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Israel receives F-35 Stealth Fighters

Do you support giving F-35s to Israel?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 54.8%
  • No

    Votes: 14 45.2%

  • Total voters
The typical antisemite response. Antisemitic means blind ignorant hatred of the Jews, which you 100% subscribe to.

How do you like the fact that Trump is moving the US embassy to Jerusalem where it should be?!?!?!?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

In fairness, he does openly call for the eradication of Jews. He's more honest than the liberals who have the same objective and deny it
Israel commits genocide every day in Palestine,Jews are behind the goal of white genocide so yeah I absolutely want to see my enemy eradicated. Not sure where you get this "liberal" nonsense from obviously you can't handle more than 2 trains of thought at the same time its either NAZI and COMMUNIST or Conservative or Liberal! Nah I am none of those. You should inform yourself on OTHER ideologies or just stay willfully ignorant no sweat off my back.
Arabs are semites. I don't hate Arabs. Therefore you Jew lovers can be considered anti semites just as much as I can. Let them move it. One day the UN and honorable members of the UN will get the last laugh when it comes to Israeli/US war crimes/genocide etc. Its funny how Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth. He wants to get peace in Palestine and yet will cause MORE war etc with a pointless move of the embassy AND put peoples lives in danger by doing so as well.

Arabs are Semites, but the term anti-Semitic refers specifically to Jews. You're just playing stupid dictionary games, you have a point with no substance, it doesn't change what I said.

Interesting you do admit lying though about wanting a white world. It's amazing how in the end liberal Nazis still toe the Democrat line ...

Uh no. You can pick and choose WHICH semitic race you are ANTI SEMITIC against you idiot. I am Anti Jew not Anti Semite see not that hard! How do I lie about wanting a white world? Lol you managed to throw THREE of your buzz words in to one sentence!You are on a roll of stupidity!

Nazi Jew hating asshole, gotcha. The sickest of all are the Jew liberals who vote for you
Aw. I triggered the snowflake. This is really fun. :) We have established Kaz lives in his mom's basement,has about a 5th grade education,can't think beyond NAZI! COMMUNIST! LIBERAL! and DEMOCRAT! Oh and ANTI SEMITE! and finds the genocide of Muslims children OK but not the same for Jews.

The fag Nazi goes back to talking about his feelings. Classic

And I live in my mom's basement, talk about a trite insult. How'd you come up with that one? Oh yeah, it's used on every message board by people who came up with zero on their own ...
Ohhhhh now I am a fag! ROFLMAO....does your mommy know you are online this early? tsk tsk!
In fairness, he does openly call for the eradication of Jews. He's more honest than the liberals who have the same objective and deny it
Israel commits genocide every day in Palestine,Jews are behind the goal of white genocide so yeah I absolutely want to see my enemy eradicated. Not sure where you get this "liberal" nonsense from obviously you can't handle more than 2 trains of thought at the same time its either NAZI and COMMUNIST or Conservative or Liberal! Nah I am none of those. You should inform yourself on OTHER ideologies or just stay willfully ignorant no sweat off my back.
Arabs are Semites, but the term anti-Semitic refers specifically to Jews. You're just playing stupid dictionary games, you have a point with no substance, it doesn't change what I said.

Interesting you do admit lying though about wanting a white world. It's amazing how in the end liberal Nazis still toe the Democrat line ...

Uh no. You can pick and choose WHICH semitic race you are ANTI SEMITIC against you idiot. I am Anti Jew not Anti Semite see not that hard! How do I lie about wanting a white world? Lol you managed to throw THREE of your buzz words in to one sentence!You are on a roll of stupidity!

Nazi Jew hating asshole, gotcha. The sickest of all are the Jew liberals who vote for you
Aw. I triggered the snowflake. This is really fun. :) We have established Kaz lives in his mom's basement,has about a 5th grade education,can't think beyond NAZI! COMMUNIST! LIBERAL! and DEMOCRAT! Oh and ANTI SEMITE! and finds the genocide of Muslims children OK but not the same for Jews.

