Israeli Benefits ToThe USA

Ah so you're a crazy person with delusions of grandeur about Israel. That explains a lot.

No I am a pragmatist and look at what will happen if you Jew haters get your way. You believe that Israel would crumble and the arab muslims would cleanse the world of Jews for you to gain the benefits. Well the benefits are a nuclear armed islamonazi terrorist nation poised to unleash thermo-nuclear destruction on the great shaitan. An end to America's arms industry, along with widespread unemployment. The demise of 30% of Americans when the hospitals can no longer afford to treat them for heart disease, cancer and diabetes due to the Israeli firms no longer giving the medical supplies away. How many of your Hospitals are Jewish owned and ran, along with your banks and stock brokers. How much does America rely on the Jews for its presence on the world stage. Stop letting your Jew hatred cloud your ability to think and start looking at who your real enemies are.
Wow what an insane rant. So you think the U.S. would collapse if not for the graciousness Israel shows towards us. I would say that sounds completely bonkers.

Because it shows you dont have a clue as to who the US relies on for its support.When faced with the reality of just what the worlds Jews can do you become a mushroom and deny they have that power. Who runs all the worlds banks, without which national economies could collapse just as they did in 2006. Who runs the stock markets without which the world's manufactures would collapse. Who launders US money to get round monopoly laws and subsidies, allowing the US to compete with other nations. All your major Hospitals are Jewish funded, so who will support them when the Jews revolt. This is why the mouthpiece might change every 4 to 5 years but the real leaders are still doing business behind the scenes. Arent you glad that idiots like you are never allowed to get into politics ?
Ah so you think Jews secretly rule the world and control everything. Holy shit folks. Phoenall is some kind of alternate reality Hitler who's on the Jews side instead of against!


WRONG and because you know I am right you start to act immature.

The Jews are the best at what ever task they decide to do, so the best bankers are Jews, the best share dealers are Jews etc. So cause a problem for them and it will rebound against you 100 fold.
Yes I am on the Jews side because I am sick of psychopathic neo nazi's like you wanting to wipe them out.
I think the Jews would be better off with you on the other side. Your stance that the Jews are the master race and the world should grovel at their feet is a real turn off.
I don't believe your usual retreat to floating conspiracy theories is at all helpful.

How strange that Moslems are so quick to put Islamic terrorists into positions of authority and then complain when those islamic terrorists are their worst oppressors.

This would be a good time to scour YouTube for a "Hamas is an agent of the Mossad" infomercial.
How was the PA created?
How did Arafat become president?
How did Abbas become president in 2005 and again in 2007 after quitting the elected government?
How did Salam Fayyad, and his followers, become prime minister?

You don't know any of this stuff. You have no place to talk.

Through international treaty
Placed there by the arab muslims
elected to the position
elected to the position
How was the PA created?
Through international treaty​

Which treaty? Elaborate.

Oslo accords.

Article 49 Fraud
A State or an international organization induced to conclude a treaty by the fraudulent conduct of a negotiating State or a negotiating organization may invoke the fraud as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty.

Article 50 Corruption Of A Representative Of A State Or Of An International Organization
A State or an international organization the expression of whose consent to be bound by a treaty has been procured through the corruption of its representative directly or indirectly by a negotiating State or a negotiating organization may invoke such corruption as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty.

Article 51 Coercion Of A Representative Of A State Or Of An International Organization
The expression by a State or an international organization of consent to be bound by a treaty which has been procured by the coercion of the representative of that State or that organization through acts or threats directed against him shall be without any legal effect.

Article 52 Coercion Of A State Or Of An International Organization By The Threat Or Use Of Force
A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Chatter of the United Nations.

Article 53 Treaties Conflicting With A Peremptory Norm Of General International Law (Jus Cogens)
A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a peremptory norm of general international law. For the purposes of the present Convention, a peremptory norm of general international law is a norm accepted and recognized by the international community of States as a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted and which can be modified only by a subsequent norm of general international law having the same character.

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations - Treaty Law

I am sure you will find violations of more than one of these principals in Oslo.

