Israel Violating US Sanctions on Russia?

Israel and Russia:

"Six months ago, after Vladimir Putin annexed part of Ukraine, President Obama authorized sanctions against Russia. 'The basic principles that govern relations between nations in Europe and around the world must be upheld in the 21st century,' said Obama. 'That includes respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity—the notion that nations do not simply redraw borders or make decisions at the expense of their neighbors simply because they are larger or more powerful.'

"The United States has defended that principle in Ukraine and Iraq: You can’t use force to grab territory or change borders.

"But Israel, a U.S. ally, continues to violate the rule.

"This weekend, Israel claimed yet more Palestinian territory: nearly 1,000 acres, its biggest land grab in 30 years."

Israel rsquo s illegal land grab in West Bank The Israeli rationale is no different than Vladimir Putin rsquo s in Ukraine.
Israel and Russia:

"Six months ago, after Vladimir Putin annexed part of Ukraine, President Obama authorized sanctions against Russia. 'The basic principles that govern relations between nations in Europe and around the world must be upheld in the 21st century,' said Obama. 'That includes respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity—the notion that nations do not simply redraw borders or make decisions at the expense of their neighbors simply because they are larger or more powerful.'

"The United States has defended that principle in Ukraine and Iraq: You can’t use force to grab territory or change borders.

"But Israel, a U.S. ally, continues to violate the rule.

"This weekend, Israel claimed yet more Palestinian territory: nearly 1,000 acres, its biggest land grab in 30 years."

Israel rsquo s illegal land grab in West Bank The Israeli rationale is no different than Vladimir Putin rsquo s in Ukraine.
"The Hamas charter, of course, does more than just reject Israel as a sovereign political entity. It’s a vile document that echoes some of the worst anti-Semitic tropes of the modern era.

"But on the central question of one side denying the other’s legitimacy — it’s hard to ignore the symmetry between Likud – the party of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – and Hamas."

The Hateful Likud Charter Calls for Destruction of Any Palestinian State Informed Comment
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Name the lies in your Charter.

I don't have a charter there is no LIKUD CHARTER---
calling for THE DESTRUCTION of "a Palestinian state"----that
is your lie-----try to focus
The Likud Charter calls for Jews to rule all the land between the River and the sea, in spite of your hasbara; where does that leave non-Jews in Palestine?
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Name the lies in your Charter.

I don't have a charter there is no LIKUD CHARTER---
calling for THE DESTRUCTION of "a Palestinian state"----that
is your lie-----try to focus
The Likud Charter calls for Jews to rule all the land between the River and the sea, in spite of your hasbara; where does that leave non-Jews in Palestine?

depends on how you define "PALESTINE" ----Transjordan is---strictly speaking ---- PART OF PALESTINE----in fact so is Gaza and even at least parts of Syria and Lebanon. You are
identity than a present day college sorority----between the
river and the sea is NOT THE EUPHATES AND THE ATLANTIC. IT IS BETWEEN THE JORDAN AND THE MEDITERRANEAN-----the natural borders of "the land of Israel" -----a small part of the Levant
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Name the lies in your Charter.

I don't have a charter there is no LIKUD CHARTER---
calling for THE DESTRUCTION of "a Palestinian state"----that
is your lie-----try to focus
The Likud Charter calls for Jews to rule all the land between the River and the sea, in spite of your hasbara; where does that leave non-Jews in Palestine?

depends on how you define "PALESTINE" ----Transjordan is---strictly speaking ---- PART OF PALESTINE----in fact so is Gaza and even at least parts of Syria and Lebanon. You are
identity than a present day college sorority----between the
river and the sea is NOT THE EUPHATES AND THE ATLANTIC. IT IS BETWEEN THE JORDAN AND THE MEDITERRANEAN-----the natural borders of "the land of Israel" -----a small part of the Levant
There are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea under Jewish civil or military laws; where's the self-determination/democracy in that political reality since all Jews of voting age have a say in who writes the laws and all Arabs do not?
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Name the lies in your Charter.

