Israel / Palestine Peace Plan

well, I'm thinking that Jillybean ignores how many palis have been killed by jews...

What are the odds that YOU want to compare those numbers? Pretty slim, i'm sure. But, don't let that keep you from knee jerking your support for our latest master race jew to come along and insist that jews are the new global ubermensch.


ps.. names are inconsequential to ignoring human lives lost, jillybean... it's too bad that you let your race usurp your concern for humanity.

You know better, David. I always worry that people die. I just don't believe in dying at the hands of terrorists. And I think that if you were really worried about innocent lives, your objection would be to the terrorists of Hamas who use innocent civilians as shields.

It's sad... but I, personally, wouldn't die to avoid fighting back because of it.

Would you, Dah-veed?

p.s. Do you disavow pondscum like Tinmore? Didn't think so.

I don't agree with a lot of what others say, you know that, too. But at least they don't want me dead.

I would LOVE to give you the benefit of the doubt, Jillian, but when you come along and totally disregard what Little Master Race posts just to snipe at my name I have to wonder.

No one is asking you to die. Leave the mellowdrama at your synagogue. Again, tell me who has seen more death, YOU or THEM. And then ask yourself why you find yourself acting like a good german sending their kids to furhor youth camp instead of being even the slightest bit remorseful about the killer products of zionism.

and, we've seen shields on both sides, honeybear.. do you REALLY want to bring that up?

tinsmore and I don't share a common bond in this forum. You and lil master race boy do. and, if you want to believe that i've never taken actual antisemites to task.. well, I guess it's ONE WAY to feel good about your position.

post the relative death toll since the inception of israel and lets talk about who wants to kill whom, Jillian. zionism is pretty clear about displacing all non jews for the sake of RACIAL PURITY. It's a shame, if the topic were any other ethnic groups vieing for RACIAL PURITY we both know you'd be singing a different tune.

You can blame the death toll of the arabs on the palestinian terorrists who hide behind women and children when they launch their terrorist attacks.
You know better, David. I always worry that people die. I just don't believe in dying at the hands of terrorists. And I think that if you were really worried about innocent lives, your objection would be to the terrorists of Hamas who use innocent civilians as shields.

It's sad... but I, personally, wouldn't die to avoid fighting back because of it.

Would you, Dah-veed?

p.s. Do you disavow pondscum like Tinmore? Didn't think so.

I don't agree with a lot of what others say, you know that, too. But at least they don't want me dead.

I would LOVE to give you the benefit of the doubt, Jillian, but when you come along and totally disregard what Little Master Race posts just to snipe at my name I have to wonder.

No one is asking you to die. Leave the mellowdrama at your synagogue. Again, tell me who has seen more death, YOU or THEM. And then ask yourself why you find yourself acting like a good german sending their kids to furhor youth camp instead of being even the slightest bit remorseful about the killer products of zionism.

and, we've seen shields on both sides, honeybear.. do you REALLY want to bring that up?

tinsmore and I don't share a common bond in this forum. You and lil master race boy do. and, if you want to believe that i've never taken actual antisemites to task.. well, I guess it's ONE WAY to feel good about your position.

post the relative death toll since the inception of israel and lets talk about who wants to kill whom, Jillian. zionism is pretty clear about displacing all non jews for the sake of RACIAL PURITY. It's a shame, if the topic were any other ethnic groups vieing for RACIAL PURITY we both know you'd be singing a different tune.

You can blame the death toll of the arabs on the palestinian terorrists who hide behind women and children when they launch their terrorist attacks.

oh looky... the same ole "blame her for getting raped because of what she wore and where she chose to walk" excuses...


I would LOVE to give you the benefit of the doubt, Jillian, but when you come along and totally disregard what Little Master Race posts just to snipe at my name I have to wonder.

No one is asking you to die. Leave the mellowdrama at your synagogue. Again, tell me who has seen more death, YOU or THEM. And then ask yourself why you find yourself acting like a good german sending their kids to furhor youth camp instead of being even the slightest bit remorseful about the killer products of zionism.

and, we've seen shields on both sides, honeybear.. do you REALLY want to bring that up?

tinsmore and I don't share a common bond in this forum. You and lil master race boy do. and, if you want to believe that i've never taken actual antisemites to task.. well, I guess it's ONE WAY to feel good about your position.

post the relative death toll since the inception of israel and lets talk about who wants to kill whom, Jillian. zionism is pretty clear about displacing all non jews for the sake of RACIAL PURITY. It's a shame, if the topic were any other ethnic groups vieing for RACIAL PURITY we both know you'd be singing a different tune.

You can blame the death toll of the arabs on the palestinian terorrists who hide behind women and children when they launch their terrorist attacks.

oh looky... the same ole "blame her for getting raped because of what she wore and where she chose to walk" excuses...



Pallies fighting from within civilian populations constitutes self-rape. Why do Muslims love death so much, you sand rat?
You can blame the death toll of the arabs on the palestinian terorrists who hide behind women and children when they launch their terrorist attacks.

oh looky... the same ole "blame her for getting raped because of what she wore and where she chose to walk" excuses...



