so closed-minded that you can not give credit where credit is due.

The Islamic world is a decayed society. Islam has proven itself a failed, fascist, repressive ideology.

dont you have some she-bears to run from before your father takes you up on the hill to kill you in the name of god, little chosen boy?
dont you have some she-bears to run from before your father takes you up on the hill to kill you in the name of god, little chosen boy?

Jews are the Chosen People.

Muslims are the Chosen Losers who follow the Pedophile Prophet
law of return says what? Maybe you can find some demographics to manipulate today, Jillybean.. maybe parade around some birth and death rates or something.

I don't have to.

I want my famiy's land back in Belarus honey. How far do you think I'd get lobbing bombs from the border?


And ultimately it doesn't matter. There will never be a "right of return" because a "right of return" would mean no israel. people don't engage in self-immolation if they're sane. and jews will never live subservient to or be killed by palestinians in israrel.

we've talked about this before. you're not listening.
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José;1931162 said:
Just quote where I said Israel is a dictatorship instead of a RACIAL dictatorship (synonym for ethnocracy).

Just quote where I said Israel has a dictator who denies political rights to all Jews and Arabs alike (dictatorship) instead of an artificial jewish "majority" created by the state of Israel itself and whose political representatives suppress the political rights of millions of palestinians (RACIAL dictatorship).

The only one here insisting on conflating the two terms is you... Probably because you realized what I'm saying makes a lot of sense.

What race are Israelis?

Good point. Most Israeli's and Arabs are the same "race" - semitic.

Ethnocracy fits the bill, but not racial dictatorship since it's neither racial nor a dictatorship.

What ethnicity are Israelis?
Islamic science and how it contributed to modern science: Welcome to The Fountain Magazine | Modern Science's Debt to Islamic Civilization

Yet, it is true that modern Islamic countries lag far behind in scientific research - why is that? Here is one opinon:
"We don't live in an environment where we value science," says Heggy, a Muslim astronomer who left his native Libya and is working in Houston on NASA's Mars exploration program. "Science and intellectual presence have been seen as a real threat to governments that have no serious plans for democratic rule."

Why the dearth of scientific achievement in the modern Muslim world? Like Heggy, many critics blame authoritarian regimes that stifle independent thinking and limit contacts with the outside world. Most schools and universities in Muslim countries emphasize rote learning over debate and analysis. Defense budgets -- especially in the bellicose Middle East -- consume billions of dollars that might otherwise go to research.

And just as Christian conservatism in America has led to curbs on genetic research and pressure to teach alternatives to evolution, the rise of Islamic fundamentalism has turned many Muslims away from science and toward religion as a way to view and explain the world.

"Religious fundamentalism is always bad news for science," Pervez Amirali Hoodbhoy, a Pakistani Muslim physicist, recently wrote in an article on Islam and science for Physics Today.

"Scientific progress constantly demands that facts and hypotheses be checked. But there lies the problem: The scientific method is alien to traditional, unreformed religious thought."

Fundamentalism is the antithesis of science in any religion.

The same source also lists some modern achievements:

Abdus Salam: Pakistani. Winner of Nobel Prize in Physics in 1979
Ahmed Zewail: Egyptian. Winner of Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1999
Farouk El-Baz: Egyptian. NASA scientist involved in the Apollo moon program
Essam Heggy: Egyptian-Libyan. Planetary scientist in NASA's Mars exploration program
Lotfi Asker Zadeh: Iranian. Mathematician and computer scientist, founder of fuzzy logic, which recognizes more than simple true-or-false values. Used in artificial intelligence applications and some spell-checkers to suggest replacements for misspelled words
Habiba Bouhamed Chaabouni: Tunisian. Medical geneticist, winner of 2006 UNESCO Women in Science Award
law of return says what? Maybe you can find some demographics to manipulate today, Jillybean.. maybe parade around some birth and death rates or something.

I don't have to.

I want my famiy's land back in Belarus honey. How far do you think I'd get lobbing bombs from the border?


And ultimately it doesn't matter. There will never be a "right of return" because a "right of return" would mean no israel. people don't engage in self-immolation if they're sane. and jews will never live subservient to or be killed by palestinians in israrel.

we've talked about this before. you're not listening.

every time you bring up belarus I can't help but think of their THRIVING JEWISH POPULATION.

Maybe instead of crying to me about it you move back there and enjoy the same status as the rest of the goyim there... but, that doesn't have as much zionist capital, does it?

and, in a nutshell, you've admitted that it's the JEWS that make israel a nation. Which, again, is why it's a shame that you fall for such ethnicentric racism for the sake of your own identity.

You must not have any problem understanding and empathizing with blond haired germans able to disregard jews for the sake of their fatherland and culture, eh Jill? if it's the JEWS that make israel then you can't really be mad at Aryans who felt the same way about germanic lands, RIGHT JILL?


now, make more excuses for racism, daffodil.. there is a spoonful of Irony that the American South wants to taste as soon as the words fall out of your mouth.
dont you have some she-bears to run from before your father takes you up on the hill to kill you in the name of god, little chosen boy?

Jews are the Chosen People.

Muslims are the Chosen Losers who follow the Pedophile Prophet

and that proves what?

that you can be as absurd as him?

i hate when people make us look bad.


Someone mark this day on the calendar.. Jillian just attempted some fucking consistency in the face of racist jews.

I bet this means she wants to see dead jews floating in the sea.... I bet.
now, make more excuses for racism, daffodil.. there is a spoonful of Irony that the American South wants to taste as soon as the words fall out of your mouth.

ah honey... i'm not racist. i speak truth. there may be solutions to the mid-east thing, but they're not going to include any jews living or dying under palestinian rule. live it, learn it, love it. because THAT is reality. and you can hate the fact that there's one tiny little jewish state or not. makes me no nevermind.

and as for belarus. there may be a jewish population there now, but I WANT MY GREAT GRANDFATHER'S HOUSE AND PROPERTY THAT THEY TOOK.