I don't have a charter there is no LIKUD CHARTER---
calling for THE DESTRUCTION of "a Palestinian state"----that
is your lie-----try to focus
The Likud Charter calls for Jews to rule all the land between the River and the sea, in spite of your hasbara; where does that leave non-Jews in Palestine?

depends on how you define "PALESTINE" ----Transjordan is---strictly speaking ---- PART OF PALESTINE----in fact so is Gaza and even at least parts of Syria and Lebanon. You are
identity than a present day college sorority----between the
river and the sea is NOT THE EUPHATES AND THE ATLANTIC. IT IS BETWEEN THE JORDAN AND THE MEDITERRANEAN-----the natural borders of "the land of Israel" -----a small part of the Levant
There are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea under Jewish civil or military laws; where's the self-determination/democracy in that political reality since all Jews of voting age have a say in who writes the laws and all Arabs do not?

so? they can move to THEIR PART OF PALESTINE-----whatever that turns out to be-----just like hindus moved to THEIR PART OF INDIA-----in 1948 and hundreds of thousands of jews who had lived in a DIFFERENT part of the LEVANT---moved to THEIR PART OF PALESTINE----ie Israel What is it with
the people who took on the name "Palestinian" that unlike the rest of the world---
HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in the past 70 years----they cannot move a few miles down the road?????------they do not even face a new culture, language or cuisine------you have never moved? I moved from my childhood town-----a distance a lot greater than most "palis" would be going
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Name the lies in your Charter.

I don't have a charter there is no LIKUD CHARTER---
calling for THE DESTRUCTION of "a Palestinian state"----that
is your lie-----try to focus
The Likud Charter calls for Jews to rule all the land between the River and the sea, in spite of your hasbara; where does that leave non-Jews in Palestine?

depends on how you define "PALESTINE" ----Transjordan is---strictly speaking ---- PART OF PALESTINE----in fact so is Gaza and even at least parts of Syria and Lebanon. You are
identity than a present day college sorority----between the
river and the sea is NOT THE EUPHATES AND THE ATLANTIC. IT IS BETWEEN THE JORDAN AND THE MEDITERRANEAN-----the natural borders of "the land of Israel" -----a small part of the Levant
There are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea under Jewish civil or military laws; where's the self-determination/democracy in that political reality since all Jews of voting age have a say in who writes the laws and all Arabs do not?

so? they can move to THEIR PART OF PALESTINE-----whatever that turns out to be-----just like hindus moved to THEIR PART OF INDIA-----in 1948 and hundreds of thousands of jews who had lived in a DIFFERENT part of the LEVANT---moved to THEIR PART OF PALESTINE----ie Israel What is it with
the people who took on the name "Palestinian" that unlike the rest of the world---
HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in the past 70 years----they cannot move a few miles down the road?????------they do not even face a new culture, language or cuisine------you have never moved? I moved from my childhood town-----a distance a lot greater than most "palis" would be going
There part of Palestine is Jaffa, remember how the Jews solved that little demographic problem; why do you even bother to pretend your people are any more than common thieves in Palestine?
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Actually, I've read up on a lot of these topics and find that georgephillip's posts are completely legit/accurate. What does that say about YOU? Answer: You just don't like the facts. You want to change them and insult people in the process. Grow up.
Just out of curiosity can you explain why Israel continues to violate International Law with these illegal settlements, pretending no one will notice? Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention PROHIBITS POPULATION TRANSFERS INTO OCCUPIED TERRITORY. Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No way around it. Israel is violating (another) International Law. Shameful. Now retreat to your own lands, thieves. Oh, and knock down your illegal WALL while you're at it.
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Actually, I've read up on a lot of these topics and find that georgephillip's posts are completely legit/accurate. What does that say about YOU? Answer: You just don't like the facts. You want to change them and insult people in the process. Grow up.
Just out of curiosity can you explain why Israel continues to violate International Law with these illegal settlements, pretending no one will notice? Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention PROHIBITS POPULATION TRANSFERS INTO OCCUPIED TERRITORY. Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No way around it. Israel is violating (another) International Law. Shameful. Now retreat to your own lands, thieves. Oh, and knock down your illegal WALL while you're at it.
You're wasting key strokes on Rosie; she's looking for ways to make that illegal WALL IS proof:

"The Islamic State’s primary mission is to build a strong foundation in what it refers to as the Abode of Islam. The plan: Sweep away Jordan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Jordan is the next target after consolidating gains in Iraq and Syria, because Jordan’s territory offers access to the northern tribes of Saudi Arabia.

"From there, its dreams are wildly ambitious: Lead a campaign that will range fromJerusalem all the way to the Iberian peninsula in order to recapture the caliphate of Córdoba and restore Muslim rule which ended in 1492. The IS, according to Israeli political and military sources, is recruiting on the West Bank and in Gaza to launch attacks on Israel."

