Israel / Palestine Peace Plan

oh looky... the same ole "blame her for getting raped because of what she wore and where she chose to walk" excuses...



Pallies fighting from within civilian populations constitutes self-rape. Why do Muslims love death so much, you sand rat?

Hey jillian! I bet this makes your mouth water, eh?

THEY SELF RAPE, says little master race boy.



Lighten up Francis.
yea yea yea.. go learn some english, ya fucking jew.

am I proud?

I dunno David, is "jew" an insult?

and whose verbiage is more offensive? His? Or yours?

You do know that the size of your font is generally inversely proportionate to the value of the point you make.

kind of like when you're sitting in a restaurant and the volume of people's voices is inversely proportionate to their intellect.

Go ahead and answer that question after you dive back and forth across little chosen boy's posts some more. Not that I'd expect you to be terribly offended by all the "master race" talk as long as it's applied to your own race.

and, no.. the size of my font correlates with dragging you back into a thread that you'd otherwise ignore while it's the racist jews talking about the inherent SUPERIORITY of the chosen race. Usually it takes this kind of font to drag you back out of the cradle in which you ignore the hatred of everyone else by jews.

again, see the posts of little chosen boy.
Like I said, jillybean... it's pretty clear why you are so selective in your criticism of "hatred" here. I'm quite sure that you'd send me a fucking blintz basket if I used the exact same tone but told you that I was jewish.

See little master race boy for further validation.

and, you can cram that little "you just want to see dead jews floating" routine, Jillybean. We've been through that already and you always balk at quoting me.

Just call it as I see it Shogie. You know that. I find it difficult getting up a head of steam in regard to him insulting you when you use the word "jew" as an insult. I've never thought that was what it is. Nor do I intend to. That doesn't mean I agree with everything he says. I just figure you're both giving as good as you get.

... except you're the one insulting me. Jew isn't an insult, snookie bear.

hugs and kisses...
yea yea yea.. go learn some english, ya fucking jew.

am I proud?

I dunno David, is "jew" an insult?

and whose verbiage is more offensive? His? Or yours?

You do know that the size of your font is generally inversely proportionate to the value of the point you make.

kind of like when you're sitting in a restaurant and the volume of people's voices is inversely proportionate to their intellect.

Go ahead and answer that question after you dive back and forth across little chosen boy's posts some more. Not that I'd expect you to be terribly offended by all the "master race" talk as long as it's applied to your own race.

and, no.. the size of my font correlates with dragging you back into a thread that you'd otherwise ignore while it's the racist jews talking about the inherent SUPERIORITY of the chosen race. Usually it takes this kind of font to drag you back out of the cradle in which you ignore the hatred of everyone else by jews.

again, see the posts of little chosen boy.

If you fixated less on Jews and more on your own life, perhaps, you would be successful, too, and not obsess on the Jews.
got your mouth watering, doesn't it, little chosen boy?

Apparently, it got your mouth watering since you thought of it.

Sucks that Jews are so much more successful than you, eh

uh, is it time for "I know you are but what am I" already, lil guy?




so.. how DOES one say Sig Heil in yiddish?
yea yea yea.. go learn some english, ya fucking jew.

am I proud?

I dunno David, is "jew" an insult?

and whose verbiage is more offensive? His? Or yours?

You do know that the size of your font is generally inversely proportionate to the value of the point you make.

kind of like when you're sitting in a restaurant and the volume of people's voices is inversely proportionate to their intellect.

Go ahead and answer that question after you dive back and forth across little chosen boy's posts some more. Not that I'd expect you to be terribly offended by all the "master race" talk as long as it's applied to your own race.

and, no.. the size of my font correlates with dragging you back into a thread that you'd otherwise ignore while it's the racist jews talking about the inherent SUPERIORITY of the chosen race. Usually it takes this kind of font to drag you back out of the cradle in which you ignore the hatred of everyone else by jews.

again, see the posts of little chosen boy.

Last response before I go home from work.

I don't generally involve myself in this stupidity because a) I don't like having people use "jew" as an insult. b) I don't ever use verbiage like you're referring to. Nor have I ever given you cause to believe I think that way. c) I don't care for the idea that it's ok to kill jews but pals are victims. I figure if they stop lobbing missiles while using their own women and children as shields, they'd live longer. Or maybe you'd like to live in S'derot? I also tend to avoid threads like this because of the whole teaching pigs to talk thing. It doesn't work. It just annoys the pigs. So why bother?