Understanding now?
Someone mark this day on the calendar.. Jillian just attempted some fucking consistency in the face of racist jews.

I bet this means she wants to see dead jews floating in the sea.... I bet.

now ask me again why i don't criticize my own...

because losers like to use that against them/us.

won't happen again.
now, make more excuses for racism, daffodil.. there is a spoonful of Irony that the American South wants to taste as soon as the words fall out of your mouth.

ah honey... i'm not racist. i speak truth. there may be solutions to the mid-east thing, but they're not going to include any jews living or dying under palestinian rule. live it, learn it, love it. because THAT is reality. and you can hate the fact that there's one tiny little jewish state or not. makes me no nevermind.

and as for belarus. there may be a jewish population there now, but I WANT MY GREAT GRANDFATHER'S HOUSE AND PROPERTY THAT THEY TOOK.

Understanding now?

"i'm not racist, I speak the truth"

yea, I wonder how many klanmen ever uttered THAT phrase..


and the rest.. hey, if the south still wants to rise again I guess it's no shocker that you think that the idea of jews sharing equality with non-jews is such a fucking nightmare. Again, see the klansmen's reaction to letting blacks vote and hold office.

and, as far as belerus, no pali is asking for old borders IF IT IS ONE NATION WHERE CITIZENS ARE TREATED EQUALLY INSTEAD OF MARGINALIZED BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT JEWISH ENOUGH TO COUNT. Similarly, if you go back to belarus you'd get to play by the same rules as goyim.. Indeed, no one is stopping you from enjoying equality there. but, again, THAT doesn't have as much zionist capital, does it?

sad, Jillian. You are like a hero corrupted by her own ethnic racism. a proverbial jewish Robert E. Lee, if you will.
Someone mark this day on the calendar.. Jillian just attempted some fucking consistency in the face of racist jews.

I bet this means she wants to see dead jews floating in the sea.... I bet.

now ask me again why i don't criticize my own...

because losers like to use that against them/us.

won't happen again.

what you should be asking is why it takes coddling from me to keep you consistent. Your reaction should not be for my benefit but for YOUR own ability to rise beyond the kind of racism chosen boy swims in.

but, use whatever excuse you need to, darling. if it weren't so fucking blue moon rare that you DARE to talk against racist jews I would never have to post comments like that and YOU wouldn't be so sensitive about it.

think about it while you are pouting.
Jews are the Chosen People.

Muslims are the Chosen Losers who follow the Pedophile Prophet

and that proves what?

that you can be as absurd as him?

i hate when people make us look bad.


Someone mark this day on the calendar.. Jillian just attempted some fucking consistency in the face of racist jews.

I bet this means she wants to see dead jews floating in the sea.... I bet.

Islamists are the racists. Islam is a racist ideology.
What race are Israelis?

Good point. Most Israeli's and Arabs are the same "race" - semitic.

Ethnocracy fits the bill, but not racial dictatorship since it's neither racial nor a dictatorship.

What ethnicity are Israelis?

If you talk about Israel as a whole - you have a variety of ethnic groups living there but among those given Israeli citizenship you have:
76.4 % Jewish
23.6% non-Jewish (mostly Arab)
(according to the CIA Factbook in 2004)
and that proves what?

that you can be as absurd as him?

i hate when people make us look bad.


Someone mark this day on the calendar.. Jillian just attempted some fucking consistency in the face of racist jews.

I bet this means she wants to see dead jews floating in the sea.... I bet.

Islamists are the racists. Islam is a racist ideology.

...says little chosen boy who is CONVINCED that jews are the apex of humanity...


Dummy, Israel IS Palestine.

You're soooo dumb.

In that case it needs to enfranchise ALL of it's citizens.

It does.

Palestinians aren't citizens. Israeli Arabs have all rights of citizenship except they get to decline military service.

I will amend it then - it needs to make all of it's inhabitents citizens - if you're talking about all of "Palestine" you can not control areas with large numbers of people who are stateless and citizenless and rightless without serious repercussions and continuous violence. A state grants legitimacy and forces resonsibility on the Palestinians for controling the extremists amongst them.

Also, I disagree with you on all rights of citizenship. Non-Jewish citizens do not have the same rights of family reunification through imnmigration nor rights to buy land held by the Jewish Trust (I think that is what it is called) which amounts to a considerable area. Nor do they have the same rights to permits to expand their villages or build new settlements - a defacto policy which leadds overcrowding, over-use of limited resources and poverty.
Good point. Most Israeli's and Arabs are the same "race" - semitic.

Ethnocracy fits the bill, but not racial dictatorship since it's neither racial nor a dictatorship.

What ethnicity are Israelis?

If you talk about Israel as a whole - you have a variety of ethnic groups living there but among those given Israeli citizenship you have:
76.4 % Jewish
23.6% non-Jewish (mostly Arab)
(according to the CIA Factbook in 2004)

Um, "Jewish" is not an ethnicity.
and that proves what?

that you can be as absurd as him?

i hate when people make us look bad.


Someone mark this day on the calendar.. Jillian just attempted some fucking consistency in the face of racist jews.

I bet this means she wants to see dead jews floating in the sea.... I bet.

Islamists are the racists. Islam is a racist ideology.

Chapter 1, 2, 3....thru to the end: Page 1, Paragraph 1, Line 1 of Islam for Dummies.

You are way too predictable. When are you going to update your talking points?

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