The Islamic State is reshuffling balance of power in Middle East Al Jazeera America
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Name the lies in your Charter.

I don't have a charter there is no LIKUD CHARTER---
calling for THE DESTRUCTION of "a Palestinian state"----that
is your lie-----try to focus
The Likud Charter calls for Jews to rule all the land between the River and the sea, in spite of your hasbara; where does that leave non-Jews in Palestine?

depends on how you define "PALESTINE" ----Transjordan is---strictly speaking ---- PART OF PALESTINE----in fact so is Gaza and even at least parts of Syria and Lebanon. You are
identity than a present day college sorority----between the
river and the sea is NOT THE EUPHATES AND THE ATLANTIC. IT IS BETWEEN THE JORDAN AND THE MEDITERRANEAN-----the natural borders of "the land of Israel" -----a small part of the Levant
There are currently equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living between the River and the sea under Jewish civil or military laws; where's the self-determination/democracy in that political reality since all Jews of voting age have a say in who writes the laws and all Arabs do not?

so? they can move to THEIR PART OF PALESTINE-----whatever that turns out to be-----just like hindus moved to THEIR PART OF INDIA-----in 1948 and hundreds of thousands of jews who had lived in a DIFFERENT part of the LEVANT---moved to THEIR PART OF PALESTINE----ie Israel What is it with
the people who took on the name "Palestinian" that unlike the rest of the world---
HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in the past 70 years----they cannot move a few miles down the road?????------they do not even face a new culture, language or cuisine------you have never moved? I moved from my childhood town-----a distance a lot greater than most "palis" would be going
There part of Palestine is Jaffa, remember how the Jews solved that little demographic problem; why do you even bother to pretend your people are any more than common thieves in Palestine?

I wonder why you are still pretending that you actually care about the Arabs. So much has been going on outside of Israel with so many innocent Arab people being murdered, and you have never said one word of sympathy for these Arabs. If you can't be bothered to even waste a few keystrokes on these unfortunate Arabs who have died in the tens of thousands, you think any rational person is going to believe that you care about any Arabs in whatever area they might be? Basically, all you want to do is demonize Israel so use some specific Arabs as your pawns, and that is really the bottom line.
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Actually, I've read up on a lot of these topics and find that georgephillip's posts are completely legit/accurate. What does that say about YOU? Answer: You just don't like the facts. You want to change them and insult people in the process. Grow up.
Just out of curiosity can you explain why Israel continues to violate International Law with these illegal settlements, pretending no one will notice? Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention PROHIBITS POPULATION TRANSFERS INTO OCCUPIED TERRITORY. Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No way around it. Israel is violating (another) International Law. Shameful. Now retreat to your own lands, thieves. Oh, and knock down your illegal WALL while you're at it.
You're wasting key strokes on Rosie; she's looking for ways to make that illegal WALL IS proof:

"The Islamic State’s primary mission is to build a strong foundation in what it refers to as the Abode of Islam. The plan: Sweep away Jordan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Jordan is the next target after consolidating gains in Iraq and Syria, because Jordan’s territory offers access to the northern tribes of Saudi Arabia.

"From there, its dreams are wildly ambitious: Lead a campaign that will range fromJerusalem all the way to the Iberian peninsula in order to recapture the caliphate of Córdoba and restore Muslim rule which ended in 1492. The IS, according to Israeli political and military sources, is recruiting on the West Bank and in Gaza to launch attacks on Israel."

The Islamic State is reshuffling balance of power in Middle East Al Jazeera America
You know it George, it does seem like Israel would like to see complete chaos in the Middle East to try to distract from their atrocities in Gaza/West Bank. You know, like throwing up a smoke screen to hide behind. That wall is outrageously tall and thick. Makes you wonder what other dirty things they're trying to hide over there behind the wall? Terrorist training camps? You never can tell.
I went a little off topic so I think Israel is probably conducting trade deals with Russia. I bet a lot of bullets/ammo are trading hands, on their way to Israel.
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Actually, I've read up on a lot of these topics and find that georgephillip's posts are completely legit/accurate. What does that say about YOU? Answer: You just don't like the facts. You want to change them and insult people in the process. Grow up.
Just out of curiosity can you explain why Israel continues to violate International Law with these illegal settlements, pretending no one will notice? Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention PROHIBITS POPULATION TRANSFERS INTO OCCUPIED TERRITORY. Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No way around it. Israel is violating (another) International Law. Shameful. Now retreat to your own lands, thieves. Oh, and knock down your illegal WALL while you're at it.
You're wasting key strokes on Rosie; she's looking for ways to make that illegal WALL IS proof:

"The Islamic State’s primary mission is to build a strong foundation in what it refers to as the Abode of Islam. The plan: Sweep away Jordan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Jordan is the next target after consolidating gains in Iraq and Syria, because Jordan’s territory offers access to the northern tribes of Saudi Arabia.