Pallies fighting from within civilian populations constitutes self-rape. Why do Muslims love death so much, you sand rat?

Hey jillian! I bet this makes your mouth water, eh?

THEY SELF RAPE, says little master race boy.


You can blame the death toll of the arabs on the palestinian terorrists who hide behind women and children when they launch their terrorist attacks.

You think?:eusa_eh:

Gaza is the most densly populated place on earth. They are not allowed to leave. You think that might have something to do with the fact they fight from within civilian population centers?
Seems like some here have forgotten their potty-training. Maybe it's time to flush this thread....?
Hey jillian! I bet this makes your mouth water, eh?

THEY SELF RAPE, says little master race boy.



hey, bubbalah, when have you ever heard me come close to expressing anything close to that. when have I ever even implied I would find anything like that acceptable?

don't project your hatred onto me, Dah-veed.

But, I will say that terrorists using civilians as shields, and victimizing their own people, is no reason for israelis to die.

I know.. I know.. much to your chagrin.
.... as opposed to JEWS who just kill everyone else...

Arabs and Muslims are killing everyone. Muhammad was the original terrorist as well as a pedophile.

do you really want me to start quoting from your holy book all about the killing of children and the fucking of daughters, lil master race boy?

do you really want me to start...

If you really want to know what we want you to do, talking (or typing) is not one of them! Jumping off a bridge, getting drunk and playing in traffic and eating rat poisoning might be a few things I wouldn't mind seeing you do! :lol:
do you really want me to start quoting from your holy book all about the killing of children and the fucking of daughters, lil master race boy?

Let's be more recent, like Muslim Turks' involvement in the genocode of 2 million Armenians.

Or, 1 million Muslims and Arabs killed in the Iran-Iraq war.

Or, hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Arabs killed in the Lebanese Civil War.

Or, hundreds of thousands of Arabs and Muslims killed in Algerian wars.

Or, hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed in Bangladesh wars

Or, 20,000 Muslims and Arabs killed in Hama by the Syrian army

Or, thousands of Muslims and Arabs killed in Yemen wars.

I could go on and on. Freaking Arabs and Muslims are only proficient in murdering each other and terrorizing the rest of civilization.

Allah is a dog.
do you really want me to start...

If you really want to know what we want you to do, talking (or typing) is not one of them! Jumping off a bridge, getting drunk and playing in traffic and eating rat poisoning might be a few things I wouldn't mind seeing you do! :lol:

yea yea yea.. go learn some english, ya fucking jew.
do you really want me to start quoting from your holy book all about the killing of children and the fucking of daughters, lil master race boy?

Let's be more recent, like Muslim Turks' involvement in the genocode of 2 million Armenians.

Or, 1 million Muslims and Arabs killed in the Iran-Iraq war.

Or, hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Arabs killed in the Lebanese Civil War.

Or, hundreds of thousands of Arabs and Muslims killed in Algerian wars.

Or, hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed in Bangladesh wars

Or, 20,000 Muslims and Arabs killed in Hama by the Syrian army

Or, thousands of Muslims and Arabs killed in Yemen wars.

I could go on and on. Freaking Arabs and Muslims are only proficient in murdering each other and terrorizing the rest of civilization.

Allah is a dog.

All that muslim blood makes your tiny dick hard, doesn't it ya little half roll of tums?

nice avoidance of quotes from your holy book, lil guy. I guess you are too scared of bald jews and she bears... when you are not fucking your daughters, that is.
yea yea yea.. go learn some english, ya fucking jew.

Jews have been awarded 160 Nobel Prizes for their achievements. Islamists have won a meager...3.

Jews are quite articulate and educated, thank you.
yea yea yea.. go learn some english, ya fucking jew.

am I proud?

I dunno David, is "jew" an insult?

and whose verbiage is more offensive? His? Or yours?

You do know that the size of your font is generally inversely proportionate to the value of the point you make.

kind of like when you're sitting in a restaurant and the volume of people's voices is inversely proportionate to their intellect.
You do know that the size of your font is generally inversely proportionate to the value of the point you make.

The large size of his font is inversely proportionate to the size of his pee pee.
Hey jillian! I bet this makes your mouth water, eh?

THEY SELF RAPE, says little master race boy.



hey, bubbalah, when have you ever heard me come close to expressing anything close to that. when have I ever even implied I would find anything like that acceptable?

don't project your hatred onto me, Dah-veed.

But, I will say that terrorists using civilians as shields, and victimizing their own people, is no reason for israelis to die.

I know.. I know.. much to your chagrin.

Like I said, jillybean... it's pretty clear why you are so selective in your criticism of "hatred" here. I'm quite sure that you'd send me a fucking blintz basket if I used the exact same tone but told you that I was jewish.

See little master race boy for further validation.

and, you can cram that little "you just want to see dead jews floating" routine, Jillybean. We've been through that already and you always balk at quoting me.
yea yea yea.. go learn some english, ya fucking jew.

Jews have been awarded 160 Nobel Prizes for their achievements. Islamists have won a meager...3.

Jews are quite articulate and educated, thank you.

and burn like candles in mass graves!

now run along so your mommy doesn't get worried, tyke.

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