The fag Nazi goes back to talking about his feelings. Classic

And I live in my mom's basement, talk about a trite insult. How'd you come up with that one? Oh yeah, it's used on every message board by people who came up with zero on their own ...
Ohhhhh now I am a fag! ROFLMAO....does your mommy know you are online this early? tsk tsk!

Unless you're a chick. Just so you know, I don't give a shit how you feel. Guys don't sit near you in locker rooms, do they?

Hey, let's ask the gay Nazi how he feels! No, they don't do that ...
And the US Government just gave Israel $600 Million. I've said for a long time that the 'Foreign Aid' issue desperately needs to be re-examined. But it just never happens.
I heartily approve of all the aid to Israel. In fact I insist upon it. People bitch about the US getting involved with and sending troops overseas and then bitch about our first line of defense in the mid-East getting well deserved money. Freedom Ain't Free.

I'd prefer we disengage from the Middle East. Continue trading, but dramatically scale back our presence. I'm completely over the endless wars there.

We tried that with Clinton and 911 was the result.
And the US Government just gave Israel $600 Million. I've said for a long time that the 'Foreign Aid' issue desperately needs to be re-examined. But it just never happens.
I heartily approve of all the aid to Israel. In fact I insist upon it. People bitch about the US getting involved with and sending troops overseas and then bitch about our first line of defense in the mid-East getting well deserved money. Freedom Ain't Free.

I'd prefer we disengage from the Middle East. Continue trading, but dramatically scale back our presence. I'm completely over the endless wars there.

We tried that with Clinton and 911 was the result.

I don't see it that way. 9/11 was a deadly result of many years of US funding & arming of radical Islamist gangs. The chickens came home to roost. And sadly, the US Government is still funding & arming Jihadists.

More chickens will come home to roost at some point. I feel it is time to disengage from the Middle East. Our constant meddling has made things so much worse over there. It's time to acknowledge our blunders, and change course.
The US never learns. We give technology to Israel, and they sell the technology to Russia and China. Then the DOD whines that they need more money to counteract Russia & China. Israel is NOT the 51st State.

US delivers F-35 fighter jets to Israel - CNN Video
Pull your head out of your ass. They PURCHASED the fighter and is the ONLY US Ally in the Middle East.
Well, well, well! Iran can stock up on Depends now. They'll need 'em if they continue their nuke program.

Israel (Finally) Takes Possession of F-35s

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 | Israel Today Staff

Lookit that shit eating griin on Bibi's face!

Israel on Monday became the first nation after the US to take possession of F–35 Joint Strike Fighter jets.
Two of the planes landed at Nevatim Air Force Base in southern Israel.
Already adorned with the Star of David, the planes are now officially part of the Israel Air Force.
The welcome ceremony was attended and addressed by Israel’s top political and military leadership, as well as by US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter.
Israel Air Force engineers will now pore over the planes, and Israeli-developed systems will be added. Then Israeli pilots will take the F–35s to the skies and the Jewish state’s qualitative edge over its enemies will increase.
Israel (Finally) Takes Possession of F-35s
The US never learns. We give technology to Israel, and they sell the technology to Russia and China. Then the DOD whines that they need more money to counteract Russia & China. Israel is NOT the 51st State.

US delivers F-35 fighter jets to Israel - CNN Video
Pull your head out of your ass. They PURCHASED the fighter and is the ONLY US Ally in the Middle East.
Well, well, well! Iran can stock up on Depends now. They'll need 'em if they continue their nuke program.

Israel (Finally) Takes Possession of F-35s

Tuesday, December 13, 2016 | Israel Today Staff

Lookit that shit eating griin on Bibi's face!

