Israeli Benefits ToThe USA

TheOldSchool, et al,

Oh, I think it is a mistake to think like this.

Ah so you're a crazy person with delusions of grandeur about Israel. That explains a lot.

The reality is that as the Administration shifts in the White House, so will the approach to foreign policy and diplomacy. There is a movement in the US, that is strongly considering that the US should totally abandon anything to do with the Arab Palestinians (West Bank and Jerusalem); and only be reconsidered if the Arab Palestinians show any reasonable progress towards peace.

• HR 5433 --- Stop Funding Terrorism Act --- 113th Congress (2013-2014)
Introduced in House (09/10/2014)

Stop Funding Terrorism Act - Prohibits any direct U.S. assistance, loan guarantee, or debt relief to the Palestinian Authority (PA) or any affiliated governing entity or leadership organization.
States that such prohibition shall have no effect for a fiscal year if the President certifies to Congress that the PA has:
  • formally recognized Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state and publicly recognized the state of Israel,
  • renounced terrorism and purged all individuals with terrorist ties from the security services,
  • terminated funding of anti-American and anti-Israel incitement,
  • publicly pledged to not engage in war with Israel, and
  • honored previous diplomatic agreements.
There are a huge number of Americans that see a direct connection between the various organizations that have engaged in the “premeditated and politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant" and innocent members of the civilian population through bombings, kidnapping and murder, hijacking, and other forms of coercion and intimidation to to influence the policy of a government or challenge the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel or any state.

Most Respectfully,
The reality is that as the Administration shifts in the White House, so will the approach to foreign policy and diplomacy.​

Not really. There will be no real changes until our politicians stop groveling in front of AIPAC every chance they get.

They are such an embarrassment.

You would rather they grovel to islamonazi terrorists posing as leaders ?
TheOldSchool, et al,

Oh, I think it is a mistake to think like this.

Ah so you're a crazy person with delusions of grandeur about Israel. That explains a lot.

The reality is that as the Administration shifts in the White House, so will the approach to foreign policy and diplomacy. There is a movement in the US, that is strongly considering that the US should totally abandon anything to do with the Arab Palestinians (West Bank and Jerusalem); and only be reconsidered if the Arab Palestinians show any reasonable progress towards peace.

• HR 5433 --- Stop Funding Terrorism Act --- 113th Congress (2013-2014)
Introduced in House (09/10/2014)

Stop Funding Terrorism Act - Prohibits any direct U.S. assistance, loan guarantee, or debt relief to the Palestinian Authority (PA) or any affiliated governing entity or leadership organization.
States that such prohibition shall have no effect for a fiscal year if the President certifies to Congress that the PA has:
  • formally recognized Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state and publicly recognized the state of Israel,
  • renounced terrorism and purged all individuals with terrorist ties from the security services,
  • terminated funding of anti-American and anti-Israel incitement,
  • publicly pledged to not engage in war with Israel, and
  • honored previous diplomatic agreements.
There are a huge number of Americans that see a direct connection between the various organizations that have engaged in the “premeditated and politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant" and innocent members of the civilian population through bombings, kidnapping and murder, hijacking, and other forms of coercion and intimidation to to influence the policy of a government or challenge the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel or any state.

Most Respectfully,
Aren't you glad that the Palestinians are moving to non violence like BDS?

Arent you upset that the palestinians have denied BDS and made it illegal because of the damage it has done to palestine.
That is what foreign supported oligarchs all over the world do.

There is nothing unusual about the PA.

Your excuses are weak. What you are intending not to address is that the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas have entire infrastructures devoted to stealing UN welfare money to further Islamic terrorism while making themselves incredibly wealthy.
The PA is a foreign created and supported organization.

Another poll by the Palestinian Center in September 2013 showed that 79 percent believed the Abbas administration was corrupt.​

See above videos for info.
I don't believe your usual retreat to floating conspiracy theories is at all helpful.

