Israel refuses to to any refugees

maybe not ALL Syrians but most are muslims Coyote .

What is your point? We're talking about Syrian refugees. Not immigrants over the past century.
point is that most of these invaders are muslim . As known trouble makers they should be sent back to where they come from Coyote !!

What invaders are you talking about?

I think I know what he means when he says invaders. Let's say people from Mexico, Central America and South Amierica who are experiencing many difficulties came to our border and pushed their way through, would we not call them invaders?

To me, invaders come with malign purpose - I see refugees and migrants, people trying escape a bad life and make a better life for their families. We may not want them, but they are coming here for many of the same reasons our own ancestors did.

You know them personally? How do you know why people come here?
third world muslims have a reputation and attention should be paid to their reputation for violence , perversion and just being trouble makers. Look at their third world he11holes to see what 'muslims' are good at doing Coyote .

That's exactly what they said about Jews and communism. They had a reputation for being trouble makers. That was the rationale for refusing them. It never changes.

Horseshit. Why don't you post some evidence for this claim?

I did earlier in this thread doofus.
and look what the JEWS built in 60 years , look how the JEWS made the desert bloom . The JEWS save arab lives in their first rate hospitals , have a first rate military and democracy while as I said the muslims live in chaos in their third world he11holes . Its an amazing comparison Coyote !!

Your mixing apples and oranges. We're talking about refugees and immigrants, you are talking about Israelis. Immigrant Jews from Europe - like many other immigrant groups have flourished in the US and done well - as have Syrians, Lebonese, Palestinians, Italians, Polish, Russians, Cubans, Hispanics, etc etc.
Exactly. My "we" refers to the US's unwillingness to take in refugees then, as now and the same rhetoric in play.

DO you really believe your lame-ass attempts to equate reluctance to accept Moslem savages into our country as the equivalent of anti-Semitism is going to fool anyone?

I love how folks try to make excuses for their's "different" back then, it was "jewish commie subversives" now it's "muslim savages". The more you try to paint it as "different" the more it comes out as the same old xenophobic rhetoric. Read the articles and the voices from 1930's and 40's.

No one is swallowing line of the open-borders assholes that controlling our borders is someone the equivalent of sending Jews to be gassed at Auschwitz.

You only prove what a sleazy lying scumbag you are with this kind of rhetoric.

I'm not for open borders.

But the more you try to and justify your anti-refugee stance based on religion, the more you sound like those antisemitic bigots from the 1930's and 40's .

Sure you are, asshole. You oppose any measure anyone ever proposes to seal the border and deport illegal aliens. Moslems have demonstrated over and over that they have a propensity for violence and a disrespect for the norms of a free society.

There's no comparison between Islam and Judaism. The later is a respectable peaceful religion. The former is a murderous bloodthirsty cult.

Yup. Just like the zenophobic anti-semitic rhetoric :lol: Keep it up, you're making my case...70 years ago, you would have been railing against commie jews.
If you are talking about those who are part of IS - those people are not refugees.

All Moslems are potential trouble makers. All you have to do to know that is look what happens in Europe.

Funny...that's what they used to say about the Jews when they were turning away desperate refugees.

Horseshit. Everything you post is horseshit. BTW, your hero FDR is the one who turned the Jews away.

My hero? Try keeping your facts straight particularly about what I support and don't support Republicans and Democrats and much of the American public including American Jews (who did not want anything to bring antisemitic attention on their community) were against letting in Jewish immigrants. Same arguments and sentiments we see today and nothing to be proud of. Just like the shameful internment of the Japanese. You think we should return to that? Horseshit.

In those days Americans were opposed to letting in any immigrants. Your attempt to compare people who want to control illegal immigrants with Nazis and anti-Semites is typical sleazy leftwing smear mongering. There simply is no good reason for allowing illegals to stay or not sealing our borders, so smearing people is all you got left.

You're a typical leftwing scumbag.

It's funny that you get huffy about people nischaraterizing your position when that is your modus operandi.