Dont need to as your link is not LAW as the second paragraph shows

Article 85 of the Convention provides that it enters into force after the ratification by 35 states (international organizations may ratify, but their ratification does not count towards the number required for entry into force). As of April 2014, the treaty has been ratified by 31 states and 12 international organizations. As a result, the Convention is not yet in force.

This is like using international law of 2000 against Israel in 1948, it does not work

How many more times will you use this convention as if it is valid, when it isnt
No I am a pragmatist and look at what will happen if you Jew haters get your way. You believe that Israel would crumble and the arab muslims would cleanse the world of Jews for you to gain the benefits. Well the benefits are a nuclear armed islamonazi terrorist nation poised to unleash thermo-nuclear destruction on the great shaitan. An end to America's arms industry, along with widespread unemployment. The demise of 30% of Americans when the hospitals can no longer afford to treat them for heart disease, cancer and diabetes due to the Israeli firms no longer giving the medical supplies away. How many of your Hospitals are Jewish owned and ran, along with your banks and stock brokers. How much does America rely on the Jews for its presence on the world stage. Stop letting your Jew hatred cloud your ability to think and start looking at who your real enemies are.
Wow what an insane rant. So you think the U.S. would collapse if not for the graciousness Israel shows towards us. I would say that sounds completely bonkers.

Because it shows you dont have a clue as to who the US relies on for its support.When faced with the reality of just what the worlds Jews can do you become a mushroom and deny they have that power. Who runs all the worlds banks, without which national economies could collapse just as they did in 2006. Who runs the stock markets without which the world's manufactures would collapse. Who launders US money to get round monopoly laws and subsidies, allowing the US to compete with other nations. All your major Hospitals are Jewish funded, so who will support them when the Jews revolt. This is why the mouthpiece might change every 4 to 5 years but the real leaders are still doing business behind the scenes. Arent you glad that idiots like you are never allowed to get into politics ?
Ah so you think Jews secretly rule the world and control everything. Holy shit folks. Phoenall is some kind of alternate reality Hitler who's on the Jews side instead of against!


WRONG and because you know I am right you start to act immature.

The Jews are the best at what ever task they decide to do, so the best bankers are Jews, the best share dealers are Jews etc. So cause a problem for them and it will rebound against you 100 fold.
Yes I am on the Jews side because I am sick of psychopathic neo nazi's like you wanting to wipe them out.
I think the Jews would be better off with you on the other side. Your stance that the Jews are the master race and the world should grovel at their feet is a real turn off.

The Jews I know want me on their side because they can trust me, you they would lead up the garden path and then dump
No I am a pragmatist and look at what will happen if you Jew haters get your way. You believe that Israel would crumble and the arab muslims would cleanse the world of Jews for you to gain the benefits. Well the benefits are a nuclear armed islamonazi terrorist nation poised to unleash thermo-nuclear destruction on the great shaitan. An end to America's arms industry, along with widespread unemployment. The demise of 30% of Americans when the hospitals can no longer afford to treat them for heart disease, cancer and diabetes due to the Israeli firms no longer giving the medical supplies away. How many of your Hospitals are Jewish owned and ran, along with your banks and stock brokers. How much does America rely on the Jews for its presence on the world stage. Stop letting your Jew hatred cloud your ability to think and start looking at who your real enemies are.
Wow what an insane rant. So you think the U.S. would collapse if not for the graciousness Israel shows towards us. I would say that sounds completely bonkers.

Because it shows you dont have a clue as to who the US relies on for its support.When faced with the reality of just what the worlds Jews can do you become a mushroom and deny they have that power. Who runs all the worlds banks, without which national economies could collapse just as they did in 2006. Who runs the stock markets without which the world's manufactures would collapse. Who launders US money to get round monopoly laws and subsidies, allowing the US to compete with other nations. All your major Hospitals are Jewish funded, so who will support them when the Jews revolt. This is why the mouthpiece might change every 4 to 5 years but the real leaders are still doing business behind the scenes. Arent you glad that idiots like you are never allowed to get into politics ?
Ah so you think Jews secretly rule the world and control everything. Holy shit folks. Phoenall is some kind of alternate reality Hitler who's on the Jews side instead of against!