How strange that Moslems are so quick to put Islamic terrorists into positions of authority and then complain when those islamic terrorists are their worst oppressors.

This would be a good time to scour YouTube for a "Hamas is an agent of the Mossad" infomercial.
How was the PA created?
How did Arafat become president?
How did Abbas become president in 2005 and again in 2007 after quitting the elected government?
How did Salam Fayyad, and his followers, become prime minister?

You don't know any of this stuff. You have no place to talk.
That is what foreign supported oligarchs all over the world do.

There is nothing unusual about the PA.

Your excuses are weak. What you are intending not to address is that the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas have entire infrastructures devoted to stealing UN welfare money to further Islamic terrorism while making themselves incredibly wealthy.
The PA is a foreign created and supported organization.

Another poll by the Palestinian Center in September 2013 showed that 79 percent believed the Abbas administration was corrupt.​

See above videos for info.
I don't believe your usual retreat to floating conspiracy theories is at all helpful.

How strange that Moslems are so quick to put Islamic terrorists into positions of authority and then complain when those islamic terrorists are their worst oppressors.

This would be a good time to scour YouTube for a "Hamas is an agent of the Mossad" infomercial.
How was the PA created?
How did Arafat become president?
How did Abbas become president in 2005 and again in 2007 after quitting the elected government?
How did Salam Fayyad, and his followers, become prime minister?

You don't know any of this stuff. You have no place to talk.
As usual, all of your flailing about has been addressed numerous times. Once again, I have to ask why your retreat to conspiracy theories is at all useful.

In the meantime, address how Hamas came to be one of the ruling welfare fraud perpetrators.

Maybe YouTube has a video?
USA & Israel: A mutually beneficial relationship.

WATCH: Why America Needs Israel (you’ll be amazed!)
Lol America absolutely does not need Israel. We're taking a big step with the new negotionations to give Israel billions of dollars a year it doesn't need, where Israel will hopefully have to spend the free money we give them on American contractors instead of lining their own pockets.

So you havent read the links provided on this very subject that shows every penny given to Israel has to be spent on US goods. But every penny given to islamonazi leaders is used to line their Swiss bank accounts.
Israel is a wealthy nation. We should not be sending them money. Anyways Israel spends a big chunk of that money lining its own contractors pockets. At least this new treaty is considering stopping that, even though we should be keeping that money at home in the first place.

Then stop and suffer the consequences, could you afford as a nation to see your defence industry start going bust without the aid of Israel in money laundering for you. Saudi is an even more wealthy nation and the US gives them 4 times what it give Israel with no strings attached, and they still kill Americans. I wonder what you would say if your mother was dying in hospital as a result of your demands to stop paying Israel aid. Or the US could not afford the latest weapons and Putin was poised to invade. No doubt you would blame the Jews for not giving you the defense protocols because you stopped the aid
The military industrial complex.

Money out of the pockets of the people and into the pockets of the war profiteers.

Would you rather be ruled by hamas or daesh then, because that is where the money is being well spent. Or would you prefer to be told you cant carry a gun anymore as no American companies make them anymore, they all went bust when you stopped giving aid
TheOldSchool, et al,

Oh, I think it is a mistake to think like this.

Ah so you're a crazy person with delusions of grandeur about Israel. That explains a lot.

The reality is that as the Administration shifts in the White House, so will the approach to foreign policy and diplomacy. There is a movement in the US, that is strongly considering that the US should totally abandon anything to do with the Arab Palestinians (West Bank and Jerusalem); and only be reconsidered if the Arab Palestinians show any reasonable progress towards peace.

