Israel Saving Lives Of Innocent Syrians In Israel

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Yes I learned that. And did you know the Zionists in Israel are also stealing "Palestinian land"? I'll fix those Zionists. Just wait till I tell all my neighbors.

Haven't you heard MJB? They are really just luring them into the hospital to kill them, blame the death on their initial injury, and then harvest their organs. That's what Zionists do !

Just the organs? what about the BLOOD?
Yes I learned that. And did you know the Zionists in Israel are also stealing "Palestinian land"? I'll fix those Zionists. Just wait till I tell all my neighbors.

Haven't you heard MJB? They are really just luring them into the hospital to kill them, blame the death on their initial injury, and then harvest their organs. That's what Zionists do !

Just the organs? what about the BLOOD?

Well, everyone knows that Israelis drink the blood of Palestinian children. So I'm assuming they do the same for the blood of Syrian children.
If people knew to what extent Jewish people go to avoid consuming blood, insects within vegetables, etc., etc., they would realize how idiotic and antisemitic the blood libel is.
Yes I learned that. And did you know the Zionists in Israel are also stealing "Palestinian land"? I'll fix those Zionists. Just wait till I tell all my neighbors.

they are stealing Palestinian land.

even the Israeli govt. admits to this.
Well then holy mackeral. I didn't know that & I could never support modern day land theives. If this true that israel is stealing "Palestinian land" then make way for another Palestinian supporter.

So tell me, when did Israel's land since antiquity become this "Palestinian land" that Israel is stealing? And who were the indigenous Palestinians? Let the truth be known to all, right? 'Atta boy!

Yes I learned that. And did you know the Zionists in Israel are also stealing "Palestinian land"? I'll fix those Zionists. Just wait till I tell all my neighbors.

they are stealing Palestinian land.

even the Israeli govt. admits to this.
Well then holy mackeral. I didn't know that & I could never support modern day land theives. If this true that israel is stealing "Palestinian land" then make way for another Palestinian supporter.

So tell me, when did Israel's land since antiquity become this "Palestinian land" that Israel is stealing? And who were the indigenous Palestinians? Let the truth be known to all, right? 'Atta boy!

sorry, I should have been more specific.

Israeli settlers steal Palestinian private property. Even the Israeli govt. admits to this.

sometimes the land is stolen by the IDF and given to settlers, for no cost.
No problem. Apology accepted. Do you think maybe it was a very bad mistake for the Arab countries to unite to annihilate Israel & tell the Palestinians to leave until mission completed thus allowing Israel to capture the land for security so the Arabs don't try that again?

Well then holy mackeral. I didn't know that & I could never support modern day land theives. If this true that israel is stealing "Palestinian land" then make way for another Palestinian supporter.

So tell me, when did Israel's land since antiquity become this "Palestinian land" that Israel is stealing? And who were the indigenous Palestinians? Let the truth be known to all, right? 'Atta boy!

sorry, I should have been more specific.

Israeli settlers steal Palestinian private property. Even the Israeli govt. admits to this.

sometimes the land is stolen by the IDF and given to settlers, for no cost.
No problem. Apology accepted. Do you think maybe it was a very bad mistake for the Arab countries to unite to annihilate Israel & tell the Palestinians to leave until mission completed thus allowing Israel to capture the land for security so the Arabs don't try that again?

most Palestinians didn't leave the West Bank. Israel took it.

and after 1967, Israel has been stealing thousands of acres of Palestinian private property, by deeming it a military restricted area and then handing it to settlers, or just simpl taking it like thieves in the night.
Get serious. Is that all you got? I hardly think land captured in a war against Israel or any other country is "stolen" land. If the rocket missiles continue it sure looks like Israel will have to add some more land from Gaza. Don't you agree?