You should thank God every day for his mercy in sparing you to have to actually think with those loose screws in your head.
So you agree with Phoenall... that Jews secretly rule the world and the U.S. would collapse without them laundering our money for us and funding our hospitals? Or whatever the hell he's going on about?

More of your fantasizing because you cant grasp reality. Just go back to 2006 when the banks collapsed and the Jews fought to save the worlds economy
Wow what an insane rant. So you think the U.S. would collapse if not for the graciousness Israel shows towards us. I would say that sounds completely bonkers.

Because it shows you dont have a clue as to who the US relies on for its support.When faced with the reality of just what the worlds Jews can do you become a mushroom and deny they have that power. Who runs all the worlds banks, without which national economies could collapse just as they did in 2006. Who runs the stock markets without which the world's manufactures would collapse. Who launders US money to get round monopoly laws and subsidies, allowing the US to compete with other nations. All your major Hospitals are Jewish funded, so who will support them when the Jews revolt. This is why the mouthpiece might change every 4 to 5 years but the real leaders are still doing business behind the scenes. Arent you glad that idiots like you are never allowed to get into politics ?
Ah so you think Jews secretly rule the world and control everything. Holy shit folks. Phoenall is some kind of alternate reality Hitler who's on the Jews side instead of against!


WRONG and because you know I am right you start to act immature.

The Jews are the best at what ever task they decide to do, so the best bankers are Jews, the best share dealers are Jews etc. So cause a problem for them and it will rebound against you 100 fold.
Yes I am on the Jews side because I am sick of psychopathic neo nazi's like you wanting to wipe them out.
I think the Jews would be better off with you on the other side. Your stance that the Jews are the master race and the world should grovel at their feet is a real turn off.

The Jews I know want me on their side because they can trust me, you they would lead up the garden path and then dump
Wow you have a really tyrannical opinion of the Jews
Wow what an insane rant. So you think the U.S. would collapse if not for the graciousness Israel shows towards us. I would say that sounds completely bonkers.

Because it shows you dont have a clue as to who the US relies on for its support.When faced with the reality of just what the worlds Jews can do you become a mushroom and deny they have that power. Who runs all the worlds banks, without which national economies could collapse just as they did in 2006. Who runs the stock markets without which the world's manufactures would collapse. Who launders US money to get round monopoly laws and subsidies, allowing the US to compete with other nations. All your major Hospitals are Jewish funded, so who will support them when the Jews revolt. This is why the mouthpiece might change every 4 to 5 years but the real leaders are still doing business behind the scenes. Arent you glad that idiots like you are never allowed to get into politics ?
Ah so you think Jews secretly rule the world and control everything. Holy shit folks. Phoenall is some kind of alternate reality Hitler who's on the Jews side instead of against!


You should thank God every day for his mercy in sparing you to have to actually think with those loose screws in your head.
So you agree with Phoenall... that Jews secretly rule the world and the U.S. would collapse without them laundering our money for us and funding our hospitals? Or whatever the hell he's going on about?

More of your fantasizing because you cant grasp reality. Just go back to 2006 when the banks collapsed and the Jews fought to save the worlds economy
Newsflash... EVERYBODY was fighting to save the world's economy.
Degree-Granting Universities
Military Marching Bands

5 Muslim Inventions That Changed The World

Not one of which is a muslim invention as these were invented before islam was even thought of

Algebra was pre islamic and practised by the Greeks, Romans and Assyrians
Greek and Roman schools were handing out degrees 2000 years ago
persians were defeated in part by the Greek marching bands before islam
Greeka had camera Obscura before mo'mad was born

Plus the fact that all of these are over 500 years old. "Hey Arabs, what have you done for me lately?"
How was the PA created?
How did Arafat become president?
How did Abbas become president in 2005 and again in 2007 after quitting the elected government?
How did Salam Fayyad, and his followers, become prime minister?