• HR 5433 --- Stop Funding Terrorism Act --- 113th Congress (2013-2014)
Introduced in House (09/10/2014)

Stop Funding Terrorism Act - Prohibits any direct U.S. assistance, loan guarantee, or debt relief to the Palestinian Authority (PA) or any affiliated governing entity or leadership organization.
States that such prohibition shall have no effect for a fiscal year if the President certifies to Congress that the PA has:
  • formally recognized Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state and publicly recognized the state of Israel,
  • renounced terrorism and purged all individuals with terrorist ties from the security services,
  • terminated funding of anti-American and anti-Israel incitement,
  • publicly pledged to not engage in war with Israel, and
  • honored previous diplomatic agreements.
There are a huge number of Americans that see a direct connection between the various organizations that have engaged in the “premeditated and politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant" and innocent members of the civilian population through bombings, kidnapping and murder, hijacking, and other forms of coercion and intimidation to to influence the policy of a government or challenge the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel or any state.

Most Respectfully,
Aren't you glad that the Palestinians are moving to non violence like BDS?
It was only a few months ago when Arab-Moslem Death Cultists were stabbing Isrealis in random and perpetrated attacks.

You need to understand that merely spewing pointless propaganda is not going to be left unchallenged. Non violence had never been a tactic enjoyed by Islamics. The history of islamism is one of using violence and brute force as a tactic unless repelled with an uncompromising and relentless resistance to islamo-violence.

The most recent and random knife attacks on Israeli citizens stopped only because of the immediate arrest or deaths of the islmic terrorist attackers.
You spend too much time reading Israeli propaganda.

And you spend too much time in the mosque listening to the islamonazi propaganda LIES and BLOOD LIBELS
That is what foreign supported oligarchs all over the world do.

There is nothing unusual about the PA.

Your excuses are weak. What you are intending not to address is that the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas have entire infrastructures devoted to stealing UN welfare money to further Islamic terrorism while making themselves incredibly wealthy.
The PA is a foreign created and supported organization.

Another poll by the Palestinian Center in September 2013 showed that 79 percent believed the Abbas administration was corrupt.​

See above videos for info.

So no different to any other islamonazi administration then, making it a good time to destroy them all and take over
That is what foreign supported oligarchs all over the world do.

There is nothing unusual about the PA.

Your excuses are weak. What you are intending not to address is that the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas have entire infrastructures devoted to stealing UN welfare money to further Islamic terrorism while making themselves incredibly wealthy.
The PA is a foreign created and supported organization.

Another poll by the Palestinian Center in September 2013 showed that 79 percent believed the Abbas administration was corrupt.​

See above videos for info.
I don't believe your usual retreat to floating conspiracy theories is at all helpful.

How strange that Moslems are so quick to put Islamic terrorists into positions of authority and then complain when those islamic terrorists are their worst oppressors.

This would be a good time to scour YouTube for a "Hamas is an agent of the Mossad" infomercial.
How was the PA created?
How did Arafat become president?
How did Abbas become president in 2005 and again in 2007 after quitting the elected government?
How did Salam Fayyad, and his followers, become prime minister?

You don't know any of this stuff. You have no place to talk.

Through international treaty
Placed there by the arab muslims
elected to the position
elected to the position
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is wildly off the mark; totally exaggerated.

Indeed, Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders anywhere.

The aid is about 37% of the budget of the Palestinian Authority (al-Jazeera) Story: The Palestinians have received half of the promised aid in 2015. Al-Monitor reviewed the reports of the Palestinian general budget for 2016, which showed that the PA received no more than $750 million in foreign aid in 2015. (The al-Monitor indicates that the Budget Meeting claim was that it received less than $685M.)

(IN THE NEWS - 2 Versions - Same Source)

PA’s salaries for terrorists in the news again – but not at the BBC

The Times of Israel’s Raphael Ahern reports that:

“The German government has for the first time admitted that the Palestinian Authority likely grants financial support to terrorists and their families, and vowed to further investigate the matter.

Following repeated queries by an opposition lawmaker, the Foreign Ministry in Berlin last week also acknowledged that funds for so-called “martyrs” and Palestinian prisoners sitting in Israeli jails for security-related offenses come not only from the Palestine Liberation Organization but partially from the PA’s own budget. […]

“If it is confirmed that parts of these described payments [to Palestinian security prisoners or their families] comes from the Palestinian Authority’s budget, the Federal Government will take the matter up with the Palestinian Authority and other partners,” the document states. “The Palestinian Authority and the PLO are called upon to take all necessary steps against the incitement of violence and to increase its efforts in the fight against terrorism.””