Umn no. Not quite. In "those days" Americans were opposed to letting in certain classes of immigrants - like the Chinese, the Irish...etc. Just like today :)
third world muslims have a reputation and attention should be paid to their reputation for violence , perversion and just being trouble makers. Look at their third world he11holes to see what 'muslims' are good at doing Coyote .

That's exactly what they said about Jews and communism. They had a reputation for being trouble makers. That was the rationale for refusing them. It never changes.

Horseshit. Why don't you post some evidence for this claim?

I did earlier in this thread doofus.

the basis for refusing jewish immigration was anti-Semitism in the USA which
PRECEDED STALIN and even Marx. It was a Christian thing. Nazism was
invented by the first emperor of the FIRST REICH-----which preceded the third
reich by more than 16 centuries. The INTERNATIONAL JEW by islamo Nazi dog ---HENRY FORD was published BEFORE Adolf's "Mein Kampf" by about ten
years. Nazi pimp---CONSTANTINE----issued his filth circa 300 AD and his grandson incorporated the filth into CANON law-----about 40 years later----doofus
Its the mindset , JEWS proves themselves to be builders and organizers while the invading refugees are not practical or good thoughtful people . Heck , even their muslim neighbors don't want them Coyote .
third world muslims have a reputation and attention should be paid to their reputation for violence , perversion and just being trouble makers. Look at their third world he11holes to see what 'muslims' are good at doing Coyote .

That's exactly what they said about Jews and communism. They had a reputation for being trouble makers. That was the rationale for refusing them. It never changes.

Horseshit. Why don't you post some evidence for this claim?

I did earlier in this thread doofus.

the basis for refusing jewish immigration was anti-Semitism in the USA which
PRECEDED STALIN and even Marx. It was a Christian thing. Nazism was
invented by the first emperor of the FIRST REICH-----which preceded the third
reich by more than 16 centuries. The INTERNATIONAL JEW by islamo Nazi dog ---HENRY FORD was published BEFORE Adolf's "Mein Kampf" by about ten
years. Nazi pimp---CONSTANTINE----issued his filth circa 300 AD and his grandson incorporated the filth into CANON law-----about 40 years later----doofus

It was anti-semitism combined with the prevailing belief that Jews were closely associated with communism which allowed them to readily come up with reasons to refuse them entry. A confirmation bias. Just like with the Muslims. Not that you've read the thread either doofus :lol:
Its the mindset , JEWS proves themselves to be builders and organizers while the invading refugees are not practical or good thoughtful people . Heck , even their muslim neighbors don't want them Coyote .

Syrian immigrants to America have been quite successful, practical, good and thoughtful. Amazing huh? Just like the Jews :)
Syrian Americans - History, Modern era, The first syrians in america
The Arab American Way: The Success Story of an American Family from a Syrian Village in Global Diaspora
third world muslims have a reputation and attention should be paid to their reputation for violence , perversion and just being trouble makers. Look at their third world he11holes to see what 'muslims' are good at doing Coyote .

That's exactly what they said about Jews and communism. They had a reputation for being trouble makers. That was the rationale for refusing them. It never changes.

Horseshit. Why don't you post some evidence for this claim?

I did earlier in this thread doofus.

the basis for refusing jewish immigration was anti-Semitism in the USA which
PRECEDED STALIN and even Marx. It was a Christian thing. Nazism was
invented by the first emperor of the FIRST REICH-----which preceded the third
reich by more than 16 centuries. The INTERNATIONAL JEW by islamo Nazi dog ---HENRY FORD was published BEFORE Adolf's "Mein Kampf" by about ten
years. Nazi pimp---CONSTANTINE----issued his filth circa 300 AD and his grandson incorporated the filth into CANON law-----about 40 years later----doofus

It was anti-semitism combined with the prevailing belief that Jews were closely associated with communism which allowed them to readily come up with reasons to refuse them entry. A confirmation bias. Just like with the Muslims. Not that you've read the thread either doofus :lol:

I read the thread-----I have read history and I read the WIDELY PROMULGATED
propaganda of the time-----I lived in an area of the USA dotted with Nazi enclaves----their seedy little pamphlets were still fluttering in the breeze and I even found some on the dusty shelves of the town public library. As to your claim that JEWS OPPOSED JEWISH IMMIGRATION during the era of your hero ADOLF<<<
BIG FAT LIE!!!!!!! Jewish leaders were fearful of making any demands at all as
your fellows were actively gassing their relatives to death------the stench of anti-Semitism was that THICK in the USA. FDR-----chose to ignore the carnage. ----
communism was not the issue --------it was that old "Christ killers bullshit" ----back in the 1930s-------your fellow Nazi pigs began focusing on the COMMUNISM LIBEL later on---------McCarthy ---after all is said and done was a CATHOLIC IN GOOD STANDING. Of course ----your fellows began focusing on those for whom they did not give a damn--------ARAB REFUGEES ----round about 1950---
SEE? I read the same shit that you read.-------the stuff written by Nazi war criminals who had found love in Egypt and SYRIA . -------Syria--------before I knew
where Syria is, I knew that it housed the people who wrote the shit that you still parrot. I was a child circa 1960. For me SYRIA was a Christian country----we had SO MANY Christians who had fled "something" in SYRIA ------some sort of
Its the mindset , JEWS proves themselves to be builders and organizers while the invading refugees are not practical or good thoughtful people . Heck , even their muslim neighbors don't want them Coyote .

Syrian immigrants to America have been quite successful, practical, good and thoughtful. Amazing huh? Just like the Jews :)
Syrian Americans - History, Modern era, The first syrians in america
The Arab American Way: The Success Story of an American Family from a Syrian Village in Global Diaspora

Yes---Syrian Christians have done amazingly well and are a DELIGHT------Syrian jews have done well too.--------There are no Syrian jews left in Syria but I ENTHUSIASTICALLY support the rescue by the USA of the Syrian Christians----
we need them and their --------talents----------where would we be without Syrian
bread (when I was a kid PITA was called "Syrian bread"---which made sense since Syrians made it) ---------no matter where a Syrian store is located-----somehow it sells Israeli products------even if they have to RUB out the word Israel
on the label. In the arab enclave of my town-----the SYRIAN PROUDLY wear giant
crosses--------during times of stress and post big prominent signs "CLOSED ON
Its the mindset , JEWS proves themselves to be builders and organizers while the invading refugees are not practical or good thoughtful people . Heck , even their muslim neighbors don't want them Coyote .

Syrian immigrants to America have been quite successful, practical, good and thoughtful. Amazing huh? Just like the Jews :)
Syrian Americans - History, Modern era, The first syrians in america
The Arab American Way: The Success Story of an American Family from a Syrian Village in Global Diaspora

Yes---Syrian Christians have done amazingly well and are a DELIGHT------Syrian jews have done well too.--------There are no Syrian jews left in Syria but I ENTHUSIASTICALLY support the rescue by the USA of the Syrian Christians----
we need them and their --------talents----------where would we be without Syrian
bread (when I was a kid PITA was called "Syrian bread"---which made sense since Syrians made it) ---------no matter where a Syrian store is located-----somehow it sells Israeli products------even if they have to RUB out the word Israel
on the label. In the arab enclave of my town-----the SYRIAN PROUDLY wear giant
crosses--------during times of stress and post big prominent signs "CLOSED ON

Syrian Muslims have done well as well. In fact, the US has a thriving and successful Arab American community.
Its the mindset , JEWS proves themselves to be builders and organizers while the invading refugees are not practical or good thoughtful people . Heck , even their muslim neighbors don't want them Coyote .