You don't know any of this stuff. You have no place to talk.

Eh, Tinny. Are you not even aware of this?

Through international treaty
Placed there by the arab muslims
elected to the position
elected to the position
How was the PA created?
Through international treaty​

Which treaty? Elaborate.

Eh, Tinny. Are you not even aware of this?

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad completed the formation of an emergency goverment and presented it to Mahmoud Abbas.
On 15 June 2007, following Hamas' takeover of Gaza, Fayyad was appointed Prime Minister of a disputed emergency government, appointed by President Abbas.

This appointment was challenged as illegal, because it was not approved by the Legislative Council as required by the Palestinian Basic Law.

Salam Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neither the Prime Minister nor any of the Ministers shall assume their duties until they have obtained the confidence of the Legislative Council.

2003 Amended Basic Law

Neither Salam Fayyad nor any of his cabinet ministers have been approved by the Legislative Council as their constitution requires. It is like a US president appointing his cabinet without senate approval.
It appears you will need a handy conspiracy theory to place responsibility for islamist lawlessness on anyone but islamics.
There is no conspiracy theory at all. The last legally constituted government in Palestine was the Unity Government of March 2007.

It is just a matter of history.
How was the PA created?
How did Arafat become president?
How did Abbas become president in 2005 and again in 2007 after quitting the elected government?
How did Salam Fayyad, and his followers, become prime minister?

You don't know any of this stuff. You have no place to talk.

Through international treaty
Placed there by the arab muslims
elected to the position
elected to the position
How was the PA created?
Through international treaty​

Which treaty? Elaborate.

Oslo accords.

Article 49 Fraud
A State or an international organization induced to conclude a treaty by the fraudulent conduct of a negotiating State or a negotiating organization may invoke the fraud as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty.

Article 50 Corruption Of A Representative Of A State Or Of An International Organization
A State or an international organization the expression of whose consent to be bound by a treaty has been procured through the corruption of its representative directly or indirectly by a negotiating State or a negotiating organization may invoke such corruption as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty.

Article 51 Coercion Of A Representative Of A State Or Of An International Organization
The expression by a State or an international organization of consent to be bound by a treaty which has been procured by the coercion of the representative of that State or that organization through acts or threats directed against him shall be without any legal effect.

Article 52 Coercion Of A State Or Of An International Organization By The Threat Or Use Of Force
A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Chatter of the United Nations.

Article 53 Treaties Conflicting With A Peremptory Norm Of General International Law (Jus Cogens)
A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a peremptory norm of general international law. For the purposes of the present Convention, a peremptory norm of general international law is a norm accepted and recognized by the international community of States as a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted and which can be modified only by a subsequent norm of general international law having the same character.

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations - Treaty Law

I am sure you will find violations of more than one of these principals in Oslo.

Dont need to as your link is not LAW as the second paragraph shows

Article 85 of the Convention provides that it enters into force after the ratification by 35 states (international organizations may ratify, but their ratification does not count towards the number required for entry into force). As of April 2014, the treaty has been ratified by 31 states and 12 international organizations. As a result, the Convention is not yet in force.

This is like using international law of 2000 against Israel in 1948, it does not work

How many more times will you use this convention as if it is valid, when it isnt
OK but some of this is existing law.

The legal rights of the inhabitants of occupied territory cannot be curtailed
by any agreement or other arrangement between the occupying power
and the authorities of the occupied territory. This is intended to prevent
national authorities from being put under pressure to make conces-
sions which might not be in the population’s best interests or weaken
its legal rights.

Similarly, the inhabitants of the occupied territory cannot renounce their
rights under the Fourth Geneva Convention. This again is a safeguard.
It prevents the occupying power from exploiting the vulnerability of the
occupied territory by exerting undue pressure to undermine and weaken
the protection which the law affords.

ICRC service

Nice duck though.
Eh, Tinny. Are you not even aware of this?

Through international treaty
Placed there by the arab muslims
elected to the position
elected to the position
How was the PA created?
Through international treaty​

Which treaty? Elaborate.

Eh, Tinny. Are you not even aware of this?