In first, Germany admits PA is likely paying terrorists’ families

Berlin vows to investigate Ramallah’s system of monthly ‘salaries’ for Palestinians held in Israeli prisons for terror-related offenses
BY RAPHAEL AHREN Diplomatic Correspondent at The Times of Israel. September 5, 2016,

Most Respectfully,
Palestinian Authority Budget 28% for Security Forces - Funded by US

International Aid & the Palestinians: Supporting Israel's Occupation?

As usual just the same old islamonazi pallywood productions LIES, PROPAGANDA and BLOOD LIBELS.

The source is muslim so must be biased against the Jews.
Lol America absolutely does not need Israel. We're taking a big step with the new negotionations to give Israel billions of dollars a year it doesn't need, where Israel will hopefully have to spend the free money we give them on American contractors instead of lining their own pockets.

So you havent read the links provided on this very subject that shows every penny given to Israel has to be spent on US goods. But every penny given to islamonazi leaders is used to line their Swiss bank accounts.
Israel is a wealthy nation. We should not be sending them money. Anyways Israel spends a big chunk of that money lining its own contractors pockets. At least this new treaty is considering stopping that, even though we should be keeping that money at home in the first place.

Then stop and suffer the consequences, could you afford as a nation to see your defence industry start going bust without the aid of Israel in money laundering for you. Saudi is an even more wealthy nation and the US gives them 4 times what it give Israel with no strings attached, and they still kill Americans. I wonder what you would say if your mother was dying in hospital as a result of your demands to stop paying Israel aid. Or the US could not afford the latest weapons and Putin was poised to invade. No doubt you would blame the Jews for not giving you the defense protocols because you stopped the aid
Ah so you're a crazy person with delusions of grandeur about Israel. That explains a lot.

No I am a pragmatist and look at what will happen if you Jew haters get your way. You believe that Israel would crumble and the arab muslims would cleanse the world of Jews for you to gain the benefits. Well the benefits are a nuclear armed islamonazi terrorist nation poised to unleash thermo-nuclear destruction on the great shaitan. An end to America's arms industry, along with widespread unemployment. The demise of 30% of Americans when the hospitals can no longer afford to treat them for heart disease, cancer and diabetes due to the Israeli firms no longer giving the medical supplies away. How many of your Hospitals are Jewish owned and ran, along with your banks and stock brokers. How much does America rely on the Jews for its presence on the world stage. Stop letting your Jew hatred cloud your ability to think and start looking at who your real enemies are.
Wow what an insane rant. So you think the U.S. would collapse if not for the graciousness Israel shows towards us. I would say that sounds completely bonkers.
That is what foreign supported oligarchs all over the world do.

There is nothing unusual about the PA.

Your excuses are weak. What you are intending not to address is that the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas have entire infrastructures devoted to stealing UN welfare money to further Islamic terrorism while making themselves incredibly wealthy.
The PA is a foreign created and supported organization.

Another poll by the Palestinian Center in September 2013 showed that 79 percent believed the Abbas administration was corrupt.​

See above videos for info.

So no different to any other islamonazi administration then, making it a good time to destroy them all and take over
I don't do religion.

To much sex, violence, and intolerance.
That is what foreign supported oligarchs all over the world do.

There is nothing unusual about the PA.

Your excuses are weak. What you are intending not to address is that the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas have entire infrastructures devoted to stealing UN welfare money to further Islamic terrorism while making themselves incredibly wealthy.
The PA is a foreign created and supported organization.

Another poll by the Palestinian Center in September 2013 showed that 79 percent believed the Abbas administration was corrupt.​

See above videos for info.