Syrian immigrants to America have been quite successful, practical, good and thoughtful. Amazing huh? Just like the Jews :)
Syrian Americans - History, Modern era, The first syrians in america
The Arab American Way: The Success Story of an American Family from a Syrian Village in Global Diaspora

Yes---Syrian Christians have done amazingly well and are a DELIGHT------Syrian jews have done well too.--------There are no Syrian jews left in Syria but I ENTHUSIASTICALLY support the rescue by the USA of the Syrian Christians----
we need them and their --------talents----------where would we be without Syrian
bread (when I was a kid PITA was called "Syrian bread"---which made sense since Syrians made it) ---------no matter where a Syrian store is located-----somehow it sells Israeli products------even if they have to RUB out the word Israel
on the label. In the arab enclave of my town-----the SYRIAN PROUDLY wear giant
crosses--------during times of stress and post big prominent signs "CLOSED ON

Syrian Muslims have done well as well. In fact, the US has a thriving and successful Arab American community.

really??? where?
look at 'syrian' society . oh , so they bake bread :afro: . JEWS build functioning countries , provide cutting edge medical procedures , make their deserts bloom and 'syrians' bake bread :afro: . -------- cool !!
That's exactly what they said about Jews and communism. They had a reputation for being trouble makers. That was the rationale for refusing them. It never changes.

Horseshit. Why don't you post some evidence for this claim?

I did earlier in this thread doofus.

the basis for refusing jewish immigration was anti-Semitism in the USA which
PRECEDED STALIN and even Marx. It was a Christian thing. Nazism was
invented by the first emperor of the FIRST REICH-----which preceded the third
reich by more than 16 centuries. The INTERNATIONAL JEW by islamo Nazi dog ---HENRY FORD was published BEFORE Adolf's "Mein Kampf" by about ten
years. Nazi pimp---CONSTANTINE----issued his filth circa 300 AD and his grandson incorporated the filth into CANON law-----about 40 years later----doofus

It was anti-semitism combined with the prevailing belief that Jews were closely associated with communism which allowed them to readily come up with reasons to refuse them entry. A confirmation bias. Just like with the Muslims. Not that you've read the thread either doofus :lol:

I read the thread-----I have read history and I read the WIDELY PROMULGATED
propaganda of the time-----I lived in an area of the USA dotted with Nazi enclaves----their seedy little pamphlets were still fluttering in the breeze and I even found some on the dusty shelves of the town public library. As to your claim that JEWS OPPOSED JEWISH IMMIGRATION during the era of your hero ADOLF<<<
BIG FAT LIE!!!!!!! Jewish leaders were fearful of making any demands at all as
your fellows were actively gassing their relatives to death------the stench of anti-Semitism was that THICK in the USA. FDR-----chose to ignore the carnage. ----

The Jewish community in the US was very concerned about anything that would stir up antisemitism. Anti-semitism was also tied into the belief of a "Jewish menace" and communism: Jewish Bolshevism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Again, another confirmation bias that made it easy for people to believe these things and reject Jewish immigrants as "menace".

communism was not the issue --------it was that old "Christ killers bullshit" ----back in the 1930s-------your fellow Nazi pigs began focusing on the COMMUNISM LIBEL later on---------McCarthy ---after all is said and done was a CATHOLIC IN GOOD STANDING. Of course ----your fellows began focusing on those for whom they did not give a damn--------ARAB REFUGEES ----round about 1950---
SEE? I read the same shit that you read.-------the stuff written by Nazi war criminals who had found love in Egypt and SYRIA . -------Syria--------before I knew
where Syria is, I knew that it housed the people who wrote the shit that you still parrot. I was a child circa 1960. For me SYRIA was a Christian country----we had SO MANY Christians who had fled "something" in SYRIA ------some sort of

Communism was very much an issue at the time.
look at 'syrian' society . oh , so they bake bread :afro: . JEWS build functioning countries , provide cutting edge medical procedures , make their deserts bloom and 'syrians' bake bread :afro: . -------- cool !!


What functioning countries? I only know of one. Israel. Built by SOME Jews, at the expense of native inhabitants. That's neither here nor there. What country has the American Jewish community "built"?

Like other groups - they've built business, communities, industries small and large. Like the Arab American community.

You need to stop confusing Americans with Israeli's.
DO you really believe your lame-ass attempts to equate reluctance to accept Moslem savages into our country as the equivalent of anti-Semitism is going to fool anyone?