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad completed the formation of an emergency goverment and presented it to Mahmoud Abbas.
On 15 June 2007, following Hamas' takeover of Gaza, Fayyad was appointed Prime Minister of a disputed emergency government, appointed by President Abbas.

This appointment was challenged as illegal, because it was not approved by the Legislative Council as required by the Palestinian Basic Law.

Salam Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neither the Prime Minister nor any of the Ministers shall assume their duties until they have obtained the confidence of the Legislative Council.

2003 Amended Basic Law

Neither Salam Fayyad nor any of his cabinet ministers have been approved by the Legislative Council as their constitution requires. It is like a US president appointing his cabinet without senate approval.
It appears you will need a handy conspiracy theory to place responsibility for islamist lawlessness on anyone but islamics.
There is no conspiracy theory at all. The last legally constituted government in Palestine was the Unity Government of March 2007.

It is just a matter of history.
The inability of islamics to cobble together a functioning society is not the responsibility of anyone but islamics.

The islamic terrorist franchises ruling in Gaza and the West Bank mirror the many failed societies across the Islamic Middle East. lslamics would hope to portray all the world’s ills as the fault of the Great Satan and/or Israel, or any other convenient excuse as this would relieve islamists from accepting responsibility for the disasters they create. Yours is really a hopelessly naïve position. Islamism as a politico-religious ideology has always been at war either with internal tribal rivalries or with external enemies that resist the in overt acts of conquest and oppression waged by your Peaceful Inner Struggling Retrogrades.

The tribal rivalries and failures facing the Arab-Moslem retrogrades falsely labeled as 'Pal'istanians" is just the latest example of a brutal, hateful ideology that poisons the mind and spirit and has yet to make itself compatible with the relevant first world.
How was the PA created?
Through international treaty​

Which treaty? Elaborate.

Eh, Tinny. Are you not even aware of this?

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad completed the formation of an emergency goverment and presented it to Mahmoud Abbas.
On 15 June 2007, following Hamas' takeover of Gaza, Fayyad was appointed Prime Minister of a disputed emergency government, appointed by President Abbas.

This appointment was challenged as illegal, because it was not approved by the Legislative Council as required by the Palestinian Basic Law.

Salam Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neither the Prime Minister nor any of the Ministers shall assume their duties until they have obtained the confidence of the Legislative Council.

2003 Amended Basic Law

Neither Salam Fayyad nor any of his cabinet ministers have been approved by the Legislative Council as their constitution requires. It is like a US president appointing his cabinet without senate approval.
It appears you will need a handy conspiracy theory to place responsibility for islamist lawlessness on anyone but islamics.
There is no conspiracy theory at all. The last legally constituted government in Palestine was the Unity Government of March 2007.

It is just a matter of history.
The inability of islamics to cobble together a functioning society is not the responsibility of anyone but islamics.

The islamic terrorist franchises ruling in Gaza and the West Bank mirror the many failed societies across the Islamic Middle East. lslamics would hope to portray all the world’s ills as the fault of the Great Satan and/or Israel, or any other convenient excuse as this would relieve islamists from accepting responsibility for the disasters they create. Yours is really a hopelessly naïve position. Islamism as a politico-religious ideology has always been at war either with internal tribal rivalries or with external enemies that resist the in overt acts of conquest and oppression waged by your Peaceful Inner Struggling Retrogrades.

The tribal rivalries and failures facing the Arab-Moslem retrogrades falsely labeled as 'Pal'istanians" is just the latest example of a brutal, hateful ideology that poisons the mind and spirit and has yet to make itself compatible with the relevant first world.

Palestinian economy could double without Israeli occupation: UN
Eh, Tinny. Are you not even aware of this?

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad completed the formation of an emergency goverment and presented it to Mahmoud Abbas.
On 15 June 2007, following Hamas' takeover of Gaza, Fayyad was appointed Prime Minister of a disputed emergency government, appointed by President Abbas.

This appointment was challenged as illegal, because it was not approved by the Legislative Council as required by the Palestinian Basic Law.

