Israel Saving Lives Of Innocent Syrians In Israel

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Wouldn't the Syrians just love it for Israel to take in Syrian refugees to give them a good Jewish education?

If Israel refuses to take in any Syrian refugees, NEVER AGAIN do Jews have a right to complain about Britain, the USA, Canada, and other nations not taking in enough Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
Believe it or not, Syria is a vowed enemy of Israel committed to its total destruction. This holds for both sides in the Syrian civil war. If Israel agreed to take in Syrian refugees, both sides would blame Israel for fueling their massacre. Praise be to Israel for helping save the lives of innocent Syrians who by choice entered into Israel for help.

Wouldn't the Syrians just love it for Israel to take in Syrian refugees to give them a good Jewish education?

If Israel refuses to take in any Syrian refugees, NEVER AGAIN do Jews have a right to complain about Britain, the USA, Canada, and other nations not taking in enough Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
Believe it or not, Syria is a vowed enemy of Israel committed to its total destruction. This holds for both sides in the Syrian civil war. If Israel agreed to take in Syrian refugees, both sides would blame Israel for fueling their massacre...

so that's Israel's excuse for not accepting Syrian refugees?

the Brits and Canadians used the same excuse for not taking Jewish refugees, because they were fleeing enemy states.
Are you daft? If Israel volunteered to take in Syrian refugees, both sides in Syrias bloody civil war massacre would condemn Israel for abducting them.

Believe it or not, Syria is a vowed enemy of Israel committed to its total destruction. This holds for both sides in the Syrian civil war. If Israel agreed to take in Syrian refugees, both sides would blame Israel for fueling their massacre...

so that's Israel's excuse for not accepting Syrian refugees?

the Brits and Canadians used the same excuse for not taking Jewish refugees, because they were fleeing enemy states.
Are you daft? If Israel volunteered to take in Syrian refugees, both sides in Syrias bloody civil war massacre would condemn Israel for abducting them...

and that's Israel's pathetic excuse to not help tens of thousands of desperate refugees?

even little, poor, unproductive Lebanon has taken in hundreds of thousands of refugees.

how about Israel offer to take in Syrian refugees if they promise to convert to Judaism?

would that make it all bettah?
Nah! Jews believe in live & let live. As long as you don't vow or try to kill us. If you do that, well, that's another story.

Are you daft? If Israel volunteered to take in Syrian refugees, both sides in Syrias bloody civil war massacre would condemn Israel for abducting them...

and that's Israel's pathetic excuse to not help tens of thousands of desperate refugees?

even little, poor, unproductive Lebanon has taken in hundreds of thousands of refugees.

how about Israel offer to take in Syrian refugees if they promise to convert to Judaism?

would that make it all bettah?
Like I already said, "Jews believe in live & let live. As long as you don't vow or try to kill us. If you do that, well, that's another story."

You see, when you attack & kill Israeli's from some piece of land, Israel will take it away for security to prevent that from happening again. Want the Palestinians to lose more land? Attack Israel from it.

Nah! Jews believe in live & let live. As long as you don't vow or try to kill us. If you do that, well, that's another story.

so why do they steal private property in the West Bank?
Like I already said, "Jews believe in live & let live. As long as you don't vow or try to kill us. If you do that, well, that's another story."

You see, when you attack & kill Israeli's from some piece of land, Israel will take it away for security to prevent that from happening again. Want the Palestinians to lose more land? Attack Israel from it...

Israel has stolen private property in the West Bank, from where no attacks took place.
Like I already said, "Jews believe in live & let live. As long as you don't vow or try to kill us. If you do that, well, that's another story."

You see, when you attack & kill Israeli's from some piece of land, Israel will take it away for security to prevent that from happening again. Want the Palestinians to lose more land? Attack Israel from it...

Israel has stolen private property in the West Bank, from where no attacks took place.
West Bank (Judea and Samaria) has been Israels territory ever since Joshua planted his big ol' hobnailed Jesus sandals in Zion. True story.
If the rocket missiles continue, it looks like Israel will be taking back some land for security in Gaza. Who in their right mind can blame Israel for that?
West Bank (Judea and Samaria) has been Israels territory ever since Joshua planted his big ol' hobnailed Jesus sandals in Zion. True story.

The West Bank stopped belonging to the Jews in AD 135.

for the next 1,800 years it didn't belong to the Jews.
Transjordan annexed the West Bank after the first war in 1948. After the 67 war, Israel offered to give it back to Jordan for nothing in return. However Jordan knows Palestinians well & refused Israel's offer so they could sacrifice the West Bank to dump their Palestinians on Israel to deal with. Truly a brilliant social & political move by Jordan.
And just prior to the 67 war the surrounding Arab countries united to annihilate Israel & convinced the Palestinians to leave until their mission was accomplished. Well, we all know the outcome of that move & what it did to the Palestinians.

Hey I have an idea. Lets blame Israel for that.

Transjordan annexed the West Bank after the first war in 1948. After the 67 war, Israel offered to give it back to Jordan for nothing in return. However Jordan knows Palestinians well & refused Israel's offer so they could sacrifice the West Bank to dump their Palestinians on Israel to deal with. Truly a brilliant social & political move by Jordan.
Haven't you heard MJB? They are really just luring them into the hospital to kill them, blame the death on their initial injury, and then harvest their organs. That's what Zionists do !
Haven't you heard MJB? They are really just luring them into the hospital to kill them, blame the death on their initial injury, and then harvest their organs. That's what Zionists do !
That reminds me not to check in to an Israeli hospital. I don't want my gizzard harvested.
Yes I learned that. And did you know the Zionists in Israel are also stealing "Palestinian land"? I'll fix those Zionists. Just wait till I tell all my neighbors.

Haven't you heard MJB? They are really just luring them into the hospital to kill them, blame the death on their initial injury, and then harvest their organs. That's what Zionists do !
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