I love how folks try to make excuses for their's "different" back then, it was "jewish commie subversives" now it's "muslim savages". The more you try to paint it as "different" the more it comes out as the same old xenophobic rhetoric. Read the articles and the voices from 1930's and 40's.

No one is swallowing line of the open-borders assholes that controlling our borders is someone the equivalent of sending Jews to be gassed at Auschwitz.

You only prove what a sleazy lying scumbag you are with this kind of rhetoric.

I'm not for open borders.

But the more you try to and justify your anti-refugee stance based on religion, the more you sound like those antisemitic bigots from the 1930's and 40's .

Sure you are, asshole. You oppose any measure anyone ever proposes to seal the border and deport illegal aliens. Moslems have demonstrated over and over that they have a propensity for violence and a disrespect for the norms of a free society.

There's no comparison between Islam and Judaism. The later is a respectable peaceful religion. The former is a murderous bloodthirsty cult.

Yup. Just like the zenophobic anti-semitic rhetoric :lol: Keep it up, you're making my case...70 years ago, you would have been railing against commie jews.
You haven't produced any examples of "zenophobic anti-semetic rhetoric from 70 years ago, so we can just assume your claims are total bullshit.

Libturds have a special talent for making up derogatory terms like "zenophobic" for perfectly reasonable positions like questioning the wisdom of importing a violent clan of people who breed like rabbits and who would destroy our freedoms if they were given a chance.

Please explain why any reasonable person wouldn't question the wisdom of importing Moslems.
Horseshit. Why don't you post some evidence for this claim?

I did earlier in this thread doofus.

the basis for refusing jewish immigration was anti-Semitism in the USA which
PRECEDED STALIN and even Marx. It was a Christian thing. Nazism was
invented by the first emperor of the FIRST REICH-----which preceded the third
reich by more than 16 centuries. The INTERNATIONAL JEW by islamo Nazi dog ---HENRY FORD was published BEFORE Adolf's "Mein Kampf" by about ten
years. Nazi pimp---CONSTANTINE----issued his filth circa 300 AD and his grandson incorporated the filth into CANON law-----about 40 years later----doofus

It was anti-semitism combined with the prevailing belief that Jews were closely associated with communism which allowed them to readily come up with reasons to refuse them entry. A confirmation bias. Just like with the Muslims. Not that you've read the thread either doofus :lol:

I read the thread-----I have read history and I read the WIDELY PROMULGATED
propaganda of the time-----I lived in an area of the USA dotted with Nazi enclaves----their seedy little pamphlets were still fluttering in the breeze and I even found some on the dusty shelves of the town public library. As to your claim that JEWS OPPOSED JEWISH IMMIGRATION during the era of your hero ADOLF<<<
BIG FAT LIE!!!!!!! Jewish leaders were fearful of making any demands at all as
your fellows were actively gassing their relatives to death------the stench of anti-Semitism was that THICK in the USA. FDR-----chose to ignore the carnage. ----

The Jewish community in the US was very concerned about anything that would stir up antisemitism. Anti-semitism was also tied into the belief of a "Jewish menace" and communism: Jewish Bolshevism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Again, another confirmation bias that made it easy for people to believe these things and reject Jewish immigrants as "menace".

communism was not the issue --------it was that old "Christ killers bullshit" ----back in the 1930s-------your fellow Nazi pigs began focusing on the COMMUNISM LIBEL later on---------McCarthy ---after all is said and done was a CATHOLIC IN GOOD STANDING. Of course ----your fellows began focusing on those for whom they did not give a damn--------ARAB REFUGEES ----round about 1950---
SEE? I read the same shit that you read.-------the stuff written by Nazi war criminals who had found love in Egypt and SYRIA . -------Syria--------before I knew
where Syria is, I knew that it housed the people who wrote the shit that you still parrot. I was a child circa 1960. For me SYRIA was a Christian country----we had SO MANY Christians who had fled "something" in SYRIA ------some sort of

Communism was very much an issue at the time.

This has nothing to do with anti-semitism, so your constant harping on that canard is a waste of bandwidth.

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