Salam Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neither the Prime Minister nor any of the Ministers shall assume their duties until they have obtained the confidence of the Legislative Council.

2003 Amended Basic Law

Neither Salam Fayyad nor any of his cabinet ministers have been approved by the Legislative Council as their constitution requires. It is like a US president appointing his cabinet without senate approval.
It appears you will need a handy conspiracy theory to place responsibility for islamist lawlessness on anyone but islamics.
There is no conspiracy theory at all. The last legally constituted government in Palestine was the Unity Government of March 2007.

It is just a matter of history.
The inability of islamics to cobble together a functioning society is not the responsibility of anyone but islamics.

The islamic terrorist franchises ruling in Gaza and the West Bank mirror the many failed societies across the Islamic Middle East. lslamics would hope to portray all the world’s ills as the fault of the Great Satan and/or Israel, or any other convenient excuse as this would relieve islamists from accepting responsibility for the disasters they create. Yours is really a hopelessly naïve position. Islamism as a politico-religious ideology has always been at war either with internal tribal rivalries or with external enemies that resist the in overt acts of conquest and oppression waged by your Peaceful Inner Struggling Retrogrades.

The tribal rivalries and failures facing the Arab-Moslem retrogrades falsely labeled as 'Pal'istanians" is just the latest example of a brutal, hateful ideology that poisons the mind and spirit and has yet to make itself compatible with the relevant first world.

Palestinian economy could double without Israeli occupation: UN

UN News - After 65 years, UN agency remains ‘vital stabilizing factor’ for Palestine refugees in Middle East – Ban
Because it shows you dont have a clue as to who the US relies on for its support.When faced with the reality of just what the worlds Jews can do you become a mushroom and deny they have that power. Who runs all the worlds banks, without which national economies could collapse just as they did in 2006. Who runs the stock markets without which the world's manufactures would collapse. Who launders US money to get round monopoly laws and subsidies, allowing the US to compete with other nations. All your major Hospitals are Jewish funded, so who will support them when the Jews revolt. This is why the mouthpiece might change every 4 to 5 years but the real leaders are still doing business behind the scenes. Arent you glad that idiots like you are never allowed to get into politics ?
Ah so you think Jews secretly rule the world and control everything. Holy shit folks. Phoenall is some kind of alternate reality Hitler who's on the Jews side instead of against!


WRONG and because you know I am right you start to act immature.

The Jews are the best at what ever task they decide to do, so the best bankers are Jews, the best share dealers are Jews etc. So cause a problem for them and it will rebound against you 100 fold.
Yes I am on the Jews side because I am sick of psychopathic neo nazi's like you wanting to wipe them out.
I think the Jews would be better off with you on the other side. Your stance that the Jews are the master race and the world should grovel at their feet is a real turn off.

The Jews I know want me on their side because they can trust me, you they would lead up the garden path and then dump
Wow you have a really tyrannical opinion of the Jews

Nope that is how you feel, I see them as some of the most pleasant people you could ever meet. But then I am trusted by them to perform a service once a year that could cost them dearly if I wasnt straight.
Because it shows you dont have a clue as to who the US relies on for its support.When faced with the reality of just what the worlds Jews can do you become a mushroom and deny they have that power. Who runs all the worlds banks, without which national economies could collapse just as they did in 2006. Who runs the stock markets without which the world's manufactures would collapse. Who launders US money to get round monopoly laws and subsidies, allowing the US to compete with other nations. All your major Hospitals are Jewish funded, so who will support them when the Jews revolt. This is why the mouthpiece might change every 4 to 5 years but the real leaders are still doing business behind the scenes. Arent you glad that idiots like you are never allowed to get into politics ?
Ah so you think Jews secretly rule the world and control everything. Holy shit folks. Phoenall is some kind of alternate reality Hitler who's on the Jews side instead of against!


You should thank God every day for his mercy in sparing you to have to actually think with those loose screws in your head.
So you agree with Phoenall... that Jews secretly rule the world and the U.S. would collapse without them laundering our money for us and funding our hospitals? Or whatever the hell he's going on about?