"From there, its dreams are wildly ambitious: Lead a campaign that will range fromJerusalem all the way to the Iberian peninsula in order to recapture the caliphate of Córdoba and restore Muslim rule which ended in 1492. The IS, according to Israeli political and military sources, is recruiting on the West Bank and in Gaza to launch attacks on Israel."

The Islamic State is reshuffling balance of power in Middle East Al Jazeera America
You know it George, it does seem like Israel would like to see complete chaos in the Middle East to try to distract from their atrocities in Gaza/West Bank. You know, like throwing up a smoke screen to hide behind. That wall is outrageously tall and thick. Makes you wonder what other dirty things they're trying to hide over there behind the wall? Terrorist training camps? You never can tell.
I went a little off topic so I think Israel is probably conducting trade deals with Russia. I bet a lot of bullets/ammo are trading hands, on their way to Israel.

A guy like Forester thinks he has credibility with rational thinkers after he just this evening said on another forum that Israel should be nuked after all the people who aren't Jewish have left. Forester, don't you think people are smart enough to realize that Gaza George doesn't care about the Arabs and uses them as his pawns. This happens to be the Middle East forum that you just crawled onto, and Gaza George is not interested in what is happening to the Arabs in the rest of the Middle East, and you probably don't either or we would see you posting about what is happening to them. It really is a hoot to watch people try to fake it that they care about Arabs when they have nothing to say about the 190,000 killed so far in other parts of the Middle East.
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Actually, I've read up on a lot of these topics and find that georgephillip's posts are completely legit/accurate. What does that say about YOU? Answer: You just don't like the facts. You want to change them and insult people in the process. Grow up.
Just out of curiosity can you explain why Israel continues to violate International Law with these illegal settlements, pretending no one will notice? Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention PROHIBITS POPULATION TRANSFERS INTO OCCUPIED TERRITORY. Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No way around it. Israel is violating (another) International Law. Shameful. Now retreat to your own lands, thieves. Oh, and knock down your illegal WALL while you're at it.
You're wasting key strokes on Rosie; she's looking for ways to make that illegal WALL IS proof:

"The Islamic State’s primary mission is to build a strong foundation in what it refers to as the Abode of Islam. The plan: Sweep away Jordan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Jordan is the next target after consolidating gains in Iraq and Syria, because Jordan’s territory offers access to the northern tribes of Saudi Arabia.

"From there, its dreams are wildly ambitious: Lead a campaign that will range fromJerusalem all the way to the Iberian peninsula in order to recapture the caliphate of Córdoba and restore Muslim rule which ended in 1492. The IS, according to Israeli political and military sources, is recruiting on the West Bank and in Gaza to launch attacks on Israel."

The Islamic State is reshuffling balance of power in Middle East Al Jazeera America
You know it George, it does seem like Israel would like to see complete chaos in the Middle East to try to distract from their atrocities in Gaza/West Bank. You know, like throwing up a smoke screen to hide behind. That wall is outrageously tall and thick. Makes you wonder what other dirty things they're trying to hide over there behind the wall? Terrorist training camps? You never can tell.
I went a little off topic so I think Israel is probably conducting trade deals with Russia. I bet a lot of bullets/ammo are trading hands, on their way to Israel.

A guy like Forester thinks he has credibility with rational thinkers after he just this evening said on another forum that Israel should be nuked after all the people who aren't Jewish have left. Forester, don't you think people are smart enough to realize that Gaza George doesn't care about the Arabs and uses them as his pawns. This happens to be the Middle East forum that you just crawled onto, and Gaza George is not interested in what is happening to the Arabs in the rest of the Middle East, and you probably don't either or we would see you posting about what is happening to them. It really is a hoot to watch people try to fake it that they care about Arabs when they have nothing to say about the 190,000 killed so far in other parts of the Middle East.
Actually I was responding to someone who spoke of nuking the region turning into radioactive glass but you forgot to mention that. Anyway it's been calculated that Israel dropped the equivalent of 6 nuclear bombs worth of explosives onto Gaza. That's a lot. So that puts it in perspective. Police Israel dropped equivalent of 6 nuclear bombs on Gaza Maan News Agency

