Israel pushes to have "anti-Semitism" recognized as international crime


Mar 24, 2015
Israel pushes to have "anti-Semitism" recognized as international crime

The Realist Report Israel pushes to have anti-Semitism recognized as international crime

Israel pushes to have "anti-Semitism" recognized as international crime
Earlier this year, at the behest of the Jewish state of Israel, the organized international Jewish community, and traitorous politicians working for the Jews in the West, the United Nations held an informal plenary session on the alleged "rising tide of anti-Semitism" around the world.

Of course, all respectable mainstream politicians, journalists, and public policy makers agreed that "anti-Semitism" must not be tolerated anywhere in the world, that it should be immediately condemned, and that "anti-Semites" should be ostracized, shunned, and even criminally prosecuted for "hate crimes" and "anti-Semitic speech."

However, some political commentators and international bureaucrats went a step further. They argued that "anti-Semitism" must be confronted and legislated against at the international level, with the German and French representatives openly calling for "a new legal framework at the European Union and internationally to address the diffusion of racist and anti-Semitic speeches and material," The Times of Israel reported.

The tireless efforts of organized international Jewry and the Jewish state of Israel to have "anti-Semitism" acknowledged globally as a "thought crime" are once again making headlines. The Algemeiner, an online Jewish news outlet, recently reported:

Attorney Alan Baker, Israel’s former ambassador to Canada and a legal adviser to the Foreign Ministry wants antisemitism to be treated as an international crime. In a new Israeli initiative, Baker is proposing that international courts be used to combat global hate crimes against Jews.

Baker has drafted an international convention calling on the “Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Antisemitism.” The Convention, which is drafted in the manner of classical international anti-terrorism treaties and those for other crimes, will allow countries to cooperate and exchange information with others, in order to extradite those suspected of acts that meet the definition of antisemitism, Israel’s NRG reported in Wednesday.

“We need to set down clear rules on what constitutes antisemitism and to set up international codes to prevent it. We expect that the initiative will be thoroughly discussed among all entities and countries that are engaging antisemitism on a global scale,” said Baker.

Explaining the need for the Convention, Baker noted that, “everyone knows to condemn antisemitism, but they are not doing what is necessary in order to fight against it on an international legal level.” He added that, “on the other hand, international courts invite people from around the world to account for various crimes. We think that this is precisely the place to also work decisively and unambiguously against antisemitism.”

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where Mr. Baker is now a fellow, intends to release a draft of the Convention, during a series of conferences at the United Nations, to other international organizations, international capitals, and among Jewish communities and organizations around the world.

This will be done in order to encourage countries to support the initiative and to submit a draft of the Convention to the appropriate UN organizations, in order to obtain international approval of the Convention.

Baker said that, “if the world really wants to work against this terrible phenomenon, the time has come to line up behind the measures that are necessary to be employed against it.”...
Pope sets the record straight on anti-semitism...

'Attacks On Jews Are Anti-Semitism, As Are Attacks On Israel'
October 28, 2015 - Pontiff meets with Jewish leaders on 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate declaration that led to improved relations between Jews and Catholics.
Jewish leaders met with Pope Francis in Rome on the 50th anniversary of the Nostra Aetate, the declaration promulgated by Pope Paul VI that led to improved relations between Jews and Catholics. “Yes to the rediscovery of the Jewish roots of Christianity. No to anti-Semitism,” the pope said Wednesday morning during the public audience on St. Peter’s Square. Later, Francis said, “Since Nostra Aetate, indifference and opposition have turned into cooperation and goodwill. Enemies and strangers became friends and brothers.”


Pope Francis meets with World Jewish Congress leaders at the Vatican.​

The landmark document inaugurated historic changes in the Catholic Church’s relations with other faiths. Its 600-word section on Judaism – approximately one-third of the document – rejects the long leveled charge against the collective Jewish people that Jews are guilty of killing Christ. “True, the Jewish authorities and those who followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ; still, what happened in His passion cannot be charged against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today... Although the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God, as if this followed from the Holy Scriptures,” that document read. The Jewish leaders were part of a delegation of representatives of the World Jewish Congress in Rome, there for a meeting of its governing board.

The meeting focused on the situation of Jews around the world, as well as the current tensions in the Middle East, the refugee crisis in Europe and the Iranian threat. In St. Peter’s Square, Francis effusively greeted a Jewish leader from his native Argentina. “You’re still alive?” the pope greeted Julio Schlosser, head of the DAIA umbrella organization of Argentina’s Jewish community, giving him a hug. Prior to the public audience, the pope received WJC president Ronald Lauder in a private audience and met with representatives of the American Jewish Committee. The AJC issued a statement on Wednesday praising the document as having “transformed Catholic-Jewish relations.” “AJC is proud of the singular role it played in advisement, research and creation of an environment facilitating the Nostra Aetate achievement,” said David Inlander, chairman of AJC’s Interreligious Affairs Commission.


