Israel refuses to to any refugees

So would I. But not with a healthy capable male sucking off me and my generocity. His family would be safe. HE can stay there and FIGHT.

I wouldn't send anyone back to likely death unless he chose. I don't know what you mean by sucking off you but most refugee resettlement programs include finding jobs, etc.

What resettlement programs? find jobs? we have a welfare state here certainly not like in the 30s and 40s... You're delusional CAIR girl

Immigrants, including refugees are far less likely to take advantage of welfare than native born Americans. Try to stick to facts doofus.

Really? Try to keep up CAIR girl, you're living in the past:slap:

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare

Interesting...factcheck rates it as "mostly true"...though deceptively phrased. Using a form of welfare (such as school lunch program) for example vs being "on welfare". O'Reilly says over half of immigrants from 3 Central American countries use welfare

Government assistance is government assistance..Jewish immigrants didn't use it, it didn't even exist until great society crap. I'm glad i could inform you though ..You're welcome:thup:
Sioux – Be satisfied with the needs instead of the wants.

The helpless NEED safety. The WANTS of full grown assed men running with their families? A resounding no.
Sioux – Be satisfied with the needs instead of the wants.

The helpless NEED safety. The WANTS of full grown assed men running with their families? A resounding no.

I think families should remain together. If he chooses to go and fight, fine - but forcing families apart - especially if they lose their breadwinner - isn't good.
Sioux – Be satisfied with the needs instead of the wants.

The helpless NEED safety. The WANTS of full grown assed men running with their families? A resounding no.

They do it in Iraq as well, leaving brand new Humvees, paid for by us, to the islamonazis ..Cowards
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yeah , seems to me that most of the arab fighters are cowards except when they were shooting American and other Western military advisers . And even then they'd shoot the advisers in the back .
Jews want to keep their "race" clean… just like you know who… no intermarriage even with goyims… maybe if the goyim converts to judaism…MAYBE...

That's silly. Israel is very small. It also has it's own problems with an ongoing conflict of it's own, security problems at it's borders with Syria and complex demographic problems. It would be nice if it took in refugees. But hey - how many refugees has the US, with it's huge landmass, wealthy economy and stable government taken in? Fewer than 1,000.

We've taken in plenty. Apparently you didn't know that.


Where do you think all those Moslems in Dearborn MI come from?

You saying they're all Syrians? Imagine that.

I'm saying they're all Moslem Arabs, you fucking numskull. Pretending to be stupid doesn't convince anyone of the soundness of your position.
That's silly. Israel is very small. It also has it's own problems with an ongoing conflict of it's own, security problems at it's borders with Syria and complex demographic problems. It would be nice if it took in refugees. But hey - how many refugees has the US, with it's huge landmass, wealthy economy and stable government taken in? Fewer than 1,000.

We've taken in plenty. Apparently you didn't know that.


Where do you think all those Moslems in Dearborn MI come from?

You saying they're all Syrians? Imagine that.

I'm saying they're all Moslem Arabs, you fucking numskull. Pretending to be stupid doesn't convince anyone of the soundness of your position.

and your point? We're talking about Syrian refugees.
families don't have to split , women and wives , 15 year olds can fight . All that I mention are fighting for 'Islamic state' Coyote .

If you are talking about those who are part of IS - those people are not refugees.

All Moslems are potential trouble makers. All you have to do to know that is look what happens in Europe.
Yeah, but....nobody took the Jews when they needed help. Seems to me they would know how that feels and try to assist. Then again...what can they do? The refugee problem stems from "home".

Many of the Arabs states are very rich, other than Jordan which ones are taking in their Arab brothers like the Jews take in their brothers?:dunno:

More than a million Jews were expelled from Arab and Muslim countries between 1948 and 1974, without asking for compensation or the right to return. Pierre Rehov's "Silent Exodus", is a tribute to their tragedy

Jordan, as you noted, has taken huge numbers as has Egypt. While not technically an Arab state, Turkey has taken by the most. All three of those countries are at their breaking point.

The rhetoric here sure echo's the rhetoric of 70 years ago doesn't it? Refugees fleeing unimaginable horrors only to be turned away.

How many Arab countries are there again?..No it isn't like 70 years ago, there wasn't any Jewish country for Jews to flee to. There are many Arab countries.

Yes. It is like 70 years ago. Same rhetoric, same xenophobic fears. Only then it was Jewish Commies. just say it's someone else's problem and let them die.

Good for countries like France, Germany, Turkey, Jordan, Lebenon. Sucko for wealthy countries - like the Gulf States and the US.