So no different to any other islamonazi administration then, making it a good time to destroy them all and take over
I don't do religion.

To much sex, violence, and intolerance.

Well then how about we do Palestinian contributions to the USA & the world?
So you havent read the links provided on this very subject that shows every penny given to Israel has to be spent on US goods. But every penny given to islamonazi leaders is used to line their Swiss bank accounts.
Israel is a wealthy nation. We should not be sending them money. Anyways Israel spends a big chunk of that money lining its own contractors pockets. At least this new treaty is considering stopping that, even though we should be keeping that money at home in the first place.

Then stop and suffer the consequences, could you afford as a nation to see your defence industry start going bust without the aid of Israel in money laundering for you. Saudi is an even more wealthy nation and the US gives them 4 times what it give Israel with no strings attached, and they still kill Americans. I wonder what you would say if your mother was dying in hospital as a result of your demands to stop paying Israel aid. Or the US could not afford the latest weapons and Putin was poised to invade. No doubt you would blame the Jews for not giving you the defense protocols because you stopped the aid
Ah so you're a crazy person with delusions of grandeur about Israel. That explains a lot.

No I am a pragmatist and look at what will happen if you Jew haters get your way. You believe that Israel would crumble and the arab muslims would cleanse the world of Jews for you to gain the benefits. Well the benefits are a nuclear armed islamonazi terrorist nation poised to unleash thermo-nuclear destruction on the great shaitan. An end to America's arms industry, along with widespread unemployment. The demise of 30% of Americans when the hospitals can no longer afford to treat them for heart disease, cancer and diabetes due to the Israeli firms no longer giving the medical supplies away. How many of your Hospitals are Jewish owned and ran, along with your banks and stock brokers. How much does America rely on the Jews for its presence on the world stage. Stop letting your Jew hatred cloud your ability to think and start looking at who your real enemies are.
Wow what an insane rant. So you think the U.S. would collapse if not for the graciousness Israel shows towards us. I would say that sounds completely bonkers.

Because it shows you dont have a clue as to who the US relies on for its support.When faced with the reality of just what the worlds Jews can do you become a mushroom and deny they have that power. Who runs all the worlds banks, without which national economies could collapse just as they did in 2006. Who runs the stock markets without which the world's manufactures would collapse. Who launders US money to get round monopoly laws and subsidies, allowing the US to compete with other nations. All your major Hospitals are Jewish funded, so who will support them when the Jews revolt. This is why the mouthpiece might change every 4 to 5 years but the real leaders are still doing business behind the scenes. Arent you glad that idiots like you are never allowed to get into politics ?
That is what foreign supported oligarchs all over the world do.

There is nothing unusual about the PA.

Your excuses are weak. What you are intending not to address is that the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas have entire infrastructures devoted to stealing UN welfare money to further Islamic terrorism while making themselves incredibly wealthy.
The PA is a foreign created and supported organization.

Another poll by the Palestinian Center in September 2013 showed that 79 percent believed the Abbas administration was corrupt.​

See above videos for info.

So no different to any other islamonazi administration then, making it a good time to destroy them all and take over
I don't do religion.

To much sex, violence, and intolerance.

Ducking again because you cant handle the reality
This so called US - Israel friendship is a drag on the US. Israel does not contribute anything to strengthen the US. 121 billion dollars from US tax payers has been given to Israel just in a decade or two. That is a lot of money. We have poor people in the US who need our help. But instead of helping our people, we are sending money to Israel. It just does not stop here. Thousands of Americans died fighting Gulf War II which was fought for the sake of Israel.
This so called US - Israel friendship is a drag on the US. Israel does not contribute anything to strengthen the US. 121 billion dollars from US tax payers has been given to Israel just in a decade or two. That is a lot of money. We have poor people in the US who need our help. But instead of helping our people, we are sending money to Israel. It just does not stop here. Thousands of Americans died fighting Gulf War II which was fought for the sake of Israel.

That is what foreign supported oligarchs all over the world do.