See also:

Anti-Israel billboard causing controversy in Detroit
October 27, 2015 - The billboard reads "America First Not Israel" and says it was paid for by Deir Yassin Remembered, Inc.
A billboard in the Michigan city of Detroit that reads “America First Not Israel” is arousing accusations anti-Semitism. The large sign, placed on the city’s 8 Mile Road, was paid for by “Deir Yassin Remembered,” a New York-based organization that has been posting similar signs throughout the country. Although the metro-Detroit area has one of the largest Arab populations outside the Middle East, as well as a sizable Jewish community, the sign was placed in a part of the city that is neither predominantly Jewish nor Muslim.


A photo of the billboard reading "America first, not Israel" placed on 8 Mile Road in Detroit.​

In an interview with Detroit’s WXYZ radio, a Fox News affiliate, the Anti-Defamation League’s Heidi Budaj said that the ad and its choice of location is trying to “drive a wedge between the American people and the State of Israel.” “This particular sign goes a step further and raises an old anti-Semitic canard of dual loyalty, implying that Jews are not loyal to the country in which they live,” Budaj said. “Make no mistake that, while many of the Jewish people in the United States support the State of Israel as a Jewish state, we are loyal Americans.” The website of Deir Yassin Remembered, Inc. lists its mailing address under the name of Daniel A. McGowan, a professor emeritus of economics at Hobart and William Smith colleges.

The battle of Deir Yassin, a village on the western outskirts of Jerusalem, was one of the most controversial of the War of Independence. It took place in April 1948, one month before the State of Israel was declared. A study by Bir Zeit University, based on discussions with each family from the village, arrived at a figure of 107 Arab civilians dead and 12 wounded, in addition to 13 combatants killed. The New York Times said more than 40 were captured and 70 women and children were released. No hint of a massacre appeared in the report.

Anti-Israel billboard causing controversy in Detroit
Israel pushes to have "anti-Semitism" recognized as international crime

The Realist Report Israel pushes to have anti-Semitism recognized as international crime

Israel pushes to have "anti-Semitism" recognized as international crime
Earlier this year, at the behest of the Jewish state of Israel, the organized international Jewish community, and traitorous politicians working for the Jews in the West, the United Nations held an informal plenary session on the alleged "rising tide of anti-Semitism" around the world.

Of course, all respectable mainstream politicians, journalists, and public policy makers agreed that "anti-Semitism" must not be tolerated anywhere in the world, that it should be immediately condemned, and that "anti-Semites" should be ostracized, shunned, and even criminally prosecuted for "hate crimes" and "anti-Semitic speech."

However, some political commentators and international bureaucrats went a step further. They argued that "anti-Semitism" must be confronted and legislated against at the international level, with the German and French representatives openly calling for "a new legal framework at the European Union and internationally to address the diffusion of racist and anti-Semitic speeches and material," The Times of Israel reported.

The tireless efforts of organized international Jewry and the Jewish state of Israel to have "anti-Semitism" acknowledged globally as a "thought crime" are once again making headlines. The Algemeiner, an online Jewish news outlet, recently reported:

Attorney Alan Baker, Israel’s former ambassador to Canada and a legal adviser to the Foreign Ministry wants antisemitism to be treated as an international crime. In a new Israeli initiative, Baker is proposing that international courts be used to combat global hate crimes against Jews.

Baker has drafted an international convention calling on the “Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Antisemitism.” The Convention, which is drafted in the manner of classical international anti-terrorism treaties and those for other crimes, will allow countries to cooperate and exchange information with others, in order to extradite those suspected of acts that meet the definition of antisemitism, Israel’s NRG reported in Wednesday.

“We need to set down clear rules on what constitutes antisemitism and to set up international codes to prevent it. We expect that the initiative will be thoroughly discussed among all entities and countries that are engaging antisemitism on a global scale,” said Baker.

Explaining the need for the Convention, Baker noted that, “everyone knows to condemn antisemitism, but they are not doing what is necessary in order to fight against it on an international legal level.” He added that, “on the other hand, international courts invite people from around the world to account for various crimes. We think that this is precisely the place to also work decisively and unambiguously against antisemitism.”

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, where Mr. Baker is now a fellow, intends to release a draft of the Convention, during a series of conferences at the United Nations, to other international organizations, international capitals, and among Jewish communities and organizations around the world.

This will be done in order to encourage countries to support the initiative and to submit a draft of the Convention to the appropriate UN organizations, in order to obtain international approval of the Convention.

Baker said that, “if the world really wants to work against this terrible phenomenon, the time has come to line up behind the measures that are necessary to be employed against it.”...
This is another bullshit attempt to outlaw criticism against Israel.

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