Israel on Monday became the first nation after the US to take possession of F–35 Joint Strike Fighter jets.
Two of the planes landed at Nevatim Air Force Base in southern Israel.
Already adorned with the Star of David, the planes are now officially part of the Israel Air Force.
The welcome ceremony was attended and addressed by Israel’s top political and military leadership, as well as by US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter.
Israel Air Force engineers will now pore over the planes, and Israeli-developed systems will be added. Then Israeli pilots will take the F–35s to the skies and the Jewish state’s qualitative edge over its enemies will increase.
Israel (Finally) Takes Possession of F-35s
Course he has a shit eating grin. He knows America is his bitch and will do whatever they are told to do. If not he just screams ANTI SEMITE! and they relent.
Yes, I support it.

......but then again, I support the liberal value of defending the small minority against the vicious hatred of a large majority.
And getting realistic battlefield testing of new systems:

This Iranian Commander Kept Secret That Israeli F-35 Stealth Fighters Had Violated Iran Airspace.

Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) commander Brigadier General Farzad Ismaili, who had been in office since 2010, has been fired by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei after he kept secret that Israeli Air Force (IAF) F-35 stealth fighters had violated Iran’s airspace, the Kuwaiti daily Al Jarida reported on Saturday.

The newspaper emphasized that it was the original media source that exposed the Israeli raids, which had taken place in March 2018. Al Jarida cited senior Iranian military who said that only following its March report did the intelligence services of the Revolutionary Guards and the Iranian intelligence ministry begin to investigate the case, under Khamenei’s direct orders.

According to the newspaper’s investigation, “the IAF F-35 “Adir” planes penetrated Iran’s airspace, circled high above Tehran, Karajrak, Isfahan, Shiraz and Bandar Abbas – and photographed Iran’s air defense system.”​

Actually, Iran was alerted that the fighters had entered their air space after the fact, as a deterrent to actions Iran was planning to take in the Syrian conflict. The story was made public, not kept secret, though I'm sure they only told them about one flight, not all of them.
Actually, Iran was alerted that the fighters had entered their air space after the fact, as a deterrent to actions Iran was planning to take in the Syrian conflict. The story was made public, not kept secret, though I'm sure they only told them about one flight, not all of them.

of WHAT ARE YOU """"SURE""""? Iran entered the Syrian conflict because an Israeli plane over-flew Iran? Is that why Iran has planted Hezbollah
savages in Yemen and Lebanon too?-----and even exported the thugs to South America? SHEEEESH ---the Iranians certainly REACT
If the Zionist Regime returned the military nuke material it stole from the USA in the 60's then maybe we should sell them high tech stuff. Oh wait, since the mid 90's Jerry Silverstein or whatever the fuck, the individual who somehow got a 99 year lease on the WTC demanded Intel and others set up divisions in Israel. Folks, the Bible is bullshit and the inhabitants who think Yahweh, their deity, has chosen them is racist.
If the Zionist Regime returned the military nuke material it stole from the USA in the 60's then maybe we should sell them high tech stuff. Oh wait, since the mid 90's Jerry Silverstein or whatever the fuck, the individual who somehow got a 99 year lease on the WTC demanded Intel and others set up divisions in Israel. Folks, the Bible is bullshit and the inhabitants who think Yahweh, their deity, has chosen them is racist.

what "nuke material" did Israel steal in the 1960s? BTW---Israel was already doing a bomb in Dimona in the 50s----everyone knew
The US never learns. We give technology to Israel, and they sell the technology to Russia and China. Then the DOD whines that they need more money to counteract Russia & China. Israel is NOT the 51st State.

