Israel Saving Lives Of Innocent Syrians In Israel

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Not that it matters, because like I said several times "JORDAN RENOUNCED ALL CLAIMS OF THE WEST BANK"
Since the Jews were the ones who were being murdered and put in concentration camps by the Nazis, I would think that calling a Jew a Nazi versus calling a non Jew a Nazi is kind of disgusting.
But you've already displayed your thoughts about Jews, so I know you don't give a hoot.
And before you were 'Hoffstra' you also displayed your feelings toward Jews, so you're not fooling anyone....

Just like a Judeo-Supremacist, to forget and ignore the millions of non-Jews murdered in the death camps and concentration camps.

Poles, Gypsies, Gays, Communists, Socialists, anti-Fascists, folks with mental or physical disorders, were all murdered by the Nazis. By the millions.

But a good Judeo-Fascist like you, doesn't care about the "Goys" killed by the Nazis.
Not that it matters, because like I said several times "JORDAN RENOUNCED ALL CLAIMS OF THE WEST BANK"

Israel NEVER offered back the entire West Bank to Jordan.

Its an ignorant lie, made by folks who "make war by deception".
Not that it matters, because like I said several times "JORDAN RENOUNCED ALL CLAIMS OF THE WEST BANK"

Israel NEVER offered back the entire West Bank to Jordan.

Its an ignorant lie, made by folks who "make war by deception".

^^^Proof that you never learned enough Hebrew to translate that verse from Proverbs ...... speaking of 'ignorant lie'.
What a heart warming thank you from the Syrian girl's mother to the people of Israel.

"I wish the Israeli people a happy new year and I hope there will be peace and we will be able to meet again in a more sane Middle East," the girl's mother said. The two will return to their homes in the Daraa region

Incredible the humanitarian efforts of Israel, even for injured Syrians in their civil war.

Israel Matzav: Israeli doctors save 15-year old Syrian girl's leg, give her prosthesis for other leg
Since the Jews were the ones who were being murdered and put in concentration camps by the Nazis, I would think that calling a Jew a Nazi versus calling a non Jew a Nazi is kind of disgusting.
But you've already displayed your thoughts about Jews, so I know you don't give a hoot.
And before you were 'Hoffstra' you also displayed your feelings toward Jews, so you're not fooling anyone....

Just like a Judeo-Supremacist, to forget and ignore the millions of non-Jews murdered in the death camps and concentration camps.

Poles, Gypsies, Gays, Communists, Socialists, anti-Fascists, folks with mental or physical disorders, were all murdered by the Nazis. By the millions.

But a good Judeo-Fascist like you, doesn't care about the "Goys" killed by the Nazis.

I never sais I don't care about the others murdered by the Nazis, but please. None of them were treated like the Jews.
Were they put in camps and starved to death ?
Were they sent to gas chambers?
Were they rounded up and put in shithole ghettos?
The list goes on and on. But I know you couldn't give two shits about what happens to Jews, you've already made your position on Jews pretty clear, you Nazi bigot
Incredible the humanitarian efforts of Israel, even for injured Syrians in their civil war.

Israel Matzav: Israeli doctors save 15-year old Syrian girl's leg, give her prosthesis for other leg

and then send her ass back to the battlefields of Syria.

how nice of them.

Israel treats hundreds of Syrians, paid for by the Israeli taxpayer, and idiots like you find something to complain about. It's called Palestinian Mentality.

Lets be honest, even if Israel DID take in those refugees, you would find something else to criticize them for. Like maybe for not giving them nice enough tents or some shit like that. My goodness your bigotry and hatred is too much for me Sea... I mean Hoffy boy.
Since the Jews were the ones who were being murdered and put in concentration camps by the Nazis, I would think that calling a Jew a Nazi versus calling a non Jew a Nazi is kind of disgusting.
But you've already displayed your thoughts about Jews, so I know you don't give a hoot.
And before you were 'Hoffstra' you also displayed your feelings toward Jews, so you're not fooling anyone....