There is nothing unusual about the PA.

Your excuses are weak. What you are intending not to address is that the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas have entire infrastructures devoted to stealing UN welfare money to further Islamic terrorism while making themselves incredibly wealthy.
The PA is a foreign created and supported organization.

Another poll by the Palestinian Center in September 2013 showed that 79 percent believed the Abbas administration was corrupt.​

See above videos for info.
I don't believe your usual retreat to floating conspiracy theories is at all helpful.

How strange that Moslems are so quick to put Islamic terrorists into positions of authority and then complain when those islamic terrorists are their worst oppressors.

This would be a good time to scour YouTube for a "Hamas is an agent of the Mossad" infomercial.
How was the PA created?
How did Arafat become president?
How did Abbas become president in 2005 and again in 2007 after quitting the elected government?
How did Salam Fayyad, and his followers, become prime minister?

You don't know any of this stuff. You have no place to talk.
As usual, all of your flailing about has been addressed numerous times. Once again, I have to ask why your retreat to conspiracy theories is at all useful.

In the meantime, address how Hamas came to be one of the ruling welfare fraud perpetrators.

Maybe YouTube has a video?
That's what I thought. You don't know any of that stuff.

So you just babble on about nothing.
Lol America absolutely does not need Israel. We're taking a big step with the new negotionations to give Israel billions of dollars a year it doesn't need, where Israel will hopefully have to spend the free money we give them on American contractors instead of lining their own pockets.

So you havent read the links provided on this very subject that shows every penny given to Israel has to be spent on US goods. But every penny given to islamonazi leaders is used to line their Swiss bank accounts.
Israel is a wealthy nation. We should not be sending them money. Anyways Israel spends a big chunk of that money lining its own contractors pockets. At least this new treaty is considering stopping that, even though we should be keeping that money at home in the first place.

Then stop and suffer the consequences, could you afford as a nation to see your defence industry start going bust without the aid of Israel in money laundering for you. Saudi is an even more wealthy nation and the US gives them 4 times what it give Israel with no strings attached, and they still kill Americans. I wonder what you would say if your mother was dying in hospital as a result of your demands to stop paying Israel aid. Or the US could not afford the latest weapons and Putin was poised to invade. No doubt you would blame the Jews for not giving you the defense protocols because you stopped the aid
The military industrial complex.

Money out of the pockets of the people and into the pockets of the war profiteers.

Would you rather be ruled by hamas or daesh then, because that is where the money is being well spent. Or would you prefer to be told you cant carry a gun anymore as no American companies make them anymore, they all went bust when you stopped giving aid
Your excuses are weak. What you are intending not to address is that the islamic terrorists in the PA and Hamas have entire infrastructures devoted to stealing UN welfare money to further Islamic terrorism while making themselves incredibly wealthy.
The PA is a foreign created and supported organization.

Another poll by the Palestinian Center in September 2013 showed that 79 percent believed the Abbas administration was corrupt.​

See above videos for info.
I don't believe your usual retreat to floating conspiracy theories is at all helpful.

How strange that Moslems are so quick to put Islamic terrorists into positions of authority and then complain when those islamic terrorists are their worst oppressors.

This would be a good time to scour YouTube for a "Hamas is an agent of the Mossad" infomercial.
How was the PA created?
How did Arafat become president?
How did Abbas become president in 2005 and again in 2007 after quitting the elected government?
How did Salam Fayyad, and his followers, become prime minister?

You don't know any of this stuff. You have no place to talk.
As usual, all of your flailing about has been addressed numerous times. Once again, I have to ask why your retreat to conspiracy theories is at all useful.

In the meantime, address how Hamas came to be one of the ruling welfare fraud perpetrators.

Maybe YouTube has a video?
That's what I thought. You don't know any of that stuff.

So you just babble on about nothing.
You shouldn't be surprised that I expected you would respond with meaningless piffle. Your oft-used tactic when left befuddled.

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