Why do you think Americans should suffer because of these savages?
of course its a great cover for 'Islamic state' fighters , murderers . Already read that there are no kind of background checks although I wouldn't trust that anyway . 'Islamic state' has already said , months ago that they would send these invaders to the land of the Cross meaning Italy . After that these muslims invade throughout 'europe' .

Reminds me of what they said about Commies when the Jews were seeking refuge.

what we said about jews seeking refuge in the USA was NO!!!!! Your "we" does refer to the USA-----doesn't it?

Exactly. My "we" refers to the US's unwillingness to take in refugees then, as now and the same rhetoric in play.

DO you really believe your lame-ass attempts to equate reluctance to accept Moslem savages into our country as the equivalent of anti-Semitism is going to fool anyone?
families don't have to split , women and wives , 15 year olds can fight . All that I mention are fighting for 'Islamic state' Coyote .

If you are talking about those who are part of IS - those people are not refugees.
'Islamic state' murderers are mixed in with the ilk that is invading Europe . Plus most of the invaders are men of fighting age . ---------- All are invaders playing on emotions of dumb euros Coyote .

Sounds just like what they were saying about Jewish refugees only instead of IS it was commies.

No it doesn't. Jews never gave anyone any reason to fear them. Moslems have given abundant reasons to refuse admitting them.
of course its a great cover for 'Islamic state' fighters , murderers . Already read that there are no kind of background checks although I wouldn't trust that anyway . 'Islamic state' has already said , months ago that they would send these invaders to the land of the Cross meaning Italy . After that these muslims invade throughout 'europe' .

Reminds me of what they said about Commies when the Jews were seeking refuge.

what we said about jews seeking refuge in the USA was NO!!!!! Your "we" does refer to the USA-----doesn't it?

Exactly. My "we" refers to the US's unwillingness to take in refugees then, as now and the same rhetoric in play.

oh...... I am all for taking the Christians-----they are at most risk and do not have the MYRIAD of options that the muslims have

They have the same options as muslims and if you have been following the news the vast majority of victims have been muslims of the wrong brand. You do realize that Christianity is by far the world's largest religion (31%) meaning there are many countries to take them and a MYRIAD of options I see no need to divide desperate people by religion though, and continue the religious divides.

Their options aren't the issue. Our options are the issue. We have the option of not allowing potential trouble makers into our country, and we would be fools not to take it.
Exactly that.

Same thing now, as then.

not at all the same--------EVERYONE was saying "NO" to jews back then -----
now there are DOZENS of muslim countries which are EAGER to EMBRACE their own-------all over the world------the USA should take the christians

Very much the same. We have one of the worst humanitarian disasters going on now on a scale we haven't seen since the Holocaust. And the US has only taken what...1800? Smaller and poorer countries - Germany, France, Sweden, Lebenon, Turkey, Jordan have taken enourmous numbers. And the rhetoric? The same, only instead of commies it's islamists.

CAIR wants as many muslims here as possible. There are rich, empty, Arab muslim countries. They should take their brothers.We can take some of the Christians

HUGE AMOUNTS of empty land over there-----COUNTRIES can be invented

The lands are "empty" for a reason. They can't support huge populations. But aside from that - the Gulf states could certainly do a lot more then they've been doing, which is dumping the burden on Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Lebenon.

WE haven't been "dumping" anything. We don't control where the refugees go.
Funny...those who want refugees..even healthy capable men, to come here probably will not offer them sanctuary in their own home for awhile.

I would offer a family sanctuarly.
So would I. But not with a healthy capable male sucking off me and my generocity. His family would be safe. HE can stay there and FIGHT.

I wouldn't send anyone back to likely death unless he chose. I don't know what you mean by sucking off you but most refugee resettlement programs include finding jobs, etc.

What resettlement programs? find jobs? we have a welfare state here certainly not like in the 30s and 40s... You're delusional CAIR girl

Immigrants, including refugees are far less likely to take advantage of welfare than native born Americans. Try to stick to facts doofus.

That's pure bullshit. They are much more likely to collect welfare.
What is a CAIR girl?

it is a female----of a species----that is descended from ----wolves
From wolves? Oh! Can I be a cair girl too? :)
CAIR , council of American Islamic relation' I believe Gracies . They snakes , spiders and scorpions . roaches in my opinion rather than admirable wolves .

Yup. The Muslim version of AIPAC.

ROFL! No, they are the Muslim version of Muslim scum.
We've taken in plenty. Apparently you didn't know that.


Where do you think all those Moslems in Dearborn MI come from?

You saying they're all Syrians? Imagine that.

I'm saying they're all Moslem Arabs, you fucking numskull. Pretending to be stupid doesn't convince anyone of the soundness of your position.

and your point? We're talking about Syrian refugees.

They're Moslem Arabs, aren't they?

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