More of your fantasizing because you cant grasp reality. Just go back to 2006 when the banks collapsed and the Jews fought to save the worlds economy
Newsflash... EVERYBODY was fighting to save the world's economy.

Apart from the muslims who were the instigators of the run on the banks
Eh, Tinny. Are you not even aware of this?

Through international treaty
Placed there by the arab muslims
elected to the position
elected to the position
How was the PA created?
Through international treaty​

Which treaty? Elaborate.

Eh, Tinny. Are you not even aware of this?

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad completed the formation of an emergency goverment and presented it to Mahmoud Abbas.
On 15 June 2007, following Hamas' takeover of Gaza, Fayyad was appointed Prime Minister of a disputed emergency government, appointed by President Abbas.

This appointment was challenged as illegal, because it was not approved by the Legislative Council as required by the Palestinian Basic Law.

Salam Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Neither the Prime Minister nor any of the Ministers shall assume their duties until they have obtained the confidence of the Legislative Council.

2003 Amended Basic Law

Neither Salam Fayyad nor any of his cabinet ministers have been approved by the Legislative Council as their constitution requires. It is like a US president appointing his cabinet without senate approval.
It appears you will need a handy conspiracy theory to place responsibility for islamist lawlessness on anyone but islamics.
There is no conspiracy theory at all. The last legally constituted government in Palestine was the Unity Government of March 2007.

It is just a matter of history.

And so why hasn't the UN stepped in and enforced the Oslo accords ?
Ah so you think Jews secretly rule the world and control everything. Holy shit folks. Phoenall is some kind of alternate reality Hitler who's on the Jews side instead of against!


WRONG and because you know I am right you start to act immature.

The Jews are the best at what ever task they decide to do, so the best bankers are Jews, the best share dealers are Jews etc. So cause a problem for them and it will rebound against you 100 fold.
Yes I am on the Jews side because I am sick of psychopathic neo nazi's like you wanting to wipe them out.
I think the Jews would be better off with you on the other side. Your stance that the Jews are the master race and the world should grovel at their feet is a real turn off.

The Jews I know want me on their side because they can trust me, you they would lead up the garden path and then dump
Wow you have a really tyrannical opinion of the Jews

Nope that is how you feel, I see them as some of the most pleasant people you could ever meet. But then I am trusted by them to perform a service once a year that could cost them dearly if I wasnt straight.
Whoa so you do gay shit with Jews so they'll trust you? That actually explains a lot.
Ah so you think Jews secretly rule the world and control everything. Holy shit folks. Phoenall is some kind of alternate reality Hitler who's on the Jews side instead of against!


You should thank God every day for his mercy in sparing you to have to actually think with those loose screws in your head.
So you agree with Phoenall... that Jews secretly rule the world and the U.S. would collapse without them laundering our money for us and funding our hospitals? Or whatever the hell he's going on about?

More of your fantasizing because you cant grasp reality. Just go back to 2006 when the banks collapsed and the Jews fought to save the worlds economy
Newsflash... EVERYBODY was fighting to save the world's economy.

Apart from the muslims who were the instigators of the run on the banks
Ah shit... I'm talking to a mentally ill person... aren't I...
Through international treaty
Placed there by the arab muslims
elected to the position
elected to the position
How was the PA created?
Through international treaty​

Which treaty? Elaborate.

Oslo accords.

Article 49 Fraud
A State or an international organization induced to conclude a treaty by the fraudulent conduct of a negotiating State or a negotiating organization may invoke the fraud as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty.

Article 50 Corruption Of A Representative Of A State Or Of An International Organization
A State or an international organization the expression of whose consent to be bound by a treaty has been procured through the corruption of its representative directly or indirectly by a negotiating State or a negotiating organization may invoke such corruption as invalidating its consent to be bound by the treaty.

Article 51 Coercion Of A Representative Of A State Or Of An International Organization
The expression by a State or an international organization of consent to be bound by a treaty which has been procured by the coercion of the representative of that State or that organization through acts or threats directed against him shall be without any legal effect.