US delivers F-35 fighter jets to Israel - CNN Video
It's ok. The F-35 is such a failure that it will likely kill more Israeli pilots than whoever they are sent to kill.
If the Zionist Regime returned the military nuke material it stole from the USA in the 60's then maybe we should sell them high tech stuff. Oh wait, since the mid 90's Jerry Silverstein or whatever the fuck, the individual who somehow got a 99 year lease on the WTC demanded Intel and others set up divisions in Israel. Folks, the Bible is bullshit and the inhabitants who think Yahweh, their deity, has chosen them is racist.

thanks for the islamo Nazi dog update---Now I know that the English "chosen people" phrase means that jews are "racist" I am not sure as to the nature of the "race" (biologically) I do know that according to the KHARAHAN----"muslims are the best people in the world" <<<< I think that the rapist dog of mecca actually said that justifying the rape. (racist?) AND according to the preachers of the NT-----"faith" in the Pharisee jew ---Jesus son of Joseph of Nazareth is a sufficient ticket to eternal paradise (racist?)

and then ---the Zoroastrians-------nobody in and nobody out (racist?)
Actually, Iran was alerted that the fighters had entered their air space after the fact, as a deterrent to actions Iran was planning to take in the Syrian conflict. The story was made public, not kept secret, though I'm sure they only told them about one flight, not all of them.

of WHAT ARE YOU """"SURE""""? Iran entered the Syrian conflict because an Israeli plane over-flew Iran? Is that why Iran has planted Hezbollah
savages in Yemen and Lebanon too?-----and even exported the thugs to South America? SHEEEESH ---the Iranians certainly REACT

lol your dementia is getting worse an worse, Rosie. Making up fake strawmen with the post right there is just stupid trolling.
It's ok. The F-35 is such a failure that it will likely kill more Israeli pilots than whoever they are sent to kill.

lol rubbish. they said the same sort of dumbass bullshit about our weapons systems right up to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, all of it was 'pieces of junk n Stuff'; we nearly annihilated the fourth largest army on the planet within hours, without having set foot in the country. The aftermath was merely a mopping up operation. The F-35 is a fine plane; some like the F-22 a lot better, but they're stuck with old ideas about 'dogfighting capablities' that no longer mean anything.
Actually, Iran was alerted that the fighters had entered their air space after the fact, as a deterrent to actions Iran was planning to take in the Syrian conflict. The story was made public, not kept secret, though I'm sure they only told them about one flight, not all of them.

of WHAT ARE YOU """"SURE""""? Iran entered the Syrian conflict because an Israeli plane over-flew Iran? Is that why Iran has planted Hezbollah
savages in Yemen and Lebanon too?-----and even exported the thugs to South America? SHEEEESH ---the Iranians certainly REACT

lol your dementia is getting worse an worse, Rosie. Making up fake strawmen with the post right there is just stupid trolling.

Pic----your post indicates that you have no idea as to the definition of the
word "dementia" Try to leave medico
lingo to the medics. As to your sightings of "strawmen" in my posts-----
first get a VDRL. Long ago I made the correct diagnosis on an elderly refined lady who, for reasons unkown to her pscychiatrists-----began to SEE ANGELS
for the record-----PIc, who claims that jews around the last few centuries BC and the next few centuries AD -----were involved in
RACIST persecution of each other-----has failed to come up with any information save a vague impression from the scribblings of an ass licker of both martin luther and his heir----adolf hitler, to wit---JOACHIM
Actually, Iran was alerted that the fighters had entered their air space after the fact, as a deterrent to actions Iran was planning to take in the Syrian conflict. The story was made public, not kept secret, though I'm sure they only told them about one flight, not all of them.

of WHAT ARE YOU """"SURE""""? Iran entered the Syrian conflict because an Israeli plane over-flew Iran? Is that why Iran has planted Hezbollah
savages in Yemen and Lebanon too?-----and even exported the thugs to South America? SHEEEESH ---the Iranians certainly REACT

lol your dementia is getting worse an worse, Rosie. Making up fake strawmen with the post right there is just stupid trolling.

Pic----your post indicates that you have no idea as to the definition of the
word "dementia" Try to leave medico
lingo to the medics. As to your sightings of "strawmen" in my posts-----
first get a VDRL. Long ago I made the correct diagnosis on an elderly refined lady who, for reasons unkown to her pscychiatrists-----began to SEE ANGELS

lol okay so go ahead and post where in my post I said what you claim I said, moron.

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