Israel refuses to to any refugees

of course its a great cover for 'Islamic state' fighters , murderers . Already read that there are no kind of background checks although I wouldn't trust that anyway . 'Islamic state' has already said , months ago that they would send these invaders to the land of the Cross meaning Italy . After that these muslims invade throughout 'europe' .

Reminds me of what they said about Commies when the Jews were seeking refuge.

what we said about jews seeking refuge in the USA was NO!!!!! Your "we" does refer to the USA-----doesn't it?

Exactly. My "we" refers to the US's unwillingness to take in refugees then, as now and the same rhetoric in play.

DO you really believe your lame-ass attempts to equate reluctance to accept Moslem savages into our country as the equivalent of anti-Semitism is going to fool anyone?

yes------she does --these kind of idiot "comparisons" have filled the islamo Nazi propaganda for far more than 100 years. In modern times the pigs decided to JUSTIFY their vandalism of ancient Buddhist art in Afghanistan with ------
>>>> ABRAHAM BROKE A STONE IDOL IN HIS FATHER's HOUSE-------I almost threw up when I read that one

So they can advocate and help and push for the invasion of Europe but they won't take any....typical jewish supremacism.
Jews want to keep their "race" clean… just like you know who… no intermarriage even with goyims… maybe if the goyim converts to judaism…MAYBE...

And who is "you know who?" I would suggest that you speak to some intermarried people here in the U.S. and tell them what you just said. This will give them a good laugh.
Gee, maybe the United Nations can carve out a piece of Israel and give the refugees their own state.

It is amusing how all the Jew-haters come crawling out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches. How about a parcel of land in Saudi Arabia where they can make the desert bloom?
Why should they?

Look people, this refugee problem isn't europe's fault, it isn't America's fault, and it isn't israel's fault. Hell, for once it isn't even Obama's fault.

If a country decides to take them then fine. If it doesn't it doesn't mean they are evil.

jews push for non whites into white countries but not their own country.Jews in Israel can be racist but Jews in the US call whites racist and bigoted etc for not bowing down to cultural marxism.

Odium, do you ever wake up in the morning and forget about your Jew hatred once in a while? Strange how the Ethiopians were flown to Israel when they certainly don't look White. So tell us, Odium, do you have any Black friends or do you think their color will rub off if you socialize with them?
Why should they?

Look people, this refugee problem isn't europe's fault, it isn't America's fault, and it isn't israel's fault. Hell, for once it isn't even Obama's fault.

If a country decides to take them then fine. If it doesn't it doesn't mean they are evil.

Yeah, it didn't happen because of the destabilisation of the region which Bush instigated.
Sigh. I hope the island is bought so they have a place to go, then. And like someone else said...all the men 25 years up to 50 should be sent back to take their country back in any way they can...but the women and children should have safety.

You would split up families? Send the men back to be slaughtered by ISIS? Wow.

Actually, Coyote families are sady already split up. In one article i read, a man who just reached Germany said he left his wife, two kids, his parents and siblings back in Syria and will apply for refugee status for them later. There probably are many cases like this.
maybe not ALL Syrians but most are muslims Coyote .

What is your point? We're talking about Syrian refugees. Not immigrants over the past century.
point is that most of these invaders are muslim . As known trouble makers they should be sent back to where they come from Coyote !!

What invaders are you talking about?

I think I know what he means when he says invaders. Let's say people from Mexico, Central America and South Amierica who are experiencing many difficulties came to our border and pushed their way through, would we not call them invaders?
Funny...those who want refugees..even healthy capable men, to come here probably will not offer them sanctuary in their own home for awhile.

I would offer a family sanctuarly.
So would I. But not with a healthy capable male sucking off me and my generocity. His family would be safe. HE can stay there and FIGHT.

I wouldn't send anyone back to likely death unless he chose. I don't know what you mean by sucking off you but most refugee resettlement programs include finding jobs, etc.

What resettlement programs? find jobs? we have a welfare state here certainly not like in the 30s and 40s... You're delusional CAIR girl

Immigrants, including refugees are far less likely to take advantage of welfare than native born Americans. Try to stick to facts doofus.

I don't know about that, Coyote. There are many Americans who would love to have gotten what the Boston Marathon Bombers family got.

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
That's silly. Israel is very small. It also has it's own problems with an ongoing conflict of it's own, security problems at it's borders with Syria and complex demographic problems. It would be nice if it took in refugees. But hey - how many refugees has the US, with it's huge landmass, wealthy economy and stable government taken in? Fewer than 1,000.

We've taken in plenty. Apparently you didn't know that.


Where do you think all those Moslems in Dearborn MI come from?

You saying they're all Syrians? Imagine that.

I'm saying they're all Moslem Arabs, you fucking numskull. Pretending to be stupid doesn't convince anyone of the soundness of your position.

Look, you can disagree with her like many others do, but you don't have to sound off the wall.
The zionazis have caused the palestinians migration who became refugees since 60 years, why they should receive syrian refugees?!
No it doesn't. Jews never gave anyone any reason to fear them. Moslems have given abundant reasons to refuse admitting them.
With Islamists you know exactly who wants to destroy the US but with some others, stealth is more dangerous to Constitutional principles.
Most of our soldiers come back to their families. None of those men you are cutting from their families are likely to come back. Would you have sent the Jewish men back to Europe to fight the Nazi's?

Not only that, but you would have been happy to send them to the gas chambers.
Now just what the fuck is your problem? Gas chambers… how in the fuck that came about? Military aged men should fight for their families not hiding… what a moron...
Gee, maybe the United Nations can carve out a piece of Israel and give the refugees their own state.

It is amusing how all the Jew-haters come crawling out of the woodwork like a bunch of cockroaches. How about a parcel of land in Saudi Arabia where they can make the desert bloom?

Why don't you tell us all how someone can express their opposition to Israeli policy without have to put up with old bags calling them anti-Semitic?
maybe not ALL Syrians but most are muslims Coyote .

What is your point? We're talking about Syrian refugees. Not immigrants over the past century.
point is that most of these invaders are muslim . As known trouble makers they should be sent back to where they come from Coyote !!

What invaders are you talking about?

I think I know what he means when he says invaders. Let's say people from Mexico, Central America and South Amierica who are experiencing many difficulties came to our border and pushed their way through, would we not call them invaders?

To me, invaders come with malign purpose - I see refugees and migrants, people trying escape a bad life and make a better life for their families. We may not want them, but they are coming here for many of the same reasons our own ancestors did.

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