It just amused me to jump in for a few since I got a personal invitation.

G'night David. Have a good evening.
got your mouth watering, doesn't it, little chosen boy?

Apparently, it got your mouth watering since you thought of it.

Sucks that Jews are so much more successful than you, eh

uh, is it time for "I know you are but what am I" already, lil guy?




so.. how DOES one say Sig Heil in yiddish?

like I said, bubbalah, stop using jew as an insult. maybe you'll get a different response. it's that whole nah nah nah nah nah thing.

now, mommy says both you boys behave.

night night.
am I proud?

I dunno David, is "jew" an insult?

and whose verbiage is more offensive? His? Or yours?

You do know that the size of your font is generally inversely proportionate to the value of the point you make.

kind of like when you're sitting in a restaurant and the volume of people's voices is inversely proportionate to their intellect.

Go ahead and answer that question after you dive back and forth across little chosen boy's posts some more. Not that I'd expect you to be terribly offended by all the "master race" talk as long as it's applied to your own race.

and, no.. the size of my font correlates with dragging you back into a thread that you'd otherwise ignore while it's the racist jews talking about the inherent SUPERIORITY of the chosen race. Usually it takes this kind of font to drag you back out of the cradle in which you ignore the hatred of everyone else by jews.

again, see the posts of little chosen boy.

Last response before I go home from work.

I don't generally involve myself in this stupidity because a) I don't like having people use "jew" as an insult. b) I don't ever use verbiage like you're referring to. Nor have I ever given you cause to believe I think that way. c) I don't care for the idea that it's ok to kill jews but pals are victims. I figure if they stop lobbing missiles while using their own women and children as shields, they'd live longer. Or maybe you'd like to live in S'derot? I also tend to avoid threads like this because of the whole teaching pigs to talk thing. It doesn't work. It just annoys the pigs. So why bother?

It just amused me to jump in for a few since I got a personal invitation.

G'night David. Have a good evening.

A) "jew" is not an insult. but, when there is a CLEAR us versus them taint to the forum input by those who seem to think that the new master race is inherently superior to everyone else you'll have to forgive me for patronizing this distinction.

B) You leap across the verbiage like a fucking stepping stone when the likes of JEWS use hate filled language.. but don't bat an eye when trying to pounce on me for returning the favor. The selective application of your criticism is obvious. Again, if I spoke the exact way I do now and told you I was jewish I have no doubt that you'd skip every post of mine and dig your claws into whoever I was talking at. Again, See little chosen boy.

C) I don't advocate for ANYONE being killed. I want rockets to stop as much as you do. But, it's disingenuous to blame palis for killings when the numbers show us who has more blood on the ground by whom. This is why I remind you that the USA would not nuke juarez mexico if SOME mexicans were lobbing rockets into texas. We'd extract the criminals and NOT rationalize a blanket violent reaction under the guise of "well, all mexicans are violent drug lords and we are justified in killing civvies because SOME drug lords are violent". And, ESPECIALLY so when you literally SEE little chosen boy insist left and right that jews are the latest ubermensch to hit the globe. I understand being proud of your heritage and bless you for that. BUT, this selectiveness and quick rationalization of dead palis isn't just pride in being jewish; it's the exact kind of apathy that caused the holocaust, ironically.

You have a great evening too, Jillian! I hope your drive home is swift and your evening relaxing.
[ame=]YouTube - Ofra Haza Yerushalaim Shel Zahav (Jerusalem of Gold) subbed[/ame]
Is Marc the guy who claimed to be a senior Goldman Sachs executive? :lol:
yea yea yea.. go learn some english, ya fucking jew.

Jews have been awarded 160 Nobel Prizes for their achievements. Islamists have won a meager...3.

Jews are quite articulate and educated, thank you.

Nobel Prizes are the only measure of achievement? You are just as small minded as those you criticize. The only reason many people know so little about Islamic achievement is our schooling is western-oriented and spends precious little time on non-western cultures leading to the ignorant assumption that they've contributed little.

Muslims were the first to make a science out of medicine for example. The first camera obscura (that led to the invention of photography) was built by an Islamic scientist around 1000 AD. A rudimentary smallpox vaccination process was practiced in Turkey and Persia (and China) a century before Jenner introduced the vaccine. Look at Al-Jazari, a brilliant Islamic scholar, scientist and inventer. Every modern day wonder and scientific achievement is built upon the works of an earlier age. Without it we would not be where we are today.


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