Israel rejects "Hope and Change"

More for irosie91 . . . from the link.

We propose that the Y chromosomes in Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin represent, to a large extent, early lineages derived from the Neolithic inhabitants of the area and additional lineages from more-recent population movements. The early lineages are part of the common chromosome pool shared with Jews (Nebel et al. 2000). According to our working model, the more-recent migrations were mostly from the Arabian Peninsula… - See more at: The shared genetic heritage of Jews and Palestinians


Look, you nutty old bat, take it up with the REAL geneticists. I'm just the messenger. I never said "how long ago." I said ancient times.

If anyone needs to cope, it would be you. You are batshit crazy. :lol: Go call the geneticists. Tell them they're whores. :slap:

try again-----your geniuses SPECIFIED---NEOLITHIC ERA----ie
10,000 years ago-----long before both Abraham and lonbefore Muhummad

Nope, here it is again . . .

We propose that the Y chromosomes in Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin represent, to a large extent, early lineages derived from the Neolithic inhabitants of the area and additional lineages from more-recent population movements. The early lineages are part of the common chromosome pool shared with Jews (Nebel et al. 2000). According to our working model, the more-recent migrations were mostly from the Arabian Peninsula… - See more at: The shared genetic heritage of Jews and Palestinians

Now, don't address me again. You are a very unpleasant and MAD person.

you have a big problem with reading comprehension------

No that would be you. Now, stop quoting me, crazy. I don't like you and I do NOT want to talk with you again. Make like a tree and leave. :D
One more thing I have to add to this "discussion" (if that's what you want to call it - lol) is that just because the blood lines can be traced back to a specific period in history does not mean that is when this group of people split. I'm of the idea that they split when Islam came about and was conquering lands. Some decided to follow Islam and some decided to follow Judaism. I'm thinking quite a few probably were forced to follow Islam and abandon their religions. At one time, these two peoples have a very CLOSE blood line. Almost identical according to the geneticists.

Also, the men and women who were tested had slightly different results. The women seemed to have more of a mix than the men. Now . . . why do you think that would be the case?
OH???? really????----do you understand the definition of the word
"DEMENTED"? feel free to ask

If you had a brain, you would realize that this information works to YOUR advantage, you demented old hag. It proves that today's "palestinians" are actually descendants of the original Jewish people who inhabited the area. :cuckoo:

no it doesn't. If you had a brain, you would know that there was no time in the
history of ISRAEL/JUDEA that ALL the population was jewish. Way back in the time of the origin of "the Hebrews"-----there were other people -----of course ---all to varying degrees INTERBRED . In fact if you could read and bothered to read the bible------you would find that fact recorded therein. The data simply does not DEMONSTRATE what you claimed it
demonstrates or that the COMPUTER BOY is trying to "prove". Computer genius is being silly. My computer genius brother-----would not get it either----he is afraid of raw eggs------too much

Sorry, I suppose you will have to take that up with REAL geneticists who say otherwise. Perhaps you should call them and call them whores or something? :cuckoo:

I read your citations-----you simply do not
understand them. Don't worry-----most people don't. Some people find the study of genetics VERY DIFFICULT. Did you pass high school geometry?

I mean really, do you not understand what this information means? It means that the "palestinian people" are descendants of the Jews who originally inhabited the area.

Or maybe you are just a hateful ignorant person?
It means some may be, some not, Whats your point!! i think you've been PMing Coyote too much really. Jews certainly didn't convert in mass to islam. if you think that you're wrong, many more were slaughtered than converted. Same with all the conquest of Israel. islam wasn't even around until 700 yrs after the Jewish exile. Again what's your point?
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If you had a brain, you would realize that this information works to YOUR advantage, you demented old hag. It proves that today's "palestinians" are actually descendants of the original Jewish people who inhabited the area. :cuckoo:

no it doesn't. If you had a brain, you would know that there was no time in the
history of ISRAEL/JUDEA that ALL the population was jewish. Way back in the time of the origin of "the Hebrews"-----there were other people -----of course ---all to varying degrees INTERBRED . In fact if you could read and bothered to read the bible------you would find that fact recorded therein. The data simply does not DEMONSTRATE what you claimed it
demonstrates or that the COMPUTER BOY is trying to "prove". Computer genius is being silly. My computer genius brother-----would not get it either----he is afraid of raw eggs------too much

Sorry, I suppose you will have to take that up with REAL geneticists who say otherwise. Perhaps you should call them and call them whores or something? :cuckoo:

I read your citations-----you simply do not
understand them. Don't worry-----most people don't. Some people find the study of genetics VERY DIFFICULT. Did you pass high school geometry?

