Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid

You're so blinded by your hate you think Jews are not justified in defending themselves as they're being murdered.
I didn't say anything about Jews?

Why would I hate them?
You're so blinded by your hate you think Jews are not justified in defending themselves as they're being murdered.
I didn't say anything about Jews?

Why would I hate them?
I think we both know why you won't answer that question?
Only you can answer that question.

I keep telling him that and he just cant understand what it means. Then he let the cat out of the bag and said it was the nuns and priests that educated him into hating the jews.
Your hatred of Jews is well known on this forum. Later, when I have more time, I'll dig some of up some of your posts if you'd like.
That's not what I asked.

I asked why do YOU think I hate Jews?

Go ahead and "dig up" my posts. None of them say anything about Jews.
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News

how much do we give the pals?

the saudis?

piss off.

The Saudis receive more back door aid because America needs its oil for certain applications. You see not all oil is the same and some is only good for burning in power stations.
Your hatred of Jews is well known on this forum. Later, when I have more time, I'll dig some of up some of your posts if you'd like.
That's not what I asked.

I asked why do YOU think I hate Jews?

Go ahead and "dig up" my posts. None of them say anything about Jews.

Not even the one were you demand that Israel is " barbecued" by nukes to rid the world of Zionists ?
Your hatred of Jews is well known on this forum. Later, when I have more time, I'll dig some of up some of your posts if you'd like.
That's not what I asked.

I asked why do YOU think I hate Jews?

Go ahead and "dig up" my posts. None of them say anything about Jews.
When I do, are you gonna come back and acknowledge your hatred of them?
Your hatred of Jews is well known on this forum. Later, when I have more time, I'll dig some of up some of your posts if you'd like.
That's not what I asked.

I asked why do YOU think I hate Jews?

Go ahead and "dig up" my posts. None of them say anything about Jews.

Which is a question that only you can answer, all we can do is point out that your posts show that you do
Learn to read and then come back to participate more effectively :)
I read just fine, and I haven't read anything by you complaining about foreign aid except to Israel. Again, if you have, please post it.

Your priorities are not straight. You think we should not spend money on improving our infrastructure such as building high speed rail but you think it will be a perfectly good idea to blow money on Israel and other foreign countries.

What good is a high speed rail line if there is no passengers or freight to use it ?

Build it and they will come.

What good is blowing money on Israel is a better question?

Stop the aid to Israel and America will go under as the subsidised workforce will be unemployed. This will impact on all other businesses in the area and will result in 4 times as many lay offs in the very future. I have witnessed 4 thriving towns go down when the workplaces were shut down, the shops lost income and so had to lay off as well. Then the other businesses like builders, plumbers, Joiners, Electricians etc. also went bust as no one had the money to pay for repairs. Then the banks foreclosed on property worth a fraction of what was borrowed on it leaving the people still owing money. So your high speed rail line will be derelict as it will have no traffic and no hope of any traffic, then the US will lose even more of its credit rating and end up like poor old Greece begging in he gutter.
Money to the Military Industrial Complex is always a net loss. It always cost more than you get back.
Did I say that, or is this you reading what isn't there

No, but WTF does Consett have to do with the $5bn aid to Israel?

Talk about clutching at straws...

Off topic deflections again Phoney!

Same scenario as it was subsidised employment

British steel industry was subsidised by the British government, with British money...

Went bust because steel production is cheaper elsewhere! China for example!

Just how does that have ANY relevance to the US giving money to Israel?

It is NOT the same scenario at all!
This month approximately $12K was taken out of my paycheck in taxes. That is a lot of money for someone who is not rich and has to work his ass off. I do not mind if that money goes to build communities across America but it hurts to see it going to foreign countries who are supposedly wealthy.


Read more: Israel Wants $5B a Year in American Aid - Breaking News

how much do we give the pals?

the saudis?

piss off.

The Saudis receive more back door aid because America needs its oil for certain applications. You see not all oil is the same and some is only good for burning in power stations.

Not back door aid...

You only gotta look at the Bush dynasty to see where US aid goes and where "back door" oil payments end up!
Did I say that, or is this you reading what isn't there

No, but WTF does Consett have to do with the $5bn aid to Israel?

Talk about clutching at straws...

Off topic deflections again Phoney!

Same scenario as it was subsidised employment

British steel industry was subsidised by the British government, with British money...

Went bust because steel production is cheaper elsewhere! China for example!

Just how does that have ANY relevance to the US giving money to Israel?

It is NOT the same scenario at all!
I suggest you take these issues up with one of the MANY Congress people who don't reside in a Jewish District.
When I post your comments later, I won't NEED to state why I think that. It will be obvious that you do.
I think its pretty obvious to the reader, you are unable to state why you said what you said. And the reason you are unable to state it, is because claiming I'm a Jew-hater, is a baseless accusation on your part and you're hoping by posting my comments, people will buy off on your bullshit innuendo's?

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