No problem. Apology accepted. Do you think maybe it was a very bad mistake for the Arab countries to unite to annihilate Israel & tell the Palestinians to leave until mission completed thus allowing Israel to capture the land for security so the Arabs don't try that again?

most Palestinians didn't leave the West Bank. Israel took it.

and after 1967, Israel has been stealing thousands of acres of Palestinian private property, by deeming it a military restricted area and then handing it to settlers, or just simpl taking it like thieves in the night.
Get serious. Is that all you got? I hardly think land captured in a war against Israel or any other country is "stolen" land. If the rocket missiles continue it sure looks like Israel will have to add some more land from Gaza. Don't you agree?

so you're telling us that every square inch of land in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights is now Jewish land and the Jews can do whatever they like with it?

they can kick out Arab tentants and farmers, and give the land to Jews at no cost?

my, your Nazi views for Lebensraum are disgusting.

shame on you.
Oh my word, NO! How do you come up with such thinking? You see, it's really quite simple. If the Palestinian squatters want to remain on the land they are on, don't attack Israeli's to make them take the land away.

By the way, would you support a proposal that allows all Palestinians with deeds to the land they on to stay, & all those without deeds to leave?

Get serious. Is that all you got? I hardly think land captured in a war against Israel or any other country is "stolen" land. If the rocket missiles continue it sure looks like Israel will have to add some more land from Gaza. Don't you agree?

so you're telling us that every square inch of land in the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights is now Jewish land and the Jews can do whatever they like with it?

they can kick out Arab tentants and farmers, and give the land to Jews at no cost?

my, your Nazi views for Lebensraum are disgusting.

shame on you.
Oh my word, NO! How do you come up with such thinking? You see, it's really quite simple. If the Palestinian squatters want to remain on the land they are on, don't attack Israeli's to make them take the land away.

By the way, would you support a proposal that allows all Palestinians with deeds to the land they on to stay, & all those without deeds to leave?

Oh, so the Israelis only take away land from individuals who commit terrorism?

that's a pathetic lie and you know it!!!!!!!

as you can see, the vast majority of land in the West Bank is privavely owned Arab land.

In 1947 Israel accepted UN resolution 181. The Arabs did not. Hence the attacks on Israel began. And with each attack Israel gained captured land. In fact, after the 67 war, Israel even offered to return the entire West Bank back to Jordan for nothing in return. However, knowing the Palestinians well, Jordan rejected Israel's offer prefering to sacrifice this land so as to dump their Palestinians on Israel to deal with. And to this day Jordan refuses any right of return for their Palestinians. Truly, Jordan is the smartest player in all of the Middle East. Don't you agree?
In 1947 Israel accepted UN resolution 181. The Arabs did not. Hence the attacks on Israel began. And with each attack Israel gained captured land. In fact, after the 67 war, Israel even offered to return the entire West Bank back to Jordan for nothing in return. However, knowing the Palestinians well, Jordan rejected Israel's offer prefering to sacrifice this land so as to dump their Palestinians on Israel to deal with. And to this day Jordan refuses any right of return for their Palestinians. Truly, Jordan is the smartest player in all of the Middle East. Don't you agree?

They also offered the entire Golan back to Syria and Gaza back to Egypt . Both refused.
In 1947 Israel accepted UN resolution 181. The Arabs did not. Hence the attacks on Israel began. And with each attack Israel gained captured land. In fact, after the 67 war, Israel even offered to return the entire West Bank back to Jordan for nothing in return....

In 1947 Israel accepted UN resolution 181. The Arabs did not. Hence the attacks on Israel began. And with each attack Israel gained captured land. In fact, after the 67 war, Israel even offered to return the entire West Bank back to Jordan for nothing in return. However, knowing the Palestinians well, Jordan rejected Israel's offer prefering to sacrifice this land so as to dump their Palestinians on Israel to deal with. And to this day Jordan refuses any right of return for their Palestinians. Truly, Jordan is the smartest player in all of the Middle East. Don't you agree?

They also offered the entire Golan back to Syria and Gaza back to Egypt . Both refused.
Somehow, Hoffy is smarter than Jordan, Egypt and Syria and should be an advisor to the three and teach them how to get their land back.
In 1947 Israel accepted UN resolution 181. The Arabs did not. Hence the attacks on Israel began. And with each attack Israel gained captured land. In fact, after the 67 war, Israel even offered to return the entire West Bank back to Jordan for nothing in return....

Google it and overwhelm those two with your proof.
so there is no evidence?

thought not.
There's plenty of evidence but you seem to want someone else to do the work and you live off someone elses labor. Just like the typical Palestinian moocher.
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