I mean really, do you not understand what this information means? It means that the "palestinian people" are descendants of the Jews who originally inhabited the area.

Or maybe you are just a hateful ignorant person?
It means some may be, some not, Whats your point!! i think you've been PMing Coyote too much really. Jews certainly didn't convert in mass to islam. if you think that you're wrong, many more were slaughtered than converted. Same with all the conquest of Israel. islam was even around until 700 yrs after the Jewish exile. Again what's your point?

I think I made my point. I'm finished here.
no it doesn't. If you had a brain, you would know that there was no time in the
history of ISRAEL/JUDEA that ALL the population was jewish. Way back in the time of the origin of "the Hebrews"-----there were other people -----of course ---all to varying degrees INTERBRED . In fact if you could read and bothered to read the bible------you would find that fact recorded therein. The data simply does not DEMONSTRATE what you claimed it
demonstrates or that the COMPUTER BOY is trying to "prove". Computer genius is being silly. My computer genius brother-----would not get it either----he is afraid of raw eggs------too much

Sorry, I suppose you will have to take that up with REAL geneticists who say otherwise. Perhaps you should call them and call them whores or something? :cuckoo:

I read your citations-----you simply do not
understand them. Don't worry-----most people don't. Some people find the study of genetics VERY DIFFICULT. Did you pass high school geometry?

I mean really, do you not understand what this information means? It means that the "palestinian people" are descendants of the Jews who originally inhabited the area.

Or maybe you are just a hateful ignorant person?
It means some may be, some not, Whats your point!! i think you've been PMing Coyote too much really. Jews certainly didn't convert in mass to islam. if you think that you're wrong, many more were slaughtered than converted. Same with all the conquest of Israel. islam was even around until 700 yrs after the Jewish exile. Again what's your point?

I think I made my point. I'm finished here.
Not really, Do you think Israel should be the same as the rest of the surrounding countries and arab country? Sorry I don't see your point here really. it's always good to have a final point when you post information.
Sorry, I suppose you will have to take that up with REAL geneticists who say otherwise. Perhaps you should call them and call them whores or something? :cuckoo:

I read your citations-----you simply do not
understand them. Don't worry-----most people don't. Some people find the study of genetics VERY DIFFICULT. Did you pass high school geometry?

I mean really, do you not understand what this information means? It means that the "palestinian people" are descendants of the Jews who originally inhabited the area.

Or maybe you are just a hateful ignorant person?
It means some may be, some not, Whats your point!! i think you've been PMing Coyote too much really. Jews certainly didn't convert in mass to islam. if you think that you're wrong, many more were slaughtered than converted. Same with all the conquest of Israel. islam was even around until 700 yrs after the Jewish exile. Again what's your point?

I think I made my point. I'm finished here.
Not really, Do you think Israel should be the same as the rest of the surrounding countries and arab country? Sorry I don't see your point here really. it's always good to have a final point when you post information.

The point is that at one time, these people were ONE people. At some time in the past, they split apart. Now, I cannot definitely say why this division occurred, but I would think that when Islam came to be and wanted to conquer the Jews (as Muhammad talks about in the Qu'ran), THEY were responsible for splitting these people. That doesn't mean that, at that time, they split into Israel and Palestine though. In fact, there is no mention of "Palestine" in the Qu'ran.

It doesn't mean that MOST of them were converted to Islam either. Just SOME of them. Some of the people kept their Jewish faith, some were converted (probably by force) to Islam.

What you and rosie seem to be missing is that this works to YOUR advantage. It shows that the Jewish people were most certainly there way, way, WAY back then. They lived in that region, they thrived, they reproduced.
I read your citations-----you simply do not
understand them. Don't worry-----most people don't. Some people find the study of genetics VERY DIFFICULT. Did you pass high school geometry?

I mean really, do you not understand what this information means? It means that the "palestinian people" are descendants of the Jews who originally inhabited the area.