Just like a Judeo-Supremacist, to forget and ignore the millions of non-Jews murdered in the death camps and concentration camps.

Poles, Gypsies, Gays, Communists, Socialists, anti-Fascists, folks with mental or physical disorders, were all murdered by the Nazis. By the millions.

But a good Judeo-Fascist like you, doesn't care about the "Goys" killed by the Nazis.

I never sais I don't care about the others murdered by the Nazis, but please. None of them were treated like the Jews.
Were they put in camps and starved to death ?
Were they sent to gas chambers?

Were they rounded up and put in shithole ghettos?
The list goes on and on. But I know you couldn't give two shits about what happens to Jews, you've already made your position on Jews pretty clear, you Nazi bigot

Yes, actually - they were put in camps, sent to gas chambers and starved to death :(

Hitler killed over 6 million Jews, two thirds of Europe's Jewish population. Hitler also killed over 7,700,000 slavs (civilians) were killed. Included in Hitler's extermination plan were the Gypsies, with as many as 1,500,000 killed in the camps. They were all treated horribly.

No one should minimize any of it. And calling people "Judeo-Nazi's" or "Islamo-Nazi's" is just plain ignorant of historical facts.
Hmm, I wasn't familiar with Gypsies being put in camps.

Yes well, scumbags like Hoffy the Irish fook (excuse my language ;) ) Loves to use those terms.
It comes with being a hateful bigot.
I never sais I don't care about the others murdered by the Nazis, but please. None of them were treated like the Jews.
Were they put in camps and starved to death ?
Were they sent to gas chambers?

of course they were.

learn the history of the Holocaust sometime, you Judeo-Nazi.
Hmm, I wasn't familiar with Gypsies being put in camps....

that's because all you care about are Jews.

no one else.

its the essense of a Judeo-Nazi and Judeo-Supremacist.

millions of Gentiles were murdered by the Nazis.
Hmm, I wasn't familiar with Gypsies being put in camps.

Yes well, scumbags like Hoffy the Irish fook (excuse my language ;) ) Loves to use those terms.
It comes with being a hateful bigot.

People tend to forget the horrendous extent of Hitler's campaign. In sheer numbers, it's mind boggling. It's easy to forget the Russian deaths. I know when I was in school the Cold War was still on, so the Russian side of it was barely covered - but they took a tremendous toll, over 7 million civilians. Under Hitler, Slavs, like Jews and Gypsies were sub-human.

There has not been an event since that even begins to approach Hitler in scope and in brutal loss of life :(
Hmm, I wasn't familiar with Gypsies being put in camps....

that's because all you care about are Jews.

no one else.

its the essense of a Judeo-Nazi and Judeo-Supremacist.

millions of Gentiles were murdered by the Nazis.

Judeo Nazi? Seriously? I hate ignorant Nazi comparisons. That one is right up there with Islamo-Nazi.
Judeo Nazi? Seriously? I hate ignorant Nazi comparisons. That one is right up there with Islamo-Nazi.

some folks think that Jews can never act like Nazis, and should never be likened to a Nazi.

you can do this to Arabs, and Muslims, and all other religious and ethnic groups.

...but not Jews.
Hmm, I wasn't familiar with Gypsies being put in camps....

that's because all you care about are Jews.

no one else.

its the essense of a Judeo-Nazi and Judeo-Supremacist.

millions of Gentiles were murdered by the Nazis.

Because I didn't know about Gypsies being gassd (I knew they were murdered of course), I only care about Jews and I'm a fascist ?


NOW do you see why everyone calls you a friggin idiot ?? Is it sinking in yet?
Judeo Nazi? Seriously? I hate ignorant Nazi comparisons. That one is right up there with Islamo-Nazi.

some folks think that Jews can never act like Nazis, and should never be likened to a Nazi.

you can do this to Arabs, and Muslims, and all other religious and ethnic groups.

...but not Jews.

There are no modern ideologies or religions that are comparable to Nazi's - and frankly those who use the term to denigrate Muslims and Arabs are just as pig ignorant of history. It just isn't comparable....
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