The explosives dropped also contained radioactive uranium that contaminates water, soil, land for years.
Georgie is a typical desperate islamo Nazi-----"REPEAT THE LIES AND SOMEONE WILL BELIEVE"
Actually, I've read up on a lot of these topics and find that georgephillip's posts are completely legit/accurate. What does that say about YOU? Answer: You just don't like the facts. You want to change them and insult people in the process. Grow up.
Just out of curiosity can you explain why Israel continues to violate International Law with these illegal settlements, pretending no one will notice? Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention PROHIBITS POPULATION TRANSFERS INTO OCCUPIED TERRITORY. Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
No way around it. Israel is violating (another) International Law. Shameful. Now retreat to your own lands, thieves. Oh, and knock down your illegal WALL while you're at it.
You're wasting key strokes on Rosie; she's looking for ways to make that illegal WALL IS proof:

"The Islamic State’s primary mission is to build a strong foundation in what it refers to as the Abode of Islam. The plan: Sweep away Jordan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Jordan is the next target after consolidating gains in Iraq and Syria, because Jordan’s territory offers access to the northern tribes of Saudi Arabia.

"From there, its dreams are wildly ambitious: Lead a campaign that will range fromJerusalem all the way to the Iberian peninsula in order to recapture the caliphate of Córdoba and restore Muslim rule which ended in 1492. The IS, according to Israeli political and military sources, is recruiting on the West Bank and in Gaza to launch attacks on Israel."

The Islamic State is reshuffling balance of power in Middle East Al Jazeera America
You know it George, it does seem like Israel would like to see complete chaos in the Middle East to try to distract from their atrocities in Gaza/West Bank. You know, like throwing up a smoke screen to hide behind. That wall is outrageously tall and thick. Makes you wonder what other dirty things they're trying to hide over there behind the wall? Terrorist training camps? You never can tell.
I went a little off topic so I think Israel is probably conducting trade deals with Russia. I bet a lot of bullets/ammo are trading hands, on their way to Israel.

A guy like Forester thinks he has credibility with rational thinkers after he just this evening said on another forum that Israel should be nuked after all the people who aren't Jewish have left. Forester, don't you think people are smart enough to realize that Gaza George doesn't care about the Arabs and uses them as his pawns. This happens to be the Middle East forum that you just crawled onto, and Gaza George is not interested in what is happening to the Arabs in the rest of the Middle East, and you probably don't either or we would see you posting about what is happening to them. It really is a hoot to watch people try to fake it that they care about Arabs when they have nothing to say about the 190,000 killed so far in other parts of the Middle East.
Actually I was responding to someone who spoke of nuking the region turning into radioactive glass but you forgot to mention that. Anyway it's been calculated that Israel dropped the equivalent of 6 nuclear bombs worth of explosives onto Gaza. That's a lot. So that puts it in perspective. Police Israel dropped equivalent of 6 nuclear bombs on Gaza Maan News Agency

The explosives dropped also contained radioactive uranium that contaminates water, soil, land for years.

Are you a physicist or scientist that you know exactly what these explosives contained? Strange how you have had no problems with your friends in Hamas starting up to cause Israel to retaliate, and it is also strange that you have no said one word about what the dictators and tyrants in the rest of the Middle East have done to their people. It is quite easy to see why there is anti-Semitism with people like you around. Tell you what. Since you appear to hate the Israelis so much, why not hop over to the area and help your new friends with the digging of tunnels?


I think there is way too much craziness going on in the Middle East. America too. Face it, we're all screwed if some sane people don't start getting involved. Too many bombs going off. I don't want Israel getting nuked either.
The U.S. needs to retrieve their equipment from the M.E. because it's being not being used for its intended purpose...and kill the terrorists. But the word terrorist doesn't include "foe" just because a government says so.
I think there is way too much craziness going on in the Middle East. America too. Face it, we're all screwed if some sane people don't start getting involved. Too many bombs going off. I don't want Israel getting nuked either.
The U.S. needs to retrieve their equipment from the M.E. because it's being not being used for its intended purpose...and kill the terrorists. But the word terrorist doesn't include "foe" just because a government says so.

Well I would think the word terrorists means those who have been running around killing the Yazidis, the Christians and the Muslims of sects that they don't like. And I think the civilized world would consider them foes of innocent human beings who are being murdered..

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