Or maybe you are just a hateful ignorant person?
It means some may be, some not, Whats your point!! i think you've been PMing Coyote too much really. Jews certainly didn't convert in mass to islam. if you think that you're wrong, many more were slaughtered than converted. Same with all the conquest of Israel. islam was even around until 700 yrs after the Jewish exile. Again what's your point?

I think I made my point. I'm finished here.
Not really, Do you think Israel should be the same as the rest of the surrounding countries and arab country? Sorry I don't see your point here really. it's always good to have a final point when you post information.

The point is that at one time, these people were ONE people. At some time in the past, they split apart. Now, I cannot definitely say why this division occurred, but I would think that when Islam came to be and wanted to conquer the Jews (as Muhammad talks about in the Qu'ran), THEY were responsible for splitting these people. That doesn't mean that, at that time, they split into Israel and Palestine though. In fact, there is no mention of "Palestine" in the Qu'ran.

It doesn't mean that MOST of them were converted to Islam either. Just SOME of them. Some of the people kept their Jewish faith, some were converted (probably by force) to Islam.

What you and rosie seem to be missing is that this works to YOUR advantage. It shows that the Jewish people were most certainly there way, way, WAY back then. They lived in that region, they thrived, they reproduced.

Ok, I'm not quite sure what that has to do with the topic of the thread :dunno:. anyway, You have to consider the fact that she deals with these filthy Jews haters constantly. I didn't attack you, why would i? Not my style anyway
I mean really, do you not understand what this information means? It means that the "palestinian people" are descendants of the Jews who originally inhabited the area.

No it doesn't. It means that both the Palestinian people and the jews have
genetic roots in the area----that go back
to BEFORE either Islam or Judaism
existed. That does not make the Palestinians "descendants of jews" ---it
makes both jews and palestnians descendants of the ancient (really ancient---not 5000 years ago---more like 10,000 years ago) people of the area

The point is that at one time, these people were ONE people.

very good, chris----now you are beginning to understand----BEFORE either Judaism or islam existed-----WAY BEFORE---thouands of years before----the people who constitute Jews and Palestinians NOW----were one people. Very good, Chris----you FINALLY UNDERSTAND----I bet you could do plane geometry too---with a little help

PS---the area means ---the WHOLE AREA----the area of the world generally called THE LEVANT. Keep up the good work Chris---
I don't see Christians doing the things Islam does. And you would be wrong anyways, I have PLENTY of arguments with Christians here. Plenty of them hate me.

I'm sure plenty of people hate you, but it's not over religion.

Anyway, you need to look up Crusades, slave trade, molestation of altar boys, and a bunch of other shit "Christians" have done. But you guys will insist that "That's because they weren't following the bible".
I don't see Christians doing the things Islam does. And you would be wrong anyways, I have PLENTY of arguments with Christians here. Plenty of them hate me.

I'm sure plenty of people hate you, but it's not over religion.

Anyway, you need to look up Crusades, slave trade, molestation of altar boys, and a bunch of other shit "Christians" have done. But you guys will insist that "That's because they weren't following the bible".
In general, people always crapped a lot hiding behind their faiths
I mean really, do you not understand what this information means? It means that the "palestinian people" are descendants of the Jews who originally inhabited the area.

Or maybe you are just a hateful ignorant person?
It means some may be, some not, Whats your point!! i think you've been PMing Coyote too much really. Jews certainly didn't convert in mass to islam. if you think that you're wrong, many more were slaughtered than converted. Same with all the conquest of Israel. islam was even around until 700 yrs after the Jewish exile. Again what's your point?

I think I made my point. I'm finished here.
Not really, Do you think Israel should be the same as the rest of the surrounding countries and arab country? Sorry I don't see your point here really. it's always good to have a final point when you post information.

The point is that at one time, these people were ONE people. At some time in the past, they split apart. Now, I cannot definitely say why this division occurred, but I would think that when Islam came to be and wanted to conquer the Jews (as Muhammad talks about in the Qu'ran), THEY were responsible for splitting these people. That doesn't mean that, at that time, they split into Israel and Palestine though. In fact, there is no mention of "Palestine" in the Qu'ran.