Article 52 Coercion Of A State Or Of An International Organization By The Threat Or Use Of Force
A treaty is void if its conclusion has been procured by the threat or use of force in violation of the principles of international law embodied in the Chatter of the United Nations.

Article 53 Treaties Conflicting With A Peremptory Norm Of General International Law (Jus Cogens)
A treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a peremptory norm of general international law. For the purposes of the present Convention, a peremptory norm of general international law is a norm accepted and recognized by the international community of States as a whole as a norm from which no derogation is permitted and which can be modified only by a subsequent norm of general international law having the same character.

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations - Treaty Law

I am sure you will find violations of more than one of these principals in Oslo.

Dont need to as your link is not LAW as the second paragraph shows

Article 85 of the Convention provides that it enters into force after the ratification by 35 states (international organizations may ratify, but their ratification does not count towards the number required for entry into force). As of April 2014, the treaty has been ratified by 31 states and 12 international organizations. As a result, the Convention is not yet in force.

This is like using international law of 2000 against Israel in 1948, it does not work

How many more times will you use this convention as if it is valid, when it isnt
OK but some of this is existing law.

The legal rights of the inhabitants of occupied territory cannot be curtailed
by any agreement or other arrangement between the occupying power
and the authorities of the occupied territory. This is intended to prevent
national authorities from being put under pressure to make conces-
sions which might not be in the population’s best interests or weaken
its legal rights.

Similarly, the inhabitants of the occupied territory cannot renounce their
rights under the Fourth Geneva Convention. This again is a safeguard.
It prevents the occupying power from exploiting the vulnerability of the
occupied territory by exerting undue pressure to undermine and weaken
the protection which the law affords.

ICRC service

Nice duck though.

How is proving yet again that your link is not valid and not International law as you claim every time you use it.

Is the west bank occupied under the terms of your link ?

A territory has been invaded but not occupied, when enemy armed
forces stay or fight on it but the enemy’s authority is not yet established.

You cant cherry pick the parts you want without also accepting the parts that go against your POV

Or this

It is in many ways difficult to separate the legal rights of the civilian
population from the duties of the occupying power, i.e. a duty for the latter
is often a right for the former

Specific areas may be temporarily evacuated if warranted by the security
of the population or imperative military necessity. Generally speaking,
the population may not be evacuated to locations outside the occupied
territory, again unless this is the only option available.

After effective occupation of territory, members of the territory’s armed
forces who have not surrendered, organized resistance movements and
genuine national liberation movements may resist the occupation. If they
do so, they must distinguish themselves from the civilian population, or
on the basis of GP I, at least carry their weapons openly during attacks
and deployments.

Civilians who take a direct part in such hostilities lose their protection
against attack for the time of their direct participation, but not their civilian
status. If they do not participate directly in hostilities or no longer do so
(for example, if they are hors de combat), they are protected against

As you are fond of saying when your posts are destroyed nice duck

But taking cherry picked parts of a school lesson that has no force in law does not help your standing in this community, it fact it hinders you to the point where you are making yourself look a complete idiot.

WRONG and because you know I am right you start to act immature.

The Jews are the best at what ever task they decide to do, so the best bankers are Jews, the best share dealers are Jews etc. So cause a problem for them and it will rebound against you 100 fold.
Yes I am on the Jews side because I am sick of psychopathic neo nazi's like you wanting to wipe them out.
I think the Jews would be better off with you on the other side. Your stance that the Jews are the master race and the world should grovel at their feet is a real turn off.

The Jews I know want me on their side because they can trust me, you they would lead up the garden path and then dump
Wow you have a really tyrannical opinion of the Jews

Nope that is how you feel, I see them as some of the most pleasant people you could ever meet. But then I am trusted by them to perform a service once a year that could cost them dearly if I wasnt straight.
Whoa so you do gay shit with Jews so they'll trust you? That actually explains a lot.

And here we have the false accusations that are not free speech under US laws because you cant argue your way out of a soggy paper bag. Typical neo marxist/islamonazi tactics as written in the little red book of disinformation.

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