It doesn't mean that MOST of them were converted to Islam either. Just SOME of them. Some of the people kept their Jewish faith, some were converted (probably by force) to Islam.

What you and rosie seem to be missing is that this works to YOUR advantage. It shows that the Jewish people were most certainly there way, way, WAY back then. They lived in that region, they thrived, they reproduced.

Ok, I'm not quite sure what that has to do with the topic of the thread :dunno:. anyway, You have to consider the fact that she deals with these filthy Jews haters constantly. I didn't attack you, why would i? Not my style anyway

I didn't say you did . . .

I don't care what she has to deal with. She is completely off her old lady rocker. A complete mental case.

I thought it was interesting, and it is relative to the topic. Israel and Palestine.
I don't see Christians doing the things Islam does. And you would be wrong anyways, I have PLENTY of arguments with Christians here. Plenty of them hate me.

I'm sure plenty of people hate you, but it's not over religion.

Anyway, you need to look up Crusades, slave trade, molestation of altar boys, and a bunch of other shit "Christians" have done. But you guys will insist that "That's because they weren't following the bible".

I'm sure more people hate you. In fact, I think that much is obvious. :D

None of that excuses the horrible actions of that Islamic cult. AND I already told you, I am against terrorism. It has nothing to do with religion.
I don't see Christians doing the things Islam does. And you would be wrong anyways, I have PLENTY of arguments with Christians here. Plenty of them hate me.

I'm sure plenty of people hate you, but it's not over religion.

Anyway, you need to look up Crusades, slave trade, molestation of altar boys, and a bunch of other shit "Christians" have done. But you guys will insist that "That's because they weren't following the bible".
In general, people always crapped a lot hiding behind their faiths

Interesting that people bring up the "Crusades" though, a time in history when everything was completely different than today. People and times were much more violent. None of that excuses the savages that follow Islam.
I'm sure more people hate you. In fact, I think that much is obvious. :D

None of that excuses the horrible actions of that Islamic cult. AND I already told you, I am against terrorism. It has nothing to do with religion.

Again- one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. George III probably thought Washington and Jefferson were terrorists.

anyway most people who know me personally like me. Nutters on message boards are another story.
I'm sure more people hate you. In fact, I think that much is obvious. :D

None of that excuses the horrible actions of that Islamic cult. AND I already told you, I am against terrorism. It has nothing to do with religion.

Again- one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. George III probably thought Washington and Jefferson were terrorists.

anyway most people who know me personally like me. Nutters on message boards are another story.

Nope, there is a clear difference between a terrorist and a "freedom fighter." Terrorists target the innocent.
Interesting that people bring up the "Crusades" though, a time in history when everything was completely different than today. People and times were much more violent. None of that excuses the savages that follow Islam.

Actually, back then, the Muslims acted more humanely than the Christians did.

When Christians took Jerusalem in 1099, they slaughtered everyone in the city. Muslim, Jew and Christian alike.

When Saladin took the city back in 1180, he not only didn't slaughter the Christians, he allowed them to leave, only demanding ransoms for the wealthier crusaders still living there.

Also, when you get to talking about 'Savage", we killed more Afghans and Iraqis than they killed of us. Are we not 'Savage" because we use plans and drones to do our killing?
Nope, there is a clear difference between a terrorist and a "freedom fighter." Terrorists target the innocent.

No, there really isn't. Probably because "innocent' are usually in the eye of the beholder.

So when we dropped atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where there were a lot of "innocent" women and children, were we "Terrorists"? From the Japanese perspective, we were.
Interesting that people bring up the "Crusades" though, a time in history when everything was completely different than today. People and times were much more violent. None of that excuses the savages that follow Islam.

Actually, back then, the Muslims acted more humanely than the Christians did.

When Christians took Jerusalem in 1099, they slaughtered everyone in the city. Muslim, Jew and Christian alike.

When Saladin took the city back in 1180, he not only didn't slaughter the Christians, he allowed them to leave, only demanding ransoms for the wealthier crusaders still living there.

Also, when you get to talking about 'Savage", we killed more Afghans and Iraqis than they killed of us. Are we not 'Savage" because we use plans and drones to do our killing?

Lots of differences. We fight according to Geneva convention rules (unfortunately). Maybe you need to take a look at ISIS. That is pure and true Islam.

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